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ACT [ねこのめめっ / neko no meme] LAB2-UndeR GrounD- (RJ192796)

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For all the problems this game has with the unchallenging gameplay, lazy level design, tons enemies with no or lame h-animations and the (still) missing gallery, I still think that it has great qualities as a hentai game at the very least.
It is annoying to actually find/see the animations that you want, yes, but the quality of those are pretty damn good and MUCH better than the first game. The sprite quality is great (love her expressiveness) and the creator actually seems to understands how important varied animation-cycles are. Most scenes go through several distinct phases and don't fall into a boring rhythm as much as many other action RoR-games tend to do.

Add a proper gallery, a few more animations and maybe also a GameOver-CG or two, rebalance the dmg-values (tbh, the LevelUp-System was unecessary) and this will be a very satisfying H-game.

PS: Well, and of course all those bugs need to be fixed... the camera that just flies away when at 0HP against the EVA series, those attacks that mysteriously heal you, enemies that sometimes don't rape you for no reason....
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Yeah, I agree. Sure, the game is not as great as it could have potentially been, but it's still better than 90% of the ACT games out there. Most of those are borderline unplayable and, let's be real, that's not the case here. I had quite a bit of fun playing through it myself, even if it's not Cave Story levels of platforming goodness, and the lack of challenge can be avoided by not using the Level Up system at all (something that I believe would be better to just take out, rather than attempt to rebalance).

In short, this game's currently roughly at the same level of the 1.00 version of the original LAB, if not slightly better due to the bigger and much more enjoyable size of the sprites. And I, personally, look forward to any future updates to this game that the author may introduce. Hopefully, they're as big as they're making them sound.
The developer should make the each sprite gallery need to be unlocked with status point
so either your character is super strong but can't unlock the gallery, or a lot weaker but can unlock all.
This way it's more challenging to play and to finish the game.
Of course this is compounded by people upset that the game isn't particularly good. I would agree that the game isn't as good as the first game simply because the maps are too big and so there's too much running around. Other than that it's pretty much the same as the first game.

While I do agree with most of what you said, I do have to argue about your 'pretty much the same as the first game' point as a reason to give it a pass. The thing is about sequels is that they're not meant to be the same as the first. They're meant to be better. This game doesn't even have a third of the amount of h-scenes the original had. I admit they're a bit better constructed, but there's so few that I find that its hardly a fair point considering the fact that throughout my first play-through I didn't notice a change in animation quality. Releasing an incomplete game and calling it complete is ridiculous.

Also, one thing that this game differs from the original is the overuse of button rooms. Seriously, with this game you've seen one you've seen them all. There's no variation aside from the animations and even then it's not much of a difference.
I had trouble dashing with double tap; instead hold then release and hold again.
There were too many long corridors without anything; no items and no enemies.
I got stuck after defeating the 1st boss, travel to the main underground lab and go towards the top-right path to change clothes and continue.
Female Boss is right before Key5. Question: Can you do anything to the female boss after you defeat her? Last game after you beat her, you can molest her.
Was there anything to collect in the room located below the sniper rifle room? There were health and ammo packs and then I just hit a switch that allowed me to get back quicker and that was it.

I felt that there were some annoyingly long animations. Most were 15sec small-loops before progressing to the next small-loop and then to the climax. I think there were some animations that were a total of 60sec long with 4 small-loops parts; cutting that down to 10sec to each small-loop would shave off a total of 20secs off the whole animation. The worst was the forced blowjob/deepthroat from the taser guys, which had a 30sec small-loop and the whole animation was over a minute.

All in all, a short 3-4 hour game. Too many robot enemies without any animations; last game actually had robots with animations if I remember correctly.

It was annoying not remembering where a locked door that required a keycard was at.
LAB 2 UG Map.
While I do agree with most of what you said, I do have to argue about your 'pretty much the same as the first game' point as a reason to give it a pass. The thing is about sequels is that they're not meant to be the same as the first. They're meant to be better. This game doesn't even have a third of the amount of h-scenes the original had. I admit they're a bit better constructed, but there's so few that I find that its hardly a fair point considering the fact that throughout my first play-through I didn't notice a change in animation quality. Releasing an incomplete game and calling it complete is ridiculous.

Nope, last I checked the does not include "better". It just means a continuation, and Lab 2 certainly is; there's plenty of disappointing sequels, so don't worry too much about this one also being disappointing. It's in good company. And I should point out again that, , even if they say that they want some feedback on how it can be improved.

I'm not saying that the game is good mind, but I wouldn't say that about the first game either. But I think a lot of people liked Lab 1 and ignored its problems, there was a lot of hype here about this game, and then when it turned out that this game magnified the problems of Lab 1 people started ranting about how this game is incomplete based on dodgy translations.
Nope, last I checked the does not include "better".

Eh, ya got me there. It's just what I expect. I expect since the author is older and more experienced, that the game would be a lot better quality than it is now.

It just means a continuation, and Lab 2 certainly is; there's plenty of disappointing sequels, so don't worry too much about this one also being disappointing. It's in good company.

Oh no, I've already played the game. 100% it in fact. That's why I said this a week ago:
Basically, don't buy this game. If you want the experience of Lab 2: Under Ground, just play Lab: Still Alive. This has nothing going for it as a sequel, nothing to set it apart from it's predecessor. Its even a downgrade in quality compared to the original. Bland level design, staggeringly less h-animations, and disappointing upgrades.

I'm not saying that the game is good mind, but I wouldn't say that about the first game either. But I think a lot of people liked Lab 1 and ignored its problems, there was a lot of hype here about this game, and then when it turned out that this game magnified the problems of Lab 1 people started ranting about how this game is incomplete based on dodgy translations.

The only reason I ranted about it being incomplete is because that's what I felt as I played through the game. You could see what needed to be done still as you played through. Enemies that feel as if they should have h-animations, dodgy and untrustworthy hit-boxes, and empty rooms that feel as if they should have enemies.
How do you dash? I've tried double-tapping, I've tried this "I had trouble dashing with double tap; instead hold then release and hold again." and that hasn't worked either.
How do you dash? I've tried double-tapping, I've tried this "I had trouble dashing with double tap; instead hold then release and hold again." and that hasn't worked either.

It's not inherently gained at the start. It's an ability you have to find in the game first, and then double tapping a direction will make you dash.
It's not inherently gained at the start. It's an ability you have to find in the game first, and then double tapping a direction will make you dash.

I have the ability, it just won't activate for me.I have the Lv2 keycard and am on the lower middle left of the map, where you're blocked off unless you can presumably dash jump.
Well i like this
It has more scenes than lab 1 and not all repetitive
Well i like this
It has more scenes than lab 1 and not all repetitive

I didn't go out of my way to meticulously count every single animation in both games (especially since this is still lacking a gallery), but the original has 35+ animations (more if you count 3P and other such variations), whereas this one has around 25, as far as I can tell. I'm sure I've missed a few, but I doubt I missed enough for it to catch up.
But those animations (Lab 1's) were simpler and recycled with little to no variation, no?
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Update: Version 1.0.5 is now up with Gallery mode

It isn't actually out, he just said it's coming really soon lol

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