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Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo


RP Moderator
May 25, 2009
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Aurae looked out onto the grasslands of Acheron. There was little enough sign of habitation, human or otherwise, but that was a deception. The hills weren't large or frequent, but between them and the tall, yellowing grass, the horizon wasn't nearly as far away as it seemed.

She knew for a fact, for instance, that there ws a small village behind her, that she could reach in a full day's hard walk, because she'd grown up there. And she knew that Acheron was ahead of her. Ahead-ish. Somewhere to the South, anyway. Not more than another day or two of walking. Probably. Aurae hadn't exactly had a comprehensive education in geography, nor vast experience in measuring distance by walking.

Acheron wasn't the sort of place that any mother wanted her daughter - or son for that matter - visiting. But it was the only large city nearby, and apparently had enough demons that Aurae wouldn't stick out. Of course, her 5 denarii likely wouldn't last long there either. Or she could turn West, and head into the Jungle. There were several entire civilizations hidden away in the trees. Fae, humans and elves, demons, and more. The demons there had a less savory - or at least less welcoming - reputation than those in Acheron, but it might be an option.

Or she could circle around and try her luck anywhere in the world. Being part-demon would be more of a problem in the North, but anything was better than staying at home, and perhaps it was less likely that she ran into either of her parents that way.

Rising to the top of another hill, Aurae caught sight of a shining ribon in the distance. A river. Following it east gave a hint of something rising above the grass - a town, or perhaps Acheron itself. Which meant that following it West would eventually lead her into the Jungle, and eventually to the sea.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She was frowning and fuming still after a meeting with her father, and was occassionally grumbling to herself. She looked at the sun to see how much daylight was left and saw a shimmer in the distance.

Aurae looked towards the shimmer to find a river and smiled. She began a light jog to bring her closer to the blue water. Approaching the water cautiously and checking to make sure her swords were loose in their scabbards. She scanned the water a moment before kneeling down to take a drink and fill a waterskin.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Perception: 17+4 = 21 v 41 = 20+21 -> Failure. Terrible, terrible failure. >.>

Resistance: 15+3 = 18 v 38 = 17+21 -> Also failure. Welcome to the traditional first sex scene as far back as DG1: Shorn weeds!

The sun was low over the structures to the West, making it difficult to be sure exactly how big a settlement it was, or even exactly how far away it was. Aurae had been moving practically constantly since she had left her home well before dawn that morning, and the river seemed to offer a welcome reprieve.

The water wasn't quite so blue as she might have hoped. But it looked clean enough to drink, and so, after checking her weapons, Aurae started to approach. She looked carefuly along the banks. Nothing moved, except the grass in the breeze. A few flowers she'd never seen before dotted the banks of the river, and there were definite signs that she was downriver of a major city, but nothing dangerous.

The young half-demon knelt down and took a deep drink, then filled her waterskin. She turned around, starting to stand up, and found one of the unfamiliar flowers had moved. Its long, thick stem ran a few feet up in the air, with the flower itself sitting about a foot from Aurae's face. It was about as big as her head, and orange, with delicate flowers. Then it shuddered, and a cloud of pollen was in the young woman's face.

She had time to finish getting to her feet before it hit her. Heat ran through her body in a wave. The first breathe was just a general sense that something was wrong, of increased sensation all across her body. The second breathe left the heat starting to build up in her chest. And between her legs. Aurae was away from the flower now, but it was too late. Her cock was suddenly rock hard, her nipples standing erect against her armor. And less familiarly, her pussy was already sobbing wet, and demanding attention even more than her member.

Her eyes followed the vine of the flower that had just sprayed her, and found a much larger plant that had been hidden by the grass on her initial approach to the river. Vines extended out from it in a dozen directions, and in the center there seemed to be almost a little platform of plant matter. And at the heart of the platform, one thick, rigid stem. A bead of blue liquid formed at the top, then ran down its length. It looked awefully inviting, a way to cool the fire burning in her loins.

52 HP, 68 PP, 48 SP; Horny

Horny: The character needs to get laid. They cannot do anything that would prevent them from being satisfied, which includes killing or crippling any potential "partners." They cannot attack in a way that would deal damage, cast Spells or use Powers. All of their previously active effects remain active unless they require concentration of any kind, however. Wears off after 20 rounds of rest, 5 consistent rounds of sex, or they pass out for any reason. And, no, masturbation is not enough.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She coughed as the pollen exploded in her face. After she was able to breath again her knees nearly buckled as she felt the pollen take effect. She grimaced slightly as her skin tight leather pants gave her cock a light pinch, though the pain was quickly forgotten in the heat from her pussy. Her eyes stared at the large central stalk, and bit her lip lightly trying to clear her head.

Shaking her head she saw the vines and frowned believing she wouldn't be able to get away. With a frown she knelt down in front of the large stalk, her hands trembling with need as they reached for the stem, he mouth hesitently following suit. Her tongue coming out to try and lick the plant.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The stamen was harder than the half-demon might have imagined, the surface giving slightly to her touch, but remaining perfectly upright. Aurae would have to lean into it to get her tongue touching the plant. It reacted to her touch, pulsing slight in her hands. Another, larger globule of the blue liquid came out of the top, which she could see was slightly flared, with a slit in the tip.

Her tongue touched it, finding it alureingly sweet. Almost against her will, she found her mouth entirely over the tip of the plant's odd stem. It was impossible to ignore, now, just how much like an erect penis this plant seemed to be, now that the tip was in Aurae's mouth. The girth, the hardness, the basic shape... the only thing wrong was that it was considerably too long, reaching well past her knees.

While she played with the stem, Aurae's pussy made itself known. She could feel the quickly-growing damp spot on her undergarments, the lubrication making the leather against her skin a sensual pleasure at the slightest movement. Her breath came ragid around the stem.

Feel free to give it a hand/blowjob if you like... first.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She gave a soft moan around the stem. Her hands beginning to slid and press up the stem. Her mouth stayed wrapped around the tip, her tongue eagerly lapping up the strange blue liquid. Moaning more as she lapped at it like a kitten. She could not resist pressing her leather clad breast and their straining nipples against the plant's giant penis.

Wait.... This is wrong....... But it is so yummy....... I nee..... No....... She shook her head trying to clear her thoughts, though it only made her mouth slide and wiggle around the tip. She tried to resist the allure of the strange plant.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae shook her head, trying to deny her need for what was in front of her. She felt the plant respond to the movement, move of the liquid entering her mouth, and she reflexively swallowed. A faint warmth shot through her belly, and amplified what was already there. The fire between her legs was almost a physical pain.

She let out a muffled moan, and realized that her head had moved down while it shook, taking a good four inches of the plant's length in her mouth. She quickly pulled back out, her lips clinging to the shaft in case there was any more of the delicious goo. She leaned forward, rubbing her leather-clad breasts against the stamen, and almost yelped with pleasure. Her mouth was back down, five inches this time, before she noticed.

And now it was impossible to ignore what lay between her legs. She felt a sudden release, and cool air over burning-hot flesh, and realized she'd undone her pants. That was wrong. She really, really wanted to fuck the plant, but she still knew somewhere inside that it was wrong.

But she couldn't stop her fingers. They brushed her own shaft, and this time she did yell. It was just too sensitive, almost painful. They dipped down lower, easily finding her pussy from the trail of wetness if nothing else. But whatever attentions she visited just drove her arousal to a higher level, release refused to come.

Suddenly, her attention was distracted, as warm, gooey liquid filled her mouth. Aurae realized she had been bobbing her head up and down while she tried not to think about mounting the plant, letting its length slip inside, giving her relief. And now her mouth was full of the blue goo. More than full. It leaked out around her lips, and if she didn't swallow she was going to choke. Each drop sent another shudder of warmth through her, and by the time the plant was done and her mouth was free, the last of her willpower was gone. She needed release, and her hands weren't practiced enough to give it.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Can't resist...... Need release...... Her mouth stayed on the tip as she swallowed and searched for more of the liquid. Her hands quickly releasing her breasts to the air whilst her mouth bobbed and wiggled along the stem.

With a throaty moan and the last of her will, she removed her mouth from the plant. Dragging her diamond hard nipples along the plant's stalk as she got off of her knees. Her hips giving a little wiggle as they neared the tip,, seeking to douse the fire in her burning loins.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae's PP damage:

Round 0: (1,4)+8 = 13
Round 1: (7,7)+10 = 24 -> Shorn cums
Round 2: (2,2)+10 = 14
Round 3: (8,1)+10 = 19 -> Shorn cums
Round 4: (2,1)+10 = 13
Round 5: (5,5)+10 = 20 -> Shorn cums

Pregnancy: ???

Shorn's PP damage:

Round 0: (Aurae can't cum)
Round 1: (Aurae auto-cums)
Round 2: (1,3)+17 = 21
Round 3: (2,6)+17 = 26
Round 4: (5,8)+17 = 30 -> Aurae cums
Round 5: (1,7)+17 = 25

With her breasts exposed to the air, Aurae did the most obvious thing, and ran both of them along the shaft. It didn't seem to help her, but she could see the stamen reacting, more beads of pre forming at its tip.

She couldn't wait another second. The pants joined her top on the ground, kicked roughly off to free her for what had to come next. The first touch of the shaft against her lower lips was enough to make her moan with desire. She sank onto the shaft, and immeidately she came. The orgasm sent waves of contractions through her body, and she threw her head back with pleasure. Little spurts of cum came out of her male parts, but Aurae hardly noticed with the pleasure that was filling the rest of her body.

The relief was amazing. She needed more. The half-demon could also feel the plant pumping more of its blue goo into her, but that was unimportant. She started bending her knees, bobbing up and down and moaning out loud as the arousal started to build again.

As her thighs started to burn with effort, she felt the stamen pulsing inside her, and without her own orgasm to contend with this time, she was more able to realize that it was pumping cups of liquid between her lower lips. Some spilled out and ran down the shaft, but a good deal must nevertheless make it to her womb. But it still didn't matter, because the warmth and pulsing had driven her to the edge again, and the fire still burned between her legs.

The second orgasm was even longer than the first, and far more satisfying. As it ended, she thrust a few more times, feeling the girth of the plant fill her entire shaft. She felt the tremors as it started to spill its wonderful liquid into her body again, and went down as low as she could. She could practically feel the stuff pouring past her cervix and into her waiting womb, and it felt good.

And then, finally, the burning urge was gone, almost as quickly as it had come. Leaving the half-demon mounted on the stamen of a shorn weed, blue goo dripping out around her pussy lips, still-erect cock perpindicular to the shaft impaling her. Aurae was still aroused, but suddenly it was a need that she could take care of herself. Or even ignore. On the other hand, there was still a means near at hand.

52 HP, 43/68 PP, 48 SP;
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She gave a surprised look at the plant as the overwelming need to breed vanished. She shook her head as she wiggled her hips and gave a few bobs upon the plant.

Focus....... Dig deep.......... She closed her eyes as she grinded and wiggled atop the plant, gasping moans freely escaping her lips as she indulged herself. Using the pleasure she dug deep and willed her inherit power to charm creatures to come forth. Hoping such a power would work.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Resistance: ???

Aurae pleasure: (6,7)+10 = 23
Shorn pleasure: (5,2)+22 = 29

(Realized I already made a mistake: Aurae has Sensitive. Not going to bother trying to reton since it doesn't really matter, but obvioulsy I've corrected it here and in the future.)

Also, Shorn weeds are Plants. They don't have minds, just instincts. And they can't really move from their spot. (Not that Aurae would nessisarily know this.) I might allow a suggestion if it's funny/sexy or something the Shorn would do anyway, but I'm not sure what you expect the thing to actually acomplish even if Charm worked.

Aurae gave the plant a few more thrusts, and soon enough felt the thing on the edge of filling her with its delicious goo again. That was, she felt, when it would be at its most vulnerable. She applied the considerable force of her mind, trying the charm the thing. If it worked, the weed would be her friend, inclined to trust her and to invent its own rationalizations of why it should follow her 'suggestions'. And she did it quickly; her own orgasm would be just behind that of her 'mount' if she kept going.

And felt... nothing. It wasn't clear if it had worked or not. And in any case, it wasn't exactly clear how the plant could express its friendship. The only movements it had expressed so far were the flower a few minutes earlier, and the 'orgasm' that shot a blue liquid out of its stem.

Looking out around her, Aurae saw that the sun had touched the horizon. It would be night in a few more minutes.

52 HP, 14/68 PP, 48 SP;
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She wasn't sure if it had worked or not, and decided that she would relieve the horniness that had built up since first encountering the plant.

She continued to thrust and wiggle, using her hips ti grind against the plant. Her hands moving to try and tease other parts of the plant. Her moaning growing louder as she edged herself and the plant closer.

She saw how late it was getting and decided she would wait to give it a suggestion after she was done having fun.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae pleasure: (5,7)+10 = 22 -> Shorn cums
Shorn pleasure: (4,6)+22 = 32 -> Aurae cums

Pregnancy: ???

Aurae pleasure: (5,7)+10 = 22
Shorn pleasure: (2,1)+22 = 25

With her hands reaching down to tease the shaft under her, and her hips wiggling about and thrusting, it was only a few more seconds before the plant responded, showering her insides with more of the blue goo, which also ran down the shaft over her hands, joining a growing pool of the stuff at the base. The pulsing of the length deep inside her was enough to drive Aurae over the edge into her own orgasm.

By the time she recovered sufficient control of herself, the pernicious blue goo and the continued movement of her hips around the shaft was already starting to arouse her again. And there was little doubt, from the pattern so far, that if she stayed mounted much longer, she'd get another load of blue goo. And be left just shy of another orgasm... it was a pattern that could continue forever, for all she knew. But in the mean time, the light was already growing orange and starting to fade.

52 HP, 43/68 PP, 48 SP;
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Breathing heavily and moaning quietly she stopped moving. Looking at the plant she decided to see if a suggestion would work. "Stop........ Protect me for the........ night and we can have....... some fun at dawn."

She waited, completely still, for a response to see if the charm had taken hold.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Sorry, the Shorn doesn't have any attacks other than the pollen shot. And making something that's trying to rape you anyway Horny isn't really very much like protecting at all.

"Stop" the thing seemed to do easily. Of course, if she thought about it, Aurae would realize that she had been the only one moving, except when the Shorn was filling her with goo, which it had already not been doing. There was no indication that the shorn understood, or indeed was capable of doing as she asked. The only way to be really sure would be to hang around not fucking it, and see if it ever tried to get her with the pollen again.

52 HP, 43/68 PP, 48 SP;
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She sighed and slowly removed herself from the plant. Her legs wobbling slightly as she did so. She sat down, ignoring the fact that she was sitting in a large puddle of goo.

Speaking as she rested from the recent excertion. "Do you speak?" Talking to the plant, unaware of what it was and what it was capable of.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

The Shorn didn't respond, or otherwise make any sort of indication that it noticed her. The light, by now, had faded from orange to red. In another minute or two it would be dusk, and from her experience living in this part of Badaria, it wouldn't be much longer after that before full dark.

Meanwhile, there was a steady stream of blue goo dripping down Aurae's thigh, and an odd fullness that she hadn't really noticed before was starting to fade.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

She shrugged and gathered up her gear. Standing up on wobblely legs she moved towards the water to clean any goo of her equipment. Once that was done she put it in neat piles away from the plant to dry.

Finished with her gear, she slipped into the water. Her hands rubbing her body to wash away the gunk. She did not bother to search the stream or the water for any other creatures with the plant so close.
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Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Aurae's equipment was mercifully clear of goo - at least the goo from the slime. Her panties were throughly slick with girlcum, though, and at least one of her orgasms had left her own semen on her top. She wiped it off, and got far enough from the big orange flowers that she was reasonably sure it would be safe before setting them down and stepping into the water.

The water was comfortable, having baked in the sun of the plains for dozens of miles, and she didn't see anything larger or more lewd than a fish. And not even a particularly large one. Cleaning the gunk from her thighs, mouth, hands, and breasts wasn't too difficult, but when she steped out of the water the trail of blue goo started running down her thigh again immediately. And it was already after dusk.

She waited another few minutes, and the trail slowed to a watery drip, but there was only so long she could wait around for it to stop. The cold wouldn't kill her, not in the summer and this far south, but it was already getting uncomfortable, and the heat the odd plant had inspired was by now completely gone.
Re: Mother of the Year (Rathuris) GM'd by thetwo

Realizing she had forgotten to bring something to make fire with, she moved back to the plant to see if it had any body heat.