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Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

The four girls enter into the school building, their uniforms damp from standing in the rain a bit too long while they had discussed their overall plan.

They now stood in a large foyer, with three major corridors leading further into the structure, as well as a large stairway that led both up and down to their left.

Inside, a male student wearing an orange band on his sleeve looked up at them from a desk.

"You're late. Classes started ten minutes ago." The male student put aside the text book he'd been studying. "I'll have to take your names down and then you'll need to take these cut slips to the main office. If you can't provide a good excuse, you'll have to stay for detention after classes."

He proffered four yellow slips of paper to them, and indicated the right most corridor. "Main office is down that way, if you don't remember. Now, could I have your names please?" He began to jot down one name, "Already know yours Lyco, kind've hard to forget the white haired girl." He smiled, apologetically, as he went about his duty.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Huh, that's some pretty advanced shit right there. Next thing I know I'll have reputation for being the creepy, angry girl, way to take me back game. That certainly answered her thoughts well enough, heck they probably could go about this in a more subtle manner now. Though that would mean she'd have to admit her plan was the worse idea. Maybe she'd just let it slide until they found out what was in the chapel. Either way it looked like they were playing along now.

"And here I was all ready to give you a fake name and everything," she smiled in return, playing nice while instinctively reaching to pocket the paper. Of course, she had no pockets wearing a skirt, something she was going to grow to hate. Hopefully they were all in the same class, things might get a little more awkward if they were split up. She hoped she wouldn't have to actually sit through all the classes and pay attention, else she'd be racking up detentions in no time.

She moved off to one side in the direction of the office, waiting on the others. She assumed they were going to follow what they had been told, and would be ready to move with them if they did. She was already working on some possible excuses, kind of enjoying being back in this situation again.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Mutsumi holds the door for the rest of the girls, after finding the initial door opening safer than she had thought...

She frowns a bit at the unenthusiastic speed which Lycoris made her entrance...

Then as she allows the door to shut behind them with a definitive click her gaze falls onto the boy in fron of her...

Startled that he was just... Watching the entrances...

"Ura... Bad luck... We found a Hall Moniter..."

As he asked there names for there tardy behaviour...

(Hah... Detention... I haven't had one of these in so long...) She thought mischievously... And decided to try to wing it...

"Aww... You couldn't have forgotten Mutsumi-Senpai, could you?"

She takes her yellow tardy slip as she fake pouts...

"How heartless..."
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

The boy smiles at the way both Lyco and Mutsumi joke with him. To Mutsumi he even grins and shakes his hands in a feigned defensive posture. "We've not spoken before, but I've seen you around the school before. There's no way I'd forget a face like yours, but I'm quite bad with names, so it's just as well I have this piece of paper here to help me... besides we all have taken turn at being hall monitor at some point - you've even dubbed me in for being late before - it was last year, you probably don't remember..."

The boy seemed to brighten up talking to Mutsumi. Maybe he was just happy to talk to someone. Hall monitoring seemed to be a boring duty.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

(Hmm... It's working out decently... At least better than worse case...)

Mutsumi places her finger to her lips in the act of thinking, "Hmmm... Last year..."

Mutsumi knew no such event happened... So she had to recollect on event of her actuall past.

"I don't actually remember really giving out many slips... Less paperwork, more verbal warnings! ...If I ended up giving you one of those rare slips, then I appologise.. I must have been in less than an off mood..."

Mutsumi places her finger down onto her name on his sheet,

"But now theres no excuse for forgetting names!"

As she does, she glances at the Boy's name at the top of the page... Wondering if she'll find it...
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

"Ah, they're getting more strict this new year. Teachers are enforcing the cut slip rule, so I can't just give out a verbal warning. They're really serious about enforcing discipline now. Detentions are getting more common - and they say there's a special detention for repeat or serious offenders." The boy replies, almost conspiratorially.

Mutsumi notices that the boy's name is indeed listed in the top of the sheet, under the first period time slot. His name is Atsuo.

Atsuo continued on as he marked down Mutsumi's name on the cut slip and handed it to her. "I'm trying to keep my nose clean. One of my friends came back from a special detention and it's like he's a completely different person. He won't tell any of us what happened, and now he only hangs around with the other trouble makers who've gone there. You shouldn't need to worry though, being tardy once isn't a big offense, Mutsumi."
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

"Ahh, if your gonna get in trouble for pardoning... Then I guess it can't be helped... Just kinda wishing I could catch a break with the rain and all..."

Mutsumi was genuinely surprised at the NPC having a name and wondered if every NPC had such...

Then quizzically "'Special Detention'? I haven't heard anything about that... What happened?"

(I may have just found myself an easy lead on this... Maybe information gathering won't be so hard afterall...)
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Atsuo spread his hands. "It's like I said, he won't say. No one who hasn't actually been to it knows what goes on. Some people think it's nothing special, some see it as a way for the teachers to isolate the real trouble makers from the one-time offenders. But it's strange that no one who goes there wants to talk about it, and abandon their own friends to hang out with each other instead."
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Mutsumi tilts her head and crosses her arms in thought...


The crumpling of the tardy slip in her hand brought her attention back, and she glanced down at it...

"URA~! I completely forgot we were late!"

Mutsumi turns and dashes off calling over her shoulder

"EEee... S-sorry Atsuo-Kun, maybe we can talk again after class ends!?"

Mutsumi attempts to catch up to the group, more than willing to divulge the possible lead she may have uncovered...
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

"Mutsumi... um, yes, that would be nice. To see you I mean." Atsuo waves a bit at her as she hurries off down the hall to catch up with her friends who have also indicated their names to him in the mean time.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Sayuri narrows her gaze as she recognizes the bane of her existence; authority. Being the last one, she strolls up to Atsuo and says one word. "Sayuri." She states monotonely, waiting for him to write her first name. She then quickly snatches it from his grasp, causing the pencil to scar the paper with a long black line as she strolls past him with a parting comment. "Kiss-ass."
She hmphs and moves on, following the rest with an angry stomp.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Surprised to know than their characters have a story in the game Hellen wrote her name after Sayuri, giggling after saw the extra coment close the name than her partner put. Then they follow them after take her take cut slip, as she does she look around trying to remember everything.

So, what we gonna say or we just go to detention after class to look for information whisper to her friend as they walked.
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Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

"Beats me, could complain about the rain but I doubt that'd work. Guess it depends on if we're well known for being late." Lycoris shrugged to Hellen. It would really depend on how often their alternate selves got into trouble she guessed. She'd been pondering this while waiting but all she knew so far was that she stood out... which was kinda obvious to anyone. Coming up with believable excuses was hard when you didn't really know yourself.

"How about you, learn anything interesting from your little chat Mutsumi-senpai?" she drew out the honorific playfully. "I take it the npcs have more than a line of speech in this game, huh?"
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

"Well it's better than 'welcome to Cornelia.' Over and over again." Sayuri whispered as she put her hands behind her head. "I'll just say I twisted my ankle in the rain, and hobble a little bit. Remember this isn't a hack and slash anymore, and the fun can end pretty quick if we don't act fast and think things through."

She gritted her teeth. "That NPC was still as annoying as a real ass-kisser though."
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

The four of them soon reached the part of the hallway that appeared to be the school administration wing. The found a woman in her late twenties sitting behind the desk. She was on the phone, laughing at something said on the other end of the line when the girls walked in.

"...oh, all right," she said, composing her mirth a bit, "I have to hang up now, but I think it's a great idea, I'll definitely see you there. Uh huh. Yes... You too. Bye for now.~"

She hung up the phone with a sing song note in her voice, then turned to the girls. "Hi there girls, late for classes today?"

The question hung in the air, and it seemed she was waiting to see if they would proffer an excuse or simply accept the tardiness.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Sayuri approaches with a grimace as she meekly nods. "I twisted my ankle in the rain..." She remarked, leaning against the desk. "They helped me along, even though I told them it would make them late. I feel terrible, if you're going to give anyone detention, let it be me." She said with the most pathetic voice she could muster. She's had plenty of practice appealing to the sympathy of local law enforcement.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

The blatant lie seems to ring like a bell inside Sayuri's head, and she a part of her seems to know that the angelic gift of Truth does not appreciate the use of its antithesis.

To compound Sayuri's frustration, she can tell that her lame excuse is not working on the woman, who eyes her ankle dubiously. "You'd better have the nurse in the next room examine that then. We wouldn't want you to hurt it more. Still, it's not swelling up too badly, you girls must have been cutting it close as it was." She taps her fingers and looks at the other girls. "So how did she manage to twist her ankle?"

This woman did not seem like a softy, and her eyes were hawkish in examining the faces of the girls.
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Mutsumi noted the long drawn out way Lycoris repeated her usage of the Senpai honoroffic...

"Ura... I took a gamble... Mostly kohei get stuck with hall moniter duty... So I tried it out... And yeah... The NPC actually had a name and everything!

Actually... I think... I may have uncovered a possible lead from the chat..."

Mutsumi cut herself short as they came up to the main desk...

As the woman asks them if they had any decent excuse, Mutsumi was bout to pipe in with a non enthused 'Just running late' as she hands her the tardy slip

Before Lycoris makes her bold statement about her bum ankle...

And when the woman didn't seem to buy it... Mutsumi pipes in with a hopefully helpful "She was climbing the fence grating... We told her not to... And she slipped and fell..."

Hoping the confirmation of her lie by another person might add further wieght to it... Even if she took some creative liberties with it...
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

The woman turned to listen to Mutsumi, and made a small "MmHMM..." sound from behind tight lips.

"Well then, climbing a fence grating is no excuse," she said. "Less horseplay and better planning will serve you better in the future. I'm going to have to mark you all late, and Sayuri, you'll have to check in with our nurse here where she'll take a look at your ankle. The rest of you should go to your class. You've all chosen to be late on a special day. Classes are taking their turns watching a special presentation in the auditorium. If your classroom is empty, then that's likely where they are, and you'll have to hurry not to miss it."
Re: Multiplayer #2 (Sayuri, Hellen, Lycoris)

Lycoris listened along as the excuse plan was promptly shot down. Any thought she had of adding to the lie was quickly forgotten after seeing the woman's reaction. She wasn't one of those that seemed likely to let people off for a good reason let alone a quickly cobbled together lie. Detention it was then it seemed.

"Ah the presentation, would you know if our class is in there now? I really don't want to miss any more of it if they are." Lycoris spoke up, trying to sound concerned. It had been a while since she'd practised it though. As it stood though, they didn't know what class they were in and asking something like that would make them seem little weird. They didn't need to draw any more attention to themselves.