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Moonshine in this eternal light



Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

I think it could work well with the character, if you're not confident with some of the grammar why not ask someone else to proof-read stuff for you? We all miss things sometimes
I was lookin' for someone at the beginning of the CYOA but it's true that it takes a fuckin' while each time and people have better to do. Someone wants to try, i'll be the happier woman of the day ^^ Either, i'll just take 6 days for each update xD !


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Damn dudes!

I come here to say to you that I cannot continue for now: I drink too much and I cannot write.

I hope that I will quit soon and be able to try again.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

I'm back ! Or at least, I'll try to be.

It seems to me that it is far better than my first posts, ain't it?

Anyway, I just want to say that I won't make one post per day. Why? 'Cos answers go slowly (as I don't get twenty, which ain't a prob but ties happen more often) and 'cos I preffer to try to make something good, even if it takes me two days (I hope no more) than a bad stuff thrown in two hours.

And i've gotta say that I changed: text is now "past actions" and not anymore "current actions" (easier for me to write, as i'm not good in english and I find it much more pretty, litterary).

Any way, here's the post :

You watch, looking for a beast or any danger. There could be still a human, somewhere, hungry and afraid, dangerous.

You watched for what seemed to you almost one hour: the sun moved, shadows did too, and the pale light was getting warmer such as the temperature. Naked, it was hard as the air was cold, not enough to make water becomes ice but to sicken. When you were tied in cocoon’s silk, it was so cozy, comfortable. You can try to remember the heat of southern countries but it will not help you right here, right now.

You decide there is nobody – or nothing – and you go in. The camp is now a big mess: wagons lie on the ground, blood has dried but is still everywhere, some food has been eaten or stolen, and barrels are empty. But you cannot see corpses: no one is here and there should be many. You are not sure that the spiders did that alone: they were few, too much.

Hel – who were hanging to your right arm, staggering around slowly – frees your member to grab some blankets which could be like warm clothes. Indeed, they are rigid because of the blood they absorbed which has dried, but you can still use it and it is far better than nothing.

She gives one to you and wraps herself in another one. You imitate her and after that you look for a weapon. Actually, you’ve got a wide choice… Knives, axes, swords and some you do not even know the name or the utility in fights. Basically, you take a knife as you find the others overweight for what you need; Hel takes an axe: “How will I be able to use it? Its weight almost breaks my fragile arms!

Do not care about that”, you say. “When you will have to fight, you will know how to crush your enemy’s bones, how to cut his head off. If you cannot use it, find something else.

She seems to like it and does not drop the axe. On the other hand, it will be easier for her to just try to blow her enemies’ head than to try to use a sword; she could die, yes, but better her than you, right?

You walked all along the camp but you did not find anything interesting: neither clothe, nor armor, nor water, nor corpse. Just chaos. But there was still two barrels which were safe and not broken: one was full of bread, the other, full of various vegetables and fruits.

Midday has not yet passed, so you decided to use the shelter for few hours, to rest and eat. You helped Hel to lie and you selected some fruits which were not eaten by worms and insects and you gave her some, with bread. It wasn’t good at all, you have to admit it, but it was food and you needed to eat. It is true that almost a week went by since they captured you; insects need to eat, too.

Hel fell asleep very fast, without a word. You had no water, night was deadly but you were so exhausted. You wanted to stay as long as you can, but you were thinking to what took the bodies. That bitch had surely more than thirty slaves; where were they? Dead, sure, eaten too, but where were their bones? That is what was frightening you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When midday had passed for an hour or two, you decided to wake Hel up. She grunted, of course, when jumped on her legs rather quickly. She took her weapon, her blanket in which she was wrapped, few ones and you began to walk, following the same road you were walking on some days before. You had food in one of those blanket, as a sack, and the knife was in your right hand – your left arm held your partner.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Why or how, you don’t know but when lights began to shade, to disappear, you saw smoke. A town, it was a town, right before you! At this moment, you did not even think about your nakedness, just you were safe.

Hel walked faster, you were almost running, shouting, both of you dropped food and stuff. You were right because creatures were looking at you, ready to attack you. (Test to be attacked 71/90, failed, you’re safe)

Despair planted its seed: the gate of the town was closed. You shouted and shouted, again and again. The wooden doors stood still and you heard nothing. There was smoke which was rising from that town, you saw it; there were people inside but none listened to you. None were roaming around these gigantic walls, made of stone, big stones: they were protecting themselves, they were heavily protected but from what?!?

Hel began to whine. She fell on the ground, too tired to walk anymore. Despair won and she was defeated. Hopefully you had your magic because you dropped your weapons; but you dropped your rations too.

What could you do? Staying here to yell? Night was there… And monsters too: you could see these eyes, glowing, shining like stars in the darkness of the woods.

Please”, you muttered. “Please, someone, anyone, come and open these doors. Please…” Sadness took you, hopeless. You fell on your knees, besides that young woman who seems dead: you were tired too. The construction was really impressive: you even ask why there was a road and a doorway if nobody should come.

How could you burn that? Should you? Tiredness and letdown made you feel really weak and you could never destroy it. There were many creatures outside the walls and you could easily kill some if you don’t push yourself too far before. Yelling did not seem to be of any help, neither running back or forth. Death, inevitably?

What do you want to do?
A. Burn dat’ fuckin’ door!!
B. Continue the shouting.
C. Run (were?).
D. Else.

Huma's stats:
HP:60 / Zeon:320 / PP:40 / Fatigue:1 / Status: Naked, tired.

Create fire: Create one “charge”1 of fire. Until the spell is ended, the flame will continue to be, even if there is nothing to burn, if the flame is able to feed from a support – like wood –, she will continue to burn after the end of the spell. Cost: 30. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(3) Daily.

Move objects: This spell moves inorganic objects without contact. Maximal weight is 20kg. Cost: 30. Plus: +10kg. Maintain: 1/10(3).

Reduce fire: Reduce of one “charge” a flame or the heat. Some sources – like a volcano, the magma or a big fire need to be eradicate with only one spell, else they will burn still. You cast this one on some creatures made by fire, then, they will take 5 damages if they fail a roll. Cost: 30. Plus: -1 charge.

Slow fall: Erase effects of a fall from heights. In game, it decreases impact from maximum 50m – if you fall from less, no damages are done, and else, damages will be reduced. It can touché few persons if their “Presence” is not above 60. Cost: 40. Plus: +10m, +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fire immunity: This spell allows the caster or someone else to be immune to 5 “charges”. By such, if the target is hit by an attack based on fire damages, for each charge, he will take 5 damages less and will be granted of +5 to resistance as a bonus. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/20(3) Daily.

Feel the fire: Detect the localization of every source of heat in a radius of 25m. This spell does not give any information about the nature of the source but allows outlining the “charge” and the height. It is even possible to detect the heat of bodies but not of those who do not live – like undeads or golems. If someone wants to avoid to be detected, he will need a roll. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Create sound: Create sounds in a place, less than 50m away from the caster. Cost: 40. Plus: +25m. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fireball: This spell throws a fire attack of 50 damages, which explodes on a zone of 5m. Cost: 60. Plus: +5m, +5 damages.

Enchant: Give to a place or an object with less than 50 Presence an unnatural nature – a wall will not allow anymore the ghosts to pass through and a normal weapon will be able to hurt them. Cost: 50. Plus: +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Fire control: Allows controlling the shape or the growth of a fire which is less than 5 “charges”. The mage can modify some aspects of the flames, such as their color, their form or their smoke’s color. If the spell is cast on a creature made by fire, he can control her but needs a roll. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Firewall: Casting creates a powerful wall of fire. Everybody who tries to pass through the flames needs a roll; else he will take 80 fire damages. Taking damages does not forbid getting through. The wall cannot go beyond 2m of both height and length. The mage can use it as a magic shield to block attacks based only on fire, water or ice. He has 300HP. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages, +1m, +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Magic lock: Close a door or a normal lock and increase difficulty to open it. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 difficulty.

Burning weapon: This spell cover a weapon, which allows her attacking with bonuses as fire damages and +10 damages. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages. Maintain: 1/10(5)

Magic shield: Create a shield which protects the caster against every kind of attacks, even unnatural. It has 300HP. Cost: 60. Plus: +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Firewave: Throw a wave of heat which can flame anything. It does 50 fire damages. As the waves are not visible for human eyes, the attacked one need to see magic, to possess a thermic vision or win a roll to not have the malus of “Blindness”. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

See in ash: Move the mage’s spirit to the past, to see what the cause of the fire is. The caster needs to be inside the ash and he does not have any consciousness for what is around him during the cast. The spell allows to come back maximum hour before. Cost: 60. Plus: +1h.

Arcanebolt: Create a bolt of pure magic which does 40 energy damages. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

Increase temperature: Increase of 5°C, the temperature in a radius of 1km. Cost: 60. Plus: +1°, +500m. Maintain: 1/5(12)

Feel the sentiments: Detect a settled feeling in another character who is less than 50m away from the caster. This one needs to choose the feeling he wants to see. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m, less difficulty. Maintain: 1/20(3)

Firemine: Create a mine of fire which explodes when the caster wants in a radius of 10m. It does 80 fire damages. The mine can stay anywhere. Cost: 80. Plus: +5 damages, +10m. Maintain: 1/5(16).

Huma's equipment:


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

A Were pyromatic if I remember correctly! Burn it all!


Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

A leprachaun told me to burn things


Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

E use create sound and make the loudest noise possible behind door folowed by create fire then control fire to make shit ton of smoke


Nov 26, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Wiseman say: When cold make fire

A.... he didn't say what to or what not to burn


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jul 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Wiseman say: When cold make fire

A.... he didn't say what to or what not to burn
Never argue with wisemen, they beat the snot out of you.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

I'm fuckin' late I know ^^" As i didn't get that much vote, I did not make it my priority.

I'm fixing that now.

You ARE pyromaniac, Fire IS your nature; you HAVE TO put fire everywhere!

Without any kind of cogitation, you loaded magic in your hand and suddenly, you illuminated the night by a fiery light. (Huma casted Create Fire with 7 charges which cost 60 Zeon and will need 6 to maintain)

Unlike the fire which was growing and shining more and more, you fell in a deep ocean of darkness.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You woke up, sweet. Still naked but in a comfortable – at least, it seemed that it was comfortable as you have not slept in one for weeks – bed. There was a little window just above your head and the sunlight had invaded all the room.

It was surely the early morning – you could say that by the sunbeam and where they from are. At the opposite side of the room, there was another bed and, in it, you saw Hel, your “hell-partner”, sleeping as if she was dead, pale.

You jumped on your fragile feet and almost fell: you were still weakened and tired and your legs did not forget that. You limped with difficulty toward her bed and bent over her chest, to feel her heartbeats. You could even hear her breathing: slowly and softly, but she was alive for sure.

You came back to sit on your bed and to think: what happened? You do not remember anything since the moment where you put fire on the door. It seems to you that you had heard shouts but it was surely your imagination: you were in a house, so humans found you two. It was obvious that they would not kill you even after you destroyed their gates, either, you should be in a jail or a kind of jail, still naked but raped by the guards.

You tried to watch outside, through the window: what you saw was absolutely normal but not what you heard. You saw a town, with people walking, there were even few shops around the main place of the village unless there was no sound, none annoying noise, the wind himself did not want to be there and to bother the villagers. But you understood that the house you were in had two floors and you were in the second.

You breathed out, loudly and tried to walk toward the door, staggering. You were still naked, that’s right and you were quite embarrassed to roam around like that. You opened and climbed down the stairs.

Near the fireplace you saw a quiet woman, cooking, tossing a strange brown mixture in a heavy black rusted-pot. You stood there, saying no word, breathing softly and you did not move even your little finger, just like her. No whistle, no song, no music. Just the noise of the sup and a strange and heavy disturbing silence…

Then, she suddenly stopped and turned back, facing you:

I am going to take some clothes for you. Take a bowl and serve yourself. Do it quickly, I don’t want to see you naked anymore. After all, I’m not lonely here; some people will soon come to feed.

Since how long do you know I am here, ‘Madam’?” you asked as she was already climbing stairs.

She turned again and looked you, right in the deepest place of your soul, right in your eyes. You swallowed, annoyed: she has light blue eyes, a cold gaze; she has something strange, something dead in her eyes and the way she looked at you could have killed, even if she was not upset. She was just calm and quiet, she would never lose a second for anyone: it is that kind of person who can sit and wait for days, doing nothing because they have nothing to do, because they are empty; their heart beats and their blood flood but their life stands still. She had long blond hair, leaning until her back ends, a pale skin and some very fashioned veins but if she could have been really gorgeous, a pale beauty, if she had not that many scars on her right side face: her skin had been grazed and burnt, she had many cuts which had marked her but her eye was alright. She crossed her fingers while she talked to you and you saw that her right hand was hurt too. These were old wounds but her mind was still burning and suffering.

Since you woke up and walked. I heard your footsteps. Then I heard the door. Then I listened you breathing, as quiet as you tried, you were not that good and you were staring at me and I really don’t like that, I could only know it.

Why did you not stop me, then?

I had to do and I still have… Your nakedness disappoints me.

She walked toward the second stage whilst you still stared at her. You did what she said to you and found a bowl and a spoon in a wardrobe; you took some of the so warm soup and didn’t eat yet. She soon came back with a long and austere dress which would hide your whole body: from where you come, heat was too much to be able to bear such clothes but outside, it was really cold though there was neither ice nor snow, though you wish there was because you have never seen any before.

You put on the cloth and then look at her while she was walking away from you but her voice resonated in the house: “Eat now.” She was a sad person, she was even sad to look at. So you just ate.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You took your time and even get twice again. She gave you some bread and an apple.

While you were eating, sat at a table, in a corner of the room, people came to have food too. Strangely, they didn’t buy it: they came with their own bowl and she gave them soup; sometimes on asked her how were she and sometimes she answered or she just shake her head. None really tried to talk with her and none tried either with you: if they gazed at you, it was quick and fearfully.

It is then you understood that she was not the only sad and disturbed person around there…

When you had finished, you waited her and when she had finished, she ate, answering at the only question you asked by: “Later.

Damn her!” you thought. Nothing seemed to perturbed her more than your only presence.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You waited for a while because she had nothing else to do and she liked wasting her time just thinking to many things.

Once she has cleaned everything, she said: “There are rules. We saved you and you will have to make something for us.

What does that mean?

She looks you in the eyes, passing through everything, every wall you built to protect yourself, with her cold deep gaze: “As you saw, there is around no money around here. This town is lonely, like lost, for almost twenty years now. You are the second to take that road these days: you might have cross her path, a witch and dozens of slaves. Fools to travel these woods, even on the road. And…

Yes, I met her.

So she survived for a while.

Just a day. We have been captured by some kind of… Spiders? With human body?

There was a long silence. But she resumed: “We are alone here. Money does not have any use anymore. So we do not use it anymore. We do services to help each other.

Now, you talked about strangers… I remember that three months ago came a murderer the guards arrested: she was covered in blood, human blood and killed three of them. And two others but I do not remember when they arrived: the first was a traveler, a good fighter she did not flee and she stayed and helped the guards; the second was a hunter, a young woman she chase some creatures so we could have meat.

She stopped and did not move a finger, like a statue, like a statue made of ice. A beautiful statue though a melancholic one.

She resumed: “You saved one of us. These young girls… They all want to try. Some disappear, few reappear broken. These creatures chase and move all the time: as long as we do not open our gates, we got a great army in our walls that protect us enough so they never entered. Sometimes they do thousands of miles and we never see them again. Some said the whole country sank in that chaotic state, that it is not only us. It could explain why they see sometimes women that are not from here.

But as I said: we have protectors, these men who stay all the time on the walls, some go outside sometimes to chase the monsters and to get back some of our youth. We have strong walls, although the doors are in wood. Or we had… We are grateful for the one you saved, Hel: she is an orphan but she is from here; but you almost destroyed that door and they fear some monsters could try to get in.

Do you get what I mean?

You feel like if she is angry at you, even if she does not seem to be upset. But she is for sure aggressive and if you like her, she does not feel the same way about you.

What do you do now?
So you know: you might do anything you want. You might kill her or not. You might burn the house, rape her or not. Just be aware that with such a freedom, whether you choose something in the character or not, i'll surely change some stuff: "rape her" will become a "torture her badly" for example.

There she asks you a question by which you should answer by "yes" or by "no". If you answer, you will continue the discussion and you might choose by such to ask her questions when she will have finished.

So you know: I will do that often to let you choose her chaotic and dark path, just don't mess to much too often :D ! There are death you will not avoid as they are already prepared.

Huma's stats:
HP:60,60 / Zeon:350,350 / PP:40,40 / Fatigue:4,4 / Status: Still a bit tired.

Create fire: Create one “charge”1 of fire. Until the spell is ended, the flame will continue to be, even if there is nothing to burn, if the flame is able to feed from a support – like wood –, she will continue to burn after the end of the spell. Cost: 30. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(3) Daily.

Move objects: This spell moves inorganic objects without contact. Maximal weight is 20kg. Cost: 30. Plus: +10kg. Maintain: 1/10(3).

Reduce fire: Reduce of one “charge” a flame or the heat. Some sources – like a volcano, the magma or a big fire need to be eradicate with only one spell, else they will burn still. You cast this one on some creatures made by fire, then, they will take 5 damages if they fail a roll. Cost: 30. Plus: -1 charge.

Slow fall: Erase effects of a fall from heights. In game, it decreases impact from maximum 50m – if you fall from less, no damages are done, and else, damages will be reduced. It can touché few persons if their “Presence” is not above 60. Cost: 40. Plus: +10m, +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fire immunity: This spell allows the caster or someone else to be immune to 5 “charges”. By such, if the target is hit by an attack based on fire damages, for each charge, he will take 5 damages less and will be granted of +5 to resistance as a bonus. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/20(3) Daily.

Feel the fire: Detect the localization of every source of heat in a radius of 25m. This spell does not give any information about the nature of the source but allows outlining the “charge” and the height. It is even possible to detect the heat of bodies but not of those who do not live – like undeads or golems. If someone wants to avoid to be detected, he will need a roll. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Create sound: Create sounds in a place, less than 50m away from the caster. Cost: 40. Plus: +25m. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fireball: This spell throws a fire attack of 50 damages, which explodes on a zone of 5m. Cost: 60. Plus: +5m, +5 damages.

Enchant: Give to a place or an object with less than 50 Presence an unnatural nature – a wall will not allow anymore the ghosts to pass through and a normal weapon will be able to hurt them. Cost: 50. Plus: +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Fire control: Allows controlling the shape or the growth of a fire which is less than 5 “charges”. The mage can modify some aspects of the flames, such as their color, their form or their smoke’s color. If the spell is cast on a creature made by fire, he can control her but needs a roll. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Firewall: Casting creates a powerful wall of fire. Everybody who tries to pass through the flames needs a roll; else he will take 80 fire damages. Taking damages does not forbid getting through. The wall cannot go beyond 2m of both height and length. The mage can use it as a magic shield to block attacks based only on fire, water or ice. He has 300HP. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages, +1m, +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Magic lock: Close a door or a normal lock and increase difficulty to open it. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 difficulty.

Burning weapon: This spell cover a weapon, which allows her attacking with bonuses as fire damages and +10 damages. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages. Maintain: 1/10(5)

Magic shield: Create a shield which protects the caster against every kind of attacks, even unnatural. It has 300HP. Cost: 60. Plus: +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Firewave: Throw a wave of heat which can flame anything. It does 50 fire damages. As the waves are not visible for human eyes, the attacked one need to see magic, to possess a thermic vision or win a roll to not have the malus of “Blindness”. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

See in ash: Move the mage’s spirit to the past, to see what the cause of the fire is. The caster needs to be inside the ash and he does not have any consciousness for what is around him during the cast. The spell allows to come back maximum hour before. Cost: 60. Plus: +1h.

Arcanebolt: Create a bolt of pure magic which does 40 energy damages. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

Increase temperature: Increase of 5°C, the temperature in a radius of 1km. Cost: 60. Plus: +1°, +500m. Maintain: 1/5(12)

Feel the sentiments: Detect a settled feeling in another character who is less than 50m away from the caster. This one needs to choose the feeling he wants to see. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m, less difficulty. Maintain: 1/20(3)

Firemine: Create a mine of fire which explodes when the caster wants in a radius of 10m. It does 80 fire damages. The mine can stay anywhere. Cost: 80. Plus: +5 damages, +10m. Maintain: 1/5(16).

Huma's equipment:
Brown dress


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Slap that bitch and show her the feelings of pain. Before abruptly stopping and saying "You are a husk! A pure husk, no passion, no nothing! Only that immutable gaze of nothing! You could throw away your life for anything! You are fearsome."

Huma would lean back just looking at the girl, both pity and fear in her eyes. Such a creature like this was bad. The only way to hurt it, would have to make it care about something...

"So what do you wish me to do? Go and stand guard and keep my flames ready every heartbeat for a monster? To go out and hunt? To start a massive flame in the forest and force it to go out of control turning everything to ash?"


Tentacle God
Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Wimper and answer "Yes."


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Cooperate for now and agree to an exchange of services, we need to rest and recover, now is not the time to start more fights.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

As I said: everything might happen... She could kill you instead, or you could be arrested and raped to death in jail or killed before but you could find a friend in jail and escape together and run in the woods and find a temple and become overpowerful....


Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Cooperate for now and agree to an exchange of services, we need to rest and recover, now is not the time to start more fights.
I Agree with this and second it.


RP Moderator
Nov 14, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Same as the above, but if the "service" isn't exactly fair, or beneficial, or even fun... I'd falcon paunch my way out of there...

Probably try to convince the spoken of "Young Girls" to join up... A small hoarde of adventuring women traveling together is safer than one or two traveling alone after all...


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Jul 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

Cooperate for now and agree to an exchange of services, we need to rest and recover, now is not the time to start more fights.
Sounds good to me.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

I still owe you something.

She nods quietly. “I have tea, do you want some?

It is your turn to nod. She stands up and goes the kitchen part of the room.

I might fight… It is the only thing I do well. I put fire well to everything… or everyone.

I am quite sure you already killed and more than once. But I have two questions now: have you killed ‘innocent’ people? Has it happened that you killed but not on purpose, not by choice: do you really control your power?

What do you do: do you tell her you do not always control it or not?
A. Lie.
B. Tell truth.

Huma's stats:
HP:60,60 / Zeon:350,350 / PP:40,40 / Fatigue:4,4 / Status: Still a bit tired.

Create fire: Create one “charge”1 of fire. Until the spell is ended, the flame will continue to be, even if there is nothing to burn, if the flame is able to feed from a support – like wood –, she will continue to burn after the end of the spell. Cost: 30. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(3) Daily.

Move objects: This spell moves inorganic objects without contact. Maximal weight is 20kg. Cost: 30. Plus: +10kg. Maintain: 1/10(3).

Reduce fire: Reduce of one “charge” a flame or the heat. Some sources – like a volcano, the magma or a big fire need to be eradicate with only one spell, else they will burn still. You cast this one on some creatures made by fire, then, they will take 5 damages if they fail a roll. Cost: 30. Plus: -1 charge.

Slow fall: Erase effects of a fall from heights. In game, it decreases impact from maximum 50m – if you fall from less, no damages are done, and else, damages will be reduced. It can touché few persons if their “Presence” is not above 60. Cost: 40. Plus: +10m, +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fire immunity: This spell allows the caster or someone else to be immune to 5 “charges”. By such, if the target is hit by an attack based on fire damages, for each charge, he will take 5 damages less and will be granted of +5 to resistance as a bonus. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/20(3) Daily.

Feel the fire: Detect the localization of every source of heat in a radius of 25m. This spell does not give any information about the nature of the source but allows outlining the “charge” and the height. It is even possible to detect the heat of bodies but not of those who do not live – like undeads or golems. If someone wants to avoid to be detected, he will need a roll. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Create sound: Create sounds in a place, less than 50m away from the caster. Cost: 40. Plus: +25m. Maintain: 1/10(4).

Fireball: This spell throws a fire attack of 50 damages, which explodes on a zone of 5m. Cost: 60. Plus: +5m, +5 damages.

Enchant: Give to a place or an object with less than 50 Presence an unnatural nature – a wall will not allow anymore the ghosts to pass through and a normal weapon will be able to hurt them. Cost: 50. Plus: +10 presence. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Fire control: Allows controlling the shape or the growth of a fire which is less than 5 “charges”. The mage can modify some aspects of the flames, such as their color, their form or their smoke’s color. If the spell is cast on a creature made by fire, he can control her but needs a roll. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 charge. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Firewall: Casting creates a powerful wall of fire. Everybody who tries to pass through the flames needs a roll; else he will take 80 fire damages. Taking damages does not forbid getting through. The wall cannot go beyond 2m of both height and length. The mage can use it as a magic shield to block attacks based only on fire, water or ice. He has 300HP. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages, +1m, +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(5).

Magic lock: Close a door or a normal lock and increase difficulty to open it. Cost: 50. Plus: +1 difficulty.

Burning weapon: This spell cover a weapon, which allows her attacking with bonuses as fire damages and +10 damages. Cost: 50. Plus: +5 damages. Maintain: 1/10(5)

Magic shield: Create a shield which protects the caster against every kind of attacks, even unnatural. It has 300HP. Cost: 60. Plus: +50HP. Maintain: 1/10(6).

Firewave: Throw a wave of heat which can flame anything. It does 50 fire damages. As the waves are not visible for human eyes, the attacked one need to see magic, to possess a thermic vision or win a roll to not have the malus of “Blindness”. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

See in ash: Move the mage’s spirit to the past, to see what the cause of the fire is. The caster needs to be inside the ash and he does not have any consciousness for what is around him during the cast. The spell allows to come back maximum hour before. Cost: 60. Plus: +1h.

Arcanebolt: Create a bolt of pure magic which does 40 energy damages. Cost: 60. Plus: +5 damages.

Increase temperature: Increase of 5°C, the temperature in a radius of 1km. Cost: 60. Plus: +1°, +500m. Maintain: 1/5(12)

Feel the sentiments: Detect a settled feeling in another character who is less than 50m away from the caster. This one needs to choose the feeling he wants to see. Cost: 60. Plus: +10m, less difficulty. Maintain: 1/20(3)

Firemine: Create a mine of fire which explodes when the caster wants in a radius of 10m. It does 80 fire damages. The mine can stay anywhere. Cost: 80. Plus: +5 damages, +10m. Maintain: 1/5(16).

Huma's equipment:
Brown dress


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

B. truth We're all about fire and passion so we're not all that good at lying anyway. plus we're obviously a crazy lady.


Tentacle God
Jan 10, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Moonshine in this eternal light

B we are crazy but something is off with this chick lying might not work too well...