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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

A free player will likely never finish a phase 2, barring some large stockpile of free energy drinks.

But again, you're technically not missing out if you don't finish phase 2. You'll get less exp cards, less gacha points, less limited rolls, and only one copy of the event card, but you're not locked out of any exclusive content.

but we are technically missing out on thosse things listed for the most part after the first week we have to rely on n gatcha to get better cards limited may be shit chances but its better than n so yes we are missing out on something
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Should be easy to make it to 10 if you're using your stamina efficiently, especially if you're lower level since you get more level up refills. On stage 15 without drinks here.

I'm on 15-3, but I used two drinks yesterday, and have had near perfect stamina optimization through all of phase 1 (had about a full day to spare of doing stage 10-5 repeatedly).
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

but we are technically missing out on thosse things listed for the most part after the first week we have to rely on n gatcha to get better cards limited may be shit chances but its better than n so yes we are missing out on something

Key word: Exclusive.

You can't "miss" out on more gacha points when you could just grind arena endlessly instead. You're not missing out on more exp cards or upgrade materials either when you can just farm the earlier event stages instead (unless you really want to spend more stamina to get HR exp cards instead of R exp cards, for whatever reason). And once again, having multiple copies of the event card is a luxury.

If we really want to be technical, the only thing free players are missing out on is more chances on limited gacha rolls, since no amount of arena grinding will get you those limited cards otherwise. But we all know how "great" the odds are on those tickets anyway, and paying players aren't guaranteed to get limited cards any more than free players are. They just get more chances.

So again, I reiterate, free players aren't missing out on much compared to paying players. A deck with 2-3 event cards instead of 1 isn't going to be that different in power. A free player can get lucky with a single limited gacha roll, while paying players could get every possible ticket and still get nothing but crap.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I'm on 15-3, but I used two drinks yesterday, and have had near perfect stamina optimization through all of phase 1 (had about a full day to spare of doing stage 10-5 repeatedly).

Only 15-1 here, but I'm missing about 30 minutes of optimization so far. Got a free stamina refill at start also because I had my exp about 120 exp from leveling and almost full stamina when 2nd round started.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I'm tempted to just give up and go back to YGO for my card game fix. I just might once I finish my green/blue deck more because it's stupid how terrible the RNG is. I've seen posts about how paying players don't get much in terms of luck and I really can't feel bad for them because someone who spends their money with no hint of self-control probably shouldn't have command over their own finances to begin with. THAT SAID, I feel for the sobs (such as myself) who might spend a little here and there and still get shit on. The upside is, from spending $10 I got a Love Doctor Charlene. So right now, my deck requires:

x2 Charlene
x2 Emily
x2 Phoebe

If I find another Solene, I'll probably cut out one of the red cards (although it seems likely I'll cut a red and a white regardless). Honestly, I'd subject myself to ritualistic self-mutilation quicker than I would dish out money to a game that doesn't reward for any amount of dedication, financial or otherwise. Nutaku can't be so incompetent with handling a property that they'll go full Konami on us. Maybe if we all chant "Tribute the rat!" enough then this poor RNG and horrid Stamina vs quest completion ratio will be resolved?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Well, looking at the system of the game I would say that there are certainly cards that I could use that could get me into an area where I would think my deck was at least capable of beating another player.

Levelling up the cards and the materials to do so to me are the most important part of things. A levelled up rare is probably just as good as a not levelled up hr/sr/whatever. There are plenty of good cards in the mid range for 6-8 and a few decent earlier options as well.

The problem would be the later game where the big cards come out to play. With little in the way of tempo cards out there, I do not think that a free player would be able to handle the game going into the 12+ range unless they were so far ahead that they only needed to do a chain reaction or some other small way to damage an opponent to finish them off.

I still have not finished the 10th quest because now that I am back to work I just lose alot of time and stamina to stuff like that. For what little it was worth, the first time this stamina sucking event happened I was done with the first set of 10 quests with about 2 days left. I did not have to work so I could basically ensure that my stamina was getting maximum value at all times.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Wooooooo, FINALLY got some luck with event tickets. Stage 15 boss to the rescue~! Too bad I still don't even have enough to upgrade my Ryumei, and now I need the same amount to upgrade this card.

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Nice pull, she's really cute. The best I've got from these tickets is a third Sylvie I'll probably won't use, hoping the stage 15 boss rescue me too.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Welp. I sunk a 10er into the energy drinks bundles and had quite a few minis and regulars stockpiled (Hoarder). I can tell ya folks, 15 beyond gets retarded. L19 is 10stam for 6prog, L20 it's 10 for 4. Boss on 19 is (if she draws a somewhat decent hand) stupidly hard to beat.
She fields ~3k Antherets and plenty of 2.5-2.6k hitters. If she ever gets field dominance, or enough mana to summon 2 biggies in one round, youre fucked.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I've said before that this game is not as P2W as you think, considering the vast majority of useful, staple HR and SR cards (like the ones the current phase 2 boss uses) are currently NOT paywalled, but up to the mercy of normal gacha luck.

The problem I have with this statement is that the rate of getting HRs or SRs from N gacha (even ticket gacha) is so astronomically low that it takes far, far too long to gain even a few of those 'useful, staple' cards.

A free player who started the game on release, spend all their free mission/event tickets, and kept up on arena grinding, will on average have rolled 0-2 SRs and 6-8 HRs by this point. Whether any of those cards were any good is also up to luck.

That is incredibly demotivating. An 80% R rate from tickets is just awful.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

can't be 80%. my friend posted a 11 gatcha ticket summon and had 1 SSR, 4 SR and the rest R. might have had 1 HR, but that was either really off or 80% is an exaggeration.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

can't be 80%. my friend posted a 11 gatcha ticket summon and had 1 SSR, 4 SR and the rest R. might have had 1 HR, but that was either really off or 80% is an exaggeration.

Don't 11 gacha ticket summons get a rarity bonus with that star thing?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

yes, but only works after the first purchase. it was his first purchase that gave him all those.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

That was the reason I considered the 10bucks for energy drinks a pretty good deal. If I clear the event with those pots, I am guranteed a pretty good SR card that would otherwise cost me at least ~50 bucks to obtain (and that is a very optimistic guess.).
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

can't be 80%. my friend posted a 11 gatcha ticket summon and had 1 SSR, 4 SR and the rest R. might have had 1 HR, but that was either really off or 80% is an exaggeration.

One friend's single-time experience doesn't really counteract the trend experienced by almost every other player.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I actually finally got lucky with mine on the stage 11 tickets. I got my 2nd Kira finally~! Although I guess she's technically still only R.

just used my stage 11 tickets... for a pumpkin girl marsha :(
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

can't be 80%. my friend posted a 11 gatcha ticket summon and had 1 SSR, 4 SR and the rest R. might have had 1 HR, but that was either really off or 80% is an exaggeration.

Without leveling up gatcha, that is probably about as rare as rolling a 10x normal gatcha and getting 5 R and a HR.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I'm on 16-3 and have logged in every day. I've lost track of how many onsen gacha that is, but the yield has been 1 HR and the rest Rs.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

The problem I have with this statement is that the rate of getting HRs or SRs from N gacha (even ticket gacha) is so astronomically low that it takes far, far too long to gain even a few of those 'useful, staple' cards.

A free player who started the game on release, spend all their free mission/event tickets, and kept up on arena grinding, will on average have rolled 0-2 SRs and 6-8 HRs by this point. Whether any of those cards were any good is also up to luck.

That is incredibly demotivating. An 80% R rate from tickets is just awful.

That's literally my point, though. I feel like everyone is missing what I'm saying here.

Basically, it's not a question of free vs. paying players bridging the gap, it's a question of lucky vs. unlucky players, with most people, free OR paying, verging on unlucky because of how crappy the rates are. (Not me though, my $10 rolls have gotten me both limited SSRs and a few good SRs like Crow, Huan Lu, and Gloria. On the other hand, it took me forever to get basic rares like Occult Obliteration and Fizzle, which just illustrates my point further.)

Even then, right now, no amount of cash will get anyone any closer to getting those useful HR cards, and only certain amazing SR cards like Miyabi are available (getting SSR cards is a crapshoot since higher gacha ranks only increase the rate for x11 pulls; it doesn't guarantee any cards).

When future gacha rotations come out, maybe that will change... for a brief period. I've heard that rolling past gachas have even lower rates than before... which I can't really support, since my ticket luck is fairly meh, and the one time I spent gold on a past gacha, I got Idol Nana.
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