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Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Hello, again. Am I still welcome around these parts?
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

We don't take kindly to your type around here.

Yes, you're welcome.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Can I pick up where we left off?
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Hey, .
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

*oozes on the ceiling*
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

It's coming out of the walls! It's coming out of the godda- Oh wait, no it's not. Either way, BY FIRE BE PURGED!
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Be nice to the Slime. Poor Slime, its just oozing.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

*squeals in rage at the fire, recoils and then emerges elsewhere, with angry face and tentacles*
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Kyrieru is awesome because he indirectly gave me a new pic for my signature.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Its time for "Sakuro's Random Questions". On today's episode we ask: How does the relationship between a magic user and their familiar function on Monster Girl Island?
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Familiars are often made rather than bound, and usually by someone with a high concentration of magical power. And there are two kinds of familiars.

Soul Bound Familiars are actually not separate from their creators. As always, treating a soul like a ball of yarn, a soul bound familiar is like a smaller ball of yarn made from and still attached to the larger ball. In other words, a soul bound familiar is always connected to it's master, and is one with it. A soul bound familiar is not a separate existence from it's creator. Because it is made from the same soul and operates from it's commands, a Soul Bound Familiar and the creator are technically the same person.

Artificial Soul Familiars takes the same concept of Soul Bound Familiars by making a smaller soul-like existence outside. The major difference is that the artificial soul is designed to be just like a soul, to think and make decisions on it's own, and is often designed to think that it should obey it's master. The existence of an artificial soul is transient and will quickly fade, so usually after performing a task often far away from it's master, it must return to it's master in order to have it's energy restored.

Even powerful witches of Baphomet's coven usually only employ one Artificial soul familiar due to the resources of their energy they have to dedicate to keep it in existence.

There's probably other kinds of familiars that can be made, but those two are fairly basic. Anything else would be more advanced.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Eh, in the description for the Greater Imp, it says that mages will summon an imp to act as a familiar, but accidentally summoning a greater imp turns the mage into the familiar instead. What's going on?
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

greater imp? To my knowledge there's only a normal imp profile and arch imp profile.

In any case, what's happening in such an event is that the Artificial soul becomes more powerful than the summoner. It's as simple as that.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Makes sense. So does that mean that a familiar can actually manifest as any type of familiar? (Since there can be Imps running around as normal mamono, not familiars.)