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Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae approached the odd plant again, still naked and dripping with water, and touched the shaft. There was still warmth there, but after a moment she realized that it was starting to cool. What warmth remained was from the sun and her own body.

She turned back around, towards her stuff, and realized that something had moved. One of the long flower-tipped vines wasn't where it had been a moment before, instead, it lay between her and her stuff. Even as she noticed, motion to one side suggested that another vine was moving.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Looking about the area for a moment to see what was moving. After her brief glance she made a sudden sprint forward and tried to quickly roll to her stuff. Her hands aiming to grab her swords.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The young half-demon seemed to realize what was going on at the last moment, and darted out between two of the stirring flowers. She reached her gear without the puff of pollen in her face that she might have feared, and pulled out both swords. A quick visual inspection of the area revealed nothing moving. One flower was hovering in the air facing her however. A puff of powder shot out of it with surprising force, and Aurae barely had time to flinch before it reached her. Or would have, if it hadn't lost momentum a few feet short, and dispirsed in the wind.

If her gear had been another few feet closer to the Shorn, however, there was little doubt that she'd even now be ruining all the work she'd done in the river.

Still, while a fire might have been nice, she was hardly going to freeze unless she planned to camp at the river until Winter.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Seeing the plant trying to spray her again she frowned and gathered up her gear. With a cautous eye she left the river to find a small spot nearby to cozy up to for the night.

Note to self. Immune to charm, insatible and has lust inducing flowers. Not a friendly creature. The thought that it might be capable of producing offspring didn't even occur to her. She saw that it was a plant and did not believe it capable.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae moved a bit further away to sleep for the night, a short distance from the river and out of sight of the shorn weed. There was no point in taking chances. She wasn't able to make any sort of elaborate camp, or even the most basic defenses. On the other hand, while the plains of Badaria weren't completely tame, as she had proved minutes ago, they also weren't overflowing with man-eaters. If she didn't draw attention to herself it was unlikely she'd have problems overnight.

Dawn came, and Aurae awoke to an uncomfortable sensation. Nothing seemed to have assaulted her in the night, and so it took a moment to realize what wasn't quite right. She finally looked down at her body, and it became clear. Her belly was swollen like a pregnant woman's, easily six months along.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She simply stared at her swollen belly, muttering that it couldn't be real. "I must be dreaming." her voice panicky. She pinched herself and gave a little shriek when she felt the pain. Tears beginning to well up in her eyes as she gazed at her swollen belly.

She gave her tummy a gentle rub trying to will it away.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Rubbing her stomach didn't make it go away. And she had already deterined that she wasn't dreaming. Worst of all, the instructions she'd been given along with the morning-after potion in her pack had suggested that by the time a pregnancy started showing, it was far too late to work.

Aurae was going to have to deal with this on her own. And she was still only a day's good walk from home, sitting out in the open, as the light of dawn washed over her. She hadn't even decided where she was going to run to yet, and already there were... complications.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae gave a loud sniffle and wiped her nose and eyes. She reliezed after last night if she sat still crying something else might get her. Breathing deeply she closed her eyes for a few moments trying to calm her self. After several minutes she struggled to her feet cradling her large belly.

Gathering up her things she began to struggle into her armour, after a few attepts at trying to cover her belly she gave up and simply wore the top piece snug around her breasts, leaving her swollen tummy exposed. Strapping her weapons onto her hips, she began to follow the river towards Acheron.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Going was fairly easy along the river, and Aurae made reasonably good time, at first. But within an hour she felt herself starting to slow down, and it seemed like her already-large belly was still growing. By the end of the second hour there was no doubt, and by the time the sun reached its peak the half-demon was exhuasted. Her reflection in the pool looked as large as any of the women she'd seen with child back in her village, even just before they gave birth.

There was no way to be sure with something so alien, but it seemed likely that her pregnancy would be coming to an end soon. Or if it didn't, it would be at most a few more hours before she'd be unable to continue walking anyway.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She sighed and moved closer to the river, a hand absently rubbing her growing belly. Her eyes looking for more of those strange plants.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Someone has pointed out that after a recent change, Aurae should have the Warped mutation instead of Naturally Warped, due to 6 non-racial mutations (her two instances of Mutated).

This still means that you are at 0/700 corruption towards your next mutation, as Shorn Weeds are only Warped and so do not deal corruption damage to Aurae.

On an unrelated OOC note... I generally don't like to pick up NPCs made by someone else without permission, but it might be nice at some point to have the option of Aurae's father showing up, if you're not opposed. (And are willing to grant me permission to take control of him / flesh him out. And possibly have him do terrible things to Aurae again.)

Aurae was nearly to the water before she spotted the flower. Fortunately it was across the river from her, this time. They weren't exactly frequent, but the half-demon had learned in the past few hours that this river seemed to have several, not just the one she'd 'met' the previous day. She hadn't seen any more than a few dozen yards from the water, though, and so it seemed fairly safe to follow the river.

But she didn't have long to think about that. A spike of pain shot through her belly, and Aurae found herself unable to remain standing. Instinct took over, and she found herself pushing with all her might, tugging her clothes out of the way. She felt something suddenly pushing out through her pussy. After a moment, it plopped out and onto the bank of the river, leaving Aurae panting. The thing was green, hard, and a pair of wriggling tentacles perhaps partly explained the intensity of pleasure that had followed the pain.

The two tentacles began moving immediately, and the little seedling pulled itself into the water, where it started floating downstream. By which point a second contraction pain had shot through the poor runaway. A second lump was making its way from her womb to the riverbank. The third contraction followed even before the second seedling had left her body.

Soon the pain and pleasure of birth faded together into a pink mist. When she regained her senses, a quick glance at the sun suggested nearly an hour had passed. One last seedling was making its way into the river, and a second hadn't quite gotten out of sight yet. Aurae sat panting on the bank, naked from the waist down. She hadn't been able to keep count, but had to estimate that there had been nearly thirty of the things.

"Well that was quite a show!" Sitting on the opposite bank of the river was a young human woman in a pink dress, gazing appreciatively at Aurae's exposed lower body. "You do this sort of thing often?"
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She gains the Naturally warped mutation from being a half-demon. Also, I noticed a slight mistake with the mutations, the three she starts with because of being a half demon aren't counted towards the limit.

Also, feel free to flesh her father out. He would likely make a good villian.

"Eeek!" Giving a very girlish shriek, she grabbed her pants quickly and covered her groin. A rich blush creeping up her cheeks as she examined the woman. "I.... Uh...... me....... No........" The blush growing as she weakly sat on the ground in an embarressed heap.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She starts out with Demon and Naturally Warped from her Part-Demon race. But the 3 mutations from her racial mutated do count, as do the three mutations from her additional mutated. 6 mutations changes Naturally Warped into Warped.

"Aw, I only got here for the very end, but I'm pretty sure I've already seen what you've got down there... nothing to be embarssed about." The girl got to her feet.

The human woman sneezed, blinked several times. She grimiaced, then squeezed her eyes shut. One hand wandered, seemingly without her knowledge, to her crotch, which it grabbed firmly. "I... I... oh my..."

She turned away, and seemed to spot something. "Oh... fuck." Aurae spotted it to. A large orange flower hovered behind the young woman, the one Aurae had noticed before being incapcitated by her labor. And beyond it, something had shifted slightly to reveal more greenery. And among it, an almost waist-high blunt protrusion with a very familiar shape. The young woman was turning back and forth between that and Aurae. "I need... oh, empty night..."
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Under the cuurption and mutation spoiler the very last line is:
Mutations gained through taking the mutated Flaw count toward these limits, but racial mutations (optional or mandatory) do not.

And wouldn't a mutation flaw under the racial flaw in the race's stats mean it was a racial mutation?/I]

Seeing the wman's pight and her slight hestitation on whether to go to the plant or her was plain. "Over here...... I have something you will find.... Pleasurable." Giving a moan that would barely be heard by the woman

She bit her lower lip, and then gave a small smile as she began to slowly and teasingly remove her top. Her hands cupping and massaging her breast as the leather was slowly peeled off. Her breast popping free with a jiggle and bounce. She gave the woman a smile and beckoned her over whilst teasing a breast. Her wings opening up as if ready to embrace someone.
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Nope. Mutations from a racial Mutated flaw do not count as racial mutations, I have gotten clarification on this. They count norally towards Warped/Supernatural/Corruptive, and towards the cost of the next mutation.

The woman took a step towards the plant. Then another. The dress came off over her head, and Aurae saw that she was only wearing a pair of scanty white panties underneath. Briefly, before those joined her dress on the ground. Then she turned towards the half-demon again. This time Aurae was completely naked, and beckoning.

The human licked her lips, and started towards Aurae, speeding up until she dove into the river, and practically scrambled to the other woman. She ended up kneeling in front of the half-demon, and suddenly seemed to be facing another choice. Her gaze darted between hardening cock and dampening pussy, clearly torn. Her hands weren't so indecisize. One was between her own legs, urgently trying to scratch that itch, the other alternating between her breasts, kneeding them and twisting at her nipples. It seemed to be doing her about as much good as it had to Aurae, after her own dose of the Shorn's pollen.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo


But how would a naturally warped creature become warped creature if it was already warped since birth?

She smiled and warped her wings about the woman as she gently beckoned the woman to her. "I need some help getting ready...." Her hand gently teasing her cock. Meanwhile her tail gently reached out to finished what the woman's hands could not.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

It basically means that you've gained enough corruption to corrupt others. Naturally Warped just means that your genetics protect you somewhat from the effects of lesser amounts of corruption.

Aurae's PP damage: (3,3)+ 13 = 19 -> Woman cums
Woman's PP damage: (1,4)+11 = 16

Grapple: 30+2 = 32 v 47 -> Aurae loses, badly

The woman nodded, a tense look on her face. Her mouth easily wrapped around Aurae's cock, while one hand grabbed the half-demon's butt and the other dove between her legs and quickly found the clit.

Aurae's cock got hard fast, between the woman's eager mouth and the other stimulation, and her tail hardly had time to find its target before her partner shuddered in orgasm. The moan felt especially nice around her cock, but suddenly the mouth was gone, saliva leaving it feeling cool in the slight breeze.

Almost as she noticed, the woman had wrapped her hands around Aurae's waist, ignoring the cock prodding her in the chest, and pushed the half-demon to the ground. That done, she knelt with one leg on either side of Aurae's waist, and started lowering her dripping cunny towards the half-demon cock.

52 HP, 52/68 PP, 48 SP;
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Ah, okay.

She smiled and thrusted up to meet the woman. Her hands reaching up to tease the woman's breasts, and give her hard nipples gentle tweaks. Her tail switching targets and moving between her bum cheeks and the spot hidden between them.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae's PP damage: (5,4)+16 = 25
Woman's PP damage: (3,1)+16 = 20

Aurae's PP damage: (3,4)+16 = 23 -> Woman cums
Woman's PP damage: (5,3)+16 = 24

Aurae's PP damage: (7,2)+16 = 25
Woman's PP damage: (8,1)+16 = 25 -> Aurae cums

Pregnancy: ???

Aurae's PP damage: (3,8)+16 = 27 -> Woman cums
Woman's PP damage: (4,2)+16 = 22

Pregnancy: ???

The stranger's eyes went wide as the tail pushed gently into her rear entrance, but that was hardly going to stop her accepting something rather more intresting in the front. She shuddered as Aurae's cock slipped in, though not with as much ease as Aurae might have expected, given how wet the woman was.

The reason was immediately obvious. The woman's pussy was almost painfully tight, gripping Aurae's length to the point where it was taking effor on the young woman's part to keep moving. But she did keep going, and after a time the half-demon was helpless to prevent a moan escaping as the woman's pussy clamped down even more tightly, her orgasm upon her.

The sensation was amazing, and at some point her partner's hands had started returning the attentions to her nipples, so Aurae wasn't far behind. With the woman on top and, intent on continuing, and amazingly tight, there was nothing she could do to stop herself cumming inside the other woman even if she'd tried.

The poor stranger went for a few more strokes, not a drop of Aurae's cum spilling onto her thighs, or back onto the half-demon's belly. Then she pulled off, shuddering with arousal and clearly still on the edge of orgasm. The woman leaned forward, their breasts touching, and kissed Aurae, the runaway's still-hard cock sandwitched between them. There was still a look of hunger in the woman's eye.

Then the human's hands grabbed Aurae tight, her legs intertwining with the half-demon's own. And something warm and hard and thick pushed between Aurae's lower lips. She hardly had time to notice, a couple of thrusts at most, before she felt her partner sieze up in another orgasm, shooting something warm into Aurae's body. Then the woman pulled out and rolled over, panting with pleasure and exhuastion.

52 HP, 46/68 PP, 48 SP;
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Breathless and flushed from the pleasure as she cuddled up to the woman. She gently and slowly removed her tail from the woman, being careful not to hurt her. She looked down to see what had penetrated her.

Frowning as she looked up at the woman's face. " I'm sorry....."