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[Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

The Overgoat

Tentacle God
Jun 6, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

does the reloading/F5 is still a thing? I tried refreshing whole page to check if the permanent power bug is still there and I couldn't go back to mission. Lost 25 stamina >.>

also holy fuck creeds as so hard to get. Leveling characters is pain in the ass
I don't know, but frankly, you don't need it. I'm around the end of region 4 and so far I got 3 medals on every single mission for the first try. Just pick the girls that give you free tanks (common and rare) and you will pretty much break the intended difficulty curve. If I high roll, I get a free medium and heavy tank, both on rank 2 at the start of the missions. As for the super-rare girls, I'd pick one with a mege bomb. That skill instakills a selected unit on rank 5. Immensely useful to snipe your opponent's bombers, artillery or heavy tanks. As for the commander, I'm using the starting one. While the passive boost is kinda garbage (who uses infantry?) the heal everything skill is immensely useful, especially if you have a character that boosts the special gauge.


Tentacle Monster
Aug 8, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

What exactly happened with this, soft launch/beta for 6-7 weeks now?


Mystic Girl
Dec 2, 2013
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

For whatever reason the game no longer loads for me. I played yesterday went to do faction war but the countdown timer was bugged saying 00.00.00 and each faction rank/score was ???. refreshed page and haven't been able to get past the initial loading screen it just shows a grey window.

The Overgoat

Tentacle God
Jun 6, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

The fuck?! The game just reseted my progress. On Opera the game started anew with the tutorial and all my stuff is gone. One Firefox I got my account, but in the state it was... about two weeks ago. Fuck this shit, I'm not going through everything again.:mad:


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

I played it last night, its basically a crappier version of Advance Wars that doesn't have that sweet graphic attacks. Like when you have a unit attack an enemy unit it normally cut to an battle scene with both sides shooting at each other.. It doesn't even do that at all!

That made me sad. How could beta testers neglect to mention this very important aspect.


What the up with hentai scene. I skip them all because only fifth hentai scene is worth it. I've only gotten up to third rank at most tho. Basically it makes you read an wall of text with a closeup of a specific part of CG. I see that western hentai developers still haven't moved beyond early 2000s mindset. Disappointing. And what's more the hentai animations is painfully slow. I hated those meet and fuck scenes. Seems like it was developed by people who liked meet and fuck hentai scenes.

Might buy for lols if it was an standalone game but would not spend money as gacha game. So if you guys liked meet n fuck games, this game is right up your alley. Otherwise just.. don't go in it with some kind of expectations.

And the tutorial still doesn't explain anything about veterancy on units, I've gotten as far as three stripes on a unit but i'm not sure what exactly it does for my troops.
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The Overgoat

Tentacle God
Jun 6, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

And the tutorial still doesn't explain anything about veterancy on units, I've gotten as far as three stripes on a unit but i'm not sure what exactly it does for my troops.
Increases stats. By how much... fuck if I know.


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

Increases stats. By how much... fuck if I know.
lol :(

And I see that there's very little stamina in Girls on Tanks.... Fight two battles and yer out XD I"m at thirteenth battle.

However if there's one good thing it did, it made me want to play advance wars again. I just need new maps to fight on because I'm tired of fighting on same old ones.


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

So two dollars only get you 80 crystals. That's disgusting -.-

Then Ten dollars only get you 500 crystals. Even more disgusting.

Cuz I need the ten battles and i accidenlty wasted my first four in previous week long battle. welp. Wait time is very high in Girls on Tanks.


Tentacle Monster
Aug 8, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

Personally I think this is a game best played casually, when you have nothing better to do. Of course, that is their intent, for you to fork over cash for energy or crystals. Naturally it's all good if one thinks the game is great and just want to keep playing. But for me it really isn't.


Tentacle God
Aug 19, 2011
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

yeah this game is shit

everything overpriced, the battles are annoying cuz you're always outnumbered, the free gacha gives you almost no coins, if you dont 3* the map the first try you're shit out of luck for the gold chest and the sex scenes are fucking awful.

this game will be dead in no time

The Overgoat

Tentacle God
Jun 6, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

Meh, it's alright. Yeah, you are always outnumbered, but honestly, there were like 2 maps in total where I didn't get three medals on my first try with no credit use. The Ai is braindead, so it's really not all that difficult to outplay it. And honestly, once you're done with the campaign, there really not much of a point in replaying those maps, so at that point it's one login every two days to go through the faction wars missions and that's about it.

The main attraction of this game is having legitimate gameplay. Unfortunately, it's very barebone. Like give some unique units to each faction, add weather conditions, etc. Just... something. It's passable as a casual game where I log in like 3 times a week, but I really don't see anybody forking over a lot of cash for this one.


Jungle Girl
May 11, 2014
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

So far I've reached 17th stage and the game seemed to me quite easy, especially if you level up your girls with tanks (irony?).
Although the amount of content is mediocre, you can legitimately get it for free by grinding stages and level-uping your general, but don't quote me on this one.
So far I liked it.

The Overgoat

Tentacle God
Jun 6, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

Sergeants can no longer summon tanks. The ones with the ability to summon light or mid tanks got that switched out to provide war funds. Aside of this edit not being communicated anywhere whatsoever, it made some of my raised units worthless. Also, now about half the sergeants do nothing but add war funds. I understand that summoning a mid and a heavy tank on 3 stars on turn one was OP, but come on, they cold have just change it so that sergeants could only summon light tanks or something. Well, I'm sure glad I'm done with the campaign. Some of the later ones would have been downright impossible without the two initial tanks.


Tentacle God
Feb 5, 2012
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

Sergeants can no longer summon tanks. The ones with the ability to summon light or mid tanks got that switched out to provide war funds. Aside of this edit not being communicated anywhere whatsoever, it made some of my raised units worthless. Also, now about half the sergeants do nothing but add war funds. I understand that summoning a mid and a heavy tank on 3 stars on turn one was OP, but come on, they cold have just change it so that sergeants could only summon light tanks or something. Well, I'm sure glad I'm done with the campaign. Some of the later ones would have been downright impossible without the two initial tanks.
I demand compensation. For I am not done with campaign.
Angelic Berserker
Feb 13, 2016
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

Its not like the other ranks cant summon tanks, Corporal May still summons a heavy tank, and probably some of the sergeants summon tanks as well.


Tentacle Monster
Aug 8, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

Where are you guys getting all the creds for leveling up girls? I am still stuck with a ton of them maxed out and nothing to level with. Campaign wins only give anywhere from 150 to 300 per 3 star, and that's a 1 time thing. Repeats or faction war only give out measly 15-35 per win.

Right now I need something like 11900 creds to level up all the ones eligible, which is just not gonna happen. Maybe a mega epic chest from faction war would give out 3000 to 5000? But even so that's only once a week so basically have to cash in order to level up girls.

On the other hand, faction war is just ridiculously easy, and I usually just put in all the crap officers so they get some cheap xp.

The Overgoat

Tentacle God
Jun 6, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

Its not like the other ranks cant summon tanks, Corporal May still summons a heavy tank, and probably some of the sergeants summon tanks as well.
Yes, but that's one tank instead of two. Also, no, none of the sergeants summon tanks anymore. Other vehicles, yes, but not tanks.

@PAAL: I leveled up one core team to max from finishing the entire campaign and 2 or 3 faction wars. After that you either cash in or you just do the faction wars every week and eventually get there. Grinding is just not an option with the abysmal amount of credit it yields.


Tentacle Monster
Aug 8, 2015
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Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

Yes, but that's one tank instead of two. Also, no, none of the sergeants summon tanks anymore. Other vehicles, yes, but not tanks.

@PAAL: I leveled up one core team to max from finishing the entire campaign and 2 or 3 faction wars. After that you either cash in or you just do the faction wars every week and eventually get there. Grinding is just not an option with the abysmal amount of credit it yields.
I would just like to confirm that Sergeants that used to summon tank will no longer do so when leveled up further? Does that mean they would be better off un-leveled at lower levels?

The Overgoat

Tentacle God
Jun 6, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

I would just like to confirm that Sergeants that used to summon tank will no longer do so when leveled up further? Does that mean they would be better off un-leveled at lower levels?
No, rather there are no longer sergeants that summon tanks at all anymore. On any skill level. The ones that used to have that skill now have the skill to increase you war funds instead. (E.g. Wanda used to summon max ranked light or medium tanks on lv5, now she gives 1250 war funds, which is just shit.) The sergeants that summoned motorcycles, anti-air guns, etc. continue to do so as their skills remain untouched. Lieutenants can summon tanks as usual, their skills where also left alone.


Tentacle Monster
Aug 8, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [Nutaku] Girls on Tanks

When did this change of girls that used to summon tanks are now war funds instead? I vaguely remember a few days ago I was able to summon 2 tanks?

Well, now I tend to have a Lieutenant that summon tanks and a Sargent that could summon either artillery or missile. Still works OK.