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Need to feed

Re: Need to feed

(Of course, besides, Aya couldn't drain anyone completely anyway, lest the possibility she might do it to a player, so don't worry about that.)

Aya felt herself getting hungry for essence, all the while the girl spoke, she urge to rape her became more and more savage.

"Stay away from me, you freak!" she shouted at Aya, still crawling away from her, her eyes darting to her red eyes and red tentacles swarming around her.

Aya suddenly saw visions of this woman, killing Bianca, killing her mother, killing the Goddess, in the most brutal ways possible. At the same time, she heard her master's words echo through her mind...

"There are those who would seek to harm you and me, as well as your family..."

These thoughts and images hinted at Aya, that this woman would actually hurt Bianca, her mother, as well as her master, if she was well equipped enough to do so...

Whether or not Aya should believe this, was answered as the woman taunted her, standing on her feet, as she suddenly possessed a gun in her hands, as if out of nowhere. Aya's vision of this dream like place went into a blur, and as she regained her sight, the woman was holding a scared Bianca in her grip, pointing her gun at her sister's head, while Bianca casted a pleading look at Aya, "Don't come any closer!" she shouted, "Or, I swear to god, I'll blow her brains out!"

Aya felt the voices echo in her mind again.

"There are those who would seek to harm you and me, as well as your family..."

"These non-believers cannot be saved."

"This gift will be useless to you, if you feel you are unable to take a woman's essence by force..."

And then, the voices no longer took on what was in her memories, but ushered new words, "This woman sees you as something you're not, and is willing to harm people you love due to her ignorance. Unless you do what is right, the wicked will take away everything you hold dear..."
Re: Need to feed

(( If Aya's following actions result in Bianca being killed then tell me so I can make a new post. Thanks.))

Aya simply watched and listened as her sight came back, the voices in her head spoke to her, and all these confusing events continued to happen. Aya was in pure shock, her mind pounded as the voice of her master spoke to her and her sight game back. Her sister was at gun point, this girl was calling her a freak and these things had grown in her. Aya didn't know what was going on but she wasn't about to let this girl shoot her sister. Suddenly, without any warning, Aya had the giant tentacles growing from her back shoot right at the girl with the gun.

* Attack the girl holding Bianca at gun point. Attempt to hit her in a way that won't harm Bianca. *
Re: Need to feed

The girl gave a frieghtened gasp as the tentacles shot at her, colliding against her in such a way that freed Bianca, and knocked the girl to the ground in pain from being hit by the club-like tendrils. Bianca seemed to vanish from existence in this strange plain, leaving only the naked girl laying on the ground, slowly turning her body, hardly able to fight the pain, so that she started to point her gun at Aya...

The voice kept whispering in her mind.

"The gift... To feed on your enemies..."

"Needing to feed..."

"Take a woman's essence by force..."

"Feed on her, show her the wrath of the chosen, and the price that must be paid for her sins against you, against your sister, against humanity itself..."
Re: Need to feed

(( I'm assuming at this point I can have Aya do what she wants now. ))

Aya's animalistic desire and lust had taken over when she had knocked the girl down with the club like tendrils, her desire and lust only fueled by the voices in her head. Even having the gun pointed at her Aya didn't stop, she quickly had her left back tendril smack the girls gun hand, knocking her weapon away as Aya continued to walk towards her.

Getting close enough, Aya used her back tentacles to force the girls arms down, keeping them pinned tightly. Aya then got to the girls level and forced her legs apart, keeping them held and pinned down by her hands. Aya felt the green tentacle then slide out of her pussy, it almost acted on it's own as it went and began to prod the outside of the ignorant and naked girls flower...

Aya's face was blushing heavily as she started to rape the girl...

* Aya rapes the girl. *
Re: Need to feed

The girl thrashed against the tentacles holding her arms down, and she tried kicking wildly as Aya approached her, only to have her legs forces apart in Aya's mad lust, as Aya positioned her crotch near the woman's, and her green tentacle coming from her pussy prodded the entrance of the girl.

The woman who had tried to hurt her sister thrashed her head back and forth wildly, "No! No, don't! Please!" she begged, as Aya's tentacle pushed at her tight pussy, "Anything but that!"
Re: Need to feed

Aya let out a slightly crazed giggle as she continued to prod the girl, her pussy get wet and her mouth close to drooling at the sight of the naked girl about to be violated. Aya was about to ram her tentacle into the girls pussy but held back when she began hearing the girl beg her not to violate her. Aya continued to prod the girl as she responded, making eye contact. Aya's voice was slightly crazed with lust and desire.
" You are an ignorant sinner who almost killed my dear sister and called me a freak. Why should I spare you this fate? "

Aya's prodding began to start getting slightly faster and deeper, but she wasn't going to shove the tentacle into the girl just yet...
Re: Need to feed

The girl squirmed around under her bonds, desperately trying to escape, like a caged animal. Not answering Aya's question, the girl continued to beg for Aya not to rape her, "Please! Don't! I don't want to be raped by a monster like you!" she shouted into the black void, as she continued to shout her begging for her freedom from this situation mindlessly, as she tried desperately to flail her legs about, trying to free whatever body part she could from Aya's grasp.
Re: Need to feed

Not moved in the least by the girls words Aya decided to continue. In Aya's eyes this girl was an ignorant sinner who deserved to be drained. Aya began to prod the girls pussy with her newly acquired tentacle that had come from her flower. As she did so Aya watched as the girl try to flail about, trying to escape.

After another moment of prodding Aya suddenly rammed the tentacle into the girls pussy. Thrusting it in and out, not so violent where it would cause the girl to bleed but not gently.
Re: Need to feed

The girl blushed red, and let out a loud scream as Aya's tendril rammed into her. Aya felt the powerful energy flow into her faster than ever before, as the girl under her was violently raped, and drained of her essence. The girl continued to scream and beg for a few minutes, before her cries took over, as Aya continued to rape the girl. Aya felt herself, and the girl quickly approaching orgasm, sharing that same strange link she did with Bianca, as Aya suddenly felt herself climax as soon as the girl did, feeling her love liquids seep through her green tentacle, and into the girl's womb, filling her greatly, as the black void slowly dissipated, and Aya slowly felt filled with energy...

(Aya's mental status: Green)

Aya suddenly felt herself awakening, as if from a dream. Opening her eyes, and feeling the hot water around her, she found that she was still in the bath with the Goddess, who was holding Aya close to her in such a way that suggested she was protecting her like a child. The Goddess looked at Aya as she awoke, and smiled at her warmly.

"You now possess a great power, my child, a power you can use to protect everything you hold dear," her hand brushed along Aya's face, much like her mother did to her earlier, "I will call upon you to serve again soon, my child, the sinful move to destroy all hope of a paradise on this wretched planet that we're trying to create, they aim to take away the lives of you, me, and your family," she cupped Aya's face in both of her hands, "We must not allow them to do this, do you understand, my child?"
Re: Need to feed

Aya's eyes slowly began to blink open, they looked out to see herself resting in the goddesses arms in the warm bath water. Aya had began thinking to herself, wondering if it had all been a dream. Had she really gained these things like the goddess had? Had see really raped that ignorant girl? Aya didn't want to know, she just wanted to rest in the woman's loving embrace. As Aya rested and listened to her master speak

Quietly and softly Aya answered the woman, her voice sounding
" Yes Milady... When you call upon me I shall be ready..." Aya stopped speaking for a brief moment to thank the woman, thank her for her gifts and love. " Thank you so much... "

Aya shut her eyes as she rested in the woman's loving embrace...
Re: Need to feed

The Goddess cooed sympathetically at Aya, rubbing her back with her hands, occasionally glancing over her ass.

"Poor child, all you want is to love, and be loved in return, and yet the world rejects you," she spat, "Those people are nothing but food to you now, nothing but fuel for your power. When you encounter these heretics to all that is good, do not hesitate, my child, or you might find yourself not among the living." her hands moved to force Aya to look at her in the eyes, as she commanded her, "You must not hesitate, as they most certainly won't hesitate to try and kill you and your family. strike quickly, and drain them of their worthless existence, my child."
Re: Need to feed

Aya was under the goddesses will. Her mind was now taken over, there was little Aya wouldn't do for the goddess now. As Aya continued to rest in the woman's embrace her eyes slowly opened as she continued speaking. Aya's red eyes looked into her woman's brown ones, her eyes showed nothing but love and obedience for her master.

When the woman finished speaking to her Aya responded, her voice soft and quiet.
" Yes Milady... I shall drain the evil of it's existence... "
Re: Need to feed

The Goddess smiled, pleased with Aya's answer.

"Good, my child," she said with a bright smile, her voice sounding very happy, "Your time will come soon, but for now, rest your spirit. I will call upon you when the time to strike at the wicked comes," she instructed Aya, letting her go, and standing up in the tub, her pussy right in Aya's face for a moment before she steps up, out of the tub, and walks over to the sliding door leading out of the bathroom, giving Aya a pleased look, before closing the door behind her.
Re: Need to feed

(( The two red tentacle that come out of her back, do the stay out or can Aya have them go in and out?))
Weakly, Aya crawled out of the bath tub, laying town feeling tired. Aya felt so strange on the inside, she felt so differn't. Aya knew why she felt this way though. Her master had trasformed her into a being like herself. Aya now had this thing in her pussy and things coming out of her back. It was so strange and new to her. Aya only wondered what Bianca and her mother would think. Would they turn on her and think she was a freak? Aya didn't think they would, they were much better then typical human's.

Aya weakly stood and and softly thought to herself then.
'I need... To find my sister...'

Aya didn't know how much time had past but she planned on drying off, getting dressed, and finding the girl. Aya really wanted to make sure the girl was ok after that dream she had...
Re: Need to feed

( As it consumes essence to have them out, by default, they are nowhere on, or in, Aya's body. She appears exactly as she was before the transformation, as the giant red tentacles, "Materialize" from her back, and can extend great distances. )

It wasn't hard for Aya to find her sister, as Bianca was pacing in front of the bathroom door, looking to the dressed Aya with a look of concern, as she approached Aya.

"Aya..." she started slowly, "Already, I don't like hiding our love from our mother... I feel like we're lying to her every moment it goes unsaid..." Bianca showed no signs, or memory of ever being in that dark plain Aya was in, as she continued to tell Aya her situation, "I don't even know if we should tell her... But keeping this secret is killing me on the inside..." she whined, holding her arms across her stomach.
Re: Need to feed

Aya felt relief upon seeing her sister. She seemed unharmed, if not a tad bit stressed. Aya didn't know what had happened during her sleep but thankfully whatever had happened didn't result in Bianca being harmed. Aya was quick to walk over to the girl and hug her, holding her in a warm embrace when the girl stopped speaking.

As Aya hugged her sister, her head resting on the girls shoulder. Aya then gently spoke, her voice having relief in it.
" Bianca... I was so worried about you..."

Getting that out Aya thought about what her sister accually said. She couldn't stand not being able to tell their mother about their new relationship. Aya didn't know what to do. She had no idea how their mother would react to this. Would she accept them? Would she freak out? Aya had no idea and really didn't even want to tell mother about this.

Aya softly responded to her sister then.
" Bianca, I really don't know what to say. I have no idea how our mother would react to finding this out. If you desire to tell mother then... Then ill support it and go with you to tell her... "
Re: Need to feed

Bianca hugged Aya back, and rested her forehead against her shoulder, letting out a sigh. Bianca always hated to lie, and not telling a very important truth was making her feel terrible.

"But... I'm afraid of how she might react... It's killing me to hide it, and yet I don't want to tell her..." Bianca gave Aya a tight squeeze, "I don't know what to do, I don't want to tell her, and yet I don't want to hide it from her at the same time..." she shook her head against Aya's shoulder, "I don't know what to do..."
Re: Need to feed

Aya held her sister as she listened to the girl speak. Aya gave it a little thought, thought on what they should do. She thought on the possible outcomes on their choices. If they told their mother the worst that could happen is her just not accepting it and things being awkward for a while. Lieing and just not saying anything couldn't end well, it was already tearing Bianca up inside.

Aya let a sigh out as she then sofly spoke to her sister.
" Bianca... We should tell mother. Keeping this hidden won't be easy and already we're feeling terrible about keeping this a secret... "
Re: Need to feed

Bianca froze for a second, then pulled away a little to look at Aya's face.

"Aya... Who's going to tell her? I don't know what to say..." she lowered her head, and blushed, "I-I don't know how I could just walk in there and say, mother, Aya and I are in love..." she really blushed after saying that, making sure to say it in a whisper so no one would hear.
Re: Need to feed

Aya warmly smiled as she looked at the girl. Aya thought to herself on how they should do this. It was a bit hard but Aya decided they should go together and she would do the talking for herself and Bianca. Aya slowly leaned in and kissed Bianca on the lips, only holding the kiss for a moment, before pulling away and softly answering the girl.
" We shall go together and Ill talk for us. Alright?"