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ACT Nanocrisis

Re: Nanocrisis

Hey, i have follow this Site by two weeks or longer, now i would reg to talk whis the other Gamer about the Games ;)

I have read that pregnancy and Mouthrape are not in the Game

But i have a Question: I have used the Savegame from here and under Record I have 69 pregnancy and 69 mouthrapes, but why? I have tryed all but i can find this, because it must be there otherwise i can´t have this records in the Game -.-

My English is not the best, but i think its enough to talk with you :)
Re: Nanocrisis

Too lazy to check, but I think only the flies can mouthrape/impregnate you, they can be found on the first extra level (unlocked when you kill a shitload of zombies... Or is it testers?).
Re: Nanocrisis

as far as i know there is no mouth rape in this game yet.
so, either the number wasn't for the mouthrapes or someone hacked the save

as for pregnancies - as Dr Maricon mentioned before me, flies do that in the extra stage
Re: Nanocrisis

as far as i know there is no mouth rape in this game yet.
so, either the number wasn't for the mouthrapes or someone hacked the save

as for pregnancies - as Dr Maricon mentioned before me, flies do that in the extra stage

Thanks i think thats hacked, because all Records are at 69 except Laid Eggs and Parasitic, but it wheres so great when Mouthrapes comes into the Game and i have hoped thats not hacked

so i will wait and wait and wait for the next update, the pics for nudity are interesting, but jp are gives only the boobs, hope that anyone can fully uncensor it when the Game are complete @ 2013? xD

I have never understand why jp Games are never fully uncensored >.<

Sry 4 littlebit offtopic
Re: Nanocrisis

It's against japanese law to display genitals in movies, pictures or games.

I thought that law was taken off the books earlier this century. It's just so ingrained into the culture to censor/mosaic that it becomes second nature.

Mind you, this was the same Japanese law that allows loli/shota.
Re: Nanocrisis

I thought that law was taken off the books earlier this century. It's just so ingrained into the culture to censor/mosaic that it becomes second nature.

Mind you, this was the same Japanese law that allows loli/shota.

Wow, talk about japan being a hypocritical country. Least America says 'hey, it's porn. People watch it to look at the porn. Not blurry pictures.'
Re: Nanocrisis

Wow, talk about japan being a hypocritical country. Least America says 'hey, it's porn. People watch it to look at the porn. Not blurry pictures.'

America's got it's fair share of idiotic and hypocritical laws, i wouldn't talk about who's better...
Re: Nanocrisis

Wow, talk about japan being a hypocritical country. Least America says 'hey, it's porn. People watch it to look at the porn. Not blurry pictures.'

Protip: Japan's censorship laws are AMERICA'S fault. They were imposed after WW2. I'm pretty sure thats why tentacle porn became more prevalent as well.

So yeah, before you just go and "blast" a country for being "hypocritical". Perhaps you should learn a bit more about the situation.

Re: Nanocrisis

Protip: Japan's censorship laws are AMERICA'S fault.

First off, they were made by the Japanese government to combat porn.

Second, if you're going to blame America for putting an end to Japan's genocidal and rape-filled conquest of Asia, you probably shouldn't act like America did a bad thing.
Re: Nanocrisis

Actually, both of you are only partially correct... so as far as I'm concerned, neither of you have any right to be putting eachother, or any government involved for that matter, down.

Japan's censorship of porn started as part of a law to reduce the amount of material circulating in Japan that was deemed "injurious to public morals." This didn't specifically target pornography, however pornography was included as part of said materials. This happened WAY BEFORE World War II.

AFTER World War II, however, when Americans were in occupation of Japan, the occupation authorities helped Japan to rewrite a few of their laws to ensure freedom of speech and expression in Japan, which previously was extremely limited. Unfortunately, they didn't feel the need to change anything about the aforementioned law, which still exists to this day.

The reason porn in Japan is still censored today is because it's still deemed as material which is injurious to public morals. The definition of "injurious to public morals" has been relaxed in Japan a bit (just like how movie ratings here in the states have grown more lax over the past few years), but porn still gets the short end of the stick.

(By the way... long time lurker, first time poster. Hope I haven't stepped on any toes here. :x)
Re: Nanocrisis

Second, if you're going to blame America for putting an end to Japan's genocidal and rape-filled conquest of Asia, you probably shouldn't act like America did a bad thing.

Yeah, that's not as if they dropped the only atomic bomb used against live targets in history only because they were too stuborn to accept japan's only request: maintaining hiro hito to power.

Wait, they did...
Re: Nanocrisis

Protip: Japan's censorship laws are AMERICA'S fault. They were imposed after WW2. I'm pretty sure thats why tentacle porn became more prevalent as well.

So yeah, before you just go and "blast" a country for being "hypocritical". Perhaps you should learn a bit more about the situation.


wait wait wait... your saying that because America bombed Japan, they sought revenge on America by censoring their porn? XD

I kid, but seriously, why the heck would America care about what the Japanese do with their porn, and sorry about not knowing anything about porn politics. Seriously politics are my WORST subject. I enjoy clarification honestly. You just seemed to snap back real mad about that. It's only porn, relax? And I never said America wasn't hypocrites either. Hell, we are bigger ones. But I figured the porn thing was their stuff. My bad.

PS. Love the 'blast' pun. Heh.. they thought we didn't have a second one.

(By the way... long time lurker, first time poster. Hope I haven't stepped on any toes here. :x)
No worries man, love learning new things. I have no idea why there is so much hate honestly. I did say out of context, probably should of said something like "That's confusing, considering that loli is ok but seeing grown woman's pussies aren't."
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Okay, my first post apparently stirred up a hornet's nest. Whoops.

@NekoMina - The censorship law was relaxed, not removed? Huh. *checks Google* Huh. According to Wiki, Article 175 of the Japanese Criminal Code forbids "creating or distributing 'indecent' materials," although Article 21 of the Japanese Constitution forbids censorship. Yay for conflicting laws.

Well, we know the Constitution has been ignored - the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was glossed over in Japanese schools for decades. As much as we might gripe over mosaic/censor bars from Japan, it's still better than having lobbyists for the "religious right" buying new censorship laws in the US.
Re: Nanocrisis

And American history students frequently skip over the trail of tears, containment camps, or the institution, sterilization, removal, and murder of millions of people deemed "low iq" based on a physical idea of what someone dumb would look like that was based on a test that was never meant and couldn't be applied to adults.

We often try to look over out own mistakes
Re: Nanocrisis

USA have been keeping the rest of the world safe since WW2 by dropping bombs on civilians. ;)

There really isn't a country that isn't fucked up in one hilarious way or another. Somehow green blood, bleeps and pixeleated mouths and fingers bother me more than censored genitalia though.
Re: Nanocrisis

OMG were both extremely terrible and hypocritical countries, if you have to talk about just how terrible we both are take it to thread that was made for it
Re: Nanocrisis

Actually, both of you are only partially correct... so as far as I'm concerned, neither of you have any right to be putting eachother, or any government involved for that matter, down.

Japan's censorship of porn started as part of a law to reduce the amount of material circulating in Japan that was deemed "injurious to public morals." This didn't specifically target pornography, however pornography was included as part of said materials. This happened WAY BEFORE World War II.

AFTER World War II, however, when Americans were in occupation of Japan, the occupation authorities helped Japan to rewrite a few of their laws to ensure freedom of speech and expression in Japan, which previously was extremely limited. Unfortunately, they didn't feel the need to change anything about the aforementioned law, which still exists to this day.

The reason porn in Japan is still censored today is because it's still deemed as material which is injurious to public morals. The definition of "injurious to public morals" has been relaxed in Japan a bit (just like how movie ratings here in the states have grown more lax over the past few years), but porn still gets the short end of the stick.

(By the way... long time lurker, first time poster. Hope I haven't stepped on any toes here. :x)

This right here is why I lurk hentai forums. For the World History lessons.

Re: Nanocrisis

Hey while you were all going on about history and stuff NanoCrisis updated

... not really but that would be great