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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Yup she just a normal rare card, but fighting enemy who have those card max lv is painful, while your own deck still barely lv-ed up...

And i don't mean exaggerating so much....
i was just expressing that even the AI is dumb, but once you fight some overpowered card... it can be a real pain to win...

from begining to the end all i see is his deck out powered me with all those R HR card at his disposal (didn't even see any bronze border)..
Well you can also guess what happen if you fought HR-SR-SSR card fully lv-ed ? (there also low costing high rare card in there after all)

I'd honestly have to see the cards you're talking about since I haven't really fought anyone who had all max cards. Having 3 level 30 Hero Sakuras certainly would be pretty easy with all the cards you get from quests/etc. You'd probably still have your SSR/UR exp cards also.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I'd honestly have to see the cards you're talking about since I haven't really fought anyone who had all max cards. Having 3 level 30 Hero Sakuras certainly would be pretty easy with all the cards you get from quests/etc. You'd probably still have your SSR/UR exp cards also.

yup thats the best way for it....
Btw the scary part is not the hero sakuya part, but even his starting low cost unit also have high stat probably lv-ed too...
basicaly no time to counter...

well just play in arena for a while i'm sure you will meet some overpower card sooner or later
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

yup thats the best way for it....
Btw the scary part is not the hero sakuya part, but even his starting low cost unit also have high stat probably lv-ed too...
basicaly no time to counter...

well just play in arena for a while i'm sure you will meet some overpower card sooner or later

I already usually do the arena since there's not much else to do when you're waiting quite a while between levels. :p
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I really do have a strange luck meeting a strong enemy in arena -.-
Clearing the name up for privacy :p


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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I really do have a strange meeting a strong enemy in arena -.-
Clearing the name up for privacy :p

Looks like someone who got a lucky draw and spent their exp cards on that character. Plus yesterday was fire day for the bonus area to farm for upgrade materials.

Actually, just realized said card isn't even upgraded. SSR just have a level 60 cap, so you don't even need the upgrade materials.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Looks like someone who got a lucky draw and spent their exp cards on that character. Plus yesterday was fire day for the bonus area to farm for upgrade materials.

Actually, just realized said card isn't even upgraded. SSR just have a level 60 cap, so you don't even need the upgrade materials.

well, yesterday's stamina was spent on clearing 3rd boss. And i am so glad that this strategist card is wood element. fits right into my tech deck. I am quite pleased with this deck. but i really want to start 2nd with it. got some R and HR form gatcha. most useful cards is those trap removals - really saves the day.

Also ATK decks are really easy to deal with in arena. battles with greens and blues take to long =-=
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

1.6k doesn't sound incredibly high for a 9 cost card. Some of the fire deck berserker girls I've seen have been around 2k unbuffed without their first evolution.

It also depends on rarity. I have 2 10-cost cards currently, one is a HR with 1.8k/1.5k and a handy skill. The other is a N with only 700/900 and no skill. I really can't wait to weed out more of the high cost yet unuseful cards in my deck. The only time I'm happy about seeing them, is when they appear and everything else in my hand is too good to use for mana.

But all my gacha pulls are usually for either other elements or don't fit with what I want to do with this deck. orz
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I've been playing a water deck and I've found it pretty fun for the most part. The only decks i've had trouble against are light decks because the base stats on their medium cost cards are so high. I did draw a beserker sylvie and hero sakura which has helped a lot with the low attack the water deck originally comes with. But as someone else has said before you can just turtle with a water deck until your trap cards manage to kill them. I have stopped trying to go with a "theme" for my deck, I just mix strong cards together. I took out the crystal cards that originally come with the deck in favor of permanent atk/def buff cards. What strats have you guys come up with?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Appearently or is it just me.....
most ppl in arena are either using red or green deck most of the time.....
Well there also some ppl who changed their favourite character (front picture ) already....

As for deck pull....
The good 1 i good are all defensive unit gahh... i even had to put 3 spell card that change atk <--> def value... after all my high cost card all have huge def.. 2k++

I wish i rolled water deck at beginning not light deck felt so Zzzz....
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Not sure how it is for others, but I started out dark, and a lot of my dark cards have been getting replaced by gacha draws which are just plain superior. Mostly an issue of other types being better balanced with atk/def, while my dark cards have about the same atk for the same or more cost with much less def.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

How do you change your main girl?

Click the favourite under card list tab....
So upgraded card and..... lving it become alot more painful.... giving SSR exp card ( usually 1-->31) only give 50-->56

Still using same strategy from begining... start with def... get 1 oh high def card (there 3 important 1 atm) and use the atk def value switch...
Hopefuly the AI who played my deck not stupid


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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

@Nordland Hey, first of all that was a great walkthrough! Thanks for posting that! My question: how much is Nutaku communicating with DMM about anti-cheater measures and sharing known cheat strategies employed in Angelic Saga? For a competitive game like this, moderation of cheating will be of utmost importance, right alongside smooth, bug-free gameplay.

Thanks! I was a little nervous, but it's turned out okay. We're tracking down a better mic for the next videos.

As for the cheating thing, it's the Angelic Saga game development team that is responsible for the anti cheating measures, DMM is a publisher much like Nutaku. If and when we receive reports of cheating or cheating methods we will pass this info along to the development team immediately.

Take the PeroPero example: we became aware of the flaws in the system mid-way through the event, we notified the game development team and they implemented a system that made sure the people who did not cheat got a fair reward. Right now we are working on making sure that future events are never subject to this vulnerability.

Keep in mind, there will always be those who try and abuse the system, no matter the case. We recognize that the majority of our players and paying customers are not cheaters, and that their gameplay is adversely affected buy those that are, so dealing with cheaters as best and aggressively as we can is one of the ways we can retain the loyalty of our players.

And yes, bug-free gameplay is on top of our list, for serious. I'm really into this game so far, so I feel like I'd catch any serious issue, but then again, I have missed things in the past, so always let us know if you see something that just ain't right, I'll pass it along to our testers :)
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Question: Is there any way to know how much experience we will get from using the experience cards to increase the level of a character? For example, if I have a character with level 1/30 and I use an SR experience card, approximately how many levels would the character get?

Has anyone else had issues with the Strategist Ryumei card? Twice I've had issues with that card:
- first time - Ryumei was defeated, but her card image remained on the field (first of the five character spots) and if I pointed the mouse cursor at it I would see the info for Ryumei. This did not interfere with summoning new cards on that spot, however I would continue to see the card picture and info for Ryumei instead of the info for the card that is really there. The opponent would battle with the card that was really there, so it was just a graphics glitch, but it was still annoying
- second time - Ryumei continued to show among the cards in my hand even after I played her to the field. I didn't try playing her a second time so I don't know if it would have worked or if it was just another graphics glitch
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

any one know how to use southern messenger emily? her cost for effect is 0. her skill is to discard her and draw 2 cards. it doesn't give me the option to discard, only offense and defense. discarding her as the mana cost doesn't activate her effect either.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Is there a way to outright delete a deck? If not, the game badly needs a way, otherwise you're just stuck with 50 cards clogging your inventory if you try to experiment with another deck.

This feature is not currently in the works.

I spoke with a member of the Dev team about this and he replied saying "We can possibly look to adding things like this in the future, but for the time being our focus will be event, gacha, and content releases and tweeks. "

So, it's not a no, it's not a yes, it's a "maybe", but I know I'd love to see it implemented as well :)
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

any one know how to use southern messenger emily? her cost for effect is 0. her skill is to discard her and draw 2 cards. it doesn't give me the option to discard, only offense and defense. discarding her as the mana cost doesn't activate her effect either.

1st you have to summon the card (preferable defense position cuz its hidden)
Rememeber that you can't take action when the card just summon.
On next turn flip that card to offensive then press skill. This will discard her but you draw 2 card.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

This feature is not currently in the works.

I spoke with a member of the Dev team about this and he replied saying "We can possibly look to adding things like this in the future, but for the time being our focus will be event, gacha, and content releases and tweeks. "

So, it's not a no, it's not a yes, it's a "maybe", but I know I'd love to see it implemented as well :)

thanks for the reply!

in the meantime, I've found an inelegant workaround is to copy your main deck to the one you want "deleted". You'll still have that second deck just sitting there, but at least the superfluous cards in your inventory won't be "protected".
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

1st you have to summon the card (preferable defense position cuz its hidden)
Rememeber that you can't take action when the card just summon.
On next turn flip that card to offensive then press skill. This will discard her but you draw 2 card.

damn, to use to yugioh. i thought it meant discard from hand... that's a waste of space now.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

damn, to use to yugioh. i thought it meant discard from hand... that's a waste of space now.

Not really. She costs only 2, she can block, and she draws you 2 cards for free. You dot really playing anything on your first turn if your going first - may as well play her.