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Moonshine in this eternal light

Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

This creature came out of the night and the darkness to save you from this slut in black. Luck has been your best friend since the beginning of your journey and she has smiled to you once again. Unfortunately, you know that the spider will not let you alive if she kills the other ones. You will have to kill her and surely her friends, too. Before anybody can even move a finger, she strikes the woman’s head with the back of her hand, to not kill her. (Spider rolled a 147 while Athenry rolled a -169, dealing 93HP – she’s not dead yet and there is no crit)

Quickly, too much, you can almost not watch her nails piercing the last man’s head. His head explodes, covering you with blood, dirty blood, you turn your head to not taste it and then you are hit, a deadly blow at your chest, so loud that you cannot breath, just to spit blood, you too. (Man is hit by 174 and cannot avoid with -56 and dies; she rolled 101 to stun you and you had only -55, you are stunned and you take a crit at the chest, which will annoy you for few days)

Light and night, both fade away and as you hit the ground, you hear still battle’s anger and pain’s screams. No one will save you, at last, and now, it is maybe even worse. Luck is your best friend but sometimes, she is really just a bitch. (You gain 20xp for your failure and 9 in “Trust points”, which means that Eriol is looking at you now and that he will bless you if you not die soon; for now, you gain just the ability to have the “open” and “close” rolls more easily, which means that you can do crit and bad easier than before [+2 for the crit, which are on 88+ now, and +1 for the bad crit, which are 04-, now])

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

You wake up, tired. Your breath is still painful and your chest is badly hurt. You look around you and you see… Ground, up from ten meters. Near of you are webs and women, webbed, and tied up. Just like yourself!

For now, you cannot do anything. You can see them because it is noon and the sun is high above the skies, the clouds and he shines heavily on the forest. You are in a cozy shelter, leaves are here to protect you from his beams which could kill you; the web is comfortable enough to do not hurt you and is warm so you do not get cold and ill.

You try to watch, to observe what is around you but you are too weak for that. You yawn loudly and fall asleep. “Just for few minutes”, you say to yourself, feisty. “Just for few minutes, I will escape when I will wake up. I shall escape!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

You wake up, again, still tied up in the spider web but now, moon shines above your head. You are still exhausted but you feel better.

You wait patiently for few minutes, watching and listening. Spiders are here, some are on the webs. You hear some girls moaning: “What does that mean? What is happening?” You struggle a little bit, to try the web resistance: it will never break without help. But when you moved, you felt something at your left leg: she’s surely broken. By such, even if you are able to escape of the web, you could never run away. You sigh, sadly, broke, hopeless. To add to the terrible feelings that are invading you right now, you know you are naked.

You can feel the silk against your nude soft skin. It is nice, for sure but you remember the priestess trying to abuse you and you hear the girls screaming. You do not know what is happening: will they eat you? Or worse?

You shake your head and fall asleep again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​


You awake, rested and in a better shape than the day before: a spider came to you during the night, you woke lightly, just to understand what was happening. She healed you. Why? Now, you are quite sure of why. On another tree, you see that bitch, Athenry… She has a big belly, such as if she was pregnant. You are here to give life and lose yours.

You wait, for a few moments, worried. It is then that you see there is a young girl just besides you, now, at less than a meter, webbed too. She smiles to you:

Good afternoon!” she begins. “You’re finally awake. They were stressed about your state, you know.

What is going to happen to us?

Thou don’t wanna know. Legends tell that it is fine, that they’re kinda goddesses and that being impregnated by dem is a great honour. Today, I know it wasn’t true.

Did you come by yourself?” ask you. Of course, she does not answer but that absence was like a “No.

Are we going to die?

Surely.” She was frightened. She was pretty, too. “If we survive dat first time, they’ll tend us, they’ll wait ‘till we’re able to do it a second time. And ‘till we die…

Damn!” you cry. She answers: “ ’Fuck’ is more appropriate.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

During the day, you saw only one or two spiders, less tall than the one who came during the night to impregnate your new “friend”. They were surely younger and were here to watch for the women, to tend the sick ones and because they could not fight.

Yes, fighting. It seems there are many creatures in these dark woods, many fights between them and few living.

Moonshine, again. “Tomorrow, she will be full.” It is what you said to Hel – it is her name – right before a spider comes to laid eggs in her womb. Few moments after, another one came for you, because you need to be healthy to wear them inside you. If only you were able to burn this web…

Maybe that they will allow you to orgasm, instead of Hel who could not; maybe that they will allow you to burn literally, inside and outside. It will be the only time where you could have a chance to escape.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -​

The next day was a long day. A heavy sun, a hurting heat; stressed, disturbed, waiting; you felt bad, really bad. Hel was trying to help you, chatting all the time: you even did not talk for few hours but she never let you fall! “Why?” asked you to yourself.

At the end of the day, you knew that they were going to impregnate you. By such, you explained your plan to Hel: she was happy and decided to help you. She could not touch but she talked about naughty things while you were struggling to arouse yourself, as if your breasts were against your partner’s back.

Finally, when the spider comes you were almost ready to burn that foolish creature. You knew that if the web burns, you would fall and you could not save both Hel and you: you even cannot load magic before the fall because of the orgasm which will need energy.

Instead of the one who worked with Hel, this one was not nice at all: she was rough and cruel. She stares at you for a minute or two, teasing you and when she has done with that, unexpectedly, she starts to beat you. Fortunately, you were webbed and, except for your face, you do not feel her strikes. Hel shouts, waiting help but you knew that you will never have any.

Pain is not fun but, you do not know why, it is arousing… The spider cut of almost all you bounds to be able to go inside your pussy, to feel your breasts. When her “stick” comes into you, you do not know if you should cry or moan, so you do both. But the spider continues to slap your face and other parts of your body which is feeling wounds and do not let you reaching climax. You wait one endless minute of pleasure, of despair and of pain: you could not have endured that any longer. (Resistance test passed with a roll of 92 when 60 was needed)

She stops to beat you while you feel the eggs getting in your womb, enlarging you poor hurt hole: you would never be able to regain a normal size after that torture. When she has finished, she get out of you but she kisses you and her tongue is so good that when with her hand she rubs your flower, you climax. You do not perceive what happens next just that the spider is covered by flames, screaming and you fall as the web is destroyed. You surely casted that spell because you were able to get on your feet when you touched the ground but why Hel was with you when you started running – or trying – you do not understand… Why the spiders did not try to catch you again, you do not understand either… (You casted Slow Fall twice and lose 80 Zeon points)

A moment later, you fall on your feet and sit against a tree, Hel is near of you and does the same. You touch your distort belly, big and not pretty.

What next?
(Choose whatever you want, if it is just silly or totally crazy, I’ll ask you to change, either I won’t count it. Ex: if you vote to get back to the spiders, it is silly :D!)

Huma's stats:
HP:75 / Zeon:270 / PP:40 / Fatigue:4 / Status: Naked, pregnant, tired.

Create fire: Create one “charge”1 of fire. Until the spell is ended, the flame will continue to be, even if there is nothing to burn, if the flame is able to feed from a support – like wood –, she will continue to burn after the end of the spell. Cost: 30. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(3) Daily.

Move objects: This spell moves inorganic objects without contact. Maximal weight is 20kg. Cost: 30. Plus: +10kg. Maintain: 1/10(3).

Reduce fire: Reduce of one “charge” a flame or the heat. Some sources – like a volcano, the magma or a big fire need to be eradicate with only one spell, else they will burn still. You cast this one on some creatures made by fire, then, they will take 5 damages if they fail a roll. Cost: 30. Plus: -1 charge.

Slow fall: Erase effects of a fall from heights. In game, it decreases impact from maximum 50m – if you fall from less, no damages are done, and else, damages will be reduced. It can touché few persons if their “Presence” is not above 60. Cost: 40. Plus: +10m, +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fire immunity: This spell allows the caster or someone else to be immune to 5 “charges”. By such, if the target is hit by an attack based on fire damages, for each charge, he will take 5 damages less and will be granted of +5 to resistance as a bonus. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/20(3) Daily.

Feel the fire: Detect the localization of every source of heat in a radius of 25m. This spell does not give any information about the nature of the source but allows outlining the “charge” and the height. It is even possible to detect the heat of bodies but not of those who do not live – like undeads or golems. If someone wants to avoid to be detected, he will need a roll. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Create sound: Create sounds in a place, less than 50m away from the caster. Cost: 40. Plus: +25m. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fireball: This spell throws a fire attack of 50 damages, which explodes on a zone of 5m. Cost: 60. Plus: +5m, +5 damages.

Enchant: Give to a place or an object with less than 50 Presence an unnatural nature – a wall will not allow anymore the ghosts to pass through and a normal weapon will be able to hurt them. Cost: 50. Plus: +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Fire control: Allows controlling the shape or the growth of a fire which is less than 5 “charges”. The mage can modify some aspects of the flames, such as their color, their form or their smoke’s color. If the spell is cast on a creature made by fire, he can control her but needs a roll. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Firewall: Casting creates a powerful wall of fire. Everybody who tries to pass through the flames needs a roll; else he will take 80 fire damages. Taking damages does not forbid getting through. The wall cannot go beyond 2m of both height and length. The mage can use it as a magic shield to block attacks based only on fire, water or ice. He has 300HP. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages, +1m, +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Magic lock: Close a door or a normal lock and increase difficulty to open it. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 difficulty.

Burning weapon: This spell cover a weapon, which allows her attacking with bonuses as fire damages and +10 damages. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages. Maintain: 1/10(5)

Magic shield: Create a shield which protects the caster against every kind of attacks, even unnatural. It has 300HP. Cost: 60. Plus: +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Firewave: Throw a wave of heat which can flame anything. It does 50 fire damages. As the waves are not visible for human eyes, the attacked one need to see magic, to possess a thermic vision or win a roll to not have the malus of “Blindness”. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

See in ash: Move the mage’s spirit to the past, to see what the cause of the fire is. The caster needs to be inside the ash and he does not have any consciousness for what is around him during the cast. The spell allows to come back maximum hour before. Cost: 60. Plus: +1h.

Arcanebolt: Create a bolt of pure magic which does 40 energy damages. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

Increase temperature: Increase of 5°C, the temperature in a radius of 1km. Cost: 60. Plus: +1°, +500m. Maintain: 1/5(12)

Feel the sentiments: Detect a settled feeling in another character who is less than 50m away from the caster. This one needs to choose the feeling he wants to see. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m, less difficulty. Maintain: 1/20(3)

Firemine: Create a mine of fire which explodes when the caster wants in a radius of 10m. It does 80 fire damages. The mine can stay anywhere. Cost: 80. Plus: +5 damages, +10m. Maintain: 1/5(16).

Huma's equipment:

P.-S.: Sorry, I forgot to say that she gained 2 Constitution (Deus ex-machina like to help her to survive easier). She now has 75HP and 4FP.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Put more distance between you and the spiders. Then try to find a river. While in the water have Hel tries to remove the eggs (the water will prevent Hel to burn in case of orgasm).
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Find a river and see if you cannot start to overheat your own body and make it impossible for the eggs to survive?
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Find a river and see if you cannot start to overheat your own body and make it impossible for the eggs to survive?

Alright; she doesn't know the current limits of her power but just so you know: she's still human even if she has a great resistance to heat and flames but she can still be harmed by fire (like with her spells, the Fireball and the Firewall, for example). By such, don't throw her in a big one :D !
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Put more distance between you and the spiders. Then try to find a river. While in the water have Hel tries to remove the eggs (the water will prevent Hel to burn in case of orgasm).

Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Put more distance between you and the spiders. Then try to find a river. While in the water have Hel tries to remove the eggs (the water will prevent Hel to burn in case of orgasm).

Just one thing: how will she try to remove the eggs? With her hands Oo ?

How, dudes: it's a votelock ^^
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Put more distance between you and the spiders. Then try to find a river. While in the water have Hel tries to remove the eggs (the water will prevent Hel to burn in case of orgasm).

Um. You do realise that manually removing an egg will likely cause extreme bleeding with a potential side effect of death? Finding a river and bathing would still be a good idea, but no womb burrowing please
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

I vote removal via the FALCON PAUNCH method...

Your making an emergency abortion, these spiderlings could kill you... The blunt force trauma to your abs most likely (Probably) wont...

The Pros: crushes higher set parasitic eggs, and reforces lowset eggs back out the cervix

The Cons: Health Loss, Not guaranteed to work as desired...

The Maybe? Frogsplash... From the top branch...
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Find a river and see if you cannot start to overheat your own body and make it impossible for the eggs to survive?

This^, but try to avoid hurting yourself too much, we wouldn't want to harm Eriol's prize now would we?
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

+1 For the Falcon punch method of ghetto abortion... unless we can find a rusty coat hanger somewhere...
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

You do not really have the time to rest here: you are naked, you have no weapon and you are tired. Easy prey, easy death. But you do not want to die this day, there.

We need to leave, we have to keep moving.” You jump on your feet as quick as you can but she grabs your arm: “It won’t be so easy for me, I’m already exhausted, my legs don’t want to react and my womb is so full. I can’t follow you.

It is right: she is gasping, sweeting. You fall on your buttocks and lean against the tree, just besides her. You hold her hand and ask: “How many time before they… They hatch out?

I dunno. Two or three days, I think. They’re draining my vital energy… It’s… I won’t endure that more than one day.

Do you know this part of the forest?” She laughs – or at least, she tries: “None is foul enough to come too deeper in that cursed forest and the only lost ones who tried never came back. Nobody can say where we are, if there are mountains, rivers or else. We’re alone and lost!

And we have neither food nor water.

Suddenly, a light came from nowhere; at first, it was a petty flame and quickly, it grew up, it shined so hardly that you felt like blind. When you recover, you see that you are not anymore in the forest but on a rock, encircled by a river of lava. It is a warm and cozy place; or at least, it could be if there was to eat, to drink and to sleep.

Then, coming from nowhere, speak a deep, loud and hollow voice: “Thou art tough, me darling.

You answer: “Who are you? And where are you? And where am I?

The voice laughs: “How many men didst thou love, in your all life?

My father, my master, a man and a God.

A god? I am not a god. I am a Shajad, son of the Darkness. Thou know my name but nothing more and thou beg for my love: vainglory?


That is how you, men, called me. But I have many names in every language, past, present or future.

I apologize because I do not know so much about You. I never had any education about ‘Shajads’, ‘Beryls’ and Gods.

I know that. I had a pretty temple but… I do not like temple. Chaos and hazard are the only rules I respect. My will is not in temples by such, I was waiting for someone to destroy it and it is thou that came, one morning, to burn the wood, to steal the gold – gold you dropped one hours later – and to play with my priest. I laughed. Really, I mean it. But there was an event unexpected, that I could not foresee: that thou would bow before my altar and fall in what you call ‘Love’”.

You do not answer, to not cut Him. You know that He is watching you but in this magical place, you cannot see Him. He waited for few minutes before He continues: “I am interesting in thou. What do thou say?

That I will do everything I can to please You, my … Love.

He laughs again and His laugh pierces you, tears you apart. “Human, I do not care enough about thou for now to let thou call me with such words. But I do enough to help thou and thy friend.

You bend over Him – it is surely insane as you do not know where He is. “We are really grateful, my… Lord.

If I order thou to burn her, from the inside, will thou do it?

You pause, disturbed. “Will I save her, if I do so?

Who knows…? It is only a matter of Luck.” He stops again while you are thinking to the mess it could be. “Listen to me, young human: I like thou. Thy jokes are funny and I like what is funny. Thou hast to know that I am not human and that I do not have a body. Never expect anything from me: I want to give something to thou, I will do it from my own Will. I will not order thou anything; my rules are easy to understand: Hazard is the only way thou have to follow, Luck and Misfortune are thy friends and to bend in front of anyone, even me, is the only fault thou can do. Hast thou got any question?

Should I still burn the woman?

Do whatever you want: she can burn and die or survive. Lucky… or not.

You smile, happily, and jump on your feet: “I will not bow anymore and I will put Chaos everywhere: that is what You love?

I will see thou around, me little friend.

The world begins to shatter and the lights to fade. When you wake up, you are still in the forest, against the same tree and Hel is near, sleeping. You feel no more pain. You touch your belly and… it is flat. The eggs are outside, between your legs, broken. There is now only one way to move on: you have to trust in that Luck.

For one minute, you watch around yourself: the trees, their green leaves, the pale blue skies, the pale grey clouds, the roots on the ground. There are many things to burn. Then, you understand that it is not the night anymore: your eyes are not accustomed to the sunbeams and that light. It is fine: the night is more frightening and dangerous than the day. (You regain 80 Zeon)

Worried, you touch Hel’s shoulder. When she wakes up, deadly weak, you explain to her your plan: when you finish, she nods and lets you do whatever you want. She will never stand the pain, now you are sure that it is the only solution.

You apply your hands on her belly and create fire in your own body: you throw the heat wave in her womb and wait. She should die and she cries: she leans against the tree and her belly’s shape is altered. You stop and crawl back. (You spend 30 Zeon and Hel survives to a Difficult test: she gets 154 instead of 120)

You watch her cunt and the eggs which are getting out. After a few minutes, her belly is flat like yours and she touches her lower parts, panting heavily. You decide to give her a few more while you try to choose which direction you will take: actually, you do not see any difference. “Luck is your friend”, your remember Eriol’s sweet words.

You help Hel to get on her feet and you just take the “way” in front of you. (Hel is able to move after a Easy test: 103/50)

After what seemed to both of you a long journey, you arrive… to Athenry’s camp. Joy wins on stupefaction: you have food, drink and so many stuff.

What do you want to do?

Huma's stats:
HP:60 / Zeon:320 / PP:40 / Fatigue:2 / Status: Naked and tired.

Create fire: Create one “charge”1 of fire. Until the spell is ended, the flame will continue to be, even if there is nothing to burn, if the flame is able to feed from a support – like wood –, she will continue to burn after the end of the spell. Cost: 30. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(3) Daily.

Move objects: This spell moves inorganic objects without contact. Maximal weight is 20kg. Cost: 30. Plus: +10kg. Maintain: 1/10(3).

Reduce fire: Reduce of one “charge” a flame or the heat. Some sources – like a volcano, the magma or a big fire need to be eradicate with only one spell, else they will burn still. You cast this one on some creatures made by fire, then, they will take 5 damages if they fail a roll. Cost: 30. Plus: -1 charge.

Slow fall: Erase effects of a fall from heights. In game, it decreases impact from maximum 50m – if you fall from less, no damages are done, and else, damages will be reduced. It can touché few persons if their “Presence” is not above 60. Cost: 40. Plus: +10m, +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fire immunity: This spell allows the caster or someone else to be immune to 5 “charges”. By such, if the target is hit by an attack based on fire damages, for each charge, he will take 5 damages less and will be granted of +5 to resistance as a bonus. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/20(3) Daily.

Feel the fire: Detect the localization of every source of heat in a radius of 25m. This spell does not give any information about the nature of the source but allows outlining the “charge” and the height. It is even possible to detect the heat of bodies but not of those who do not live – like undeads or golems. If someone wants to avoid to be detected, he will need a roll. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Create sound: Create sounds in a place, less than 50m away from the caster. Cost: 40. Plus: +25m. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fireball: This spell throws a fire attack of 50 damages, which explodes on a zone of 5m. Cost: 60. Plus: +5m, +5 damages.

Enchant: Give to a place or an object with less than 50 Presence an unnatural nature – a wall will not allow anymore the ghosts to pass through and a normal weapon will be able to hurt them. Cost: 50. Plus: +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Fire control: Allows controlling the shape or the growth of a fire which is less than 5 “charges”. The mage can modify some aspects of the flames, such as their color, their form or their smoke’s color. If the spell is cast on a creature made by fire, he can control her but needs a roll. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Firewall: Casting creates a powerful wall of fire. Everybody who tries to pass through the flames needs a roll; else he will take 80 fire damages. Taking damages does not forbid getting through. The wall cannot go beyond 2m of both height and length. The mage can use it as a magic shield to block attacks based only on fire, water or ice. He has 300HP. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages, +1m, +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Magic lock: Close a door or a normal lock and increase difficulty to open it. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 difficulty.

Burning weapon: This spell cover a weapon, which allows her attacking with bonuses as fire damages and +10 damages. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages. Maintain: 1/10(5)

Magic shield: Create a shield which protects the caster against every kind of attacks, even unnatural. It has 300HP. Cost: 60. Plus: +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Firewave: Throw a wave of heat which can flame anything. It does 50 fire damages. As the waves are not visible for human eyes, the attacked one need to see magic, to possess a thermic vision or win a roll to not have the malus of “Blindness”. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

See in ash: Move the mage’s spirit to the past, to see what the cause of the fire is. The caster needs to be inside the ash and he does not have any consciousness for what is around him during the cast. The spell allows to come back maximum hour before. Cost: 60. Plus: +1h.

Arcanebolt: Create a bolt of pure magic which does 40 energy damages. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

Increase temperature: Increase of 5°C, the temperature in a radius of 1km. Cost: 60. Plus: +1°, +500m. Maintain: 1/5(12)

Feel the sentiments: Detect a settled feeling in another character who is less than 50m away from the caster. This one needs to choose the feeling he wants to see. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m, less difficulty. Maintain: 1/20(3)

Firemine: Create a mine of fire which explodes when the caster wants in a radius of 10m. It does 80 fire damages. The mine can stay anywhere. Cost: 80. Plus: +5 damages, +10m. Maintain: 1/5(16).

Huma's equipment:

P.-S.: I've said a bullshit last time, she's got 60HP instead of 75. She's got 2FP and by such, she will have malus on next rolls 'till she recovers. Do not stay too long in the forest 'cause more creature could come and ... kill both of you. Also, if you want, you are able to kill or to abandon Hel: you don't owe anything to anyone.

P.P.-S.: I apologize but it seems to me that my "old grammar" is bad, isn't it :( ? Should I stay with something more "popular" (colloquial) for Eriol or not?
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Eat, drink, and make use of the shelter, then move on. Keep Hel around, so long as she's not a liabilty. She's proven friendly, and we have scant few of those. That said, if she's not of use, leave her.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

That said, if she's not of use, leave her.

Everything can be useful: you can throw her on enemies, you can eat her, you can have sex with her (only once as she'll die), etc.

^_^ !
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Get some food and water rest in the shelter, see if you can find some makeshift clothing and weapon, then move on.
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Eat, drink, and make use of the shelter, then move on. Keep Hel around, so long as she's not a liabilty. She's proven friendly, and we have scant few of those. That said, if she's not of use, leave her.

Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Get some food and water rest in the shelter, see if you can find some makeshift clothing and weapon, then move on.

This sounds smart

I think it could work well with the character, if you're not confident with some of the grammar why not ask someone else to proof-read stuff for you? We all miss things sometimes