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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

8 runs now... still zero Maribels...

This is starting to become... interesting (in a hysterical maniac way)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have a question about combining units. If I reduce the cost of a unit, and then CC that unit, will its cost reduction carry over to the cced unit or was that a waste?

Also, since I never got an answer to this, is the last map of the event doable for me based on my characters? Here is my character list

CC Cloris at level 20, Katie at 25, Soma at 21, Camilla at 21, and Kerry at 10. I also have a lvl 45 non CC healer, 33 Berna, 20 Calliope, Daniela at 10, 2 Garrets at 10, Maribel at 11, and bad bandits (highest leveled is 10).

I am currently working on getting my 2nd healer cced and then either work on Berna or Daniela.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

oh my fucking god!
Maribel at minimum unit points! :D!!!!
she is still at 3/5 but i dont really mind her being at that!.

i was planing on skiping tomorrows daily and only farm enough to get akane but.
SCREW THIS SHIT! im farming all day tomorrow! xDDDD
oh god. im so happy :3
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Got another two Maribel's, skill 4/5 now CR still -2. Seriously fuck this combine rate shit lmao. I've used two weeks+ worth of stamina so far with SC refreshes. 46 SC after the event maps were cleared, at 30 now and still not maxed CR. And this is with my drop rate of Maribels being >50%. I'd pay 5SC just to increase my chance of successfully combining this shit to 50%.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Got another two Maribel's, skill 4/5 now CR still -2. Seriously fuck this combine rate shit lmao. I've used two weeks+ worth of stamina so far with SC refreshes. 46 SC after the event maps were cleared, at 30 now and still not maxed CR. And this is with my drop rate of Maribels being >50%. I'd pay 5SC just to increase my chance of successfully combining this shit to 50%.

^This just proves, my hopes for those later event with the -10CR are events i'll likely need to skip simply for sanity reasons. :)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have a question about combining units. If I reduce the cost of a unit, and then CC that unit, will its cost reduction carry over to the cced unit or was that a waste?

Cost reduction will not be 'lost' by CC'ing the unit, but CC'd units cost gets increased, so it'll still go up. But it'll still be lower than it would've been otherwise.

Also, since I never got an answer to this, is the last map of the event doable for me based on my characters? Here is my character list

CC Cloris at level 20, Katie at 25, Soma at 21, Camilla at 21, and Kerry at 10. I also have a lvl 45 non CC healer, 33 Berna, 20 Calliope, Daniela at 10, 2 Garrets at 10, Maribel at 11, and bad bandits (highest leveled is 10).

Maybe? I would suggest you go view "Eth Eternal" play videos regarding the event as he purposefully does runs with intentionally 'lower level' lineups. It's what I use as a guidemarker as to whether i'd be able to do things. My team is substantially stronger than yours and I am 'just able' to 3 star the final map.

Some random points i had to put consideration into for the last map (feel free to correct me if i'm wrong on any of this, wiser more sagely players)

The first 'wave' of 3 black armors. Your soldier and prince need to be fairly strong to survive this; at my prince being level 71 and Aria being CC'd and 45, with a CC'd 47 Alissa healing them, they 'just barely' survive the first three black armors.

Once you can survive the first 3 black armors with your couple first placements, you basically 'need' a CC'd witch and mage, to get the proper range on the left and right ghost armor spawns... particularly the 'top right' ranged placement, because a non cc'd caster here will get overrun and die.

I tried to complete/3star this map with 1 CC'd mage and 1 CC'd witch and failed; when I cc'd my second Valerie, it suddenly became far more reasonable and doable.

Pink armors at the end -> Drop duelists (valkyrie, rogue, bandit) on top of the pink armors trailing behind the black ones and let the black/platinum armors run into your defenses. :)

Good luck, as a fellow 'I just started a little while ago',
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Got another two Maribel's, skill 4/5 now CR still -2. Seriously fuck this combine rate shit lmao. I've used two weeks+ worth of stamina so far with SC refreshes. 46 SC after the event maps were cleared, at 30 now and still not maxed CR. And this is with my drop rate of Maribels being >50%. I'd pay 5SC just to increase my chance of successfully combining this shit to 50%.

Just wait until farm-type units with -5CR/-10SKL comes :D Took me 28 SC (on stamina regen alone - used natural charisma recovery) over the course of 1 week to get one of the latest farm units on JP ver to -5CR/8SKL.

There's also a farm-type platinum mage with -5CR/16SKL - not sure I'm looking forward to working on that skill... (although plat mage would be nice) :p
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

i dont know why i didn't think of this sooner but...

2 maribelle over 1 maribelle 1 leeane is better right?

or 1 and 1? leeane is the only other HA i have except that wannabee silver male HA.

with how easy maribelle is to farm, by the time the event is over we should all have enough for 2 max CR maribelle and possibly 4/5 skill level.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

You should only ever need or want one Maribelle. For traditional HA purposes Leeanne is still superior technically.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

i thought maribelle was the better unit when the 2 have skills active? i dont know exact numbers but 2X atk and def should be a hard bargain to beat.

if not, then i shouldn't use maribelle at all since i have 2 leeannes?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Leeanne is better at holding off grunt waves, Maribel is better at tanking bosses and other priority targets while her skill is up - when it's not she's strictly inferior to Leeanne in every stat except HP and Attack.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

i see. makes sense. guess just 1 is best and then swap her in when you have a boss map.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

1 cost diff not that much of a price for higher ATK and HP
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Whatever dude if you want to be an asshole, next time you make the unit analysis instead of complaining when someone was trying to help :rolleyes:
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

seriously? wtf... all i wanted was to max CR her and instead this happens...

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

seriously? wtf... all i wanted was to max CR her and instead this happens...


When you got lucky dont complain :p thats 5% chance.
and we all know its painful anoying to get max skill lvl even with rainbow fairy, not to mention the fairy tself is anoying rare to drop.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

seriously? wtf... all i wanted was to max CR her and instead this happens...


That could've *almost* been a black unit if you used that luck to roll premium gatcha :p
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Man, that last mission is so easy until that platinum walks up had to push Anya's levels and affection up so she could tank it even with her skill. Might help if I had a slightly better healer, need to get Fedora some affection.

Half the time I miss catching the platinum walk up cause the mission is so long.