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Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Sayuri gives her head a shake. "Just don't feel like being twice as miserable in this school." She remarks bluntly, taking the medicine, palming it. "I have to run to class, I'll take it later!" She remarks before stepping out of the nurse's office... and into the bizarre scene. Stepping out of view of the bully and looking around for any witnesses, she begins to focus on the sigil of truth if there is no one around to discover her.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

"Pretty sure you should be in class too. Does it really take two strong boys like yourselves to take one first year to do some chores?" Lycoris slipped into an accusatory tone. It wasn't too obvious that something foul was afoot.

"Why don't we all just go to class and call it a day? I'm sure her detention is enough of a punishment, and she seems pretty willing to play nice." She edged forward a little, readying herself for a fight or some for of confrontation. It didn't seem likely that two guys manhandling a girl would be above hurting another.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Sayuri gives her head a shake. "Just don't feel like being twice as miserable in this school." She remarks bluntly, taking the medicine, palming it. "I have to run to class, I'll take it later!" She remarks before stepping out of the nurse's office... and into the bizarre scene. Stepping out of view of the bully and looking around for any witnesses, she begins to focus on the sigil of truth if there is no one around to discover her.

The nurse seems to be looking on through the tinted window of her office door. She wouldn't be able to see though if Sayuri were to walk a bit closer or further away from the scene with Hellen and the bully and the... yipes, tentacles.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

"Pretty sure you should be in class too. Does it really take two strong boys like yourselves to take one first year to do some chores?" Lycoris slipped into an accusatory tone. It wasn't too obvious that something foul was afoot.

"Why don't we all just go to class and call it a day? I'm sure her detention is enough of a punishment, and she seems pretty willing to play nice." She edged forward a little, readying herself for a fight or some for of confrontation. It didn't seem likely that two guys manhandling a girl would be above hurting another.

"Nah, we don't need to be in class. We've got permission to be here," said the brute with a grin. His compatriot seemed to be getting a bit annoyed.

"Hrmph, who are you to be telling us what to do? This girl's just being a brat. See?"

The girl did seem to be grunting and groaning loudly against their grips. "Let me go! Rrraaah! I don't wanna go with you! I want to go baack!"

When the girl looked at Lyco there seemed to be very little recognition, which seemed odd. The girl seemed to be a bit out of it, even given the situation she was in. Still, one thing was most clearly certain, the girl did not want to go with the boys, and was being manhandled towards the chapel.

"We don't have time to bother with you, see? Now are you going to make trouble?" the second thug said challengingly.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

The girl cant believe the luck than she had after escape of the grapple and avoid being caught again, she then noticed her friend go out the nursery "i must make him look to other place" she through.

Hellen decided to run away a little, trying to dont had to fight two opponents and then she would try to hit the bully until the help come.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Sayuri silently walked toward the pair, and upon leaving the front of the nurse's office, fully realized the sigil, burning in her mind. She instinctively raised her hand for the crystal sword, and charged the humanoid enemy in hopes of a surprise attack.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

"That depends, are you going to let the girl go?" Lyco asked, tilting her head a little with a smile. She wasn't about to move and she certainly wasn't about to let them get past her with the girl.

"I'm sure she'll play nice from now on, she doesn't really look like she is going to enjoy whatever chores you have in mind. We really don't need to be punishing each other with all the detentions the teachers give out do we?" It was quite clear at least one of them was running out of patience, something she hoped would lead him to make a stupid move.

"Besides, I can't think of any chores that are all that bad." She added, hoping to maybe get some information while she watched the boys. She kinda wished she could just get on with beating the tar out of them, but she didn't have a clue if they were actually part of the cult or just jerks in general.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

(Outside with Lyco)

The second thug let the girl's arm drop with a snarl of annoyance. "Grah... here, hold this one for a second," he told the other brute, who simply grinned and held the girl to him with her arms pinned behind her back.

"Right, just remember, we gave you the chance to walk away," the boy said. Suddenly he seemed to straighten up, as though he had been hunching before, but as he rose in posture, he grew in height as well, perhaps more than Lyco thought was normal. He leaned his neck to one side until there was a loud crack, then he leaned it the other way, and it cracked again. Then he loosened his arm muscles up, rolling his shoulders.

"Ahh... okay. Now... you're gonna come with me!"

He lunged quickly, but Lyco was ready for him and dodged nimbly to the side, avoiding his grasp.

((Are you changing or staying in schoolgirl mode? Lyco can't tell if he's just a jerk or a cultist, but he's certainly aggressive.))
((Hellen and Sayuri))

Sayuri walked towards the fray, envisioning the Rune of Truth in her mind. With a sparkling transformation, her schoolgirl outfit disappeared as her body glowed in a heavenly glow. Then her crystal armor formed around her, and her sword appeared from out of the ether, its handle suddenly there as her hand closed to clasp it. Drawing it in front of her, she stood fully ready as the Warrior of Truth.

Meanwhile, during this transformation. Hellen had spun and attempted to kick the bully with a heel kick, but narrowly missed. He took advantage of this, locking her leg with his arm, squeezing it tight. Then, seeing her uplifted leg had exposed her panties to him, he leered pervertedly and grabbed at her crotch, his large meaty fingers grinding roughly against her delicate flower, causing her to gasp at the audacity of his attack, not to mention flush at the idea of what this bully had in mind.

The tentacles began to clamber out of the locker, it seemed it was some sort of sentient nest that moved as one creature, slithering out onto the hallway floor, leaving a trail of slime behind it.

Suddenly there was a flash and the bully let go of Hellen's leg as his arm was scored with a deep gash from Sayuri's blade. Taking the opportunity, Hellen spun and delivered a kick on target this time with the bully's chest, doubling him over as he stumbled backwards. The tentacles sprang, this time going after the more obvious threat - Sayuri, but she dodged their initial strike.
Sayuri (Heroine) 5/5, AP 0/10
Hellen (Student) 2/3, AP 1/10
Bully 1/3
Tentacles 2/2
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Sayuri's blade found it's mark, much to her relief. She felt the bully's arm give beneath the cut of her crystal sword. Turning her head from the human, she gawked at what loomed before her as they crawled toward the pair. She ducked low and stepped to the side, swinging her arm upward at one of the attacking tentacles that tried to assault her.

"Take care of him, I'll keep these guys busy!" She barked, then added in a low tone. "No witnesses, remember?" She said with a little menace to her voice.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Hellen act as if she was surprised, then nodded thanks you, cosplay girl

she try to make a suplex to the wounded bully, even when the best could had be than both try to finish him.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Mutsumi, begins focusing on the "Rune of Purpose"

She didn't like the looks of this before it came to the lummox lunging for her team mates...

Now she's gonna go for the offense

Pulling one of the Golden arrows from the quiver and notching it, A carefull slow drawback... Exhale... And release...

Hoping the sneak attack will allow Lycoris enough time to act freely
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Lyco smiled a little as she dodged to the side of the clumsy grab at her. He looked and acted tough, but she wondered. Especially since she was in a game environment now. Deciding she didn't want to waste the chance, she moved in to attack while the thug was off balance. She aimed to give him a sharp kick.

For the time being she figured she'd stick to her schoolgirl form. She didn't know if these people really were cultists and she had no wish to give away her trump card early. Besides, she figured if she could kick his ass without transforming, why bother?
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

(Lyco and Mutsumi)

Mutsumi focused, and with the symbol etched inside her mind, transformed in a flash of lavender light, her schoolgirl clothes disappeared, leaving her nude body glowing brightly in a soft purple hue before the energy coalesced into a form fitting, light and flexible armor. A beautifully styled composite bow formed in her hands, and a quiver of arrows appeared on her back. Each arrow, when taken with her hand, became a glowing beam of radiant moonlight. Mutsumi notched the arrow and fired, the shaft whistling through the air and scoring a hit on the goon who had lunged toward Lyco. He blankly stared for a moment at the shaft embedded in his shoulder, then howled.

"Raaaarrgh! Get it out! Get it out!" the wounded thug said, as he flailed wildly about himself. The motions were easy for Lyco to dodge, but the white haired girl couldn't get a kick or strike in edgewise while the boy whipped about.

"Hey!" cried the brute, and he dropped the captive girl down into the damp grass and mud. "Y-you're not just normal students! You're here to stop the ritual!"

Even in the midst of his pain, the thug spat at his comrade. "Shut up! Stop talking and transform! Take her, quickly, the bow girl's more important!"

The brute growled and flexed his arms forward. A strange metamorphosis came over him then, with the muscles and veins all over his body seeming to bulge strangely. With a snap and a rip, his belt buckle broke loose and his shirt and most of his pants tore away, revealing now green skin beneath. His face had also turned green and his eyes became a putrid yellow.
Brute (Altered) 5/5
Thug 3/4
Girl 2/2

Lyco (Student) 3/3, AP
Mutsumi (Heroine) 5/5
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

(Hellen and Sayuri)

Their foes recovered their footing quickly, and Hellen swiftly discovered that as a simple school girl, she didn't have the strength to grapple and toss the bully down to the ground as if he were nothing. Shoving her roughly away from him, the bully swore at her.

"Stupid cunt!" he shouted, and with a clenched fist, rushed and slammed his hand into Hellen's diaphragm, knocking the wind clean out of her with one critical blow. She was hurled backward by the force and slammed her head painfully against a locker. Strength sapped from her body and her mind was dizzy and dazed. Hellen slumped forward and down, caught in the arms of the bully.

Meanwhile, Sayuri in her crystal armor and wielding her sword attempted to hack at the tentacles swarming about her, but her slashes hit nothing but air. The tentacles were quick and wiry. They struck back at her with lightning speed, wrapping around her sword holding hand and wrist, as well as snagging her legs at her knees. A funny smelling slime began to coat over her skin and eat through her armor, giving Sayuri a tingling sensation that was bothersome and frighteningly arousing. As the tentacles continued to wrap around her, Sayuri noticed Hellen slumping out of the fight and knew she was alone for the time being.

Sayuri (Heroine) 4/5, AP 1/10, (entangled, -2 to attack)
Hellen (Student) 0/3, AP 1/10 (out of the fight)
Bully 1/3
Tentacles 2/2 (entangling Sayuri, removing her clothes.)
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Mutsumi took another arrow from the quiver, and watched as the man swelled up in his own transformation...

"Ew... Bruce Banner wannabe much? And nobodys going anywhere..."

Now that she HAD there attention, she figured Big and Ugly would come lumbering after her, leaving Lycoris with the one thats just... Repugnant... Not some Hulking monster...

Mutsumi fires once more at the Bossy Brute, hoping to add another arrow to the last... Before taking a few steps back, in an attempt to keep a good distance between them...
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Lycoris danced back a little ways from the flailing thug after failing to get a hit in. She didn't really want to risk transforming when she was this close to the thug, and not when the girl was still in harms way. She didn't really need to be grabbed mid transformation.

That said, if they both looked like they were going to ignore her in favour of Mutsumi, she would take the time to transform. They were clearly involved in whatever was going on so she wasn't as worried about hiding her powers. If either of them made towards her though, she'd do her best to give them a good beating.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Sayuri looked back at Hellen as she slumped to the floor, tensing her body to turn toward the bully. However, she found herself limited in movement, pulling on her limbs to turn. Gazing back, she found herself ensnared within the tentacles with wide eyes. "Tentacles... why is it always tentacles?" She growled as she gripped the sword tighter. "Can't I have a more offensive ability than truth?" She grumbled as she fought against the confines of the tentacles, pulling herself further away as she felt her body grow warmer. Her thighs squeezed inward as she twisted her body to break free, hopefully using the built up tension to give a gigantic slash toward the bully. That would atleast limit her opponents to one.

(Break free first, then try and attack the bully from the "potential energy" of her struggles. And oocly inquire any known abilities with the sigil of truth.)
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)


In the midst of fighting her way free of the ensnaring tentacles, Sayuri is treated to a cackling laugh from the bully.

"What're you supposed to be? Some cosplay, hero-wannabe?" the insolent boy said, and as she was held by the tentacles, he let fly a stinging slap, catching Sayuri on the face. "I'll teach you what happens to heroes."

At that moment her sword arm, taut against the struggling tendrils, slipped free and sank the sword into the bully's chest up nearly to the hilt. His eyes bulged with shock as the wound began to seep blood from both his front and back. All he managed was a gurgle as the force of her freedom catapulted Sayuri by him and, wrenching her sword back in one crude motion, flung the now dying body to the middle of the hallway, where the blood flowed more freely.

The tentacles however did not give their quarry much time to gloat in victory, as the slimy tendrils aggressively pushed against Sayuri and forced her into the wall, again ensnaring her body and weakening her strength.

Sayuri 2/5, AP 1/10 (entangled, -2 to attacks)
Tentacles 2/2
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Sayuri glared at the bully as she impaled him with her sword. "I am the heroine of truth." She growled before pulling the sword free of the carcass with a grunt. Of course, the victory was short lived as she was slammed against the wall. With a bright flash, she looks back at her multi-limbed opponent. She regains her senses just as she's bouncing off the wall, and twists her body to cut her sword into whatever limb is the closest, in the hopes of weakening it's grip.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

(Lyco and Mutsumi)

The altered brute flung himself across the grass in a raging charge, his fingernails growing and hardening into chitinous rending claws as he neared into striking range. Mutsumi held her ground, drawing her glowing arrow taut in its string, and letting it fly just as he made his final leap. The arrow pierced his shoulder, sticking out of his thick muscle mass, producing in him a wail of barbaric rage mixed with pain. Deftly, Mutsumi ducked and rolled underneath him, dodging his swipe and coming to her feet again drew another arrow from her quiver, notched it quickly to her bow, ready to unleash another shaft into her aggressor.

Her untransformed friend, Lyco, faired well against the injured thug, whose awkward lunge was easily warded off. The albino girl's hand grasped the arrow shaft sticking out of her attacker's chest and twisted it, causing pain to lance through him at a more intense rate, buckling his knees and threatening to bring him low.

The captive girl, now released, fell to her knees in the damp grass, her body heaving in her disheveled clothes. "Ahh.... I can feel it..." she mumbled, just barely within earshot of Lyco.

Brute (Altered) 4/5
Thug 2/4
Girl 2/2

Lyco (Student) 3/3
Mutsumi (Heroine) 5/5