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A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

"The bond that those two share is as much a strength as it is a weakness, and it doesn't harm the magi to keep those two in the field together. If their morale would lower significantly apart, then we wouldn't get as good a performance out of them."

Kala left unspoken any thoughts she had about the nature of Biggs' and Wedge's relationship. She didn't know for sure that anything unnatural was going on between them and she didn't want to speculate in the same way that Isabell did.

When Isabell let it slip that she had been one of the Magi officials kept out of the loop, Kala figured that she had to be more careful than ever around her. Clearly she hadn't known if she was trustworthy before the plan had gone into action. That didn't necessarily mean that she wasn't, it just meant that Kala had never been very close to this one.

"I had my reasons, Isabell. It was a risk I took, and certainly a sacrifice, but I felt it was worth it. So far, I don't regret my choice. I may technically be a monster, but I'm not monstrous."
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

In regards to Biggs and Wedge, Isabell merely grunted at Kala in dissatisfaction. "Some parts of your impossible personality remain, I see. Always the patron of love, willing to support it no matter the reason." Isabell announced, slowly getting her pod to move, while brother and sister began to follow them. "You were never interested in science. The day I was selected to educate you on the glory of Magi engineering, you disregarded so much of what I had to offer, criticizing me by saying my knowledge wasn't useful and that it would only hurt people!" Isabell said, beginning to sound rather bitter. "It's knowledge, damn it! Of course it's dangerous in the wrong hands! I won't teach ignorance for the sake of 'safety', knowledge is human kind's gift! It takes a truly scientific mind to appreciate a weave bomb!"

(Inspirational Music ; )

Kala, Isabell, Biggs and Wedge took to the sky on that note, flying high into the air, even going as far as reaching near the tips of the mountains where the air chilled. The wind flowed wildly here, causing Isabell's long black hair to flourish in it's wake. It was almost majestic, seeing her black mane whip in the wind while she maintained her stoic facial expression.

"She's going off on Kala again, just like old times." Wedge giggled in the back.

"Everything Miss Queen teaches makes her seem like a mad scientist though, so I never blamed Kala for trying to lecture Queen on human safety." Biggs shrugged.

"Be sure to lower altitude if the air become difficult to breathe. Don't pass out while flying." Isabell cautioned the others. It seemed Kala could hear them, and Isabell could not.
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Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

"Knowledge not being useful?" Kala said aloud as she continually drew her slime back into herself to stop it from flying off in droplets behind her as they went airborne in Isabell's contraption.

"That doesn't sound like something I'd say. I was probably against constant military development of weapons that someone like Cleska could take advantage of. Part of my job as a commander was protecting humanity, but now it's my job to protect both humanity and mamono. I may have realized that before becoming one. Perhaps I didn't think you'd understand that. Sometimes a woman of science like yourself is too high up in her ivory tower to see the needs of the people below. Science and knowledge should serve to improve our lot. So when you talk about appreciating a bomb... all I can think of is the horrible explosion and the loss of life. If you can't factor that into your equations Isabell, then it's no wonder you and I haven't always seen eye to eye. But you're logical and you're brave - I want you as an ally, even if we disagree on some things. I respect you. I hope that's enough for you to consider putting up with the parts of me you find 'impossible,' and maybe to think more upon what I'm saying."

Turning her head to Biggs and Wedge, she gave them a wink and a thumbs up. It was nice to have two humans who so obviously knew her from her human days, and who didn't seem to pass any judgement upon her now, as a mamono.
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

"Quite similar to what you said before, though without the mention of Cleska." Isabell replied. "And I will say what I had said before: creatures of this world will always find a way to kill each other. I will not remove myself from science in order to delay the inevitable, as researching that bomb is not simply the end of the study. After discovering a weapon, the next step is to design methods to ensure it cannot be used against us. If I ever left the Magi, I would take with me all the knowledge to shut their entire weapon systems down. I will never stop my research. I will invent poison, and then I will invent medicine for it. There will be no forgetting my name, as I am already renowned as the top scientist of this land. Science has no time for morality." she stated firmly.

"But as for putting up with you, I've had chemical reactions far more impossible than you. A walking mass of slime without a true taste for science does not bother me." She shrugged. "If you were just an unruly student though, I'd have ignored you entirely. You clearly had the potential to become a great scientist... Aced even the most difficult test I gave you. Twas so aggravating to find that you understood the material, but could not appreciate all of it. We had many arguments. I didn't want to give up on such a talented student..." Isabell sighed, as if she were a mother who was at a loss for ideas on how to deal with her unruly child.

Biggs and Wedge both smiled and returned Kala's gesture. Biggs hummed as he drifted along in formation. "Kala's so shiny now as a slime~" he said pleasantly.

"Uhh..." Wedge gave Biggs a quite cautious side glance, looking at him as if questioning how serious he was.

"W-what?" he said in a hushed voice. Kala could still hear them. "They say you lose memories when you become a mamono... You think I could-"

"No," Wedge replied flatly.






"No." Wedge repeated.

They were still nearing their destination. There was more room for conversation, if Kala wished.
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

Kala shook her head at Isabell's stubbornness, with which she could sympathize as she was capable of not budging from her beliefs as well.

"Science may have no place for morals, but there's plenty of place for morals within scientists! And you can't forget that there's a bunch of people without morals who wouldn't care two figgy puddings about the scientific ideal, they'd just misuse science to bring about an end that denies all future pursuits of discovery! And they'd do it before you invented a cure or preventative measure. You may be brilliant, Isabell. But you're also reckless. I guess though in a certain sense, I don't have total right to call you on it, given what extreme measures I've gone through, but I sacrifice myself, I don't risk others' lives for glory, or the hope that someone will remember my name."

She could tell that this argument or something close to it had happened before, and yet despite the woman's ardent demand for pure science without ethical inhibitions in place, she didn't necessarily dislike Isabell. She probably wasn't a bad person, but if something got in the way of her science, she'd squelch the plan, and perhaps that was why Kala hadn't entrusted her with her own designs.

After she'd had a quiet moment and the conversation between her and Isabell dropped, she'd hear Biggs and Wedge whispering to one another. Curiously, she turned to them and eyed the brother quizzically.

"What is it you want to do concerning me, Biggs?" she asked, innocently enough. "My senses aren't dull. If anything, they're enhanced by my new shape."
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

Isabell's eyebrow twitched as she looked firmly ahead, her hands flat against a pair of flat black discs that functioned as controls for the pod. "I'm not reckless, I'm passionate!" Isabell snapped at Kala, taking one hand off of the disc to adjust her glasses before putting it back. "You haven't changed at all, I find! All that's changed is that you're now pudding! Though, on that note, do not think you will escape me before I at least collect a sample of that interesting material your new form is composed of. The armor to withstand Cleska's Magi Tech that I personally designed has left me restless. That should have easily been able to destroy any slime." She commented. "There is always something new to invent! More discoveries to make!" Isabell announced with a smile. "Donate your body to science, Kala!" Isabell insisted, indeed sounding like a madwoman.

When Kala turned to Biggs, the Magi soldier gave a start, before sheepishly returning Kala's look. "U-uh... You heard that... Uhm..." he fidgeted, a bit like a boy with an innocent crush. "I was just talkin' with Wedge, you know... Uh... I... I think... Your slime is very pretty..." he stuttered out a compliment.

Meanwhile, Wedge burst out laughing. Sort of a wheeze, actually. Though, it was one-hundred percent mocking to be sure. She was making fun of her bashful brother with a crush. Shaking her head, she looked to Kala. "Don't worry about him, Kala. He doesn't understand what 'out of your league' means."
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

Kala could only feign a sigh and shake her head in response to seeing how clearly 'passionate' Isabell was. It was clear that she was easily worked up and treading unethical waters.

"I'm using my body, and intend to do so for some time yet. I'll gladly tell you all about my abilities once I've fully explored them to my satisfaction." She replied in a sing song voice aimed at diffusing any upset feelings in the woman driving her through the air at high velocity.

In listening to Biggs stammer out his compliment, Kala had to stop herself from giggling, which became harder when Wedge started to wheeze with laughter.

"That's sweet of you to say, Biggs," Kala said, smiling back at him. "But I'm spoken for. If you like slime so much, I know a cutie Sea Slime who might love to hear you compliment her shiny-ness."
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

"A-are you mad!?" Biggs inquired. "Sea slimes have those pokers that make you numb!" he argued against the idea, though looked quite defeated from having Kala casually reject him.

Meanwhile, Isabell looked unshaken and no less determined. "I will claim my sample. If you remember nothing else, remember then the weight of my promises." Isabell declared boldly, eying Kala up with much greed.

Ignis' volcano was slowly vanishing into the distance while they talked. Up here, Kala could truly see how vast the land was, and how even more vast the sands to the west were. With the mountains acting as a wall of sort, it lined the border between what grew life to Kala's left, and what did not on Kala's right. They, as well as any other Kala might have seen on the ground for that matter, seemed to have no intention of heading to those lands. Though that's not to say that there's nothing but sandy dunes out there, it simply looked treacherous, and likely confusing. The various ruins to be seen were some indication that could be used for direction, but surely the ruins would start blending together with all the sand and all you end up with is all the directional confusion but without the immediate awareness of it. Kala's instincts alarmed her at the sight of the sandy place, all of her precious slime was sure to dry up in the dry heat and sand, so such a place was like death waiting to happen for a slime. However, while Kala caught this glance at the western desert, she'd also be aware that Isabell was sparing some driving time to stare at her intensely, her glasses shining while apparently wishing to discover just how afraid of the desert Kala should be by running one of her scary scientific tests.
Re: Diamond Heart Vs. The Fortmaster (Kala)

"Oh, Biggs, just because they have pokers doesn't mean they're going to use them on someone they like," Kala said. "It would be like saying a Magi can't be your friend because they sit in battle golems."

Her response to Isabell was not so cheery, glancing back non-plussed at the scientist.

"If I didn't think it would make you more 'passionate' than you already are, I'd turn you into a slime, Isabell. Then you'd have plenty of sample to work with. I will volunteer some of my outer slime to you if you keep to your word about the Magi cooperation policy with myself and Undine's forces. Now let's get to these dwarf holds. I want to take care of this quickly and then get back to the temple."

She hoped that would satisfy Isabell and keep her from diverting into any unnecessary experiments.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala)

Biggs cleared his throat. "Though, to be fair... When a Magi gets in a Golem, it isn't exactly to make friends..." he argued.

Then, to Kala's response, and her extra conditions, Isabell gave an extra 'hmph' at the blue slime. "The conditions have not changed. Our cooperation will still extend to Undine and yourself coming to the Magi's aid should the angels decide they want to wipe us out, which they've been hungry to do for some time now. The presence of alliance with ourselves and mamono is the final straw they're excited to witness. It's a war they've long been ready for, and by your word, you will risk your lives to protect us... To protect the precious knowledge contained within those facilities." Isabell declared, seeming more focused on Kala protecting the knowledge than anyone's specific life.

Chapter 5: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen

After she had said that, Kala would be able to give one reply before they would come to another large mountain, and land in front of a rather large looking fortress with connections to the mountain. Kala would see various dwarves with strange guns aiming wide barrels up at the approaching figures, though it seemed to be mostly as a precaution, they didn't open fire, but they were ready to. Many seemed to be holding weapons that used gunpowder, while others were sitting on more primitive weapons, such as large ballistae ready to fire large arrows. Rather than a strict military, it seemed all dwarven weaponry was personally crafted, each unique in the hands of the dwarf holding it. As such, it seemed each dwarf presented a different threat. Still, none of the dwarves opened fire as Isabell and company seemed to head for the entrance. They didn't exactly lay down their arms either, as when Kala and the mad scientist touched down at their gates. Little dwarves came running out, all pint sized and perhaps adorable looking depending on the opinion of the viewer.

(Inspirational Music - )

Over the castle walls, dozens of dwarves aimed their weapons from the cover of the stone, and another dozen aimed at the four approaching from ground level, as one dwarf stood in front with her hair done around her face and to her chin to give off the impression of a red beard. "Tally-ho!" the little dwarf greeted them, just as Kala would spot a golden crown with diamonds slotted into it on top of the red haired dwarf's head. "Are you friend or foe? We'd really like to know! Don't make us fire, we'd rather not build a pyre!" The dwarf spoke in a cute sing-song voice, rhyming a bit as she spoke. "Call me Queen Giotto!"
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Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala)

"I don't abandon my friends and allies," Kala would reply, leaving it at that. Isabell would take it as she liked, but Kala wasn't in the mood to mince words over semantics.


Soon enough the four travelers arrived at the mountainside and the dwarfhold below, where many diminutive guardians awaited them, each holding a uniquely crafted weapon that intrigued Kala and no doubt may be of interest to Isabell as well.

"I wonder if you might find some kindred spirits here, Isabell. They certainly seem to take pride in individual ingenuity. Though, I suggest you avoid telling them about the wonders of assembly lines, it might offend their sensibilities."

They landed and found themselves allowed to step forward, albeit with many weapons trained upon them, and present themselves before a singular red-headed dwarf with a bejeweled crown upon her head who introduced herself as Giotto, speaking in rhyme as if such we customary. Kala thought a moment, then decided to play it safe and reply in kind.

"I am a friend! And to that end, I have a proposal to make! The leaders of the Magi, are keen to ally, and fight for all mamonos' sake! But in this dire hour, they need some power - else the angels will create a problem. I say the dwarves are smart, and have some crafting art - and the troubles, they can solve them!"

Kala left it off there, for further rhyming would take some time. She waited to see how this much would be received, but suddenly added,

"And I am Kala, I speak on behalf of Undine, and for free mamono everywhere!"
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala)

Isabell glanced at Kala as she seemed to think Isabell would be comfortable here. "They're still a step behind when it comes to technological advances, because their kind is against the idea of using one's soul as a weapon. So they just stuff excessive amounts of gunpowder into their weapons. Granted, their inventions of weapons that spit liquid fire came before many of Magi tech which allows me to give credit to their knowledge. However, such is what morals do to the progression of science. They make you lag behind while others take the lead." Isabell said while adjusting her glasses at the weapons below, more fascinated than anything else despite what she said.

Giotto laughed at Kala began rhyming as well, seeming quite merry. "Rhyming to our new guests is but tradition! It is by no means an important mission! Tis only meant to soothe the hostile mind, and make them kind! We're still merchants by trade, to make us rich and get us laid!" she laughed, while her other dwarves did the same in a jolly fashion. As they laughed, they lowered their weapons and began grinning at one another. "We rhyme and party to enjoy the time! Taking days off is no crime! I welcome you inside our humble fortress to eat, drink, and be merry!" she said with a smile, before leaning in close. "By the by, is that fine man a cherry? He's quite cute, but hasn't said a word! Is he a mute?" she asked, as the gates opened slowly, and Giotto began walking inside even while going as far as putting her hand on Kala's back and encouraging her to walk along side the dwarf queen. Though when everyone saw how the dwarves walked given their tiny legs, they couldn't help but suppress chuckles at the slight wobble they made while moving about. "They're the cutest things ever..." Biggs whispered to Wedge while letting out a snicker.

Once inside the dwarf fortress, the large doors would slowly close behind them. Doors made of tough steel to seemingly keep all but the toughest intruders out. Once the dwarves got done pushing the doors shut, they immediately ran to the nearest table, which was pretty close as Kala would see. There was beer kegs all around the entrance to this fortress, and there were many a dwarf drowning their hearts in the ale. Seeing the guests with their queen, some raised their cups when they weren't too busy laughing and being drunk. Full of ale, their cups would splash into fine white bubbles and the yellow liquid would rain onto them, causing Isabell to twitch in disgust as a fine rain of ale wetted her rather fancy dress. "Welcome to our Dwarven Fortress! Let us sit and drink while discussing together." she offered, taking a seat while some other dwarfs rush to get their queen and her guests some ale. Although Isabell alone didn't want any of the three Magi, she was given a pint anyway. "Now, let us talk normally. The rhyming is only for lightening the mood. You say you require our aid? Aye, we can help you, but a charity we certainly are not!" she said before taking a swig and inviting Kala to do the same. "You said you are my friend, and I rather love all forms of jewels and ores! Making machines is also a hobby, but Magi machines are no good. They run on the soul, and the soul is precious. They don't interest us." She said, while Isabell twitched again. Isabell seemed to be of the mind that if she said anything, she'd only start a fight, so the scientist kept silent, though she looked furious. "We can give the Magi raw power, but what can the Magi... Or the Magi's friend, give us?" Giotto inquired with a curious smile.

Isabell would answer if Kala did not, but there was time enough for Kala to speak first if she felt she should control the situation.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala)

Kala relented in her strain to come up with appropriate rhymes once the dwarf queen and her cohorts all began to laugh in a jolly manner. The diamond slime attempted to play it off coolly but couldn't help a touch of lavender blush beginning to form across her cheeks - an instinctive remnant of her human self and something that observant slimes often mimicked from humans and humanoid mamono.

"All right, okay. Lead the way!" Kala said with cheer and a wink at the jolly queen before motioning for her human companions to follow her inside. She was not sensing any malice from the dwarves and she hoped that they could find a good trade for the power that Isabell might desire.

They sat at the stone long table and were given mighty pints of dwarven ale. Not wanting to seem rude and depending on what she hoped was an inbuilt slime ability to metabolize alcohol, Kala began to drain her tankard halfway before clopping it down and responding to the queen.

"We're not asking for charity. We know that's an insult to your dedication and craftsmanship. The magi have many resources, and Undine's mamono are capable too. There's much untapped potential at the ocean bed, in terms of mining. But also, I myself could offer my services. As a slime, I can go deep where even dwarves cannot. So I will let Isabell here tell you simply what she needs in terms of power output, and then you, mighty queen, can tell us what the dwarves would like in return."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala)

"Actually," Giotto rose a single finger following Kala's offering of using her slime-like abilities. "I have heard that the Magi are rather good at chemistry. Thinking on it now, how may that apply to such a fine pint of ale?" she inquired, gesturing to her quickly empty pint, which was immediately refilled. When Kala drank some herself, she'd find that the alcohol mixed well. Very well, in fact. So much that Kala's perception and balance of slime would begin to suffer imbalance. Slightly blurred vision and a bit of inability to keep herself firm. "Ha-ha-ha! So even your kind can feel the power of a Queen's ale!" Giotto laughed deeply. Wedge decided to take a mouthful, and immediately faceplanted onto the table as Giotto pointed at her with a merry laugh. "That's what's supposed to happen! Ha-ha-ha! Very amusing! Someone get that human some water! Bit off more than she could chew!" Giotto commanded, and Wedge was sat so that she wouldn't vomit onto herself while Biggs fussed over her as well, helping to give her small sips of water.

"Anyway..." Giotto leaned back with a sparkle in her eye, while watching Isabell push her drink away, grinning at the Magi knowingly. "I want you to invent me the most powerful and delicious brew I've ever had the pleasure of drinking. If you do that, we'll lend ya some power." Giotto offered her terms.

"Hmph..." Isabell grunted in distaste, but didn't shy away despite not seeming to care for alcohol. "Such a simple request, heavily loaded in my favor. I can give you an ale powerful enough to destroy you, but delicious as well? I'll need to have someone to sample my work-"

Isabell was cut off by Giotto herself. "I'll be yer sample," the Queen offered. Towards which, Isabell's grin widened considerably.

"I've a new opinion of you, Queen Giotto." Isabell giggled.

"What happens now?" Giotto said with a shrug and smile, before Isabell stood and took the dwarf's hand and helped her off of her seat.

"Now?" Isabell asked back, chuckling menacingly. "Let's go practice medicine..." Isabell announced with a mad grin, before Giotto boasted happily that she'd lead the brilliant Magi to their source to begin experiments. Meanwhile, if Kala was willing to be sidetracked, a few dwarves were waving her down. "We could use your help!" they announced. "Something in it for you too! Tally-ho!"
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala)

"Oh, the Magi are excellent with chemistry" Kala said, pleasantly surprised by the queen's suggestion. She was about to ask more about what exactly she looked for in an ale, but decided to take her draught first, drinking deeply so as to impress the dwarfs and not seem too 'delicate' for their tastes.

The result was quite intense, as the make up of the ale challenged her slime physiology, thinning the mixture of her own chemical make up and causing the connective synapses of her liquid body to act erratically. This caused her to become more liquid than she wanted and gravity began to take over, with part of her outer form going drippy and sliding down. This also made it harder to speak properly.

"Qua Ueen's aale? Fwah fwahts nnn thiss?" The droopy slime said, and then whipped her head around awkwardly as Wedge faceplanted.

Fortunately for Kala, she didn't have to say much more to Queen Giotto as Isabell took over the conversation. The unlikely pair soon came to an agreement and left the diamond slime at the table with Biggs and his unconscious sister. After a minute or so, Kala managed to eject or finish metabolizing the Queen's Ale inside of her, allowing her system to solidify again. It was then that she noticed the other dwarves waving her over. Alerting Biggs to this development and ordering him to stay here and guard his sister, she moved over to the other dwarves.

"Tally ho to you too. What sort of help do you need?"
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala)

"Queen's ale is beer so powerful, it could easily kill a human!" Giotto boasted, assuming she understood what Kala asked. This caused Isabell to give the Queen a sharp look. "Then why was I handed a pint of it?" she asked, a bit irritated. Giotto looked a bit caught off guard. It was extremely obvious that the Dwarf Queen doesn't think ahead, but rather, on the fly. To that end, she suddenly smiled. "For science!" she declared with a grin.

"Touché," Isabell nodded, before she and Giotto headed off, and Kala was called over by other dwarves.

"You're a slime, so you can survive lethal falls, right?" was the first question that was asked of Kala. "We came across a hole deep in our mine, and we found traces of something shiny there! But we also discovered that it's over two hundred feet deep! If you could go down there and tell us if there's any good stuff, we'll tell ya where we saw a weird slime that ain't recorded in any book!" she offered. "She looked shiny and made of liquid metal!" her friend chirped in. "Gotta be a new breed!" the first suggested. Such was their trade for Kala.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala)

"Lethal falls can uh... be really lethal. It depends on a slime's internal adherence and -- oh heck, the point is I could probably survive the fall, but it'd hurt." Kala said in response to the dwarves. "As an alternative, I can ooze down the side of the hole and get down the 200 feet rather quickly. So sure, I'll go and tell you what shiny metals are down there while we wait for the Queen and Isabell to conduct their, ahem, science."

Kala let the dwarves show her to the drop, letting Biggs know where she'd be and what she'd be doing before heading off with the mamono. When she reached the spot, she'd look for the best possible place to descend without simply diving off into the darkness. Having observed how far ahead the dwarves seemed to think things through, she figured it wouldn't hurt to do things her own way rather than just simply following their suggestions.

Unless they had anything further to add, she'd simply hop against the wall and allow her semi-solid body to drip her down into the abyss with the aid of gravity.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala)

A wise choice. Upon arriving at the hole the dwarves found, it was a literal hole. An existence that would clearly look unnatural, but such would come later, as Kala would first have to enter the Dwarf Fortress while Biggs tended to his sister, understanding Kala's situation.

( )

Their digging was rather chaotic and without organization, as if they dug in whichever direction they pleased. As a result this, the caves were rather unstable, and sounds of rocks falling and underground structures collapsing were very common. Dwarven shouting and screaming would occur once as well. "Yer diggin' over me head, ya idiot!" Kala would hear their shouting as she came into what could only be the main hall of the Dwarven Fortress. It was all underground, the area outside more like a simple defense of the entrance than anything else. There were complicated maze-like bridges of stone that connected across long thin chasms of mined out earth. Kala and the two dwarves she walked with passed alongside mine carts full of dirt being pushed by excited dwarves who looked more in a hurry to get back to digging. There was no sense of organization to be found in the underground lair that the dwarves called home, but it was still on a grand scale. There were dwarves of many trades to be found about the fortress, randomly found about in their stone houses, and almost all had smoke rising from chimneys with the found of metal pounding against metal fresh from a forge. And as Kala walked by, one Dwarf began to sing. Once she began, the rest followed, even those walking with the slime.

"Pound, pound through the ground.
Mine, hear the sound, of ring-ing met-al!
Dig, dig through the dirt,
Mine, mine through the rock.
Mine, hear the sound!
Dig, to new ground!
And then pound, pound through the ground!

The sound seemed to fill the dwarves with great morale, all wore smiles and seemed to quicken in their work. Mine carts moved faster, and steel sang much louder from the strikes of their hammers. "Our sparkling gold! The legends have told! Breathe the smell! All the way to Hell!" the dwarves continued to sing, ready to mine even into Hell, playing on the superstition that it was underground instead of within another dimension. Meanwhile, it was hard to tell if the dwarves actually knew where they were going. Kala and her guides would have taken so many twists and turns that it was hard not to get lost. Up stairs, down stairs, over the chasm back and forth, Kala would be able to see where she came from into the underground several times before they began to reach more undeveloped areas, mainly with less bridges and more perilous caverns freshly dug out. Kala would come across the pair she heard arguing earlier, and find them to be continuously bickering. "Ya wouldn't have seen the gold if I hadn't of thrown the hammer at ya!" a dwarf shouted to one digging in a cave above her, a collapse having occurred from one tunnel going right over the other one. "Tis assault! All that gold is right payment for my injury!" the one above decided. "YOU AIN'T INJURED! Ya little baby!" the dwarf below growled. "Little!? Oh, I'll show ya my fisticuffs and get ya reelin' from these punches!"

And then the two fought. Kala could react to that however she wished, but the hole still awaited. Seemed like all the others Kala would have had the glory of witnessing, the cave formation they dug. Then there was suddenly a hole rather large in scale in the floor, with a large space underneath it. "There it is! Go on then!" her dwarven guides urged her.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala)

The dwarven digging songs were kind of nice to listen to, Kala thought. Their work ethic was also impressive, but she couldn't say much for their overall foresight. It seemed to be a community of individual artisans and miners, each trying to make their own mark on the earth with complete ignorance of the needs and plans of their compatriots. It seemed to Kala to be a recipe for disaster.

When she came across the two squabbling dwarves, she listened carefully to each of their grievances and then looked concerned as it came to blows.

"Couldn't the two of you share the gold? You both seem equally responsible for finding it," she said, trying to help. Taking a couple of tendrils, she wrapped each fighting dwarf in one and pulled them apart. She then set the down a few feet apart from another and waited for them to cool down before letting them go.

Once that situation was resolved, Kala would continue to the edge of the hole and then slip down the side, using her slime adhesion to make certain she didn't simply fall down and splat at the bottom.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala)

The two dwarves, after being pulled away, each demanded and assumed their total claim to the gold. They struggled, squirmed, fought against her tentacles, and eventually wound up totally worn out. "G-guess we can share..." one dwarf finally conceded. "Yeah..." the other agreed reluctantly.

And then the oozing began. Kala would edge her way along, and find that the hole led to another section that was clearly dug out by another presence. It wasn't dwarves, as the carvings into the rocks were from claws, not tools. It didn't take long for the owners of such carvings to reveal themselves either, once Kala made it all the way down the steep drop that is. Arrows suddenly flew out of the darkness, the area around her dimly lit by her own shining core and aided further by her ability to see into the dark. Though in such pitch blackness, she could maybe see about twenty feet ahead of herself. It didn't matter if she was caught by surprise or not, by default her body was strong enough to fend off a few arrows. But what followed the arrows happened to be words. "Wait, that isn't a dwarf!" announced a woman's voice. Upon closer inspection, aided by the fact that the voice's owner drew closer, Kala would see that she happened upon lizard folk, clad in their light armor and martial weaponry enchanted with some talent of magic. True to what Kala would know of them, they looked like well rounded fighters.

Three lizard kin would approach Kala from the darkness. "It's just a wondering slime..." announced the leader. "Get going! Shoo! There will be fighting here soon, gooey creature. You'd best not be here to get caught up in it."