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RPG [nergalsnest] Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game) RPGMaker


Jungle Girl
Jun 4, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Honestly, the fault for the reactions lie with me. I should have properly explained that AZL would barely be effected by this, maybe a slight dip in content for a month as I search for a new job (which with my locale and experience would easily be replaceable in all honesty.)

The only effect will come to my other projects (and that's even if I get made redundant.)

I'm not afraid to say that I overreacted. I don't think I was wrong to overreact either, given I love this game and seeing how many devs fall after taking on too many projects and then having some catastrophe occur that wipes them out; it was disappointing to hear.
I appreciate where you're coming from and I understand (hey, I was a follower of many an abandoned projects before I got onto this path.) But please understand, I do this for fun (and I still have lots of fun doing so) patreon covers my art costs for AZL currently, and I was never out to make a profit (and in all honesty I doubt I ever will.) But that's not the point of me doing this. I do this purely for the enjoyment of game development (and seeing some awesome art) and giving something to a community who help shape the game. And even if something so dire should happen that I could no longer continue, I would hand over the project to someone I felt capable of taking it over (this I doubt will happen, but if it did come to that I still wouldn't want to see it.)

However, I WILL say that while I did doubt Nergal's future (and will continue to be cautious about it), I never discounted his past and present as a good dev. I'd love to see him post more here, but I understand he's got his blog and now his financial problems. Became a patreon just before the public 0.33 release came out JUST to further accelerate the progress on the game, which is why I was a little concerned about the news.
I'm trying to make more of an effort to post in various locations as I know not everyone follows my blog or my patreon feed! Not saying I will be able to see this thread all the time, but I'll certainly make the effort!

Anyway, it assuages my fears greatly to hear that AZL is gonna be the primary focus for Nergal. Great game with lots of promise and I'm excited for future releases, even though I'll still be slightly worried either way. Glad to also hear Nergal's doing okay, which was my primary concern anyway.
AZL will always be the primary focuses until it comes to a stopping point. It's the thing that I assume the majority of patrons are supporting me for, so I would never ignore that fact! ^^

Also thanks for your concern over, I really appreciate a lot of my fans offering their kind words and support at this time. :)


Jungle Girl
Jan 4, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

I agree with Angmir, Nergal always delivers. Western erotic games are rarely ever completed, updates are seldom on time, so that makes Nergal and AZL like a rare unicorn.

Not everyone has a B00marrows attitude about the sky falling, take care of you first and I am sure everything else will fall into place.


Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

How do I put this...

It's difficult to determine conversational tone on the internet, so you have to make a best guess when you're reading.
People need to stop assuming the worst, thats my job.(yeah im fucking mentally unstable and always assume the worst, eat me.)
Jokes asside, if you assume negativity it useually causes negativity.

Personally, when I read your post? It came up as snide. Especially with the whole all caps/bold/underline thing making seem like you didn't believe that all (or any) of the money was being spent on art.
The use of CAPS/bold/underlined words was to emphasise said words.
I used it in order for people to notice these words more, hoping for them to not take my words as proof but as "what i know currently but this could change, dont kill me if it does please" HAHAHA!

I'm assuming that that's how Nergal took it as well. If that's not what you meant, fair enough, but it definitely came across as accusatory to me, and if someone was accusing me of lying about how I was spending "donated" money, I'd be defensive about it as well.

If i wanted to come off "snide" id say something like:
"Well they say that they spend it on art but... i doubt that... i mean ther's no proof right?"
I think thats how snide works...
Seriously i hate myself for typing that out... yuck...

Anyway you said it yourself, "It's difficult to determine conversational tone on the internet" so take your own words into consideration maybe? dont assume things.

Heres a quick way to determine the way im speaking:

Is there a direct insult to who im responding to?
Yes: I fucking hate you go die in a ditch...while on fire...and drowning.
No: Its a normal post.

Simple really right? HAHAHA!
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Demon Girl Pro
Feb 29, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Anyway you said it yourself, "It's difficult to determine conversational tone on the internet" so take your own words into consideration maybe? dont assume things.
...Except assumptions need to be made, otherwise every conversation on the internet would devolve into people asking for clarification about every single thing.

The correct thing to do is:
1)Post your opinion
2)Someone disagrees
3)Attempt to explain opinion
4)Person doesn't listen
5)Give up and go about your day

Notice how there wasn't a "lose your shit and spam bold/allcaps" step in there?


Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Notice how there wasn't a "lose your shit and spam bold/allcaps" step in there?
After following those steps, there was also no real progress or clarification and you ended up worse off and would have been better off not even bothering to begin with.
Also what i said originally was not an opinion but a statement of what i knew...

lose your shit
That would require me having my "shit" together to begin with right?

If you are going to be as negative as i am with everything than atleast use some logic in your reasoning, just "assuming" everything isnt gonna get you anywhere. Im serious.

spam bold/allcaps
I just explained this in that post!

...Im thinking im going to need to stop with the jokes...but thats gonna be depressing as fuck.


Grim Reaper
Nov 30, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Okay...Nergal's doing okay, he's responded to all the concerns about AZL and we all know the situation a little better. Let's just hug and focus on the game?

While there's a break in the action and since Nergal's on the forums, maybe we should discuss things we'd want to see? Not everyone's a Patron, so having even free players voice their opinions here might be helpful to both Nergal to each other; lots of devs active on the forums took advice that way, like Anon42. Here's my thoughts:
For instance, looking at Nergal's Trello, I'm seeing Mrs Perez and Sonja as relationship prospects (with the appropriate artwork), along with group scenes for the ladies. I personally would want more variety. Consensual/lust-based sex seems overdone, and while I get that's sort of the premise of the virus and the kid getting some incestuous action, I feel it's sort of the same deal with the other women. I'd want to see some zombies break down the house barricade or attack/violate your Mom/Sis/Aunt (whoever you ask to go out) when they're scavenging. First, it's because that just seems the norm in the zombie apocalypse H-game. Second, because your Mom alludes to that suggestion of zombie rape early on in the story, as does Isabella later on. Third, because it seems silly whenever you send out your ladies, they've got like, 2 life points, and are fine with walking around defenseless. Kinda funny whenever you find them while they're scavenging and they stand there unperturbed as zombies walk all around them. It brings another challenge in perhaps not just asking any girl to scavenge but leveling them up somehow to survive getting raped or killed. Also, I dunno about why there's a barricade upgrade (likely will be used in the future), so it brings a reason for that too.

Few zombie games really draw upon the chaos and desperation that the zombie apocalypse would bring in regards to human-human interactions. I'd want to see adult human males threaten/rape the girls as a human instinct of pleasure. 28 Days later did that with the military, and Architect (creator of the unfinished Sex Zombie game) did as well, which brings more variety into the game, as well as another challenge/enemy. Your Sis mentions that in passing during conversations, and it's a reason why she trains. Your Mom does as well, worrying about things other than zombies.

On the gameplay side, it is getting slightly stale with the fighting the same zombies over and over dynamic. Architect was beginning to introduce different types of zombies to fight (e.g. dogs, creepers, etc). That might not work for this game, because our MC is a male kid (not complaining at all, since I haven't seen that in a while) and the GOR artwork wouldn't make sense. However, Nergal did implement the speed zombies in the lab. I'd love to see bullet resistant zombies or something to that effect, or even that mystery monster which roams around the streets (as the Aunt alludes to). Human enemies (in the previous paragraph) could also be an idea for a new enemy. Overall, it's just getting...easy and monotonous.
Anyway, just trying to suggest ideas. I'm still excited for the updates, but looking ahead, it doesn't seem to be too much variety in the sex the MC is gonna have/find, as well as any new concepts or gameplay. Wacha'll think?


Tentacle God
Jul 14, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

.... plenty of stuff and spoiler'd stuff
Male "non-zombies" would be either too rare or impossible : the virus kills older men. Now female zombies should/would be different ......

@Nergal : will everything-ish inside the #spoiler folder on Dropbox be included in 0.4 ? Or we'll just get some "preview" scene like Isabelle's in 0.3.3 ? (Please let it be the 1st option :D)


Demon Girl
Mar 29, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Oh goodie. Not that I dislike Blogpost or anything (prefer it way more than tumblr) but checking it regularly for comments tends to not be a thing.

You make it sounds like it's a bad thing. In the end you're just one person though, working on a single good quality game at a time is more than enough. I understand you like working on all of them but I've never seen a person work on so many and not end up quitting at the end because of lack of motivation.

Just don't end up working on a fourth one. :D

I just don't know much about economics. I was also confused at one point about how Gabe (Opala games) does this because he is getting quite a bit of money from Patreon. Recently released 2 live action movies though so that's a thing.

And tbh, from what I've seen on Hentai Foundry (commision prices) it makes sense that art costs that much.
Gabe's a girl. Gabrielle is her in-game avatar.


Jungle Girl
Jun 4, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

The main problem I have with your first suggestion is that I know a lot of my followers don't like that sort of thing. The idea of their women being taken by another man/creature. I had some NTR and zombie stuff lined up and got quite a negative backlash about it on my blog. I held a vote with my highest pledging patrons at the time and they unanimously voted to scrap the ideas. Out of respect for their wishes it still probably won't be featured, at least until the core game is complete. (I did toy with the idea of having it an optional thing that you can select at New Game/ Options.)

As for your second suggestion:

Male "non-zombies" would be either too rare or impossible : the virus kills older men. Now female zombies should/would be different ......
As Omnikuken says there are no adult men left. However adding in hostile humans (bands of females/ groups of teenagers) or something could be a really good idea! Their mechanics would be a lot harder to introduce to the game, but could be quite a fun challenge!

As for the different enemies idea. This will definitely be happening in a future build! Probably 0.5, the fast zombies will start wandering the streets. Big Z will start showing up randomly (after you triggered the event of course.) Z dogs and Z Hordes are also ideas I've come up with too, as well as obviously tougher zombies who take more than 1 bullet!

@Nergal : will everything-ish inside the #spoiler folder on Dropbox be included in 0.4 ? Or we'll just get some "preview" scene like Isabelle's in 0.3.3 ? (Please let it be the 1st option :D)
Well today I am spending the whole day working on the animations for all the new artwork. I'm going to add an extra column to the trello "Animated" which should show my progress! :)


Grim Reaper
Nov 30, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Here's my responses to you, Nergal:
(I'll spoiler it to avoid it taking too much room)

(Regarding NTR): Ah, that's fair. Ya know, I actually really dislike NTR too (I have no idea why, but I didn't realize this was NTR until you told me...then I was like, duh). Too bad. I think I could accept NTR because the premise of H-content is so...predictable. More on that later.

(Regarding the lack of adult males): I suppose that's also fair too. I forgot that was part of the storyline you included. Ugg. Male teens or kids perhaps, though I can't see a point to adding them if there's no NTR anyway.

I'm not sure if I'm alone on my original point though--the prospect of sex seems to be rather stilted. It's basically: your female family members get aroused by your virus libido and bang you. Then you find female survivors and then they are also aroused by your virus libido and bang you. Hell, even if you included female enemies, they'd follow that same premise. I'm not saying that the idea wasn't exciting at first, but to know that there's not any real change in how you're getting laid later on is disappointing.

My second point that I alluded to earlier is also not addressed--good zombie games/movies leave a feeling of desperation and despair, and an atmosphere of dread, which should factor into human-human relationships. Given you're not including male humans and NTR, which obviates rape, I'm having trouble seeing where you'd include that ambiance of terror, imminent fear, and overwhelming hopelessness, if at all. Perhaps something like forcing the female humans (e.g. Mrs Perez) who need food/supplies, or freedom (e.g. Sonia), to perform a sex act in exchange for your services. I'm not even for that (I'm more a white knight player), but it's just more creative than the constant "here's this nice little kid who's helping me. God I feel horny. Better give him a HJ/BJ...then fuck him raw after I'm around him more."

I'm really hoping you don't add banging female zombies. I've seen that in a few JHRPG zombie games and it's just ugly. I have no idea why people like that. I mean, do people watch a zombie movie and go, "I wanna fuck that bloodied girl with half her face torn off". Or is it more of a necrophiliac thing? Anyway, just my opinion on that fetish. That'd be probably something for which I'd have to reconsider playing the game.

I'm reviewing my post before sending. I'm thinking that I guess I expect zombie games to have more rapey undertones to it, because the zombie genre shouldn't be something you necessarily enjoy if you know what I mean. Without that sort of forced element, it's like a bad porno where everyone gets horny and fucks during a zombie apocalypse and the entire ambiance goes to hell. Zombie games are SUPPOSED to be dark. Maybe my point is that...well, without the zombies, is this game any different than others outside its genre? If the virus were replaced by a simple permanent aphrodisiac, what would be the appeal? No GoR, no zombie rape or even human rape...what makes this game different from a basic shota/incest game? I hope you can get what I'm trying to express.

Sorry Nergal. Just trying to give you something to think about regarding gameplay, fetishes, and storyline; I don't mean to push my fetishes on you or anything, or criticize your game. I just think, as much as I love the game now, it seems to plateau at a point and reach a level of mundaneness and one-dimensionality of story and H-content. It's too light. Or who knows, maybe I've just got a rape fetish and the realization of the impossibility of that aspect is just a gamechanger. Hope I was able to explain myself without coming off as disrespectful of your vision.
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Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Honestly, the fault for the reactions lie with me. I should have properly explained that AZL would barely be effected by this, maybe a slight dip in content for a month as I search for a new job (which with my locale and experience would easily be replaceable in all honesty.)

The only effect will come to my other projects (and that's even if I get made redundant.)
A final question for you, which you likely wont answer as you seem to be ignoring me but ill ask it anyway.
Its likely on others minds too.

Will you be restructuring your complete patreon page?


Grim Reaper
Sep 18, 2014
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Gabe's a girl. Gabrielle is her in-game avatar.
yup, and you can even find a hidden picture of her in Legend of Queen Opala II :D
I would say that this is a very naive thing to say but in the end, I wouldn't know. He/She acts like a guy in the comments alot, and isn't even trying to hide it. Not that I have a problem with it or anything but I always referred to Gabe as "he" and imagined that those pics he/she put on his blog and ingame are just of a random girl. But hey, playing along never hurt anybody.

OT: I'm glad about NTR not being in the game. Would be weird imo if a fetish like just made its way into the game now when it's considered to be just straight shota and incest.


Jungle Girl
Nov 28, 2013
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

The main problem I have with your first suggestion is that I know a lot of my followers don't like that sort of thing. The idea of their women being taken by another man/creature. I had some NTR and zombie stuff lined up and got quite a negative backlash about it on my blog. I held a vote with my highest pledging patrons at the time and they unanimously voted to scrap the ideas. Out of respect for their wishes it still probably won't be featured, at least until the core game is complete. (I did toy with the idea of having it an optional thing that you can select at New Game/ Options.)
A bit of an obvious question, but I figure it can't hurt to ask: did you ever consider making it more of a gameplay feature than just a yes/no toggle at the start? Because when the question is framed like that in total isolation, it does seem like a massive waste of your time and resources rather than a logical piece of the game's larger whole. Even as someone who really wants that content in the game, having it be presented as a simple toggle like that would make me recommend just focusing more on the other parts of the game instead because it's so bottled off from the rest.

For example, something along the lines of adding in quests like finding the ring and guitar for your mother and sister... but to give them character-specific weapons to equip that will keep them safe on scavenging runs? That way, anyone not interested in that sort of content would be able to avoid it entirely while also getting more gameplay and character interaction out of it that plays up the protagonist's hero complex and his need to protect his family.

Meanwhile, you still have the option to send them out unarmed— and making it absolutely, unambiguously clear through their dialog that it's not a "good" idea, with several opportunities to back out with a "yeah, I guess you're right". But if you really need the supplies or just don't mind the risk, the protagonist can keep pushing to convince them.

As an added bonus, this would also help smooth out the game's sense of progression a bit, where having them automatically find supplies for you is a late-game perk after it's become a little stale for the player to keep doing it at the same pace. Instead of right now, where it's just a thing with no downside other than getting slightly less supplies if you neglect to send them out at every possible opportunity from the very start of the game. So in this hypothetical version of the game, it's designed around the assumption that you aren't supposed to be sending them out that early.

Also, I just have to say that I love the idea you mentioned of teenage raiders presenting another threat from the zombies! Even if you still don't want to include any NTR/bad ending stuff after you've completed the core game (though let me say that I sincerely hope you do!), just having that be an in-game concern/conflict for the characters without any actual scene involving it would do wonders for the narrative tension. After all, his mother and sister would be pretty tempting targets for a post-apocalyptic gang of teenagers, no? ;)


Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

The teenages is an interesting idea.

Im thinking dead rising "psycopath".
A girl will be running around killing zombies (and you for just being there). Defeating them could bring a bunch of different things.
EG1: A new interesting weapon?
-Each girl could be carrying a new weapon.
--A bat to knock zombies/people out? this could be key for leading to a different type of ending? if you catch my drift.
--A machine gun, pretty simple.
--A bear trap! ooo that could be fun!
--A turret! A basic turret could be an interesting addition, not anything big, but a noisy distraction that will maybe kill a zombie or 2 and requires reconstructing later. (or maybe repairing if you can recover the "corpse"

EG2: A capturable "friend"?
-Knock her out and drag her back to the police cells, this could lead to some new things.... if you know what i mean.


Demon Girl
May 21, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Sorry to hear about the possible redundancy, I hope it works out for you.

Glad to see AZL continue though, I love the idea and the game is fun. Even with the scrap metal grinding...looking forward to whatever you come up with.


Jungle Girl
Jun 4, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Here's my responses to you, Nergal:
Response to response of Suggestions :D
Well the point of the other humans would be add a new element to the actual gameplay. Could shake things up a bit. With the zombies you clear a building and know it's clear. But with humans they could always offer the element of the surprise.

To your point about the premise, I'm open to suggestions what other ways would you like to see to MC get laid?

But overall I get what you're saying, but the MC is meant to offer a semblance of "realism" in that, he doesn't really go out seeking stuff like that, but because of the virus (and the way it's effecting those around him) it ends up happening. (Isabelle sort of hints at this in game.)

Also, no, no banging female zombies!

I understand as well what you're saying about the over-all ambiance of the game. And I appreciate the (really) constructive critique of the game. It helps point me in the right direction. I'm hoping I can get that feeling you describe of hopelessness and despair that is prominent in zombie related media, without having to resort to rape scenes.

Will you be restructuring your complete patreon page?
How/why would I restructure?

did you ever consider making it more of a gameplay feature than just a yes/no toggle at the start?
Well originally it was going to be added without a toggle at all, and pretty much in a way you later describe. I had it on my trello board lined up and enough people came to my blog complaining about that content being added that I said I'd make it optional.

I'm not against this suggested kind of content specifically, but there was enough backlash that made me reconsider it being part of the game.

Sorry to hear about the possible redundancy, I hope it works out for you.

Glad to see AZL continue though, I love the idea and the game is fun. Even with the scrap metal grinding...looking forward to whatever you come up with.
Thanks for your kind words! But yeah AZL will always continue as long as I have the money to pay for it, which with my generous patrons is currently always the case!


Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

How/why would I restructure?
Im a little shocked at that reply, but ill play dumb and bite.

Your patreon overview page claims you are still working on 3 projects.
I shouldent really need to explain more than that.

But i will say your overview page is boring and could do with remaking anyway this is supposed to "sell" your game to newcomers.


Jungle Girl
Jun 4, 2016
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

Im a little shocked at that reply, but ill play dumb and bite.

Your patreon overview page claims you are still working on 3 projects.
I shouldent really need to explain more than that.
I'm also a little shocked at that reply, but I too will play dumb and bite.

This was merely a warning that I may have to slow down on actual serious development for a month or 2 as I (may) have to find another job.
Emphasis mine. Not sure how many times I can say I haven't been made redundant yet and it may not happen at all, but I guess people choose to read things how they want to hear it.

Even if that were the case, if and when I find another job, I will still be working on the 3 projects, so your point is moot.


Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Zombie's Life (RPG Patreon game)

so your point is moot.
You seems to have already forgotten or somehow still havent picked up on the fact that im a "worst case senario" thinker AKA pessamistic.
Will you be restructuring your complete patreon page?
Basically, when/if it happens will you restructure?
Apologies if im coming off rude, apparently im not allowed to joke around or even put on the guise that im happy.

On that note, your overview is still boring, put some pictures in there atleast.

I said it once and ill say it again
i dont hate you.
Im not your enemy.