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ACT [ねこのめめっ / neko no meme] LAB2-UndeR GrounD- (RJ192796)

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Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

60 enemies is... ambitious, to say the least.

I agree, and I could be completely wrong here, but I understood him to mean that there would be 30 enemies, with each one having an "erotic" and a "normal" mode? That wouldn't be quite so much of a deal perhaps.


Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

New Update, New enemy. Nekonomeme has been rebuked by many saying "This game has no ryona elements in it!" and accused of false advertisement,(1) so he has created a new enemy and discovered the "Tummy Punch" (belly pan) fetish.(2) Though he mentions he doesn't understand the appeal of pain.(3)

Pretty sure that the first LAB has some Ryona elements in it (Whip, electrocution,...)


Belly punch! :D
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

If by tummy punching he means large insertions distending stomachs like madsnesses, I'll be very happy. I agree though, people should leave the guy alone and let him make what he wants to make.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

I agree though, people should leave the guy alone and let him make what he wants to make.

This has never, ever happened to any developer, ever, except the ones that never announced they were making a game in the first place.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

So forgive me for being an idiot, but is there any new demo involving the belly punch or is it just an post update (no new demo yet)?
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

This has never, ever happened to any developer, ever, except the ones that never announced they were making a game in the first place.

Honestly, if you can't handle people bothering you, you shouldn't be trying to produce something for public consumption.

I don't know why it's so rare to meet individuals who possess the apparently divine capability to just fucking ignore people. Like the 'mute' function in games? I mute people that scream or disrupt me, and don't stop when I bark at them. Other than that, no, I'll just not listen to people or ideas I don't like. I don't know why that's such a problem for so many people.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Honestly, if you can't handle people bothering you, you shouldn't be trying to produce something for public consumption.

I don't know why it's so rare to meet individuals who possess the apparently divine capability to just fucking ignore people. Like the 'mute' function in games? I mute people that scream or disrupt me, and don't stop when I bark at them. Other than that, no, I'll just not listen to people or ideas I don't like. I don't know why that's such a problem for so many people.

Have you ever been in a situation where hundreds of people are demanding stuff from you? It's death by a thousand cuts: it's really hard to ignore so many voices for so long.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

other than to do announcements and post information, game makers need to stop spending so much time here. having 100s of people whining about this and that this that this that this that... yes, death by 1000 cuts...

the end result is a game that a has many things just cobbled together rather than something that is focused around a developer's strengths and personal taste.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

The problem is that it's taken as a cut in the first place, to even have it bother you just that little bit is... well... Why would it bother you? Like the ticking of a clock, you just filter it out and you just don't notice it anymore.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

It's human nature to seek vindication and approval for what you do. Receiving the opposite has an effect, often without you even wanting to admit it.

Unless you're just a grumpy fellow who finds joy in other people's suffering. Which some devs do.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

So forgive me for being an idiot, but is there any new demo involving the belly punch or is it just an post update (no new demo yet)?

No new demo, unfortunately.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

I can say with 100% certainty that I would be on here long enough to paste in my announcements from a word document and hit Submit Reply if I were a game maker. That's it. Just long enough to throw it in and make two clicks. One on the submit button and then either the X or another page altogether.

I have mad respect for the makers that are on here and stay active and open to criticism and suggestions. I for one, probably wouldn't be as open as they are. I'd probably one of those aforementioned "grumpy" game makers.

Games are like just about any other form of art...at the end of the day, it is your vision...your work. If you allow yourself to be roped into doing things you didn't want to do, you'll most likely turn out a crappy product. Because, in the end, it wasn't yours...it's much harder to care about it if it isn't yours.(Coming from me being a writer and musician, I sorta get this)
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Games are like just about any other form of art...at the end of the day, it is your vision...your work. If you allow yourself to be roped into doing things you didn't want to do, you'll most likely turn out a crappy product. Because, in the end, it wasn't yours...it's much harder to care about it if it isn't yours.(Coming from me being a writer and musician, I sorta get this)

Very well said!

This guy obviously doesn't understand the fundamentals of project management. Until he starts getting money from someone, it is HIS project, his concept, his art, his style. He should proceed to develop it accordingly IMHO.

Whilst suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome (unless I have had a bad day :D), they should not drive or manage the project; otherwise you will have distraction and "scope creep", and the project will drag on forever.

Now; all I have seen so far have been videos and a test module for the game mechanics... all at "pre-alpha" from a development viewpoint. I think that it is premature for people to complain about actual content at this stage. I guess that this has happened because the stuff got posted to some sites that specialise in ryona, so people expected to see ryona (in a pre alpha? :rolleyes:)

This guy has written a successful game and obviously doesn't want to follow it up with a Windows 8. I guess that is why the preliminary emphasis has been on the game mechanics? This isn't just another click and fap piece of garbage; it is supposed to be a follow-up to a reasonably popular product. We have not seen a "game demo", or anything like it so far.

I wish him every success and hope he doesn't get prematurely distracted into content detail.


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Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Update on blog: a new pre-alpha demo
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Newly added enemies in this demo:

Just damage - Rat, Drones, Walker Tanks, Something that looks like a power droid from Star Wars and Frogs.

Actual animations - RC Car w/camera, snail(freaking awesome animation!)

Can't wait til this gets some more stuff...LAB was one of my favorites...and this one is shaping up to be just as good if not better!
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Newly added enemies in this demo:

Just damage - Rat, Drones, Walker Tanks, Something that looks like a power droid from Star Wars and Frogs.

Actual animations - RC Car w/camera, snail(freaking awesome animation!)

Can't wait til this gets some more stuff...LAB was one of my favorites...and this one is shaping up to be just as good if not better!

Don't forget the punk guys have animations. Or at least I think they're punk. Also, did you mean the slug? Snails have those shells on their backs.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

I was confused about that too. I thought it was a slime almost.

I actually like the little RC cars in these games, they add....something interesting.
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Again with being unable to disable joystick in the game its self. Why do a lot of games have it take priority over mouse and keyboard?
Re: [nekonomeme] LAB2UG - sequel to LAB -still alive-

Don't forget the punk guys have animations. Or at least I think they're punk. Also, did you mean the slug? Snails have those shells on their backs.

Ahh yes, slug. Not sure why I got those confused.

The punk and the robot with the ball joints were in the previous demo...that's why I didn't put them in the list.
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