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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Free player here as well, was 250 something last tournament, and low 300's this tourney. Not enough time to rank up cards as I'd like, and I tend to make bad plays a lot. But hey, I think it's pretty good rank despite all that.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I'm F2P and my concern about P2W players isn't exactly the rare cards they usually have (still a bit annoyed about the Turn 4-5 Cara though). Rather, it's that the money they use on stamina potions allows them to grind faster for higher levels. Therefore, I can't keep up with a maxed-out deck, even when they're playing with common cards; rare cards are trumped by maxed out commons unless they too are maxed out (and getting some of them to lvl 70-90 is brutal).

As for this tourney, I'm within top 500, I think (I hope), though last I was top 100, and my RP has dropped considerably. When you see some players around 1600-1900 RP, you can tell who the P2W whales are (the ones who stayed anyway).
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Oh, this is just fucking bullshit now.

I'm really feeling the whole "opponent always has the right card to dismantle my plans, I never draw anything good to turn shit around" thing this tourney.

And I lost the next match to a guy with level 1 cards because of bad draws. This fucking game, man.

Tell me about it. I dropped from 1340-ish to 1211 in a single afternoon. And I didn't throw a single match until it was obvious that I have nothing to turn the match around. If I have to waste 6 rounds, might as well try and win. I know that I don't have the best of decks, but c'mon, this is just ridiculous. I either got people, who simply had a superior deck to mine, or I had absolutely rotten luck and kept drawing high MP cards or cards in the early turns. I really wanted that 200 point card, but I don't think I have any chance at this point. I have 90 and apparently I just suck at this. Especially seeing that people are in top ranks with free. How is that even possible, I haven't the foggiest.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

A lot of it is simply luck. I'm a free player who dropped down to 1200rp and now am back up to 1532. Deck hasn't changed. Style of play hasn't changed. Only change? Different opponents. I've had some really close games today that were really entertaining. My last game my opponent had 3 hp and I had 300 on the final turn with a framboise forcing my hand on his end. If I hadn't drawn sap strength that turn I'd have lost. As exciting as a card game could ever actually be for me and a win that feels well earned. Games like that are pretty much the only reason I still play even when faced against an army of tier 3 capped ssr's and friends. Only played about 40 games I think and only have 60 cp. Probably too lazy to get to 100 and they'd need to pay me to even consider the time investment for the 200...

It's rather surprising how entertaining the game can be when you're not fighting an army of t3 capped cards with spell/trap support I can't even dream of ever fielding. Wrath of the mad god and flame rekindled anger me...
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Tell me about it. I dropped from 1340-ish to 1211 in a single afternoon. And I didn't throw a single match until it was obvious that I have nothing to turn the match around. If I have to waste 6 rounds, might as well try and win. I know that I don't have the best of decks, but c'mon, this is just ridiculous. I either got people, who simply had a superior deck to mine, or I had absolutely rotten luck and kept drawing high MP cards or cards in the early turns. I really wanted that 200 point card, but I don't think I have any chance at this point. I have 90 and apparently I just suck at this. Especially seeing that people are in top ranks with free. How is that even possible, I haven't the foggiest.

Yup. I did fine enough on the last tourney, but my draw luck this tourney was incredibly bad.

So many games of:

-My starting hand has turn 4+ cards and/or I am otherwise one turn behind on the mana curve
-Opponent summons 3+ maxed 6-cost cards by turn 5

-I'm on the ropes, but I just summoned a strong 10+ cost card on the field, can maintain board control if opponent doesn't have a Book of Awakening/Strength Sap/Decree/Natalie
-My opponent has one/multiple of those

-*lay down trap*
-opponent has Occult/summons Anteret next turn

Pretty much the only consistently good play I had all tourney was fooling players/Anterets into destroying Fizzle. Out of the 5+ times I played Fizzle, only one time was it flipped. The rest, I managed to make my opponents waste mana to destroy it.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Jesus christ, 6 god damn losses in a row. And not even against amazingly high level players either. I just keep getting fucked for draws. All I want is the 50 point medal reward before the tournament is over.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I'm pretty satisfied with my (currently) rank 74 and 147x RP. I invested in a few stam pots for the event and the "bargain" draws though, so I'm not a completely free player :rolleyes:
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I might just go into the tournament so that people can beat me and get points. I could not care less about getting medals or rewards or whatever, so I generally do not bother.

@Eab: Money does not solve bad deck design. I generally only play npc matches but so far I think I have ever been hit a grand total of 5 times throughout by my not having an early drop to get in the way of something my opponent plays. I generally count 2-5 drops as if they were essentially land in a M:tG draft deck so I do not mind having as many as I do. I would rather get rolled late in the game by others getting their bigger cards out in a way that I cannot deal with them instead of just being behind the whole of the game and never getting in the game at all.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I might just go into the tournament so that people can beat me and get points. I could not care less about getting medals or rewards or whatever, so I generally do not bother.

@Eab: Money does not solve bad deck design. I generally only play npc matches but so far I think I have ever been hit a grand total of 5 times throughout by my not having an early drop to get in the way of something my opponent plays. I generally count 2-5 drops as if they were essentially land in a M:tG draft deck so I do not mind having as many as I do. I would rather get rolled late in the game by others getting their bigger cards out in a way that I cannot deal with them instead of just being behind the whole of the game and never getting in the game at all.

There's nothing inherently wrong with my deck design, though. I do have 5 and 6-cost cards to go around. Hell, I have some of the strongest 6-costs in my deck (Rosemary, Crow).

The problem is, I didn't level them enough because I chose to focus on my rarer and endgame cards instead, which obviously takes longer to level. Naturally, everyone else went the other direction, so it's no surprise that I'm struggling. I knew that going in, I just wasn't expecting most people to have finished leveling their entire midgame already.

When people start getting around to fully leveling their endgame cards, maybe I'll have the advantage, but for now, being unable to maintain a foothold in midgame is what's killing me.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

The only thing I out right despise about this game is people taking FOREVER to god dam make a move, this is not fucking rocket science. Fucking go already.

Sorry had to vent I'm so sick of waiting and waiting and waiting for someone to finally make a move, when they have been ahead the whole dam game.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

The only thing I out right despise about this game is people taking FOREVER to god dam make a move, this is not fucking rocket science. Fucking go already.

Sorry had to vent I'm so sick of waiting and waiting and waiting for someone to finally make a move, when they have been ahead the whole dam game.

Not sure about the people you're vs, but it's happened to me a few times where the server kicks me off, then it takes a LONG time before the game will even let me back on if it even allows me to before autoforfeit.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Not sure about the people you're vs, but it's happened to me a few times where the server kicks me off, then it takes a LONG time before the game will even let me back on if it even allows me to before autoforfeit.
Thing is they aren't getting kicked.
Cause they progress, it's just so slowly that its like they are trying to be annoying. Attack with one creature....wait a few attack with another and wait a few. Like there's some secret squirrel strategy going on here.

When I have one face up unit that they can plainly see, and they have 4. You don't need to wait that long when deciding what to attack with given all your creatures are also up. And than attack with another as if I have some "hidden" trap or something. It's being an ass is what it is or simply not paying attention which is even worse.

Don't waste my time I wont waste yours.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

@Xovian: Hey, maybe they're waiting for that random Kuriboh. :D

Yeah sorry, that's probably me. Half the time I'm actually thinking, but the other half I'm sort of AFKing Aigis and doing other stuff. :/ TBH, I get my ass kicked so many times by maxed out decks that I sort of just zone out and give up before I even start (especially when I see the opponent's RP is 300+ over my own).

As for luck, it's strange; I've got fairly terrible luck with opponents and their draws/plays (I get the "set trap then OO" or the "3x Max Nats swarm", but I also mean when I set two cards and the opponent stomps on the one I desperately needed to win and I'm left with the bluff, losing all the 50-50 plays). However, I can't really complain since my premium ticket luck (not the event tickets though) is ungodly (Rosemary, Evangeline, Miyabi, Solene, Risa...); only rolled about 8 times at most too. I still have 6 tickets left as a freemium player but I don't wanna press my luck (I want SPECIFIC cards, rather than random rares, even the SSRs). :)

In that regard, I think , that's where AS gets P2W...certain SSRs are much, much better than the others. Maybe it's my lack of experience with actually having them, but cards like Flora, Keyaki/Cara comboed, Shalif, even stuff like Momoji and Victorie can be OP. Eh, just IMO. I'm more bitter about the max-level P2P players/whales.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

The only thing I out right despise about this game is people taking FOREVER to god dam make a move, this is not fucking rocket science. Fucking go already.

Sorry had to vent I'm so sick of waiting and waiting and waiting for someone to finally make a move, when they have been ahead the whole dam game.

Funny that has become my standard policy . Since I am constantly matched up with people either way too strong or getting the crappiest hand you can imagine now I do exactly that . I take every last second allowed until I finish the turn . Because when you are matched 4 time in a row with a dude who GET ALL THE RIGHT caRD IN HIS hand and you get the lousiest hand you ever had systemically there is only one response you troll .
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

c6mike and Mythruir are still fighting for the top spot and seem to have been doing so for days now. They don't seem to be whales either, well, at least not as fat as some that I've encountered.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

c6mike and Mythruir are still fighting for the top spot and seem to have been doing so for days now. They don't seem to be whales either, well, at least not as fat as some that I've encountered.

Eh, it would really be nice if AS could actually be a tournament and those two (or rather, the best players) could play each other instead of grinding out against the rest of us. Ideally, matchmaking would work it out so that the top ten could continously fight against each other. However, when they "fight it out" for the top spot, all it really means is that they're farming the rest of us as quickly as possible. It's more really "who can beat more of the cattle at a faster rate".
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

True, they'll need endurance and luck as well. It's really gonna suck for whoever's gonna end up as #2. On a different note, looks like Nostrand is making a push for top 10 and Shiakou doesn't seem to be playing. And yeah, I'm watching the rankings to see if I'll need to play to stay in the top 10 and I really don't want to play right now so I'm wishing I won't need to.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

well that's it after a morning spent getting matched with impossible match I am finally done with the tournament .
This game just can't be enjoyed so bye bye .
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

After tournament maintenance is over, c6mike is 1st with 1107915 points and mythruir 2nd with 1099584... crazy guys. Must feel bad for myth, losing out on 5k medals for 8331 points!

Story quest 8 is up as well, new tournament with same rewards, and a drop rate x2 ? Not sure what this means, I guess its double chance for the 6 cards in the image, cara, urie, vita etc ?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

After tournament maintenance is over, c6mike is 1st with 1107915 points and mythruir 2nd with 1099584... crazy guys. Must feel bad for myth, losing out on 5k medals for 8331 points!

Story quest 8 is up as well, new tournament with same rewards, and a drop rate x2 ? Not sure what this means, I guess its double chance for the 6 cards in the image, cara, urie, vita etc ?
Wow, c6mike actually edged out. I thought Mythruir had it because when I checked when it was like only 8 mins left, he was ahead by maybe 20k points.