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Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 30/36, Blessing 4
Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

(Lol. Good thinking. Perv. Labeling the check Perception since the game doesn't have any real way to handle this. It's Mind based.)

Casting: 10 + 21 - 4 = 27 vs 12 = Success.
Perception: Success.

The demoness eyes narrow as the pair tumble out of cover, but Sables eagerness combined with Eleas slight resistance seems to convince her that the pair are as they pretend to be. She snorts in laughter and continues on, rejoining her two companions. The dog cautiously watches the trio leave before glancing at its companions, tilting its head and giving a quiet "woof" of confusion.

Both of their spells function appropriately, but with the demons leaving they don't seem necessary at the moment.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(I think it'd be a stealth check, as stealth is any form of concealment, not just hiding. But if perception already succeeds, a stealth check would too (yay stealth bonus!) So either way. Quick thinking for the win!)

Sable continued to softly molest the elf, going so far as to strip her armor enough to leave her bare breasted, and a couple fingers had traced up and down the elven warrior's slit beneath her armor, before she glances up and realized the rouse worked, and just as briskly as she began the rather unusual tactic, she released the elfgirl and bolted towards the edge of the alley on all fours, peering out silently around the corner to ensure the trio was continuing on their way.

Tossing her hair back lightly, she turned and rushed back to the elf with a soft giggle, excited that her plan worked out so well. "Good job! That worked wonderfully! Now if only we could get moving again without so many delays..."

She only stopped short after she realized what she just was suggesting, sighing softly to herself. "But if we're already hiding and avoiding stray demons like those... what chance do we have against a real group of enemies?" Her voice slightly more dejected and uncertain, she folded her arms over her chest and leaned back against a nearby wall.

"We need a better plan than to just hide..." Sable whimpered, looking to the elf with hopes she'd have an idea.

(P.S. if this is any rest, I'd like to spend some stats XD )
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(That was good thinking, though I didn't think it would work :p. I think Elea should have taken some pleasure from that "attack" though ;))

Elea silently allows the catwoman to partially strip and molest her, shivering slightly while the act is played out. A sudden pass of Sable's finger causes Elea to breath in just as she notices the demoness walking away. Before the elf can whisper a plea to stop, Sable is up and at the entrance of the alley, leaving Elea topless and shivering on the ground. She sits up and brings a hand across her chest as the catwoman bounds back over to her cheerfully, then begins readjusting her armor as Sable speaks. The sudden shift in Sable's mood surprises Elea, but she understands the cause.

"All demons are dangerous," Elea says, brushing hair out of her face, "and fighting them on their terms is foolish. I've learned first hand that it's best not to take chances in this place." Moving over to stand next to the catwoman, Elea continues, "Moving carefully and picking your battles is the best plan." She kneels down to scratch the dog behind the ears once again for being such a good look out, then turns to walk out of the alley. Before she does though, she turns back to Sable, and says, "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find your master."

(cancel Blessing. If we can't spend our exp right now, then let's just move to the house for a quick rest)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36
Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

(Going back to the house then? And not too much of a point in tallying pleasure unless you want to finish. :p )

The dog woofs quietly as Elea scratches its ears, pants happily. The coast seems to be clear, the trio of demons having disappeared from view and no other threats readily presenting themselves.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(Hah, true, I just like seeing the stats change to reflect what's going on, even if it isn't important I guess ;))

With the street clear, Elea heads back to the house the women had been resting in before. "If you want to plan out how to find your Master, let's do it in relative safety."

(go to the house and rest)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable quietly nods in agreement, disarming her scorching mine spells (if possible) without setting them off so that no innocents would be harmed by them.

With a small pit in her stomach, she and the elf return to the relatively safe building they had used earlier, not taking nearly as long for resting, but more of a casual discussion about their plans here, and how they would deal with the portals and the demons.

"If the demons get stronger closer to the portal, I think we should spend some time handling outlying demons first. Those three demon dogs were already a pain, and that monstrosity... just imagine if two or three of them surrounded us. It wouldn't be a good thing at all." Sable began, while she used bits of dirt and debris to form a makeshift map on the ground.

"There's a fairly safe area back here. I killed a plant in an abandoned tavern... I was thinking of re-opening it... kinda. Not really running it, but rather just maintaining it as a safe place for others to travel to." She motioned to where she thought the river was, the center of town, and the portal, as best she could remmeber from her view atop the buildings.

Sable took a few moments to review her makeshift map, and to check on the little plants she was keeping in her jars, while she reflected on being almost in charge for once... she was so used to always obeying her master, even when she had ideas, she never had to make the decision to act on them, merely tell her Master and have it decided for her.

"I think... we should take the long way around the edges of the portal. We're obviously not prepared to go straight for it. But if we can kill a few demons around here." She motioned at the area just beyond the industrial area. "We can probably sell their bits to that merchant you mentioned. And it would weaken their forces as a whole. Right? ... Like you said... Let's fight them on our terms instead of their terms!"

(if we're actually safe in the house this time, then yes, I'd love to finally spend points XD)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea takes a moment to look at the crude map Sable makes on the floor, instantly recognizing it as the town. "A safe haven. How thoughtful of you," she says with a smile at the mention of the tavern. "I passed it myself. It seems like a nice staging ground for exploration."

As the catwoman inspects the small plant creatures, Elea can't help but examine them herself. She had yet to see any plant life so corrupted as to move, but to see such things was prime evidence of the need to destroy the portal.

With a smile, Elea nods at Sable. "You're right, skirting the edge of their stronger areas lets us weaken them, and find better ways to strike at them." Though the catwoman had assumed that Elea would help her, the elf did feel indebted to her for the assistance with the ogre, and with escaping the eye of dark knight, as embarrassing as that ruse had been to pull off. "And when we are better prepared, we can strike at the heart of the forces and cripple them."

Kneeling on the ground next to the makeshift map, Elea makes her own additions: the bridge she had entered the town from, and the areas of the docks she had explored. "The merchant was hidden in a building here," she said, pointing out the general area, "and I expect that he will stay there, as it seemed safe enough." Pointing to an area closer to the river, she says, "And in this warehouse on the docks I encountered a rather powerful demoness." Elea pauses a moment, then clears her throat and continues, "A daemon helped me to defeat her. She seemed to be the reigning power in the immediate area. The knights were reporting to her. I believe if we can find more of these leader demons and find some way to defeat them, we might weaken the demon armies' resolve. Throw them into disorder, and make them easier to dispatch." Elea falls silent for a moment. Though she had gained experience in combat prior to this engagement, she was still considered a young ranger, and was unused to making tactical decisions herself. "It won't be easy though."

(yes, I also have some xp I'd like to spend ;) )
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Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 43, P = 33, EP = 36
Sables Status: HP = 44, P = 55, EP = 37

(Experience spending time it is! And you both get an extra 2 exp for making a plan and sharing information.)

The dog quietly settles into a corner, watching the door, while the pair discuss their plans. The small creatures seem to have grown slightly while they'd fought the ogre, and are beginning to crowd the jars she'd put them in. They also seemed to have calmed down, no longer wriggling their little tentacles against the glass in an attempt to escape. More tentacles seem to have grown, though they're still much shorter than the originals.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(yay XP! :D)

As she looks over the small creatures in the jars, Elea can't help but twist her lip in disgust. "Horrible abominations," she mutters, though still drawing closer, eventually reaching out to take one jar and hold it up in front of her face. "Why would you keep these things?" She asks, casting a sideways glance at the catwoman, "They should be destroyed."

(10xp total to spend, putting 4 into spirit, and 6 into body. Ready to mvoe whenever Kathy is)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable blushed a bit as she tapped on the glass the elf had picked up. "Well... I guess I kinda... like plants... and these have caught my attention... I don't really think they're evil, just... changed. Not like the other demons out there. I kinda want to plant a few back home and see how they grow."

The catgirl purred softly as she looked on the plants, careful to keep an eye on them so they wouldn't grow too fast or burst free from their jars.

"If they seem like they could become a threat, I would let them be destroyed... but I don't really think they are one...they're just like most plants. Looking to spread their seed... These ones are just a little more... FORWARD about it..." Sable coughed softly after saying that last bit, not outright saying these plants had been birthed from her own body.

Sable quickly interrupted that line of thought though with her bold announcement of how they were going to attack the stray enemies. "Let's try to use my illusion trick to lure enemies out... We'll scout an area and then set some traps. Then I cast an illusion and lure the enemy into our trap... and bam!... Best case, weaker enemies will be destroyed fast and easy. Tougher ones will be weakened so we can finish them off personally... and anything out of our league... I'll try to lure away from us so we can flee. Alright?"

Before the elf could reply to that final suggestion of the plan, Sable was already off casting her illusion magics again, creating images vaguely identical to the elf and the catgirl.

By the time the pair (and their canine tag-along) were ready to go, Sable had re-created the image of the elf-warrior in her armor, top torn off and bare breasted... and an image of herself, stark naked and with a few splatters of the familiar blue-ish spunk that the plant had left on her fur. Both illusionary girls looked to be fairly well abused and neither seemed like they'd put up much of a fight if they were attacked again... Using several rather inappropriate looking splatters of naughty juices to hide the lack of strong distinguishing features.

Of course, up close, neither girl would be mistaken for real... but Sable was fairly sure that the illusions would hold out well enough to be a distraction as she quickly had the group line up into formation, "You can lead the way. When we find our ambush point, I'll set up the rest."

(Actions: Cast Minor Illusions. Twice. (taking two turns, obviously, before we leave). Then have the illusions form up a marching party so we can sneak through the city and find a good amush point.)

(XP Spending: 14 points total. 6 points body, 6 points mind, 2 points spirit.)
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Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"Their very existence is a threat," Elea mutters as she hands the jar with it's leafy passenger back to the catwoman. Though she despises these unnatural abominations, the elf feels that it is not her place to destroy the creatures, if Sable is willing to bear the consequences of keeping the things. Elea does nothing but look away at Sable's comment, clearly understanding the plant-creatures origins.

"Laying an ambush?" Elea asks to herself as Sable begins her casting. "That sounds excellent! We'll definitely have the upper hand! I can't wait to see..." she continues, but stops short at the sight of the illusions the catwoman casts. A blush rises to her cheeks as she stares at herself, armor torn, breasts bared, and covered in... A quick glance at the strangely blue catwoman form is all she spares before turning to Sable. "I..." she starts. Sable, appearing completely pleased with her creations, leaves the elf at a loss for words. Deciding it better not to stare at the rather imaginative illusions, she turns for the door and heads out, immediately looking up and down the street before crouching down for cover, ready to move stealthily.

(Hah, nice illusions ;) Exit building after Kathy's spells are cast)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 41/45

Casting: Autosuccess. (Lazy, none-stress situation, low level spell, ect.)

Sables illusions crafted successfully, Elea leads the way out of the house. The street outside was clear, for the moment. The pair, and their canine companion, are free to travel down the main road either back toward the tavern, further into town, or possibly into any of the nearby allies.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Watching the street carefully, Elea heads towards the alleys, not wanting to stay in the open areas for long with the more powerful demons roaming them. The ominous black towers of the industrial district's factories serve to guide the elf through the unfamiliar human town. She was thankful she had a landmark to watch, as it allows her to keep her bearings, but also gives her a reason not to look back at the embarrassingly detailed illusion following her.

"The human factories may be alien enough to suit the demons' tastes," Elea says, her disdain for the Badarian's industrial society evident in her voice. "We may find more demons there, so we must be careful."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"I don't think the human industry is so bad... they make a lot of neat things... besides, we have things like this too... kinda... I bet I could figure most of this stuff out if given a bit of time with it." Sable patting her own rifle a few times with a sheepish grin, not entirely sure why the elf was so opposed to technology.

As Sable came to realize the slightly prudish elf was embarrassed at the illusions, she quietly snuck the illusions into the elf's view from time to time, even in the face of danger she couldn't help but be a little playful.

Until Sable spotted an appropriate point to lure in demons and ambush them, she would merely follow the elf though. If a good position opened itself up to the stealthily traveling pair, Sable would quietly inform the elf they should stop and setup.

(Sable is looking for a double-setup point. One "hiding place" that's too-obvious and easily seen to have the illusions ducked into, and one proper hiding position overlooking the illusions, so anything going after the fake pair will be easily caught off guard by the real girls. The real hiding place, of course, should be more difficult to find, and boosted by the easily found illusions, since demons are likely to swarm easier prey first ;)

Our general position: We're searching the outskirts of the industrial area, not going deeper for the portal, nor retreating back towards the Inn.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 41/45

The pair travel for a while, not finding any place that suits their needs. They sneak through the alleys of the desecrated town, illusions and canine in tow, for about an hour.

The pair come to a quick halt, however, as they both hear a great deal of movement, along with a few strange cries, around the next turn. Risking a quick glance, Elea immediately spins back around the corner, her eyes widened in horror by what she'd seen. About fifty feet down the street was a large square which might have once been a memorial of some kind, as she'd seen a large statue rising in the center.

Now, it was infested with a horde of demons, with a good number of captives as well. She hadn't been able to count the creatures, as there had been too many, but they had been of all shapes and sizes. Many goblins and stalkers, some leading the small clawed creatures or strange gelatinous creatures, wandered the square or sat around small fires. A pack of hellhounds had taken over the far corner, some sleeping on the bare ground while others took their enjoyment of some of their prisoners. She had seen a group of the black armored knights around a table, discussing something she was too far away to hear. She had also seen many more of the red-garbed women wandering around or toying with their captives. Worse still, she had spotted at least a half dozen of the massive creatures they had fought earlier, standing guard in pairs at the streets entering the square.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable could only groan softly every so often as each ambush point she thought would be good lacked that certain something that brought it all together. Places for hiding either too good and useless for an ambush, or false-hiding locations were too exposed, and any demons might've just as easily pounced the real girls instead of the fake ones.

When the elf suddenly stopped and seemed to turn white as a sheet, Sable could only guess at just what her companion saw, quickly, but not too quickly, crouching next to the dog and placing one tender hand over the canine's muzzle, gently making sure the dog would stay quiet with gentle reassuring petting and no too fast movements.

She mouthed silently, "Is it that bad?" While cautiously hovering back, ducking away into the nearest effective hiding place, just in case something unexpected came around the corner and spotted them. It only occurred to her as an afterthought, an elf might be used to reading the lips of another elf, but it was highly unlikely that Elea could read her lips... she instead jotted it down briskly in a common tongue in the dirt of the city streets.

In a slightly naive, and unknowing movement, she cast a scorching mine nearby anyhow though. If she'd have known exactly what was around the corner though, she would've understood, one or two mines wouldn't have made the kind of impact that she was hoping for.

(actions: Hide with dog, calm dog, cast scorching mine towards a still-concealed area of the side street they're on. As always, so the pair can get past, but enemies will run straight into it (hopefully))
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Searching the potential ambush locations alongside the catwoman, Elea shares her feelings of disappointment. Each time, the spot looks promising, but reveals itself to be unsuitable. 'I suppose real action can never be as easy as it is planned' she thinks, sighing as they move on from yet another unusable ambush location.

In addition to that, however, Sable's illusions continue to maneuver their way into the elf's line of view. The illusion of the catwoman, naked and covered in a bluish substance, is odd enough, but having to stare at a mirror image of herself, armor torn off and splattered in disgusting looking juices, disconcerts her to point of insecurity, even in this dangerous place. "Please keep your... fantasies... back," she says, slightly annoyed, while staring at her mirror image once again. A strand of the juices running down the fake Elea's face causes the real elf to self-consciously run a hand over her cheek, while at the same time her tongue flicks across her lips, before she notices Sable's amused grin. Without another word she turns, red-faced, and continues down the street.

A few moments later, Elea comes to a turn, around which she sees a horde of demons. Spinning back around, afraid she may have been seen, Elea peers at the catwoman out of the corner of her eye. When Sable mouths her question, Elea is too distracted by the danger of their situation to read the catwoman's lips. When the question is repeated in the dirt, Elea slowly nods her head, the motions with her open palm for Sable to back up. As they shuffle back, Elea reaches out to wipe away any sign of Sable's message.

After the group retreats back down the street, Elea whispers, "Many demons. A hundred, maybe more." She turns her head to look back at the corner, then continues, "A camp of some kind. They have prisoners." Her eyes flicking around, Elea searches the area for intact buildings that might offer protection, as well as alleyways and openings that might provide alternate routes off the street. Inside the elf, a war waged. One side of her, the cold, battle experienced solder in her, told her the best course of action is to flee, while her more idealistic side was insistent that the prisoners be freed. She shakes her head, unsure which voice to listen to, before turning to look at Sable.

(action: back away from corner (25 feet?), search surroundings for safe houses or ways to move around, either past the square or to the back part of it)
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Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 41/45

After the mines had formed from Sables magic and the brief communication was concluded, Elea leads Sable back a ways to look for a place to hide. Moving back on to a larger street keeps them hidden from the encampment (which is a street over) but gives them more options. The dog remains silent and alert through it all, apparently somehow understanding that the group was in extreme danger.

There happened to be a church nearby, its doors still intact, which the pair might hide in. It was slightly conspicuous, but every other building nearby was badly damaged and looked dangerous to even enter, much less hide in. They might also head farther from the demon encampment, if they so chose.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable seemed to understand what the nature of the situation was... but she wasn't about to back down from the challenge presented to her.

"If there's that many of them, then it's just a matter of us having one move more than them!" she whispered to the elf, giving a reassuring nod. "Do you know any magic? Can you make some traps or something?"

In the back of her mind, Sable knew what she should've done, but she wanted to handle this on her own as much as possible.

"Be careful, stealth above anything else. We can do this. Always stay in sight of each other while we're preparing traps... and if anything goes wrong, try to take out our battles as quickly and decisively as possible... Worst case, I think we have an ace on our side."

Knowing just how bad this could've gotten, Sable decided that every little boost would be necessary, casting Warmth to help boost the damage of her magical traps.

(Overall goals for actions: Focus all efforts on stealth and staying away from the enemies for the duration of preparations. Sable's battle plan is to take a wide circle around the enemy, casting scorching mines across every street (at least three on each way the enemy could escape so they fear more traps), then to lure all of the enemies down a single narrow passage that's flooded with mines to destroy their morale and weaken them as a whole.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"It isn't a matter of moves if the whole lot of them bear down on us at once," Elea replies, shaking her head, obivously more pessimistic about fighting the demonic horde than her companion. "I wield no magic, and though I can influence my spirit to strengthen myself, or hold my enemies in place, I fear neither of those abilities will be of much use against such a force." Elea's own experience in fighting large forces consisted of using the terrain to strike fast and run, but in the maze-like human city the elf and catwoman would barely even make a dent in the numbers of the camp of demons. Sable's enthusiasm won out over Elea's skepticism, however, and she finally nods, accepting the plan. "Very well, I will aid you however I can."

Sable's mention of an ace in the hole leads Elea to immediately think of Matthias. The daemon would assist them, she is sure, and the thought of calling him now crosses her mind. Whether or not he will show enough restraint to keep the prisoners from harm, however, stays her voice. The energy released when Matthias had killed the vile demoness earlier had nearly annihilated the building they were in, and had left a huge swath of destruction in the wilderness beyond it. 'No' she thinks to herself, 'better to work this out ourselves.'

"Perhaps there is a way I can help without magic," she says, beginning to look around the street at the debris from the ruined city. In specific. the ranger looks for things that might be of use in making traps: lengths of string or wire, thick wooden beams or metal bars, as well as cloth sheets or any kind of netting. The simple traps hunters use for catching prey could be useful in this situation. Her idea is to litter the alleyways and streets with physical traps to compliment Sable's magical traps. Tripwires, ankle snares, and even deadfall traps to drop weights on whatever triggers them will not take her long to set up, and as long as she points their locations out to the catwoman, neither of them would be in danger of setting them off while moving through the area. The demons however, expecting a simple fight, will blunder through the area, making themselves easy targets.

(Actions: Stealth, follow and assist Sable. Set up simple traps in the areas Sable does)