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ACT [ねこのめめっ / neko no meme] LAB2-UndeR GrounD- (RJ192796)

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It isn't actually out, he just said it's coming really soon lol

You sure? DLSite (both Japanese and English) has it so that the current version is 1.05 as of yesterday
You sure? DLSite (both Japanese and English) has it so that the current version is 1.05 as of yesterday

I've only seen it on the Eng site now.
I've only seen it on the Eng site now.

I downloaded the updated version off the Jap DLsite last night, and it works. I DID have a problem getting an updated version of another game that was supposed to be updated the other day, but I gave it a day or so and then it had the update included. Perhaps it's just a glitch then?

Onto the update for this game, while perusing the gallery, I noticed that the giant worm actually has more animations than I saw in the actual game. In-game, if your health went to zero, nothing happened and the animation was sort of glitched and her clothes was in a perpetual loop of disintegrating every so often. Whereas in the gallery, there were animations of her clothes fully going away, and then she was sucked deeper into the worm. Though there's another glitch with the ground worm where it will show you the animation of her going deeper into the worm towards the ground, but then it plays the animation of her getting sucked in more upwards, as if the worm from the ceiling had eaten her. It pains me to say this, but man there are still a lot of glitches that I'm unsure the author knows about. That, or they plan to fix them up in a content update that'll happen in, say, a few months from now.
The game was updated again to 1.0.6 with some bug fixes......and not sure why there's no link anywhere on the net
Usually when it's just bug fixes it takes longer for someone to upload it due to it not being anything usually substantial. Heck sometimes games that get updated still take a while to reupload just because the original buyers didn't even know bout it being updated.
Apparently Nekonomeme is giving out DMCA's to anyone that uploads it. Just seen on hentaibedta's discord. :/
Apparently Nekonomeme is giving out DMCA's to anyone that uploads it. Just seen on hentaibedta's discord. :/

Welp, might as well throw in the towel and give up on this one =/
So, I bought and updated recently and for whatever reason I can't get past the menu screen. When I click to run the game it shows the title screen with background music but nothing responds after that. Does anyone know what may be wrong?
So, I bought and updated recently and for whatever reason I can't get past the menu screen. When I click to run the game it shows the title screen with background music but nothing responds after that. Does anyone know what may be wrong?

Try running as admin. Running stuff as admin fixes a lot of shit. When something doesn't have administrative privileges, it cannot read certain data needed to run the game, hence it won't work correctly
Just an off the top of the head guess, but you don't have a controller plugged in, do you? Seem to remember this game being one where if you do the controller takes control of things
Running as administrator did nothing sadly and no I don't have a controller plugged in. I guess I may have wasted some money on my end cause nothing I do or check seems to work. Thank you for trying to help though.
in control panel, i went to devices and printer and looked at all the devices. saw NO controller though.
EDIT- Finally managed to figure it out. for some reason my mouse was being seen as controller. (don't know why? it's a new mouse though) had to uninstall and reinstall it's driver online
Looking back through things this is the most relevant thing I could find, I don't know if maybe it will help. I hope you get it working though, I'd hate for you to have wasted money on it
Ok people, sorry it has to be this complicated


But this is to prevent possible link takedowns. Archive password is my name, in the archive you're gonna find a text file with a link to the actual game. No save files included. Have fun, and please download as fast as possible.

Edit: I would upload it as an attachment, but the fucky vbulletin' won't allow me for some reason lol
Do you have to finish the game on a fresh save or something for the gallery or am I trying to use the computer in the first room for no reason?
Do you have to finish the game on a fresh save or something for the gallery or am I trying to use the computer in the first room for no reason?

The gallery appears on the main screen after beating the game. You can use your old savefiles
How to prevent auto zoom-in when pressing up in Gallery mode? :/
Just an off the top of the head guess, but you don't have a controller plugged in, do you? Seem to remember this game being one where if you do the controller takes control of things

So, I got frustrated enough that I went into my device manager after getting rid of Vjoy stuff and found out there were still residual devices and plugins still lingering within my laptop. I uninstalled them and deleted what was left and BOOM, it started to work. So, thank you ALL for the suggestions and help.
Just an off the top of the head guess, but you don't have a controller plugged in, do you? Seem to remember this game being one where if you do the controller takes control of things

I've had the same issue as the fellow you replied to, and can confirm that removing the controller did the trick for me.
So, thanks.
The map lacks the detail needed to remember where you've been. It's better than nothing but, for the third time now, I'm stuck with only a vague recollection of there being a door somewhere that I can now open. And I'm not running through the entire map again trying to find it.

Could someone post a screenshot of the COMPLETED map screen? I'd really appreciate it.
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