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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Was hesitant to level my Despara because no one ever seems hyped about getting her. The nearly non existent wait time for her skill is pretty awesome. was planning to use my two spare Gadoras for Garrett, but it's looking worthwhile to through them her way instead.

Managed to pull Sakuya and Berna while going for Monica. Sakuya seems too niche to spend a lot of resources on, and I'm not a big rogue fan so Berna seems to be in the same boat.

Despara's good. Use her. Love her. Just remember to CC those Gadoras before you feed them to Ms. Des (and of course I assume she's CC'd already too). They will serve you much better in her hands than Garrett's.

From a pure stat POV, I agree that samurai in general just seem really niche. They seem to be a very confused class, severely lacking focus. Personally, I'm not in any sort of hurry to pick one up. Berna, at least, will find use in the Dwarfs&Giants line of challenge maps. If you ever decide to tackle those, she'd probably come in really useful there and be worthy of leveling up just for that. Until then, she can warm the benches (like mine is, wrapped up in a Shibari tie like a good girl).

PhantomPain said:
Decided to spent some SC for lulz and I got Marius and Monica. Are they any good aside from Monica's passive abilities?

That's funny, I just came on here to report that after 170 SC worth of searching for Rachel, I'm settling on the Monica I just pulled with the last summons. Considering how good the 200-pt units are out of the Trading Post, I'd say that passive is worth it by itself. Otherwise, Monica's one of the weaker pirates until waaaay down the road when we get Skill Awakening. Then she gets a gatling gun (I shit you not). She'll certainly fit the bill for the pirate slot on my team; I already have 4 spare Gadoras I plan to feed to her. Now where did we hide those gatling gun schematics...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

That's funny, I just came on here to report that after 170 SC worth of searching for Rachel, I'm settling on the Monica I just pulled with the last summons. Considering how good the 200-pt units are out of the Trading Post, I'd say that passive is worth it by itself. Otherwise, Monica's one of the weaker pirates until waaaay down the road when we get Skill Awakening. Then she gets a gatling gun (I shit you not). She'll certainly fit the bill for the pirate slot on my team; I already have 4 spare Gadoras I plan to feed to her. Now where did we hide those gatling gun schematics...

This is maybe a noob question but, these gatling is her normal attack or skill? And about Marius, is lvl him up worth anything or just simple replacement of my valerie?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

This is maybe a noob question but, these gatling is her normal attack or skill? And about Marius, is lvl him up worth anything or just simple replacement of my valerie?

her skill after skill awakening (aw in general, then get skill to max level, then use 2 more pirate aw orbs and 200k to skill aw)

also this is sorta what makes me sad when the community gets too big on a single forum topic, that now we there's too much people posting that there's like 2-5 full pages per day, and not much people reads the other posts because of the sheer volume, like for this stuff about monica, we probably have like 4 full pages about her
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Actually quite happy with my rolls. Did 10 of them, and got
Sakuya (First roll is a plat, not bad.)
Lilia (Plat princess, Roll session is already a winner to me.)
Lilia (Again, back to back xD)
Thetis (Dupe)

So out of 10 rolls I got four platinums and Monica. Not bad all in all. Seems like I always only have the best of best luck (Like getting the three Despara's back to back), or abyssmal luck (10 silvers in a row during another session)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Woot 3 starred the last map! Man Bashira and Nanaly wreck Roawanna before she can kill my platinum armors XD. Nanaly's skill recharges is just enough time to pop it for all three times she shows up on the left side.

Edit: Also thanks VP games whoever you are!

On translations I wonder who is doing the translations, and if it was the translation company, acutal higher up nutaku or Aigis developer decision to not change "Olivie's" name.

Doesn't make much sense if it was the translators though, "Hey guys paying us to translate the game, we hear your fans didn't like us changing the characters names spelling but we don't care we are not changing it."

Its a minor irritation to be true but name changes always annoy me. Its a name, it shouldn't change during translation, at least they are "almost" just re spellings instead of straight up name changes like the old days of anime.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Woot 3 starred the last map! Man Bashira and Nanaly wreck Roawanna before she can kill my platinum armors XD. Nanaly's skill recharges is just enough time to pop it for all three times she shows up on the left side.

Ughh... Just couldn't simply pass by this one without a comment.

M8ie, if you have both Bashira and Nanaly there is NO pride (nor is there any skill, nor fun) in 3starring virtually any map :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Ughh... Just couldn't simply pass by this one without a comment.

M8ie, if you have both Bashira and Nanaly there is NO pride (nor is there any skill, nor fun) in 3starring virtually any map :(

I have to disagree with the above statement. That statement doesn't attack Bashira and Nanaly, you just attacked the player. Saying that a person has no pride, no skill and isn't having any fun playing the game just because they choose to use certain units is just thoughtlessly hateful. Personally, I'd think you owe the guy an apology.

Furthermore, Bashira and Nanaly are both very rare units. Why shouldn't you be proud to own just one, if not both of them? As for skill, it's an accepted standard tactic to use ranged units against enemy avengers. Because fallendrgmaster didn't have to drop a witch or some speed-bump tanks, suddenly he used zero skill to overcome that obstacle? And having fun using your favorite units is ENTIRELY personal opinion. I play with who I like, and so should you. Am I still going to tease you about your all-loli'sh team (just an extreme example)? Sure, but I wouldn't be justified in attacking you for your choice of team members.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I will admit the game beats me up alot but mostly its my lack of time to repeat the maps until I can beat them myself. On the other hand unless you really know what your doing black units do not guarantee an instant win. Which I admit I probably don't make the best use of my units.

One: they cost a lot more to field than other units meaning so you can't field them as early. This is one of the biggest problems I have.

Two: there are not alot of videos to help people with higher cost priemium units. All your strategies have to be modified.

Three: Your blacks have to be equally leveled or only slightly less so than the silver units required to beat a map, you can't just replace a non-CC'd black with a CC'd unit in a strategy, and black units take considerable more time to max out, which none of mine are. (Maribel is my only max level unit)

The final maps took me about three times a piece using VPgames guide as help to three star, I did the first several blind and on the fifth or so I started getting one star. So I hopped onto youtube.

Sure when I max everything out it may make maps considerably easier but it doesn't really change the fact the those unit still have to be in the right places can still be killed, it just might take you less runs to figure it out because you have a greater margin of error, at least on the killing/survivablity side, often you have to use less powerful units to beat challenges and dailies to get units out fast enough.

But really I have spent a fair amount of money on Aigis one of the reasons being I want Nutaku to succeed, I'd like to get a chance to try out Kancolle because I don't mess with japanese DMM. But really I rolled Nanaly from the 2K gacha sure thats pure luck and not everyone is going to roll a black but it does happen once in awhile.

As for no fun, I don't know I'm having fun, having a couple black units and platinums doesn't instantly turn the game into no difficulty. Agian that might change when I finally get my team fully maxxed out. But I'm far from that, black fairies are hard to come by.

Shrug but anyways if people who spend money to get the units they like or want weren't having fun, Aigis wouldn't be free to play, granted if it was a normal game I wonder if that wouldn't be better but *shrugs* unfortunately this is whats running the game market right now.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Decided to check my luck on abandoned alt. Had SCs for one summon. Tried it... Rachel :eek: Now I have to play it too ;\ Well... still can hope for Olivie so... not gonna cry :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have to disagree with the above statement. That statement doesn't attack Bashira and Nanaly, you just attacked the player. Saying that a person has no pride, no skill and isn't having any fun playing the game just because they choose to use certain units is just thoughtlessly hateful. Personally, I'd think you owe the guy an apology.


As for no fun, I don't know I'm having fun, having a couple black units and platinums doesn't instantly turn the game into no difficulty. Agian that might change when I finally get my team fully maxxed out. But I'm far from that, black fairies are hard to come by

1. I never meant to offend anyone personally.

2. Nanaly and (to a smaller extent, but still) Bashira are fiendishly overpowered units. I consider them to be imbalanced overall. Would you argue with that?

3. Using overpowered units (items, artefacts, etc.) in any game (especially in multiplayer game) is generally considered a bad and a bit "cheater" practice. It is, of course, up to the decision of any particular person to do/not do that, but publicly bragging (with a slight flair of supremacy) about beating any challenge/hard spot with OP units is, in all fairness, just not good.

A bit on a personal note: it might be that I overreacted - true. I think there are two additional "subliminal" reasons for that:

a) I've been recently noticing that this particular thread is gradually drifting towards becoming some sort of the "elitist" club, i.e. becoming mostly purported for guys who throw in real money into the game. For instance, just how many posts are here describing how one can get through the challenges with say only silvers and golds? And how many posts are there like the one in question?

By no means do i assert that paying money to support the devs is bad or something, but this unwilling "degrading" of no-pay players and the general cultivation of "plats and blacks Ahoy" atmosphere is, again, not good in my humble opinion.

b) I'm just plain envious :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


1. I never meant to offend anyone personally.

2. Nanaly and (to a smaller extent, but still) Bashira are fiendishly overpowered units. I consider them to be imbalanced overall. Would you argue with that?

3. Using overpowered units (items, artefacts, etc.) in any game (especially in multiplayer game) is generally considered a bad and a bit "cheater" practice. It is, of course, up to the decision of any particular person to do/not do that, but publicly bragging (with a slight flair of supremacy) about beating any challenge/hard spot with OP units is, in all fairness, just not good.

A bit on a personal note: it might be that I overreacted - true. I think there are two additional "subliminal" reasons for that:

a) I've been recently noticing that this particular thread is gradually drifting towards becoming some sort of the "elitist" club, i.e. becoming mostly purported for guys who throw in real money into the game. For instance, just how many posts are here describing how one can get through the challenges with say only silvers and golds? And how many posts are there like the one in question?

By no means do i assert that paying money to support the devs is bad or something, but this unwilling "degrading" of no-pay players and the general cultivation of "plats and blacks Ahoy" atmosphere is, again, not good in my humble opinion.

b) I'm just plain envious :(

Yep, its envy alright. Maybe you not lucky enough. Also some ppl following guides and conserving their SC -i dont think that's a right way to go. i do spend all SC i get on summons. and yes it can screw you over sometimes. but the moment you getting a good unit overpowers those silvers you got b4.

I am playing freemium - and by now i have those units. Even considering the fact that last 7 summons were silvers.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well from what i know the game is can be cleared with silver only (of coz they CR and some of them have high skill).
There plenty of silver clear video in nico and some of them have video like non skill use clear and so on.
Although this kind of thing stoped after pupuru event which about 3 month ago... either the difficulty rise or the uploader get bored.

And yeah this forum majority ppl use money, which is normal in free game like this.
But please note that this game seriusly and totaly doesn't need to pay to clear... Its actualy already pretty easy with just event unit we got to clear mission.
And 90% of those black gacha unit are pretty much broken...

Using last event map (JP ver) as refference....
This is how player enjoy their game i guess:
Paid player: (Note that he still can bring more unit, or just showing off duo combo)
Normal (free) player:
Silver only Challenge player:
Note: Fatso 1x hit 5000 atk / there might be more ridiculous video. but i only took the 1 with most view in it

So which type of player you find the most fun gameplay wise ?
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have a question out of curiosity. Why are some people slightly peeved over Olivie's name?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Probably due to how odd it looks and reads for most English speakers. That and I guess some people just thought it would of been translated differently and I guess that just surprised them.

That is my take on it. I want her, but I have a limit for my monthly spending on Nutaku games so I'm not holding my breath on getting her.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Yep, its envy alright. Maybe you not lucky enough. Also some ppl following guides and conserving their SC -i dont think that's a right way to go. i do spend all SC i get on summons. and yes it can screw you over sometimes. but the moment you getting a good unit overpowers those silvers you got b4.

I am playing freemium - and by now i have those units. Even considering the fact that last 7 summons were silvers.


That's the great part about a game like this - you can play entirely how you want. You want to save up all your SC to get guaranteed perfect event units? Great, you can do that! Want to test lady luck and roll all your SC in the premium gacha? You can do that too! Want to drop money on the game and get the best of both worlds? Suit yourself! As people have said several times, you can do everything in the game with the units that the game gives you - so there's no pressure to play any other way than how you want.

Personally, I chose to go half-and-half. Spend some of my free SC on premium rolls every now and again and keep some on-hand for event units (though, I don't know that you'll need SC for anything but collection, and there's been what, 6 of those on JP so far?).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

a) I've been recently noticing that this particular thread is gradually drifting towards becoming some sort of the "elitist" club, i.e. becoming mostly purported for guys who throw in real money into the game. For instance, just how many posts are here describing how one can get through the challenges with say only silvers and golds? And how many posts are there like the one in question?

It's also listed on nutaku's facebook, but the reason you don't see anyone posting strategies is because it's already been done with default/silver units.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Personally, I chose to go half-and-half. Spend some of my free SC on premium rolls every now and again and keep some on-hand for event units (though, I don't know that you'll need SC for anything but collection, and there's been what, 6 of those on JP so far?).

There's been 7 of those to be more specific, they also gradually start eating more Crystals(ticking around 50 to get a maxed out unit now). You'll probably want to use some for farm Events too and considering how slowly we're getting Events, plus the fact that we're seemingly skipping some... free players get very few Crystals to work with.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Sorry for raising that (the question was probly raised like a 100 times before) - but has any1 done calculations with respect to which event map is best for farming crystals?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Sorry for raising that (the question was probly raised like a 100 times before) - but has any1 done calculations with respect to which event map is best for farming crystals?

These events usually have a low drop rate for the demon crystals, so you can't really farm them for demon crystals :(
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Couldn anyone please provide me with a link to the silver drops of the current event maps? Ty in advance.