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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

With the elven's next words it dont take any second for the Kitsune to give an smirk and then lean closer to Sakura. Sure, she will end her meal soon, because i will help her. The fox girl then lift the bunnygirl almost as if she were a small girl and place her at her lap, wraping her with her fluffy golden tail as she then proceed to feed her with small pieces so Sakura dont needed to take them from her dish. Here comes the train...ahh~ The inocent pink girl remain red just for a moment as she was moved but once in the soft place she just whimper and smiled as she accept the pamper or game from the healer who as Sakura eat she played with the poor bunny ears, in a kind way of course but playful.


As the talk continue, the fox girl just strech herself and remain looking to the bunnygirl who have problems to endure all this lust on her. Before continue Celine decide to ask about the strange cold aura and almost the place remain in silent for a huge pair of seconds before barefoot noises were heared coming from the opened diamond doors.

Oh my... poor little angel, if this place is so cold maybe i should help you to warm you a little~ A blonde succubi said as she get inside wearing a small towel than almost couldnt hide her perfect body, behind her four nude succubi walked behind her with clothes and others things than they soon would use to cover this new blonde once they reach a closer seat. The wishpers slowly started to fill the place as normaly, but the giggles are almost scarce. Please continue and dont worry for me, im just a guest like you and yours friends. The succubi said giving to the others a moment to restore the talk.

Soon Celine continue, giving most than a brief idea of what she could do to make the deal, almost all the succubi loved the ideas and even some get out of their seats to get closer to maybe to try some time with the futa elven. Fortunately the elders succubi havent ended to talk so with respect the whole large group of socubbi remain at distance.

Nice, a new continent and you said like some of you than arent exactly females. The blonde said with a soft smile.

Nya Amazing, i supposed than this continent was the only one to have survivors of the gods deadly curse. The neko succubi add, mostly just the elder succubi girls were the ones intrigued with the info than Celine has given, meanwhile the rest than were young ones even if they have hundred of years were more likely exited to accept the deal.

My child... The blue skinned one said in a soft tone but then stop placing her hand at her mouth for a moment before take a second to continue with her tone restored. We dont want to just help them to sattle theirs needs, but also in case than this castle is not enough to defend your family we will take them here and even when we decided ages ago to dont fight, they will be completely safe with us.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine merely giggled as the kitsune scooped Sakura up into her lap and fed her by hand. "Alright that's good enough, just let her finish eating okay," Celine said with a giggle as she watched them.


As she asked about the cold aura in there, Celine watched around for a few tense seconds as the doors opened again and in strode a beautiful blonde haired succubus, one of the most beautiful succubi Celine had ever seen in fact. Celine stared on in stunned silence at the gorgeous succubus, her dick twitching a couple of times even as a drop of her pre leaked from her tip. "I uh... I guess it is a little cold after all, so I wouldn't mind..." Celine said as she stared at the new blonde haired succubus. She shook her head a little bit after a few moments though, her train of thought coming back to her finally after the stunning beauty bedazzled her a bit. "I mean... um... let me continue," she added, shaking out of her reverie of staring at the beauty, where she continued with what she was there for.

"Yes there's plenty of elves that are futanari like myself, about five to ten percent of my race is. for some reason we have a much higher chance than regular humans and other races of being born that way. I'm a noble from my homeland, the eldest child of a duke. And I've even got a succubus handmaid back home too, she's got red hair, large breasts, a few inches taller than me, and just as lovely as all of you. Heh, that coupled with the fact that I've had sex with succubi before is probably the main reason why being in great mistress Vanessa's palace isn't so frightening for me, because aside from succubi there aren't a whole lot of other kinds of demons back in my homeland really, so I'm used to your kind," Celine said after getting through making her request and the blonde said what she did. "My home continent used to be under the thralldom of a great powerful and evil demon lord. He had enslaved my people to do his bidding... and he was very cruel to us. I won't go into detail, but let's just say we rebelled and are free now, and many succubi rebelled alongside us, because the ones back home weren't treated too much better than we were really," she added, looking around to see the reaction of that.

When the blue skinned succubus spoke up and said what she did about protecting Hope and Faith, along with any of her other children, Celine's mood brightened immensely and she smiled up at her. "Really... you would do that for me? Thank you, thank you so much. Might I also ask if worse comes to worse and they must ever be brought here, that you bring their mother to protect her too, please? I... I at least want them to have their mother if they can't have us both, if the worst should come to pass of course," Celine asked the blue skinned succubus, bowing deeply to her in thanks and feeling a bit more at ease now. "So... I promised you some cuddle time before you had to leave miss, and I shall give you that time. And... if I have the time afterwards, then I'd be more than willing to spend some time with you too miss," Celine said, first to the neko succubus, then to the gorgeous blonde haired one, smiling at both and standing up to go with the neko succubus to give her the cuddle time she'd promised, her penis painfully hard and in her mind she was hoping that some sex would be involved with said cuddle time, because she was extremely horny here in the midst of all these beautiful women.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The blonde succubi made a soft smirk, easily anyone could notice the effect than she has produced at the elven, but as she has said, she wished to heard what this servant wanted to ask to all her sisters. As her followers dress her not only her but all the succubi heard every word given with mostly a delight at the start, the needs to dry this newcomer was even bigger now than she has claimed herself an important noble at her land, even a few of them giggle by the idea, not of see someone of a high class and hater of slavery turned into this almost by her own will, most likely they smiled by the idea of how her noble rod will feel and taste inside them or what she has learned to sattle their lustful race with the help of her handmaid.

However, this ended soon. The youngers succubi asked to the others questions about why the elders succubi had let him do that to her sisters on Celine's land. Others just mumbled "Bad Slavery" "poors" and many more just couldnt feel themselve bad for heard this, undoubtly wishing to hugh and cuddle that poor elf in front of them. Some of the succubi dont said anything as they looks to remember something, over all the elders were the ones than let the elven end before say something.

Im glad than your people had been in peace the time enough to be able to come here, so we could meet you, Mew. The neko said first most likely breaking the sudden silent at the others.

It was not easy here too, but now almost all this continent havent seen that kind of rulers in ages, all thanks for people like the Great Mistress. The blue skinned succubi add noding at the start.

So, do you love big breasted succubi, just as your motherly like handmaid, isnt my lady? The blonde one interrupt as she show her cleveage as she get dressed by her group without let the elven see all of her. Are these of your like? The blonde one said possing to show her perfect size orbs, presing them softly to incite Celine even more, giving a soft smirk as the whole succubi melten down theirs worries and start their giggle again and mostly making jokes too or direct advances to the elf.

Mostly a huge quantity of demons had our blood too, so you will be safe in this realm and some others. It could be hard and will take some time but even at the humans lands ours sisters will heard about you Celine, however, you must avoid go to these towns far away at the SouthWest. The blue succubi continue, giving to Celine an idea of what she wanted to reach in her attemp to protect her and her family.

The girls smiled and even hug Celine when this asked for Triny to come here too if was needed. The hold from the blue skinned one it was so warm and confortable it was almost as if Celine was a small children once again protected and loved by a mother like figure. All will be fine, little one. You will be here to raise them.

The goth girl remain at her seat, focused on the talk but most all the time helping Sakura and a little the fox girl to endure the strong lust on the hall.

Yay, mew first~

The neko one get closer eagerly and happy to have this chance with the futagirl. We only need a hug ♥ All will fine, i will be easy on you Celly.,,prrrf

The nekosuccubi end to say as she get closer enough to Celine, as she let drop her suit armor who was removed in a blink, really close to dont let the elven see her nude body, the golden eyes were focused on her face as in a move her precious lower lips get penetrated by the elven as she get more closer to steal a passionated kiss from Celine, it was too much for Celine who could notice her lust needing to release her loads without stop as the quick body envelop her with her dark wings and the purr start when a gold light invade the face of both women.

All then was so difficult to describe for Celine, the bounces and that lovely bed, how the cat succubi take her in many ways slowly both tasting what the elven has loved at the days inside the castle and at her land, the silver haired woman having control of her for days maybe months, cuming countless of time inside that thigh pussy of her until made her love her, then a last time they get on the bed and the party lasted for hours, her many twins similar to her started to appear as an orgy come without stop, they know a lot of each other and they talked by many things between her usual lust parties.

Then the neko get out of their hold with her womb filled as also her lust, smirking to Celine who was again in front of the hundred of Succubi, all were amazed as Celine notice her body all warm and fuzzy as her pennis feels as she has cum continualy but the floor dont have a single drop of her fluid than she was sure has filled that girl than now she know her name. Sayuri schukle for a moment, before lick her lips. Nya~~, we could continue but then you will feel bad to dont be able to sattle the others. The next time we will try to do it real with what you love and how you want to be threated, my dirty lover ♥

Celine has earned a lot of information about Sayuri who looks so young for her age, she dont needed to feed of many lovers as with a single hug she could feed of a single partner without made it get tired. She also could make anyone share information with her shining horns, the mischievous succubi was proud of it to even share this with Celine. Her real was at the North and even when there was disputes she could come here in any moment
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As she spoke, Celine could tell that every one of the succubi in there was finding it harder and harder to not just jump her and make her theirs, though that wouldn't be so bad a thing really, save that she would end up being late for Vanessa's meeting of course. "I'm glad that I could meet all of you as well, such beauty is... well it's always a sight to see when I get to, and I'm glad to hear that the evil demon lords have been mostly banished thanks to people like mistress Vanessa, it makes me love her even more now," Celine said when the blue skinned succubus spoke up after she was through.

When the beautiful blonde succubus spoke again, Celine blushed as she turned to look at her again. "Y-Yeah I kind of do like large breasts, because there's more to grope and squeeze... a-and because they're like soft pillows too. And yes... t-those are beautiful miss. I uh... I'm Celine. May I know your name? And yours as well ladies if you'd like to introduce yourselves to me," Celine said, stuttering a bit as she introduced herself to the blonde and asked her name in return along with the other elder succubi in there.

"A-Alright miss, I'll be sure to not go down there until it's safer. And all of you would be welcome in my homeland too I'm positive, because succubi are beloved in my homeland and those who can get one to fall in love with them are highly regarded among my people, because it's so tough to truly please a succubus and all... sexually I mean," Celine replied when the blue skinned succubus continued speaking, and when she hugged her, Celine returned the hug and laid her head down on the blue skinned succubus' breasts as she did so. "Thank you... I'm really grateful to you, all of you," she went on to say as the blue skinned succubus hugged her, loud enough that all could hear her words.


When the neko succubus hopped into her lap after telling her what she did, Celine prepared herself for the coming sex and smiled. "It's... okay love, you don't have to be too gentle. I'm not made of glass after all, so you can go a bit harder if you like," Celine told her as she mounted her and her pussy slid down around her painfully erect cock and began squeezing.

Celine returned the passionate kiss just as passionately and slipped her arms around the neko succubus' waist so her hands rested on the small of her back as they went at it. The feeling of lust was so great within her that she couldn't suppress a moan, the need to shoot her seed into this beautiful woman too overwhelming to resist as the wings closed about them. Just as the golden light permeated the air between them, Celine felt her seed spurting out of her dick as her mind kind of wandered.

As her mind and eyes refocused themselves, Celine found herself on a soft comfortable bed where she looked up to find neko succubus bouncing up and down on her dick like crazy. It was almost as if she'd stolen her away and taken her to a faraway land to her own home, where she had her way with her repeatedly, every day for months, as Celine's mind faded in and out many times as she spurted her seed inside of her lover every time. She didn't mind though, because it simply felt too good to worry about it, and she was well taken care of obviously for she never tired nor went hungry, she was always happy and ready for more with her new beloved. Soon enough she fell completely in love with the neko succubus, and each day she got more and more stamina and began to take the lead sometimes in their lovemaking, and when the orgy came at the end with more succubi than she could count pretty much, Celine wouldn't tire out until all had gotten a turn with her and they were all satisfied, having increased her stamina much by the end of the whole dream/vision.

When her mind was brought back to reality, Celine looked around to see the hundreds of succubi around her, all giggling and smirking at her and her current lover. Watching as the neko succubus dismounted her with a hand over her womb, Celine knew that she'd spurted a lot of her seed into her lover, but there wasn't a single drop on the floor, meaning that she'd milked every drop out of her without letting a single one spill. Celine's poor cock was still hard as a rock, ready for more from whoever wanted her next, but she had her eyes on the beautiful blonde succubus from before once the neko succubus left her side... undressing the gorgeous succubus with her eyes with a look of wanting and lust in them as she did so, letting any succubi who looked into her eyes what she wanted as her cock twitched and ached with need.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Certainly Celine was getting more fans around the succubi at the hall, they soon or later at the next days would try to get some free time with her, but now anyone could notice where her attention was placed. The blonde gorgeous succubi made a soft smirk completely reading the message than the elven was giving with her body. Uhm... So soon and you ask for my name? Call me Prisca, it will be a pleasure to heard you say it, soon. The blonde succubi answer most likely loving the idea to heard ehr name between the elven's moans.

We sometimes change of names, because these after some time are borring, but ussually we give ours real ones to ours more intimate lovers, nya. The neko interrupt dont answering at the moment.

Indeed, some of us love some changes after some ages. Our sister name is Hajel and she has made a vow of silence. The blue skinned said pointing to the Gothic girl then she proceed. For my part ussually im called Branwen between my sisters, if you need some wisdom or a hug you can come to me in any moment.


Ended the conversation and introduction Celine soon have her time with the neko succubi in a really interesting event than could had lasted less of what she has supposed. Soon it was clear than the elven wanted someone in concrete to sattle her lust and mostly faint exausted because only being at her side made her wish to have more of an hour to be with her.

Ussually i do it in private and slowly to enjoy my lovers, but i guess than some lessons to my young sisters would be the best at this time. The blonde succubi in a seductive strut get close and sit on a throne, it was if she was giving the whole iniciative to Celine but it was more than that, the invitation of the succubi was more than fine movements and seductive gazes Celine soon moved to her without be able to control herself anymore. Lets take our time, show us what your sweet handmaid succubi teached you to be highly regarded.

The young elf dont take this as a challengue her body and mind focused to start to show her lust to the others in first time having some foreplay kneeling and kissing as also licking the perfect delicate feet of her new mate, at that moment she was not interested in more than do it, neither how negatively could be seen that small show of affect reduce her even more too, her senses were just completely focused on taste every inch of the Blonde one, slowly focusing in every inch as the colonist than she has called herself, looking for a place to settle her seed and genes. Every inch turned her even more, just reaching her ankle was a delight for her than almost let her drop some precum over the floor, even after that possible long bath the small particles of her scent were making her so horny and increase the lust given by her touch more of ten times by just kissing her and lick this lusty flesh.

As a sex slve pleasuring her Mistress she will continue caressing her from the lower part until she have the noble permission to insert her manhood at that privileged fertil flower. Celine will then go up passing away that divine place for now as she needed to reach her mouth first by kisses and slowly revealing some more of that goddeess like body. The Blonde succubi have her needed to cum and she havent even moved a finger, just after end of kiss her cheeks and neck after pass for her sweet breasts she will be rewarded with a small kiss at her forehead and then getting closer the blonde beauty give her a pure kiss by her hard work and then Celine was free to do as she wish, but having in mind than she should enjoy every second and do it slow as Prisca as said before this has started.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Sitting there as the blonde succubus introduced herself after Celine did so herself, the young horny elf perked up at being spoken to by the gorgeous blonde in front of her... and Celine would definitely scream her name out in ecstasy that was for sure. After learning the other of the high succubi's names, Celine bowed politely to each of them from where she sat. Upon hearing about Hajel as they named the gothic dress wearing succubus and her vow of silence, Celine gave a sad look her way.

"That's sad that you've taken a vow of silence, because now I'll make you break it when we have some fun in the future and you're screaming my name," Celine asked curiously to Hajel as she looked over at her.


After having her fun with neko succubus, who seemed to greatly enjoy their time together along with Celine, the horny elf looked to the blonde succubus that she had her eyes on Prisca as the beautiful succubus walked towards her, swaying her hips seductively as she came towards her. Unable to control herself any longer, Celine got up and walked over to Prisca's seat and stood there before her, naked as the day she was born. "I'll do my best to impress you then Prisca, though I hope you'll give me a bit of leniency since I don't know your kinks any. Then again though that's what makes sex so fun with someone new I think," Celine said as she knelt in front of Prisca, pulling one of her legs up and kissing the top of her foot.

The lust boiling through her veins was guiding Celine in her actions now, though she didn't mind all that much as she kissed Prisca's foot, looking up directly into her eyes as she did. After a few tentative kisses on Prisca's foot, Celine ran her tongue up the underside of Prisca's foot before moving a tiny bit further up and kissing her ankle before giving it a gentle lick, this being nearly enough to cause her pre to spurt out of her sensitive dick. This succubus... this woman... Prisca, she was an ideal mate, and Celine's instincts were ruling her at the moment and were telling her to make Prisca her's, as she was obviously very fertile what with being a succubus, and she was a noble as well from what she could tell, and she was gorgeous as hell. Celine felt the overwhelming urge to have Prisca and make this lovely being her's, to take her back home and marry her along with Vanessa and Triny both... oh what a lovely harem that would be to have all three of them together.

With a shiver going up her spine as her tongue began going up Prisca's ankle to her calves, Celine felt her cock twitch as a throb of need went through it, her body's needs showing themselves for all to see. Celine refrained from just diving straight in for now though, as she hadn't gotten permission from Prisca yet to mate with her, so as her lips traveled up Prisca's beautiful form, she passed up her sweet folds, not having earned the privilege of having them just yet. Oh how she must look to the succubi around them, Celine thought to herself, but she didn't care, and she intended on looking good for all of them, so that they all knew how good of a lover she truly could be so that they all wanted her.

"Gods Prisca... I want you so bad. But I'm going to make you feel good first... I'm going to earn the right to have you, to show you... all of you what I'm truly made of," Celine said aloud, intent on not just having sex with Prisca, but making true love to her while all the other succubi witnessed it.

Soon enough Celine managed to work her way up to Prisca's head, where she continued onwards, kissing her cheeks and neck as her hands moved up to gently cup Prisca's delicate breasts and gave them the gentlest of squeezes. As soon as she felt Prisca's lips touch her forehead, Celine knew that she'd pleased her enough to continue and that she even had permission to penetrate her. As she shifted around some more to prepare to thrust inside, Celine caught herself as Prisca leaned forward and pressed her lips against Celine's. That one kiss sparked Celine's lust as her instincts took over completely, guiding her along as soon as their kiss was broken where her hands gently slid down Prisca's sides to her hips.

Pulling back a little bit, Celine knew that she had to capitalize on this development and enjoy each and every moment of this. Her hands didn't stop at Prisca's hips and kept going on down back to her feet, where Celine willingly pulled her foot up again and kissed the bottom of it without any hesitation. After that, Celine began massaging Prisca's foot, leaning in and kissing her leg every now and then before switching to the other foot and massaging it too, repeating the same process on the other foot and leg. Celine's sensual massage would continue for a few short minutes as she worked her way up Prisca's body until she was gently massaging Prisca's breasts, her breath coming out in a slight pant now from how worked up she was, but she was intent on showing Prisca that she had restraint and resisted the temptation to just plunge inside of her. She wanted to hear Prisca verbally give her permission to take her.

"Prisca love... have I pleased you so far? Just touching you is a privilege that I'm honored to have. I'm going to make you mine though now Prisca I intend on making you scream my name as loud as you can while I do the same for you. You're so beautiful, I want you to have my children too," Celine told Prisca, not caring about what anyone else in there thought from what she said and letting Prisca know the effect she was having on her by what she said.

She was going to have Prisca now, this divine goddess of lust was going to be her's, she just knew it. She only hoped that Vanessa and Triny didn't mind it if Prisca joined them. Gently sliding her hands down to Prisca's crotch area, Celine softly spread her legs enough for her to lean her face in close, where she breathed in the lovely scent of her new lover before tentatively reaching out with her tongue and taking the barest of licks at Prisca's divine folds, savoring the taste of it and licking several more times as she enjoyed her new lover some more.

Leaning back up, Celine kissed Prisca one last time very deeply before sidling into position, her member lined up against Prisca's precious folds as she kissed her. Breaking their kiss, Celine thrust inside of Prisca's flower, letting the lust that'd been building within take over now as she thrust in, not stopping until she'd hilted inside of this lovely succubus now in her arms. Her legs nearly gave out right then and there and her knees were knocking together a lot, but Celine held firm and looked directly into Prisca's eyes again, where the gorgeous blonde haired succubus would see that Celine's eyes were full of desire for her, in more than just a sexual way.

"Y-YES PRISCA! F-FUCK YES, I WANT YOU SO BAD... NO I NEED YOU SO BADLY," Celine screamed Prisca's name, shouting to all in there how badly she wanted the beautiful blonde succubus.

Celine would hold back as much as she could before bottoming out inside of Prisca, having built up a good rhythm in her thrusts to give the maximum amount of pleasure to Prisca, not caring any for her own as making Prisca feel good gave her more pleasure than sex ever could. When she could hold out no longer, Celine would scream Prisca's name to the heavens as she hilted inside and poured her seed directly into the obviously fertile succubus' womb, her arms wrapping around Prisca and lifting her out of the seat she'd taken to hold her there in her strong arms, wanting to show her strength off to Prisca so she would see how strong Celine was and have no objections to Celine sowing her seed in her fertile succubus womb.

Celine wouldn't stop there either. As she held Prisca in her strong arms, Celine would take the seat she'd lifted her out of, putting Prisca in her lap now, where Celine would turn her around to face away towards the crowd if she allowed her to as she hefted her legs up into the air and spread them wide for all to get a good view this time around. With that, Celine would bounce Prisca over her cock, letting her cock slid in and out of her tight flower, which was beyond comparison in Celine's opinion, with the only ones that could compare belonging to only Triny and Vanessa. Celine wouldn't stop unless forced to until she came a second time, her second load even larger than the first in an effort to ensure that Prisca was now pregnant with her child as she held her close there in her lap while they sat there. As she sat there with Prisca in her lap recovering, Celine idly thought to herself that her cock was now a slave to Prisca's luscious pussy too just as it was to Vanessa's and Triny's, so she really hoped Prisca would want to spend more time with her.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Hayel the gothic succubi just made a soft smile as her beautiful eyes turn to the elven, she really dont looks to have the idea to have today a time with Celine, but she loved her attitude or more likely how express herself to them, no doubt than the elven loved her race. The others also enjoy her to try to show herself to the specheless girl, maybe knowing something than Celine dont of her.


Prisca has been giving clues of loving the kind sex skills than Celine has tried on her, her soft delight sounds had grow in quantity as the elven go on. Accepting her words to earn what the noble from this land things than can belong to her. The blonde woman on the throne give some words to answer but they went direct to the elven's brain without the need of cast a power. Prisca has accept to let the elven show what she can do to not just her but her whole people, as more Celine endure her wild needs to take her she couldnt manage to heard her answer not like it need it once she start her pleasure building massage the blonde succubi let out some charming whine and muffed small moans as she delight with the touch at her lower body.

Celine havent seen so such grace between the legs of a woman, a perfect tool to give birth and pleasure a lover, no doubt this body was come to life to cause a pleasure so intense as it get penetrated, her sweet scent made the elven drool and incite her to lick it, almost losing her mind as she taste and serve her lover as the lower lips of these were served with attention, she wouldnt get tired to taste it but her needs to taste it with her huge rod grow with each lick than after a time she decide to stop and continue with something herse before lost her mind.

She needed a moment to continue feeling the pleasure before answer to Celine. Her head made a soft nod as her face let her flirty lusty smile ilumine the moment before her charming words come out this time Celine was so needed for an answer than she couldnt avoid to heard her. I allow you to take me Celine. I cant denny the love than you are looking for. Prisca loved how much Celine has endured herself in order to make her feel this as much time as possible, the succubi's body was not just fresh and filled with delightful scents from her bath and her own powers, the lust in each kiss and lick has build more passion of what Celine has noticed, her whole body in need couldnt endure more and soon she start to lift the perfect body in front of her after a delicious lover kiss, her hands folder her lover's back as her dick meets heaven.

The pleasure as she goes inside was almost too much, if she werent trained after these fights and orgies she would had cum without stop, even then her body almost faint by the shivers and delight of just go deep inside, each thrust from there fit as a glove and the succubi's inner walls automaticaly made a soft motion than increased the rubs inside her. Soon Celine couldnt focus in anything else than it was not Prisca and her wonderful body bouncing with her, theirs moans increased at intensity and quantity, Celine couldnt stop to softly rubs her face on Prisca when she could, her gold hair and soft breath as they recover of her first orgasm and loads inside Prisca prepare her lower member for more, each part of the succubi intensify her needs to continue.

Soon the couple change of position this time being Celine who would sit on the gorgeous seat and then turning to the audience the nude masterpiece as if she were proving to all than Prisca belong to her now, the blonde succubi just made a small giggle, amazed by how suddenly Celine's lust has getting all ready for more, she dont show any shyness or despice of her exposed stance, Celine could notice a soft squirm from her maybe she was loving this shame.

Celine then make her bounce over her with complete lust in her eyes and needs to continue until she couldnt more. Her cock was close to cum so soon when suddenly some delicate fingrs were placed inside her pussy and pressed it at a point, Prisca then moved more her hips as the minutes run. Her lust building over her peak without be able for a release, but before it turns into a torture Prisca let out the most cute screams than Celine has even heard until now, fiinally after a huge effort and even some help the royal succubi has reached a peak, one so presciouss than in the instant the whole room get filled in lust, the many succubi at the orgy come at the same time as also Celine get a potent huge release.

This was without doubt the power of an orgasm from an elder succubi, all the beings inferior to her went into an stuning orgasm, moaning and screaming in rythm and syncrony as one, giving the welcome to a new life starting being created at Prisca's belly. Celine was close to faint when Prisca rest her back on her, almost mindlessly she huge her and pamper the body over her as her hard empty rod remain inside Prisca's tunnel.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As Celine began making love to Prisca, not simply having sex, but passionately making love to her in a variety of ways, kissing, licking, caressing, tickling. There was always one part of Celine's touching Prisca somewhere, and her hands were always in motion to provide the maximum amount of pleasure to the elder succubus that she could. By the time she finally got to slide her length inside of Prisca, Celine's poor dick was so hard and aching so much that the relief of sticking it inside of her nearly made her faint and give up her seed at the same time.

"G-Good, because I can't hold back any longer Prisca my love... I couldn't even if I wanted to," Celine panted to Prisca when she said she couldn't deny her the love she sought from the elder succubus.

Prisca fit around her length perfectly like a glove, making every thrust in and every backwards thrust as she pulled back out only to slam in again feel like pure heaven. As Prisca caressed her face all over with her hands whilst Celine held her and pounded her for all her worth, the passionate elf didn't even try to stop her, mainly because she didn't want to stop her. As Celine came the first time and filled Prisca, allowing her to continue rubbing her hands all over her body until she lifted her up a few moments later and took her seat, switching positions like she'd planned.

As Celine showed off the gorgeous masterpiece of a succubus... no a masterpiece of a woman to their audience, she felt Prisca wriggle in her lap back and forth as she began bouncing her up and down over her length, enjoying the sweet sounding giggle she let out as Celine bounced her. She intended on enjoying every second of her time with Prisca, not letting her cock fall or slide from her tight heavenly folds even once as she bounced her up and down. While Celine took her prized succubus, she felt a hand slide down and fingers slip into her slit, which brought her literally to the brink of orgasm when Prisca's fingers entered her and made her hands squeeze a little tighter around Prisca's hips and waist as they continued going at it. She felt her climax approaching fast and just as she felt about to cum and ensure Prisca got pregnant with her child though she finally noticed that her fingers were pressing at a specific point within her nethers, which was apparently preventing her sweet release.

Finally after a few more minutes, Celine felt Prisca tightening up around her a bit as her body neared its climax, and soon enough she felt Prisca clamp down around her as her orgasm washed over her where Celine slammed up into her one final time as the tightness overwhelmed her and the elder succubus released the pressure point she was holding. When she heard Prisca's scream of pure ecstasy echoing around the room as her orgasm washed over her, it intensified it nearly 5 fold as the entire audience reached their peaks as well. As Celine sat there while Prisca came around her cock, she felt incredible, and so lucky that Prisca graced her with such attention and the privilege of even touching her, let alone make Prisca her's.

"Oh gods... you're divine Prisca... a goddess. A-And mine now, hmhm... I couldn't be luckier I don't think. I will please you like this every night if you want Prisca... every night that I can at least. Gods Prisca... you made me cum so hard my penis hurts, but just to be graced with even touching you is worth that ache," Celine panted as she sat there with Prisca in her lap, the poor futanari elf totally exhausted after that, her poor cock nearly empty after those 2 massive orgasms. Her eyes had a slightly lost expression in them too as she held Prisca close to her, warming that divine backside with her own warmth and pampering and showering Prisca with kisses and sweet caresses all over her body, hoping to make Prisca fall in love with her and not want to leave her. "I love you Prisca. Do you love me too? And... do you think I got you pregnant? If so... well... I would like to see our child Prisca. Would you like to come with me Prisca? We could raise our child together, and she would be one of the most powerful and beautiful succubi in the world," Celine whispered in Prisca's ear as she held her there, recovering her strength little by little with each second they rested, and she could still feel Prisca's precious pussy still gently squeezing her length as they sat there, but she loved the feel of it so she didn't mind.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

You really have talent on this, i would be unable to wait until the night but it would be a shame than you get completely exhausted at midday.

Prisca remain over Celine as the elven wishper her the idea to stay with her. The blonde succubi dont was in hurry to answer as her hand softly rubs the lower lips and base of the futa girl. Inside the huge hall almost all were still under the effect of the powerful lust released from the elder succubi, just Branwen and Hajel had endured this power. Meanwhile the neko succubi had decided to join Sakura and the fox healer to a trio

The blonde succubi had given the impression to had accepted to live her at the side of the young elf, her wet flower was so wonderful than Celine's dick is like in its home and remove it from there would never pass at Celine's mind, thae inner walls were pressing and rubbing softly her whole lenght almost as if they had own mind, Prisca's fingers were also a plus as they were building another peak in a continue slow rate.

Your words are so sweet Celine, you could melt any girl. it make me wonder if your handmaid talked to you like this. The blonde succubi made a soft mischievolous smile as she turn and press harder the elven's dick as she steal a kiss from the elf. You are right, she will be so pretty and powerful just like her sisters. Just said this she rub her slim perfect belly. I was just to ask you to come to live with me... but it looks than that would be a little selfish from my part. Celine could notice the look and softly frown at the blue skinned elder succubi toward Prisca, she was right to do it as if Prisca take Celine then all the others would suffer and Celine have family here.

Sorry my love, but i cant take you and there are a lot of persons waiting for me at my humble home, but you can ask for me to any of my sisters in any moment and i would come here in the instant, then at the night we could have as much fun as we want if yours others lovers let me.

Celine could suppose than Prisca could love her but she was for another land and she just had said to have more daughters maybe waiting for her, dissapear without solve all at her land would cause a crissis, maybe.

Prisca continued giving to Celine a sweet after sex at her privates as the elf pamper her, if Celine wanted to have more with her the succubi would move and sit looking at her this time, now aiming for the rest of the elven's body instead just her still hard member. She was not really looking for sex as that would be too much for Celine, she instead made a lovely foreplay as she and Celine taste each other.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Oooooh, you're so sweet Prisca, and so thoughtful and considerate. Again, a goddess," Celine cooed back to Prisca as she held her there in her lap, raining kisses down on Prisca's face,neck,and shoulders, the thought of pulling her dick out never crossing her mind in the least... she didn't want to leave those divine folds and wanted to just sit there and let Prisca milk her dry for the rest of her life... but she shook her head clear of that thought, reminding herself that Prisca was probably the most gorgeous succubus she'd ever met in her life, but Triny and Vanessa loved her too and she couldn't forget about them. "Oh that feels so nice... don't stop love," Celine went on to coo at Prisca as she began rubbing and fingering Celine's own soft petals, making her feel even more pleasure than she already was.

"No she didn't talk to me like this, she helped to take care of my needs of course though, and she always told me she loved me. But even though we had sex all the time, I've never felt as amazing as when you and I had sex just now. You're definitely the best succubus I've ever had, that's for sure love," Celine whispered back to Prisca when she mentioned Celine's old handmaid from back home that she'd told them about. "Well I don't think I could come and live with you Prisca love... I've got obligations here and back home too. And... it's selfish of me to ask that you move to here with me too, but... oh gods I love you... it was love at first sight," she added, leaning up to kiss Prisca on the lips and hold her close as she listened to her apologize to her and that she couldn't come to live with her.

"Aw... well... maybe one day you can. And I'll wait until then. Just... if you ever want to have sex... you can come to me... I'll gladly make some time for you if I'm not very busy. And Triny and Vanessa wouldn't mind us having fun together, they know my libido is enormous and that I'm a horny nympho," Celine said after Prisca was done talking, hugging her from behind and rubbing her left hand across Prisca's belly gently. "Hmhm, maybe I could come and visit you sometime though, when I haven't anything else to do for a time. But for now, let's enjoy each other okay, I want you again, and don't worry about me, I've got a lot of stamina when it comes to sex, I'll be alright. But let's try to make this one a quickie alright, Vanessa needs me with her. We can just play around and hold each other for a few more minutes though if you prefer and don't want to risk tiring me out too much. It doesn't really matter to me as long as I get to be close to you and hold you," she then said with a giggle as she helped Prisca to turn around in her lap so she was facing her, where she placed her left hand on Prisca's perfect heart shaped ass, while her right hand drifted to Prisca's hips and she began helping the beautiful succubus to bounce and ride her to another powerful climax, unless Prisca preferred to not have any more sex for the time being and preferred to do something else for Celine.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine you are so sweet calling me a goddess, again. Is such a pity than just until now you has experimented this level of sex, but dont worry from now on i will give it to you. Prisca answer as her fingers continue their sweet touch at the elven's flower making them leak more and drench the throne with the sweet nectar between her legs, if Celine werent so tired she would be close to cum again by just this.

The succubi undoubty loved to be kissed as she rest over the young elven, she was not tired like Celine and certainly Prisca would be ready to fuck her new lover for a long time, but that would had been what any other succubi would had tried.

So these are the names of yours others lovers, ussually only the humans and some demons have problems to share theirs lovers... Im sure than we will be more than friends and we certainly will find the way to sattle your needs, my sweet Nymph. Prisca smiled and coo in delight increasing her skilled rubs who looks to be instinctive by how experimented she should be, then suddenly stoped and just press the hard dick on her by just using her tight hole, giving to the elf enough pleasure to shiver and release more of her lust sounds.

It was then when Prisca decide to turn her body to look toward Celine, releasing her hammer for a moment, the enough for the elf to notice the difference and feel the need to continue feeling the insides of her.

I will threat you better than a king when you come to visit me. It has been a great experience Celine, the best than i had for years with a single lover, i would love to continue but we know than even when i could make you scream in extasis for minutes it would not be enough and you will be exhausted for hours. Prisca as said this rove the elven's body at her power now, her slow bounce show than she was not interested in a quick one as Celine has named it.

Celine and Prisca would continue having a great time together without have a truly sex, the succubi's touches given to the elf the pleasure and pampers required to get an amazing moment without put at risk the rest of her day
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Sitting there in the throne she and Prisca were sharing, Celine cooed softly as Prisca continued teasing her sopping wet folds and if she weren't as tired as she suddenly started feeling, then Celine would definitely be ready for more, but as it was while her cock was still ready for action and sorely wanted Prisca to start bouncing up and down on it and impaling it deeply into her tight hungry pussy, Celine's body wasn't ready for that just yet, not without a little rest first at least.

"Aye, Triny is a human girl, and Vanessa is... she's... you know I'm not entirely sure what Vanessa is. She looks mostly human, but I know that she's far from being just human. She... might be a succubus or another kind of demon, I'm not entirely sure, she's never really told me straight up what she is that I can remember off the top of my head actually," Celine replied to Prisca with a nod about Triny and Vanessa, then she smiled at her new lover. "Hmhm, any of the three of you can fully sate my needs every time. Because it was love at first sight with all three of you, I'm positive of that now," Celine then whispered in her ear, gently biting down on Prisca's left ear and nibbling on it a little to tickle her and make her feel good even more since she seemed to be enjoying the attention Celine was showering her with.

"Oh love I want to continue too, so badly... but... I'm needed elsewhere, or will be very soon. Please... come visit me here, or at Vanessa's palace. And I shall come to visit you when I can too," Celine cooed to Prisca after she spun around atop her, her extremely tight pussy squeezing and milking her very gently without going too much and causing her to cum again, as Prisca sincerely seemed to love her back and didn't want to hurt her by over sexing her.

After they enjoyed each other for a few short minutes, Celine sighed sadly and pulled Prisca down where she kissed her right on the lips as passionately as she could, sliding her tongue inside Prisca's mouth and letting the elder succubus wrestle her down as she submitted to her lips. "I guess I should get going, Vanessa needs me to go with her for some peace talks with some people that live nearby. Please come back so we can see each other again alright... and... I'll maybe come for a visit once I get a little time off from my training and stuff," Celine told Prisca after they broke their kiss and while she nuzzled against Prisca's neck and left a hickey there so everyone that saw her back at her home and here in the succubus parlor place would know that she was Celine's lover. Celine wouldn't leave there until after Prisca was gone, her heart finally slowing down just a little bit once she was out of sight, a pleasant smile on her face as she looked over at the other elder succubi still in there. "I think I love this place ladies. Thank you all for seeing me... and Prisca isn't the only one that I've fallen in love with just so you know... I see plenty of other succubi who've caught my eye... all of you elder succubi have definitely caught my attention and I find that I want all of you. Hmhm, you could say I'm greedy if you want to, but I can't help it, I'm a horny nympho futanari elf and I see so many beautiful women around me that I can't help but think with my head down here more than the one up on my shoulders, and it's telling me to seduce you all too, so I'm screwed either way... literally," Celine then said to the other elder succubi in there after Prisca was gone, unable to suppress a giggle as she spoke to them.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

If she havent said what she is then most likely it must be than it just dont matter, but mostly you couldnt be able to remember it right now after our little time together. Prisca answer after take a small moment between her lovely foreplay given to the elf, giving a soft smile and then returning to taste the elven's skin with her warm soft kisses before continue talking back. Then you should thanks to the gods by how lucky you are to have the three of us, many mortals cant find that type of love in someone at their whole life even less three.

The time slowly went for them as theirs eyes were fixed in each other, exploring every part than they could in these few minutes. The blonde goddess succubi made a soft lovely muffed sound when the elven focused in her ear, even some more as she wishper her to dont let anyone else heard such beautiful words given only to her.

The skilled moves from the succubi were most than talent to dont take out the remain energy of her lover, it was like she has trained for ages to sattle someone in these kind of events. So generous and kind technique where she guide the moment extending what both could feel without Celine need to use any energy or endure her needs to cum, the succubi touch was doing all the job so only the elven needed to worried to feel this. However the time was ending and both know it. I may come at least a time per week to teach the girls of this castle how love someone, but you can call for me at any night to make your rest peaceful... once you place all your warm elixir on me of course~

After such kind and seductive words the two slowly prepare to let this end with a kind last cuddles. Kissing each other as if this could be the last time than they would see each other after Prisca and Celine were out of the throne. The passion was huge enough than Celine decide to let a small mark on that divine neck, a succubi with some energy could heal it and such strong being could heal in the instant after that passionate moment, but Prisca let it in place and just smiled back to Celine. I will let mine here. She just said before place her index between the hard dick and the wet lower lips from the elven, at the base she just rub it some times and then place that finger between the elven's chest...and here.

We will see again soon, my lovely noble nympho. Said this Prisca in her georgeous seductive walk moved to the huge door going out not before send a last kiss to the elven. Just then the mark placed on Celine started to appear when she turn to the others two elder succubi.

The blue skinned one smiled and give a soft muffed giggle than she hide with her hand before get closer. We are pleased to heard how much you loved this place, please come to visit us more often maybe even a whole day if you can. My little sisters will love to try to seduce your heart, just dont push yourself too much. Branwen then take her hand and then Hajel teleport the bag with Celine's armor to an unknown place.

My sister has sended that heavy bag to where our Great Mistress is waiting for you, i could do the same to you or we could take our time walking to that place, we could use that time to talk if you wish it.

Said this the gothic succubi knee and close Sakura and the fox girls making them sleep peacefully as Sayuri has been busy with them the whole time so the two girls must be almost at theirs limits. The succubi neko was not so happy with this but she just sigh and went to the massive orgy some feet away. She looks to be completely fine at difference of the others succubi afected by Prisca's lust.
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Hmhm, no she actually hasn't told me yet exactly what she is and just won't no matter how much I actually ask her. I guess she doesn't trust me enough yet, but either way I guess it doesn't truly matter probably, I just want to know is all because I'm curious," Celine replied to Prisca with a smile, enjoying the soft pleasant kisses and caresses she was raining down on her and returning them as much as she could.

"Oh I would completely fill you with my warm elixer as you called it, and make love to you on and on... and on some more until my poor girl here couldn't stand up anymore because your luscious body completely exhausted her," Celine cooed back to Prisca when she said she'd come back once a week and whatnot, patting her dick a couple of times as she replied and called it a she.

When time came for them to both get up and she left the hickey on Prisca's neck, Celine smiled happily when Prisca left it there instead of using some of her incredible power and healing it up as if it were nothing. When Prisca touched the base of her still quite hard penis and mentioned that she would be leaving her mark there, Celine gasped and bit her bottom lip a little, licking her lips and smiling a bit, feeling even more happy about Prisca wanting to mark her as well. As soon as she touched Celine's chest, the young futanari elf kissed Prisca on the lips one last time before the succubus goddess stood up and walked on out, but when she stopped at the door and blew her one last kiss, Celine's heart skipped a beat as this made her smile again as she placed a hand over her chest where Prisca had touched it, smiling happily that Prisca seemed to love her in return.

Gasping a bit as she noticed the mark beginning to show up that Prisca left on her, Celine shook her head clear of the haze Prisca left her in and got up on slightly shaky legs. "W-What are you giggling about? Did I do something wrong or silly? And... of course I love this place, I love succubi in general, so I wouldn't mind coming and spending an entire year making sweet love to all of you until you all couldn't live without me anymore. So your little sisters wouldn't have much trouble getting me seduced most likely, hmhm," Celine replied to Branwen with a giggle as she got back up and stretched once her legs stopped shaking from how wonderful her sex with Prisca had been. After her things had been teleported away by the other elder succubus, Celine smiled and bowed politely to her. "Thank you love, I appreciate that, will make me getting back to Vanessa much easier I'd say. And sure Branwen, I'd love to walk with you, it'll help get the feeling back in my legs and help me calm down while we walk. And could you all bring them both back to Vanessa's palace when they wake please? I don't want Sakura and... well she never told me her name really, but I don't want them to think I abandoned them, but I must hurry along to Vanessa because she's waiting for me and this is important," she went on to say as she noticed Sakura and the kitsune both snoozing away, obviously exhausted after what had happened.

"So... what can you tell me about Prisca hmm? I'm curious about her, I mean gods she's... amazing. You're all amazing, but when I beheld her... heh, and the rest of you for that matter my heart skipped a beat. I don't know why. Is it simply because you all are so powerful or am I just crazy and such a nympho that I'm blinded by lust?" Celine asked as they walked along back out of the succubus sanctuary, her member still quite hard and ready for action, but hopefully none of the succubi in there would try to take advantage of that fact and grab her and try to make love to her, because she really needed to get going.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After Prsica leave Celine manage to notice what surround her. A huge orgy at the hall and the elder succubi being the only ones looking the whole event as they dont join the frenzy lust from the moment. My apologize, im just so happy than you love us so much, there is nothing wrong to be greedy in this and if you manage to have a child with them we will take care of everyone.

Said this the blue skinned succubi wait for the elven to be able to walk so she could guide her by the whole place to the exit. They only used the stairs to returnt to the entrance hall. There were just a few maids and the tuxido succubi cleaning and very focused to look at them, even then the tuxido laidy bow to them and open the door for them.

As they walked by the mirror area Celine turn and ask some info about Prisce what made Branwen shake softly her head. I understand than she can blind you, but any of my sisters would had get mad at you asking for someone else. Dont worry for me as i only can feed from demons and i understand how is be in love.

Lets see what i can say about her, there are a lot of gossip about each of us for our long life, mostly all false as they ussually dont get closed to the reality. Branwen giggled before continue. She live in the part of the continent ruled by humans, almost all of them dont know about demons, some monster girls and us. Her kingdom is very open to sex thanks to her hundred of years living there with her daughters, there is a low level of slavery is not her fault really and she has tried to at least give some rights to even the dog girls and others pets who are less than objects in many others cities ruled by humans. She has evolve her body to find a way to feed completely with just a few of her lovers per day and she can sattle all of them the enough to avoid complict between them.

Then the girls reached a mirror in particular and the elder succubi pressed some places to activate the magic circuit. The mirror guide them toward a hidden passage at Vanessa's castle and Celine could ask something more before they ended their walk to where Vanessa is waiting for her.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Thank you ladies, and there's no way I couldn't love your kind. I mean... like I said before, a great many succubi rebelled against the old cruel demon lords that had us enslaved, simply because they said we elves were more fun and pleasurable to be with, well that and because our people got along so well with one another and because succubi can so easily seduce an elf, even more so than a human or any other people. At least in my case they can anyway. I admit succubi are my greatest weakness, and I could never hurt one ever. I mean you're just all so beautiful, and I can't ruin beauty," Celine said to elder succubi there with her, blushing and looking embarrassed to admit one of her weaknesses to them, considering they were all succubi and all.

"Why would you all have gotten mad if I'd asked anyone else but Prisca? And if you ever want to try feeding from me, you may Branwen. I've been told by succubi before that I taste absolutely delicious for succubus feeding," Celine then asked curiously, unsure about what Branwen was getting at about that before listening to what all she had to say about Prisca.

Once she was done speaking and they arrived at the mirror she needed to go back to the palace, Celine stopped and leaned up and kissed Branwen on the lips. "Thank you Branwen, for allowing me to speak with you all. As soon as my girls are old enough to walk, I'll bring them to visit this place to meet you all and so that they can grow up knowing about succubi and how powerful you all can be. I feel that they'll grow up quickly, what with being exposed to magic and the potions that Triny and myself both drank. So they could be coming here sooner rather than later, who knows. But I must be going now. Please send Sakura and that kitsune back as soon as they're awake and everything if you don't mind, and like I said, tell them I had to go on ahead to help the great mistress, and for them to get some rest when they get back," Celine told Branwen after that, preparing to go on through the mirror portal unless Branwen wanted to say something else, in which case Celine would wait until she had and answer before leaving.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Both leder succubi smiled and looks to really enjoy what Celine was talking about her likes. Of course than they would choice your race, i would had done the same... Branwen sigh in a melancholic moment before smile again, Hajel placed her hand on her blue skinned shoulder to confort her maybe. Dont worry, we will never try to use that weakness in a wrong way~ She softly smile as she made a wink, certainly Celine would find herself almost all the time being surrounded by the love of all these women.

The talk ended for a moment yet soon as they were close to be outside the sanctuary Branwen and Celine decide to continue their talk this time being Prisca the main topic. All is fine little one, it was more a hint than you should have in mind the next time. Any woman would be jealouse if you talk and ask her about someone else like that and more if she want you to fall in love with her. We arent jealouse at all the most part of the time, but you should focus on the succubi talking with you first and then ask for some gossip topics about that one than you looks to know more of her. Branwen dont looks to be angry at all, instead she was having some fun talking and sharing some of her time with Celine to teach her some manners and info about her race.

Even if i cant feed of you we can have some fun, is not forbiden for us who decided to adapt ours bodies to certain fetishes or races. I dunno if you know but a long time ago the succubi fight each other in a sex way of course to dominate the others and have more mates to sattle our hungry and lust, many helpless sisters fade in the history thanks to these wars at the side of many races like the elvens of these lands until we the stronger ones decide to find a way to stop this. Many of the ancient succubi turned into specialists who could fill their needs with less quantity of relashionships, some choiced demons like me as they were the most diverse and predominant race at that time, others take humans, beastmen, even fetishes or feelings.

My body could need a lot of more fun with others races but i could get some energy for it... You could just need more of a night to sattle me that is all really.
Branwen returned eagerly that kiss, folowed by a long hug, maybe the blue succubi wanted some more time with her or she was worried for Celine for what could happen today. She let Celine depart soon after heard what she needed to say. Yes, dont worry we will take care of both of them and talk them about what happened, also we will try to help you in raise yours little princesses, not only in fight skills and magic but also some others like arts.

Celine then after end to talk used the portal to find herself at the castle, it was a different place from where she has come, she was close the training area for what she could heard but she will need to walk with her erected rod for some passages some with Vanessa's servants in order to reach the main corridor and then after some minutes reach where Vanessa should be waiting her. As she walk the conmotion was bigger of what she is used to create, it was like all these ladies and males couldnt stop to turn to her in delight, it was a fortune than she still have that collar on her neck or she would maybe be in a really huge gangbang where she would be the only target for days.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"W-Well... I never said I minded if you took advantage of my weakness to your kind," Celine said softly with an incredibly embarrassed blush on her face as she looked away from the elder succubi.

After heading on with Branwen and saying what she did, Celine blushed again when Branwen answered her and told her that she ought to focus with the succubus or succubi in front of her. "O-Oh... s-sorry Branwen. I wasn't thinking straight, I was just wanting to know more about Prisca is all since I know virtually nothing about her and since she left so quickly," Celine replied to Branwen on that matter, taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze before sighing. "I should be honest with you Branwen as it isn't fair to not be honest, Prisca was... she was just such a sight to see that I just fell instantly in love with her. N-Not that the rest of you aren't the most beautiful succubi I've ever seen, I just... my heart just skipped and fluttered in all the right ways when I saw her," Celine went on to say, smiling and giggling shyly like a young girl again that had a crush, her words and the way she was acting likely making the blue skinned elder succubus giggle at her, but she didn't care, and wanted to have lots of sex with Branwen and the other elder succubi there too, as well as all the rest of the succubi course.

"Oh I wouldn't mind you all teaching me in the sexual arts too so that I know more and am able to make love even better than I can already. Hmhm, we could even have sex battles here too, you all could have sex battles with me and when they're old enough you could do so with my children too. Because sex battles like that would increase my endurance and stamina a lot I'm sure, and it could only be fun really," Celine told Branwen with a smile after kissing her, thinking that perhaps she could benefit from the training they could give her daughters as well.

Heading on back through the portal mirror, Celine found herself back in Vanessa's palace near the training area. Knowing that she had little choice in the matter, Celine walked on to Vanessa's throne room where she was supposed to meet her at, her still fully erect member bouncing slightly with every step. She knew that all of the male and female beings in the hallways were staring at her, more so than they normally did. She knew that she was fortunate to have Vanessa's golden collar on, else she would have been grabbed by the first group of people she passed most likely and she'd have been gangbanged by so many different people until she was too exhausted to move afterwards... not that she truly minded that really, but Vanessa needed her and that took precedence over sex.

When she arrived at Vanessa's throne room, Celine would go in and over to Vanessa, sweeping her up in her arms and spinning her around in a tight loving hug... assuming it was only them in there of course, because if there were others she wouldn't bother doing so and possibly embarrassing Vanessa. "Love, I'm ready when you are. And you'll never believe where I was earlier," Celine would say to Vanessa when she saw her and after she hugged her and spun her around if she was alone.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine could be sure than her little weakness would be used by the many succubi of the whole palace if not the whole continent if she get the enough fame among Vanessa's servants. Branwen was a mother like succubi, a sexy one than was more worried to protect Celine and her family than to fuck her.

There is a tale among ours books at our library than in resume say about how each succubi is created by the gods to share the love among the others races until she could find the right soul for which she was created, maybe Prisca has been waiting you and she is just the perfect meaning of love for you. Who know if is truth, that book writed by a talented succubi is so old and filled with so warm writings, you would get painfully hard with just the first page of the prologue. Branwen giggle, loving how Celine was acting so different when they were talking about Prisca.

The training of a succubi start after some hours of born, these babies are so skilled to make their mother get so proud and... happy. It will a pleasure teach you, yet you are such talented and looks like your handmaid has made her way to teach you some of our basic skills. She stop talking for a moment to fulfill her needs to hug Celine, she was so cute and childrish now than she wanted her to rest over her ample breasts for a moment. Oh you are so adorable, i bet than yours cute babies will earn my heart by just looking them for the first time~

Branwen take her time, maybe half a minute to recover herself and continue. There is more than just sex at my list to teach to your babies. They will be refinate ladies who can earn the heart of theirs love with the beauty of their soul without needing to have them on a bed, of course than they will be skilled in this as you learned and if we can they could learn our magic too. Sigh... i will need to make a list soon.

About sex battles, we have a tournament where young succubi join to have fun and meet themselves, Prisca hate this event because almost all the girls want to finish theirs rivals so fast for her likes. Some others use even magic or mental skills like Sayuri (S-neko) loves to do with her mates. We could need to make some rules if you would join.


Celine passed through the segurity without proble, she was out of weapons this time but the guards, a demon girl and a male demon coulndt hide their amusement by her aroused body, they just let her get inside, maybe trying to dont do anything unneded at theirs guard turn. The elven was so needed to just hug her lover and spin around but she stop there after notice the generals and many others persons on the room.

Vanessa was really happy to see Celine finally come to the meeting, Jezebel not much, Celine know a little more of her so maybe she just wanted to facepalm herself after see how Celine come like that to an important talk. Anyway the others at the room remain without too much reaction and Vanessa soon invite her to sit at her side. Among the persons invited are the other general, her asistant succubi, the succubi who helped the elf at her first time at the cave, a pair of demoness, the harpy leader, a strong looking wolf girl than should be really hapy to be here but dont show it, others demons fully dressed in armor a fox girl playing around with some little extra pieces than werent used for mark the army and a strong troll. This last turn softly down before a hit was heared at the table where he is. Sorry he just said before place his hands over the table, the general assistent giggle and turn to him licking her lips as she looks and wave to Celine.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As she spoke with Branwen as they walked together, Celine was feeling more and more like Branwen was like her old succubus handmaid, who treated her more like a little sister or a daughter than her noble mistress that she cared for. "I think I might need to take a look at that book then if it talks about succubi like that. And yes my handmaid, Lily, she's great Branwen. She was always patient with me no matter what I did, and she never thought any less of me for anything. And yes she taught me a good bit about succubi, one of your special spots being the base of your tails, that you all love to have it rubbed just the right way, and that it makes you feel incredibly nice. Among a couple of other things of course," she said as Branwen and her stood around the portal mirror as she hugged the motherly succubus, resting her head on those nice large breasts and enjoying the touch of Branwen's hands on her and her cheeks against that ample chest.

"Well I certainly hope they would do that to you Branwen, I'd be ashamed if they couldn't catch the heart of any succubus, considering how many their papa here has laid with and made love to. And I would love it if you all could teach them things here in the safety and privacy of this sanctuary. Be it teaching them about sex when they're old enough, or magic, or just anything really," Celine said when Branwen mentioned teaching Hope and Faith. Then when she spoke of the sex battles after Celine mentioned something of the sort more in jest than anything, she smiled and looked up at her from where her head lay on Branwen's breasts. "Hmhm, that sounds fun. I wouldn't mind you all adjusting it so that I can enter into the sex battles. I even wouldn't mind battles with stacked odds against me so it could be two and even three succubi against little old me. I'm sure that I could handle them, one way or the other," she went on to say, sticking her tongue out silly like at Branwen as she joked with the elder blue skinned succubus, giving her a wink before heading on through the portal mirror and waving bye to her new found friend and possible sanctuary for her children, should the need ever arise.


Thankfully the security area outside of the throne room didn't activate on her or anything, so she was able to move through without any trouble. Noting the amused looks on the male and female guards faces, Celine winked at them both as she passed by and made her way inside. Upon entering she saw Vanessa standing there and had the urge to go do what she'd intended and spin her around, but when she noticed everyone else in there she figured it best not to do so. She noticed Jezebel's facepalm and nearly burst out laughing at just that, but she held herself back and merely smirked a bit instead, noticing all the other people in the room and their reactions to her entrance. Nodding back to the general's assistant girl that waved at her, Celine strode over to stand behind Vanessa, which was where she figured that Vanessa was wanting her in any case.

Along the way over, she looked around for her clothes that Branwen promised would be teleported to this location so she could change back into them here, getting them and redressing as soon as she found them and taking her position behind Vanessa with a serious look on her face the whole time, as if her being naked wasn't a bad thing in the least and that there was nothing wrong with it.