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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

In regards to RJ098654 for anyone who bought it, is it in any way similat to its precessors where it has some Battlefuck elements or is it simply a search game.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

In regards to RJ098654 for anyone who bought it, is it in any way similat to its precessors where it has some Battlefuck elements or is it simply a search game.

Haven't played much but no battlefuck so far, don't quote me on this tho.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I wouldn't mind... :D

Unless someone tells me the name of this file:


I'm not uploading it, my uploads have to be 100% working, no buts no ifs, I don't want someone to be playing and in the final boss the game crashes because the audio file is in moonspeak.

There's also one Japanese character audio file in the SE folder, One in the BGS, one in the SE, the game is RJ098276

If anyone can post the name of the audio files in japanese, I'll upload to Mediafire.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Unless someone tells me the name of this file:


I'm not uploading it, my uploads have to be 100% working, no buts no ifs, I don't want someone to be playing and in the final boss the game crashes because the audio file is in moonspeak.

There's also one Japanese character audio file in the SE folder, One in the BGS, one in the SE, the game is RJ098276

If anyone can post the name of the audio files in japanese, I'll upload to Mediafire.

BGS: 抽送音.mp3
SE: 射精.wav
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

on the first floor of RJ098654 anyone know what the password is for the door? i have to type enter it in Japanese.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Well, with that so beautifully said, here it is:


Password is Starke obviously, don't forget to thank Oiz!

Also, just purchased Seven Prison, going to post soon guys, want to test it first, probably going to finish it today

I can tell this game is HUGE!
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RPG Maker Hentai MEDIAFIRE Mirrors Thread

EDIT: Merged Thread.
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

passworded >_>

Omg friend, xD

Well that's the problem of still not being known, the password for all my mediafire links is Starke

Sorry for forgetting to point that out.

EDIT: I see you backtracked the thread a bit xD
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

more RPG releases (this got announced a little while ago)

(trial looked promising imo...)

(have a trial, not tried yet myself...)

No new announced RPGs found... :rolleyes:
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

more RPG releases (this got announced a little while ago)

(trial looked promising imo...)

(have a trial, not tried yet myself...)

No new announced RPGs found... :rolleyes:

You linked to RJ098565 twice.
Dunno if it's on purpose, or by accident, but IF it was by accident I wanted to tell you, so you can fix it, if you wanted to actually post 3 different games.

If it was on purpose, ignore this post.

EDIT: What the fuck, is she growing penises on her boobs in RJ098565? xD
Seems to hav quite a bit of transformation. (For now I saw Penis-growth and being Orcified in the preview pictures.)

Edit (again):
Guess you wanted to post this:
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

You linked to RJ098565 twice.
Dunno if it's on purpose, or by accident, but IF it was by accident I wanted to tell you, so you can fix it, if you wanted to actually post 3 different games.

If it was on purpose, ignore this post.

EDIT: What the fuck, is she growing penises on her boobs in RJ098565? xD
Seems to hav quite a bit of transformation. (For now I saw Penis-growth and being Orcified in the preview pictures.)

Edit (again):
Guess you wanted to post this:

Yes she is, after the first image I was like "ok, buying now" then I saw the boobenis, and I was like... :eek:

Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Yes she is, after the first image I was like "ok, buying now" then I saw the boobenis, and I was like... :eek:


If you're looking for stuff to splurge on, this game got passed up a while back. They supposedly doubled the content, but I've never seen links with the updates past 1.1.

Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

If you're looking for stuff to splurge on, this game got passed up a while back. They supposedly doubled the content, but I've never seen links with the updates past 1.1.

Japanese system needed.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games


We're already trying to get rid of this thread, we don't need another thread which is the SAME EXACT THING, except only uploaded from one site.

Also, if you have a download to a game, put it in the thread we already have for the game. My thanks for your contribution, but it's not hard to use the search for something you have all the material for. That would be called dumping, and it's what we ban people for.
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