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Need to feed

Re: Need to feed

After checking her clip, she slides a new one in after seeing she only had two bullets left in the old one, and throws up a shield in the meantime.

After slowly opening the door, Aya happens across an extraordinary sight. Some kind of variation of the monsters she fought before, with it's four upper arms replaced with eight tentacles, was raping four women at a time. One tentacle held wrapped around the woman, holding her arms, and body in check, with the other went straight into her pussy. Each of the tentacles looked like much longer and flexible versions of the other creature's cocks, very thick, pink, and suggestive. It didn't seem to have a head, just a body, the eight tentacles that sprouted throughout it's body, and the human-like legs, as well as sporting an even thicker looking armor than it's friends...

After noticing Aya and Bianca, the monster dropped it's victims, and turned it's attention to Aya and Bianca, walking at a seeming limp towards them, it's fat, cock-like tentacles lashing around it's body, ready to attack the two...
Re: Need to feed

Aya was discusted at the sight she saw. Women being raped by thing this, forced to mate with these things. Aya was putting an end to this freaks life now, no longer would she allow this thing to have its way with innocent women.

Before Aya did anything she said something to her sister, concern and urgency in her voice.
" Sister... Please be carful, don't get near this thing... Please keep close to me. "

Aya aimed her 9mm handgun and fired three times at the beasts body, hoping to kill this evil thing by hitting an organ or something.
* Triple shot. *
Re: Need to feed

(Aya attacks, three shots)

All of her shots easily hit the monster, but only a little bit of blood pours from a couple of the wounds, as it's armor seemed to absorb most of the impact...

(Bianca has been struck with fear)

Little did Aya know, Bianca was horrified from the sight of the ungodly monster, taking steps back in fear as it got closer, not hearing what Aya said.

The monster suddenly shudders after it was shot, and all eight of it's tentacles dart through the air at lightning speed, enveloping both Aya and Bianca, one tentacle wrapping around their middle, pinning their arms to their sides, two others wrapping around their legs, spreading them wide, and the fourth working wrapping around their throats. Each of them work their way into the girl's clothing, and Aya felt a strong tug at her garments, as if the monster wanted to strip her instantly, right then and there...
Re: Need to feed

Feeling the tentacles begin to wrap around her Aya almost screamed, Seeing her sister getting captured freaked her out event more. Aya, with panic in her voice, cried her sisters name out. Her red eyes showing fear.
" S-Sister!"

Suddenly, Aya began to feel the burning power within her again. The power she needed to get these tentacles off of her! Aya let the burning power out once more...
* Aya casts holy fire. *

(( Just wondering but how much damage did the gun shots do? Will burning the monster with the holy fire just casted do any damage? ))
Re: Need to feed

( See the description for holy fire. )

Aya's body is suddenly wrapped in flames, and the tentacles holding her have no choice but to let her go from the searing pain inflicted upon them, as Aya falls to the ground on her feet, Bianca still in the air, held by the monster's tentacles.

(Aya's mental status: Yellow)

As Bianca squirms hopelessly in the air, not having the strength to fight off the fat tentacles, they suddenly give one sharp movement, and all of Bianca's clothing is torn, letting free her firm breasts, and her cute pussy, as the tentacles around her legs and neck circle around, and aim themselves to thrust into all three of her holes, each of them prodding her entrances. Bianca seemed about to scream for help, but she kept her mouth firmly shut to keep the tentacle aiming for her mouth out.
Re: Need to feed

Aya was free, she could attack! Making a quick glance at her sister Aya knew what would happen to the girl if she didn't make quick work of this thing. Looking at the monster with a look of hate and discust Aya began to building up the burning power again. She was going to blast this thing with holy flames. Aya felt the power ready, pointing her hand at the moster Aya let go of the burning power...

* Casts holy fire on the monster. *
Re: Need to feed

As Aya let loose more divine flames, it landed against the monster like a lightning bolt, scorching it greatly. However, it seemed to be ignoring any and all pain Aya inflicted on it. It seemed to be getting angry, as all four of it's free tentacles lashed at Aya violently, now that it sees her as a great threat. As all four of the things clash against her shield, she feels what used to be her sturdy shield collapse, breaking like glass under this monster's attack.

(Aya's mental status: Orange)

As the prodding at her entrances became greater, Bianca screamed aloud at Aya, begging for help as she feels the creature about to violate her.

"Aya! Help m-MMPH!!!" her cry was muffled as the tentacles thrusted themselves into her, making her eyes roll back in her head as the tentacle near her anus shoved it's way in, stretching her hole greatly to make room, as well as the two tentacles forcing their way into her mouth and pussy. Aya heard Bianca barely breathing under the tentacle in her mouth, as it must have been forcing itself deep into her throat, as she was bouncing in the air rapidly, up and down as the tentacles forced themselves into her wildly. Her body went limp, her arms and legs sinking down, as her gun fell from her hand, and landed against the ground, and by some miracle, it didn't discharge a round.
Re: Need to feed

Aya almost screamed out in sheer frustration, seeing the monster was still alive after she had blasted it with fire. Aya saw her sister then being raped, it tore Aya apart inside as tears began to pour from her eyes. Aya's mind was getting weak now, she couldn't shoot another fire bolt unless she had to.

Aya looked at the beast, wodering what to do. This things body was to strong for bullets and she couldn't blast it again. Aya searched the beast, trying to find a weak point. Aya's eyes were then suddenly drawn to the monsters human like legs. If this thing had a weak point, it had to be it's unprotected legs! Aya yelled to her as she aimed her gun.
" S-Sister! H-hold on!"

Aya , pointing her 9mm at the things right leg, fired three times.
* Triple shot at one of the monsters legs. *
Re: Need to feed

The legs seemed to stumble back and forth, as if the body was very hard to carry, and only Aya's first shot hit it's skinny leg. The bullet seemed to do as much damage as Aya wished, but it was still standing, albeit wobbling a little from the wound.

Still angry, even more so at it's new wound, the monster lashes out with it's tentacles. Aya barely dodges three, but the forth managed to wrap around her throat, lifting her into the air, as it began to strangle her. Her vision started going black, and her head felt like it was about to pop as it squeezed her. After a few seconds of being strangled, it let go, as she collapsed to the floor on her side.

(Aya's stamina status: Yellow)

As half of it's body fought Aya, the other half continued to rape Bianca, each of the tendrils shoving themselves violently into her over and over. Bianca's choked moans suddenly grew louder, as all of the tentacles inside her suddenly throbbed, as if pumping her with something. her belly began to quickly swell, and her moans stopped, allowing Aya to hear it pumping it's liquids inside of her, the organ squishing sounds filling the room, until Bianca's belly was full with it's sperm.

The tentacles let her go, and she fell to the ground. As the tentacles popped out of her holes, white cum came gushing out of her pussy, her ass, and she even began throwing up large puddles of the cum it injected into her stomach, until her belly's mass lessened, and she stopped moving, a little bit of cum still leaking from her holes, and drooling out of her mouth, her eyes rolled back into her head from the trauma.
Re: Need to feed

Aya was violently crying now, many tears went from her eyes as she made sobbing sounds. She had failed to protect her sister, her sweet and innocent sister. Her sister had become a victom, mcuh their their mother... Aya slowly stood up, feeling badly hurt from being choked. She couldn't bare to look at Bianca, she felt like her heart would stop if she looked at the girl.

Aya looked at the monster, her eyes filled with pure hate as they cried. Aya wispered something out to the monster then, her tone matched her eyes.
" I'm... I'm going to kill you... "

Aya pointed her 9mm handgun at the monsters left leg now. Aiming she fired at it three times.
* Triple shot at the monsters other leg. *
Re: Need to feed

Two of Aya's shots hit it's leg, causing a lot of blood to pour from the two new open wounds. It's legs trembled from the pain, but still remained standing, only barely.

Through seeming desperation, it's tentacles unleash a barrage of swipes at Aya, hitting her over and over again, across her face, ribs, legs, body, until she's nothing but a crumbled heap on the ground, searing pain from being beaten so badly in only a matter of seconds rushing through her body.

(Aya's stamina status: Red)

(Aya's been stunned from pain)

As Aya lays on the ground, still recovering from the pain, a mass of tentacles slowly wrap around her limbs, her arms, legs, body, and neck are gripped, while three other tentacles work their way into her clothing again, getting ready to try and rip them off once more...
Re: Need to feed

Aya couldn't move. The sheer pain running through her body was making her still. Aya only continued to silently cry from her sadness and pain as she was lifted up into the air by the tentacles. As the tentacles began to wrap around her she only spoke, her voice nothing but sadness, her eyes dead.
" Sister... I'm sorry sister... I've... I've failed to protect you... Please forgive me... "

Aya went silent then and kept her mouth closed as she tried to move...
Re: Need to feed

The monster seemed just as beaten as she was, as she managed to weakly pull a hand free from the tentacles, and even managed to free her whole body, but not before it had succeeded in tearing her clothing off, as she fell back down to the ground again, the landing knocking the wind out of her as she landed on her back.
Re: Need to feed

(( Just wondering but which of these two choices would you reccomend, casting holy fire or shooting it's legs again? ))
Re: Need to feed

( It might bleed out from being shot there, but nothing can die instantly from being shot in the leg, or any other limb. )
Re: Need to feed

(( Would blasting the monsters body with another holy fire kill it? ))
Re: Need to feed

(( May as well take a risk. Besides, holy fire cuts through all defense so yeah, it's a better bet then a bullet. ))

Being able to weakly escape the tentacles and fall to the floor, gasping for air upon hitting the ground, Aya slowly began to stand up, looking at the monster with the same pure hate she had for it. Aya's body was so weak, weaker then her mind. As Aya looked at the thing she wondered what to do, how she could kill this thing. Shooting the legs wasn't enough and shooting it's body wasn't doing much.

Aya had blasted this thing with her mighty fire at full force once. When she did it seemed to hurt it badly. Aya had to finish this thing now. She had enough to blast this thing one more time, maybe even two more times. Taking a deep breath in Aya began to focus as she began creating the spell...

As Aya began building the power up she said something to the monster, her voice cold and full of hate.

" I shall... Put you out of your miserable existence... "

With enough energy Aya let it out and blasted the monster with fire once more.

* Aya blasts the monsters body with holy fire. *