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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I was a freebie player all the way to lvl 100, I didn't even come close to running out of things to level. Heck, I'm STILL leveling a couple of free units. 3 crystals is not a lot to spend for the ability to remove the 2-3 hour wait for your CHA to refill. Depending on people's RL schedule, it could save them weeks of time. Especially if it gets them ready faster for the important dailys and events.

Depends on how many good rolls you get from gatcha obviously. However, you make a VERY valid point that it helps a lot if they only login once per day for example. Sorry I overreacted because I don't like people blindly parroting JP advice.

you dont have an Aigis avatar. your input is invalid

(one of us was gonna say it, i just wanted to be first >.>)

I am now the head priest of the demoness Aigis religion. It is against my religion to have an Aigis avatar. Still, the demoness Aigis can "persuade" me like how she did the last head priest by putting a Sybilla in my 2k gatcha. :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I have to agree with Tesseract on this debate. I spent the 3 SC to level from about 60-100+, and I'm very glad I did. Granted, I'm not a freemium player by any stretch of the imagination, but I would still highly recommend it to them. Leveling up your team faster is not a bad thing. I would rather spend 3 SC now that I know I have time to level, and prepare my army for future events, H mode dailies, etc.

We don't know the schedule of events that have yet to come. All we know is that Nutaku and the Jap dev team for DMM have publicly stated they intend to catch our English version game up to date with the current Japanese version, so that our events launch simultaneously. With that in mind, it is logical to believe that when the Jap devs think the large majority of the player base is ready, they're going to hit us with a fast and hard string of events to catch us up.

I dunno, I would rather be bored but fully prepared for what's to come, rather than be complacent now over a few SC and then struggle when/if things get heavy. Besides, if your team is completely done, that means you can then focus all your efforts on max'ing out new event units as soon as you have them. That's really not a bad thing, considering most event units are Platinum-rarity and end up going to 50CC70 max level (before awakening).
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

RE: The discussion about the 3 SC XP buff.

If you're struggling to catch up or just started recently, then yes, I would agree that getting the 3 SC XP buff is worth it, especially if you're under rank ~70. It basically allows you to rank up for constant charisma refills without long breaks in between.

I started JP version about 2-3 weeks after EN version, but now it is totally caught up in both Prince and unit levels thanks to the single XP buff I bought at the beginning.

If you're struggling with events or want to catch up with Prince/unit levels before we're (hopefully) bombarded by non-stop events, then XP buff is very good.

When non-stop event hits (like in JP ver currently), there is literally no time to level your units. It's either do events, or skip certain events to level your units (or spend SC for stam/char refills to do so). (3-star events are an exception, since you're pretty much done when you 3-starred everything and can go back to lvling.)

The 3 SC Gold buff is actually good too if you're doing a lot of story missions or missions that give a lot of gold. It can sometimes give a better return than spending SC refilling char/stam for Monday daily if you find yourself in dire need of gold for leveling units non-stop.

After looking back I just realized after 2 posts from the 5000th post BlueMoon appeared and changed their avatar.

*shifty eyes, puts on tin foil hat*

Just your imagination, just your imagination...

I don't know who u are, but I'll find u and add u to my harem

*new avatar*

She (Kikyo) is responsible for making many JP players lose 100ks of yen on gatcha (and maybe their live savings in the process) only to be showered by multiple copies of Clissa (she shared the same gatcha spotlight). Many unfortunate souls had their souls crushed when they saw the black light, only to be greeted over and over again by "I'm Clissa!" instead of Kikyo.

Wise choice my friend, very wise choice. Aigis sama is pleased with your eagerness to get this cute beauty and will gladly accept your donations (and live savings) :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If you talking just gold as in pure gold its true that 3SC gold will be the best, but i believe most ppl looking more at platinum armour ? *in JP there just no time to spend stamina on chalenge quest for fairy*
Monday daily extreme will give you 15,000 gold for 3 star with the gold buff that 22,500 about the same as 4 gold armour.

No idea where this avatar fashion come from, well dun't really care though :D

As for Kikyo the reason why ppl so determine to get her is because.
1: she increase the drop rate of platinum unit in gold rush by 3x rate
2: her awakening ability is atk up large (7%)
3: well other than black status i think her worth being witch / healer in 1 ? I'm not a fan of her skill 10sec atk up skill though too hard to control since it also switch her role. although 1.6x do felt nice if i can time it correctly

Well they are free game of coz they trying to earn money as much possible to keep the game running, its better than to be closed down right ?
And they earning money campaign continue by using collection event after gold rush, you know you need about 70-80 SC to get the full collection -.-
The good part is during gold rush they give 1 xtra sacred crystal / day + new gold rush map completion another 1 sacred crystal / The bad part is 3 event ended at same time forcing alot ppl to keep spending sacred crystal.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Wow two silvers in a row from 2k gatcha ;o Cecily and Alissa... not bad not bad.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

The fact is right now there is a break between events, and we don't have non stop events yet. All else is speculation.

You can always get the EXP buff later if you need it. (Unless you don't think you have time in future to powerlevel.)

I will write a comprehensive one in FAQ format for the OP instead of subjective opinions. Please critique.

Q: I heard some players advising about EXP boost. Should I get it and when?

Subjective in EN version. If you only access Aigis once per day it is good at certain breakpoints. Namely L60+ (up to L100), L125+. Refer to Level EXP guide.

For free players of low level, if you are hitting a wall during event, it is worth considering paying for a EXP boost so that you can near autolevel to L100 and powerup your units with the gold and EXP gotten on the journey to L100. (autolevel - level up continously). You can always do it in advance if you fear you cannot set aside a few hours to do so later during event period .

The 3 SC is definitely worth it if you are getting a good event unit you would not be getting otherwise as compared to temporary goddess buffs or a random rarity gatcha roll.

Otherwise, it is up to player preference to get EXP boost since EN version does not have non stop hard events yet.

Level EXP guide
You can non stop level to near 40 if you amazingly didn't fail a single mission.

During level 60-70, you have to wait 2-3 hours between each level.
EXP boost will enable you to autolevel to 100 with minimal wait times.

Leveling slows down immensely after level 100. Starts off taking half a day to level, By around level 125, you may need need EXP boost to level every 24 hrs based on best current map (DH)

Good news is that on level 101, and every 20 levels after that up till 201, stamina is increased by 1 and fully restored. (Warning: Does NOT overcap)

After level 201, every levelup has full restore.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I am now the head priest of the demoness Aigis religion. It is against my religion to have an Aigis avatar. Still, the demoness Aigis can "persuade" me like how she did the last head priest by putting a Sybilla in my 2k gatcha. :D

Are you implying that I now serve the Demoness? I have done no such thing, Blasphemy, heretic, etc, all that jazz... It is to early for this I just woke up.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Are you implying that I now serve the Demoness? I have done no such thing, Blasphemy, heretic, etc, all that jazz... It is to early for this I just woke up.

If you willing to continue with this demoness thing, you should dismiss your Clissa. Since true anti-Aigis priest do not have a need in her mercy.
Otherwise you just do not sound convincing, since you have no grounds to call her demoness after waht she did for you
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

If you willing to continue with this demoness thing, you should dismiss your Clissa. Since true anti-Aigis priest do not have a need in her mercy.
Otherwise you just do not sound convincing, since you have no grounds to call her demoness after waht she did for you

but... but... Clissa... I... white hair...

*bullet dodging mode activate*

Now now, Simply because she gave me Clissa to tempt me to her side does not make her a Goddess. That is something a Demoness would do as well, and have been known to do.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

but... but... Clissa... I... white hair...

*bullet dodging mode activate*

Now now, Simply because she gave me Clissa to tempt me to her side does not make her a Goddess. That is something a Demoness would do as well, and have been known to do.

Nope, that wont do. True demoness just dangle the carrot in front of you, but never give it to you. And you got not just a carrot, but full course meal XD
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

There you go. Even Sybilla, most favored disciple of Aigis, is speaking out against you.

Your recent posts have also revealed a softening of attitudes towards Aigis. In view of recent events, all is clear. Your heresy was designed to make your betrayal easier to stomach.

Excommunication shall be your fate.

I will write an eulogy for our ex head priest soon. Right now I am too overcome with grief at my fallen brethen.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Nope, that wont do. True demoness just dangle the carrot in front of you, but never give it to you. And you got not just a carrot, but full course meal XD

They give it to you when dangle the carrot don't work!

There you go. Even Sybilla, most favored disciple of Aigis, is speaking out against you.

Your recent posts have also revealed a softening of attitudes towards Aigis. In view of recent events, all is clear. Your heresy was designed to make your betrayal easier to stomach.

Excommunication shall be your fate.

I will write an eulogy for our ex head priest soon. Right now I am too overcome with grief at my fallen brethen.

I have not fallen. This is all a ploy by Aigis to attack my credibility!
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

They give it to you when dangle the carrot don't work!

I have not fallen. This is all a ploy by Aigis to attack my credibility!

They give you the carrot (i.e. gold out of 2k) not Full course meal (Black)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Has any1 ever got black unit out of 2k gacha?

Like for real?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I did yesterday. Demoness Aigis is trying ruin my credibility.

I just don't believe you. The probability is what, 0.0001%???


I don't believe you :D
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Has any1 ever got black unit out of 2k gacha?

Like for real?

Someone from JP thread got it 2 month ago... Black Iris, 1 of another broken unit...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I just don't believe you. The probability is what, 0.0001%???


I don't believe you :D

all we know is that it is less then 0.1%

However, you can choose to believe what you wish. In fact believe that... that was the way her attack is less damaging. Also why ask if you aren't going to believe anyone?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I just don't believe you. The probability is what, 0.0001%???


I don't believe you :D

I got 3 silvers Back to back out of 2k gatcha- chances of that happening even lower than pulling out black. yet it happens
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I got 3 silvers Back to back out of 2k gatcha- chances of that happening even lower than pulling out black. yet it happens

The best i got was 2 silvers in 10 rolls, 20k for 2 silvers is a nice trade.