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Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

The area in the brain that activates during feelings of hatred is almost exactly the same area that activates during feelings of love.

I think what RJ is trying to say, TWO, is that he NEEDS you.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

The area in the brain that activates during feelings of hatred is almost exactly the same area that activates during feelings of love.

I think what RJ is trying to say, TWO, is that he NEEDS you.

If the feeling was mutual I'd have killed myself long ago.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Oh shit son it's TWO DAYS THIS TIME RJ.

EDIT: Never mind I fell under the 48 hours for the forum post thing...

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I wish I wasn't incompetent as an artist, else I'd make things like this for certain threads in my spare time instead of doing other shit.

"Revisit at your peril!" the dragon replied.

Making their way back out of the cave and back into the open air of the mountain side, Siehydra felt the heat affect her once again. "My~" Youko noted the intense heat, "It sure is hot today." With that said, she rose her hands upwards, directing her palms at the sky. With great force, Siehydra saw green threads of magic fire from her fingers by the thousands. Uncountable, the nearly microscopic threads rushed for the sky, straight for the sun itself. An unnatural act of nature began to take shape, as a cloud suddenly began to form, and grow larger slowly, but steadily. Once the sun's hot rays were blocked out by a large cloud hanging unnaturally in the sky, Youko broke her threads, and looked at Siehydra with a grin. "Even though we were this high, that was still quite exhausting. But, I'm glad we can travel in the shade. Aren't you?" she asked with a giggle, before suddenly perching forward, placing her hands on the ground like a dog, and leaping off of the side of the cliff, landing on various odd ledges as she made her way down.

Stopping on the third ledge, she shouted up at Siehydra, "Come now pup! Let's hurry! Can you not make it down?" she inquired up to Siehydra at the top of her voice. And truthfully... While it did not seem out of Siehydra's ability, there was the risk of a single slip-up... And should that single slip-up occur... It would not end well for Siehydra.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I feel your pain RJ, seriously I really do. The things I would draw if I could draw them even remotely full of awesome quality.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

THERE, UPDATES. I CAN DO NO MORE.......... at least for a while x.x
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I make a whole bunch of posts and only one responds. Did I take so long that each of you gave up on it? I hope it's not the same for the remaining posts I have to do.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I hereby hand you my formal resignation letter of this RP.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Reply incoming, soon. There were papers to be written!
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

*GASP* You're leaving the rp? What happened? Did... did you get a girlfriend/boyfriend? (not sure whatever your preferences are, doesn't matter) X3
Don't want them to find out eh? Ok ok, makes sense. Have fun. *wink wink nudge nudge*
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Sorry, busy planning Bakan's destruction.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I might join it, but I have trouble with trying to plausibly fit the concept of a green, animalistic fungus with a love of stompin', yellin' and shiny bitz into the universe... Assuming it's a allowed at all.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I have no idea what that meant, so I'm going to go ahead and say go for it.