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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The black tentacle orb let her do as she wish with his wounds, not trying to make any noise than could call theirs foes attention.

Thenks to be inside Slimy as they are placed inside the nest, Celine heard Roundy say thanks, as the little monster get alerted as the baby spiders get ready to defend each other if needed.

With her eyes, the futa elf notice a light getting close, it illuminate the whole place as this move and even blind her softly until her eyes can get used.

Two full armored warriors with a huge shield and a long sword follow an orb, ffets behind females dark elves with light armors have theirs bows ready, as a red armored figure guard two humanoids with a long mantle. Behind at least others five persons guard the back.

Damn, this infested place is huge! One of the full covered mantle persons said, at the same time the front soldiers secured the area until the red armored warrior get close to where moments later Celine was uncouncious.

The full armored red warrior drew a long axe and give some signals instructions to the dark elfs and front line. The mantle persons notice the change and get alerted.

Oh not again... where is our target? I want to go out of here The female voice appear again, some of her allies wishper her things, maybe in an attempt to close her mouth.

A new order from the red soldier make two dark elves point to a hole at a wall and to where Celine is hidden.

Celine heard from Slimy than neither of these persons were humans really and some were demons.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After tending to Roundy's wounds a bit as they went on inside of the spider nest, whispering to Roundy that he was welcome as they waited and watched. Soon she noticed the room beneath them lighting up and the light was so bright at one point that it even blinded her momentarily, but they adjusted quickly thankfully. She saw that there were so many different people down there, a couple of demon looking beings, along with a couple of dark elves and another two beings in long mantles that she could only believe were mages of some sort, and the red armored being she could only think was a demon of some sort. She also noticed another 5 guards coming in behind them heard some of them talking to one another, and she couldn't tell if they were friend and merely couldn't tell that Roundy was on their side, or if they were foe and were trying to find and kill her for some reason.

Celine heard Slimy whispering in her mind that some of the beings were demons and stuff, and she mentally whispered back to Slimy that she figured they weren't, then asked what they should do. She was sure that these people couldn't get up to where they were very easily without having to fight them on the way up, which Celine and her allies had the advantage from height, but only Slimy and Roundy had the reach with which to do anything to them as they climbed up. She knew that it would probably be in their best interests to head further into the spider nest before they were seen or heard, but the spiders would probably attack them if they did so and she knew that the ones below would hear and try to investigate if that happened, but she also knew that they had little choice in the matter if they wanted to keep out of sight for now.

"Alright Slimy, we can't risk them finding us until we know for sure if they're friendly or not and just didn't realize Roundy and the rest of you are with me," Celine whispered to Slimy and the others through the mind link with Slimy so that they wouldn't be heard, then she would have them move just out of sight of the hole so that they could still hear, but wouldn't be seen by those below them, she would have Roundy and her new little monster friend to watch out for the spiders and alert them if they attacked, while she and Slimy kept watch behind them and listened down the hole to try and get more information about who they were and worked for. If it turned out that they were there to find and help her and bring her back, then Celine would make herself known and have Slimy ease them down while she had her head out of Slimy so that they could see her, where she would explain that Slimy, Roundy, and the other little monster were her allies, but if they weren't allied beings sent by Vanessa or anyone else from there to help her, then she would stay very well hidden up in the spider nest and wait for them to leave before trying to move a little further into the spider nest and rescue the two women Roundy said he found in there, where they would then try and take them without a fight if possible and sneak back out and try and make their way back home where she would be able to rest finally after all of the stuff she'd done in here.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Glad by her pampers, Roundy remain holding Slimy body, as his tendrils tried to get inside to caress the futa elf body, of course than Slimy made her best to dont let him get so close of Celine or inside her body. Just then the elf notice than inside the vines were a new sack, just over Slimy's Legs, it have some round things inside it and the vines looks to try their best to have both girls separed of it.

Slimy accept Celine's words and then she talk with the others two creatures, they get in place to fight the little spiders if needed, as Slimy check with Celine if they could avoid a fight with the new group bellow them.

The archers were ready to shoot as the mages slowly shine, all pointing to the hole where Celine is hidden. All looks to start going bad but then the full armored leader make them stop and dont shoot at the spider nest.

Lets make the ceiling fall completely, we cant risk her life or even hurt her, so do it careful and ready to shoot any monster than could be holding her.

The man voice sound familiar to Celine, maybe she had heard it before. The mages node and then start to cast theirs spells again, the place slowly start to shake and maybe soon Celine and the others could fall, so she must risk herself now to go out or run away of the place.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

She noticed Roundy seemed to enjoy her pampering him and so she kept doing it for the moment until Slimy passed along her orders, where Slimy and the other little monster followed them and took up positions to fight the spiders if need be. She glanced back down to see the dark elven archers holding their bows up and pointing them towards the hole she and her companions were in, while the mages were also ready to blast the hole as well. However just a she was about to tell Slimy to book it away and on into the spider nest, she heard the armored man order them to stand down and not fire.

After listening to the armored man give his orders to the others that she couldn't be hurt or killed, she was almost certain that they were there for her and that they were friendly, as she remembered the armored man's voice. As soon as she felt the place beginning to shake a little bit, so she silently told Slimy to let her out real quick before the floor fell out from under them and she called out to the ones below them.

"W-Wait stop, you'll bring the whole place down on top of you. I'm Celine, are you here to help me? Did the great mistress send you to help me?" Celine called down fro the hole, hoping to get them to stop before the whole place came down on top of them all. "There are a couple of girls trapped up here by these spiders that I think were some of the ones lost in the fighting earlier, and I was trying to free them before coming back. I have some of Aisha's monster minions helping me, so don't fire at them alright, they're friendly and have been helping me since me and her came in here earlier," Celine added to the ones below her if they answered they were friendly.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Slimy dont waste too much time to release Celine from her body, soon the nude futa elf tried to stop the people down them in their attempts to make fall the floor. The red warrior made an order with his hand and soon the earth stop moving.

Not exactly, one of our goals here is bring you back. Our Mistress require your presence inmediately, The man answer in a serious tone, waiting for Celine to go down. He waited for Celine to stop talking dont showing any change of his tone. Understood, go down and we will take care of that, dont try to free them witout our support. No matter what Celine decide soon the spiders were defeated and they went down after free the two girls trapped there. Even when these were just slighty pregnant, they werent good news for Celine as these were others two cat girls, the armor guy dont show any anger, it just decide to carry these girls toward her Mistress.

As they walk Celine notice than they were returning to the exit, yet the mages were casting something as they walk, they let free some lights around them, but fortunately nothing happen around them.

With the man not showing any worry for the others girls, Celine suppose than their next goal would be return to the castle, this could take a while so the possibility to rescue the others will decrease even more. Of course than she could try to talk with them to try to persuade them of check deep inside.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Slimy wasted no time in helping Celine to get out and as soon as she called out to the ones below them all, the shaking and rumbling stopped as the red skinned man ordered the mages to stop. Celine breathed a sigh of relief when they did stop and listened to the man reply in his serious tone like he did as she had Slimy grab Roundy and the other new monster, holding them while she lowered Celine and then her and the rest of them down. She allowed them to take care of the spiders and rescue the two girls, who both seemed to be neko girls, which may or may not bode well for her and Cassie in the near future when she took Cassie to deliver the little neko's to the other neko the other day, but it was hard to tell.

"There are others in here somewhere, though I unfortunately was unable to locate them, there's just so damn many tunnels to search through and only one of me, and I couldn't afford to send any of the three of them off to search too far away from me. I do know where they aren't though if you plan on trying to find any of them," Celine said as they started out, giving as detailed a layout of the place as she could, having committed everything to memory as they had gone through the place so that she could remember where not to go once she got a bit of help. She'd tell them about the dark creature guardians and the two human girls, about the prisons earlier, and about as much more as she could recall finding since entering this place. "I didn't really want to leave until I'd found everyone that needed rescuing, because we need all of the allies and soldiers we can get... but I guess I've failed at that, for the most part at least," Celine added, hanging her head a bit and heaving a sigh that she hadn't found more people than she had originally promised to find, but she knew that if Vanessa had sent these ones to come help her, then they likely wouldn't let her stay there and help them if their other goal was to find the others, still trapped inside, in which case she would tell them that she could make it back on her own with the monsters so that they could go ahead with the rest of their mission.

She also wondered what Vanessa was wanting with her, various thoughts of what she wanted flashing through her mind. One of the things that flashed through her mind, scaring her a bit actually, was that Vanessa was going to punish her for doing what she did in coming out here, either spanking or whipping her harshly. Another thought was that she'd punish her in another way and not allow her to see their child any more, and that scared her much more so than the whipping and or spanking did, as she would willingly take any sort of punishment as long as Vanessa didn't take their baby away from her. Other thoughts about the matter, a few better ones, included Vanessa thanking her for going to so much trouble to help save as many of her soldiers as she could, while another thought was Vanessa just grabbing and hugging her, telling her to not do dangerous things like that again without some sort of help.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The group moved toward the exit of the dangerous cave, the two nekos were carried by some soldiers, as Slimy remain hiding the woman at her inside and the others two creatures were moving a little away of the others, there were a dense atmosphere between the creature and the soldiers. Meanwhile Celine start to talk with the full armored man who slowly place all his attention on the futa elf.

Interesting, so you found what could be a hidden city or more likely our foe home. The man stay hearing all until Celine stop. I cant let you stay here, so i will order some of my soldiers to take you with our Mistress, all of you must inform to our Mistress about the secrets of this place as we try to find the others. There was not way to detect if the soldier was not hidding anything, at least it looks acceptable for Celine to do this.

So once outside, Celine and her guards moved toward the Mistress castle, the walk take a while, nearly an hour and once she see the mansion, she notice some remains of a battle, the guards there look to be very alerted and they nearly tried to attack Slimy and the others creatures, but were stoped by the same soldiers guiding Celine to the mansion. The Sun slowly rise at the distance close some mountains, making damage on some walls more visible. Then a pair of soldiers followed by an armored succubus opened the front gate an scolt Celine to the inside of the castle, some soldiers were resting cose the walls, others eating as a few of them still hold some bandages at theirs bodies covered in armors, she could see many kinds of monstergirls and humanoids trying to recover after the long night, they then walked toward the Mistress Throne Room, there two powerful looking persons were resting at some seats, also four sex dolls armed and ready to fight remain ready to act.

The two get up and moved to stop the group. Halt! We cant allow anyone disturb the Mistress now. . A potent female voice come from one of them, a Lioness woman very similar to a neko, yet her powerful body have many differences than the tribal forest creaturs, the other is a blue girl, both wearing a light armor.

Let them go inside, the Mistress has been waiting for her all this time. A known voice appear from a room close the corridor, it was the blue haired girl with the gold armor, there looks to be some others peoples inside the room, all talking about maybe different topics than Celine stop to hear after the blue hair woman close the door. I hope than you had loved your little adventure, dont worry we take care of all this as you was out. The girl said looking the elf pregnant belly with a grind, maybe not expecting too much results from Celine.

Finally the futa elf was allowed to get inside to the same room from where she meet Vanessa days ago. Inside she soon notice the Mistress, feeding the baby hibrid angel, the black hair woman turn to Celine, looking her for a while, as she continue a nearly whispering lullaby to her daughter, Vanessa was dressing a beautiful red silk dress, adorned with gold brazalets and a blue brotch at her chest, the red dress have a black part over her breasts, as also some parts at her arms and lower part. She then get up and placed the sleeping beauty at her crib than is close the throne, then she made a deep sigh, as silk red loops fly in a delicate way as she start to move toward Celine.

Slowly Vanessa reach where Celine was, hearing anything what she want to say in her defense, but Vanessa will remember her to dont talk so loud or the little baby could awake, then she stop at three feets from Celine, still completely silent and with a cold face, easily Celine could see her sight looking each inch of her front body, focusing at her heavily pregnant belly, just as how the gold armored girl has been doing some moments ago. The Mistress slowly moved her hand toward the big belly and pointed at it without touch it, for a moment Celine not only fear for the safety of the monsters inside her, the hand slowly rise toward her heart and this time it touch her skin, as Vanessa slide her finger all the way leaving it between the elf's breasts.

Looks like someone need a bath~. Vanessa said licking her fingers after show them to Celine Lets talk about the consequence of yours acts after take out all this mess.

Maybe if you pamper me the enough i could be in better mood before decide what to do with you dear.

Vanessa then sealed her chanbers with a grow light, the baby get surrounded too, showing than she is better now, then they moved toward her bedroom where the little laidy remain in a deep sleep resting on the bed.

We were so worried for you, what were you thinking leaving all of us in middle of a possible attack and going inside that cave without anyone to protect you? The mistress said siting close the bath as she see how Celine prepare all go take the bath. geez, im so sweaty and tired after that difficult day, please sweety even if sound weird wash yourself in a seductive wa and then clean me too please. She said smiling waiting for Celine to help her to slowly undress her and then take a bath after the elf had ended her own

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well I'm not entirely sure to be honest sir, and I'm not sure if it was the same ones that took our people, because I did make contact with them and the humans they supposedly guarded, and we did fight because I thought the monsters were raping them, but afterwards they assured me that they weren't raping them and then we parted ways. So like I said, I'm not certain if they were the ones that attacked and took our people from before. So be extra careful, because I saw the prison down there and I'm not sure who it belonged to really, but there were many monsters in there," Celine replied to the armored captain as she followed him and the others out, giving as much information about the caves as she could along the way back out, like where the prisons were.

As soon as they made their way outside of the caves, some of the soldiers were sent with Celine back towards Vanessa's palace, with Celine thanking him for the escort, but telling him not to send too many back with her so that they were understrength themselves. After arriving back at the palace, and after her guards stopped the guards at the gates from attacking Slimy and the others, they entered the place. With an escort leading her through the place, Celine was guided towards Vanessa's room, noticing the several other monster girls, as well as some other soldiers resting against the walls of some of the corridors and in some of the rooms that were open. Along the way, Celine told Slimy to take the new younger monster to Aisha for his reward in helping them inside that place, winking at the monster girl and grinning a little, then she promised that when it came time for whatever was inside of her to be born, that she would have someone find Aisha who could then bring Slimy in there for it if she wished. When they got to Vanessa's throne room, a lioness girl that looked much like a neko stood up to block their path, giving them a challenge before she heard a voice from a nearby room tell them that she was expected by Vanessa. She got a little pissed at the blue haired woman's words to say the least, because how could she say such a thing when Celine was out trying to rescue the ones that she was content to leave behind herself.

"Yeah well I didn't like it, but at least I was trying to help locate and rescue those that you were obviously content on leaving behind to their fates, and as long as that makes a difference then this right here was more than worth it in the end, because I would never leave any of our own behind to their fate... never, no matter who or what they were, as long as they're allies of the mistress, or one of her followers, then I'll do everything in my power to save them," Celine replied calmly to the blue haired woman, hoping her words stung as much as the blue haired woman's did to her, and also to maybe inspire some of the surrounding soldiers a little bit that maybe she could be trusted after all or something.

With that, Celine entered the throne room and saw Vanessa feeding baby Grace and she approached one of her beloveds and their child. Celine smiled as Vanessa glanced at her, giving her a little wave as Vanessa finished up with her lullaby to baby Grace, where she then placed her in her crib and came over to Celine. Celine was taking in the sight of Vanessa in her magnificent clothing and jewelry, then she glanced down at her own filthy slime and cum drenched body and blushed in embarrassment, thinking herself a disgrace in comparison. When Vanessa came closer with such a cold hard face, Celine hung her head and closed her eyes in fear for a moment, waiting for the probable hit that might come, but when it didn't, she opened her eyes and noticed Vanessa pointing at her belly.

"I... It's one of Aisha's monster minions offspring, not an enemy's. Slimy is what Aisha named her. She was one of the two that Aisha left to guard me, so I wasn't totally alone in there, and Aisha was with me for quite a while," Celine said in response to the pointing at her belly.

Celine let Vanessa touch her, sighing softly at her beloved's touch as she stood there. When Vanessa started speaking to her, Celine decided to put any words in her own defense on hold for the moment, to allow Vanessa to speak. She blushed when Vanessa told her she needed a bath, "I know I'm filthy and a disgrace in comparison to you my love," Celine replied, hanging her head a bit. When Vanessa said they should talk about the consequences of what Celine did, Celine hung her head even more so than it already was, the look on her face having lost pretty much all hope which Vanessa would easily be able to see, and Celine blushed a little bit more as her eyes teared up when Vanessa told her that if she pampered her enough then she would show some leniency to her in her punishment.

"Mistress... no... Vanessa my love, please, I'm sorry for going out with little to no help. But please understand that I was only trying to help as best I could, and nobody else was going to go out and try to rescue any of those ones that were lost. That blue haired woman with the gold armor insulted me when I even suggested it earlier after Grace was born, and pretty much told me that I was stupid. A-And I didn't go inside that cave alone, I had Aisha with me for the most part, until I told her to leave with some of the captured girls we rescued, and afterwards I wasn't able to find any of our own people I don't think, but I did find three other girls that needed rescuing, among other things," Celine began saying, trying to at least give some defense for herself now... not that it really mattered in any case, as if Vanessa was angry enough she could simply have Celine killed for displeasing her, and Celine knew this. Celine then continued explaining herself to Vanessa, telling her about everything she remembered seeing inside the cave, from the dark creature guardians, to the prisons holding many different kinds of monsters, to the spider nests as well as all of the different kinds of monsters she saw inside, at least she would describe them as best she could anyway. "I know what I did worried you and Triny, but I couldn't leave them to their fates Vanessa, not when there was a chance to rescue them, no matter how small it was. Besides, nobody else was brave enough to even try and do it save myself, and even though Aisha went with me she did so a bit reluctantly at first," Celine added after a few moments.

With that, Celine followed Vanessa to her bedroom after her magical display of power, where Celine noticed the young demon girl on Vanessa's and their bed, which worried her a bit, because Triny was nowhere to be seen. When they got to the bath, Celine eased her aching body down into the warm water, where Vanessa then made an odd request of her. Celine of course didn't mind doing such a thing for Vanessa, if it made her happy, but if she was only doing this to either tease or punish her in the state she was in, then Celine would be quite displeased, not that it really mattered if she was displeased or not, as Vanessa probably didn't care in any case most likely. So Celine indulged her for the moment, and washed herself in as seductive a way as her heavily pregnant body allowed.

"All I can say is that I'm sorry my love, but I didn't do it just to try and save the ones that were lost, I did it to prove my worth, to you as well as your generals. To show you all that I'm not just some stupid helpless elf that doesn't know how to even take care of herself. In fact I'll have you know that I've journeyed across at least nearly two or three hundred miles from my homeland, that took me a month and a half or so to manage, so I'm not helpless in the least bit, because my parents taught me how to fight as I grew up," Celine said as she washed herself for Vanessa, then her mind began focusing on other things rather than defending her actions. "Now please my love, I have a few questions that I would like answered please. Firstly, where is Triny and our babies? Secondly, how is Grace doing, and can I at least hold her once I'm clean and she's awake next? And thirdly, what have my actions earned me in terms of respect around here? Or have my actions angered you and your generals? If so then I can remedy my stupidity right now if that's what you wish, just hand me my sword," Celine then said to Vanessa as she continued her bath, her last sentence coming out rather coldly and without any real emotion in it, letting Vanessa know that she wasn't scared of death and that she would do pretty much whatever she asked or told her to do without question. So if Vanessa told her to fall on her own sword, saying it was for the good of their children as well as her, and that it would keep them safe, then Celine would probably do it.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

We apreciate all this info, we will take the measures nescesaries to control this place until receive new orders. The man answer, trying to dont miss any word from the elf futa.


The group coming with Celine was not reduced after she asked to dont bring too much soldiers with her, yet fortunately they were just around five soldiers so the quantity could not afect them later. The group dont split apart until Celine ask for Slimy to take the new monster to meet Aisha, the monstergirl accepts, maybe she could dont show how glad was with Celine about how the elf want her to see what will come out of her when the time come and maybe she also expect to have more fun with her at the future as also Roundy expect, she tried to get close to hug the elf, but the others persons dont allow it, so she just wave and move around the castle trying to find the strange Aisha.


Leave someone behind is not a grateful choice for anyone, it was just not the time to help them. Whatever im not the one who must you persuade to accept your mindless actions. The blue haired woman answer looking down to Celine once again, she looks to dont be interested for the elf words, yet maybe in the inside she is a little angry now and waiting for the Mistress to punish the confused breeder. At least the soldiers looks amazed by the elf words against the gold armored girl, even the two girls guardind the door looks to had smiled and noded.


Vanessa leave celine defend herself, most likely focused on the elf body than her words, at last that was what looks for Celine all th time, as the Mistress dont stop to softly touch the elf body with her fingers and even softly touch the elf hair. "So she do that?" "Interesting" she just say between the blonde elf words, not looking to be so interested in the elf words. She also remain nearly like this all the time as her lover try to defend herself and act for her, finally once Celine ask for hear some answers and her sword, Vanessa shake her head giving a soft sigh before invite Celine to rst close her.

Celine, dear. I dont want to bother you but once you leave we get a little attack to our castle. I know than you tried to save my servants and i really apreciate it, but you only dont risk your life but also ours, at least you manage to change a little the mind of my old daughter and she help us with that and i still had the army to repel the attack, but we could not have the same luck the next time. The Mistress said in a kind tone, trying to softl caress the elf body in not a lewd way, more likely to calm her.

Now lets answer your questions. Hmm, i placed them at the nursery, fighting with them at a side could had been really difficult for me.

Second, of course than you can hug our child after had given birth to the creatures of that... Slimy, sorry but cant avoid to be a little jeaulose of that creature by having you all the day. She smile and then strech herself, not really glad to answer the next question. Im not the kind of person than try to read the minds of all my minions, but i can suppose than you had acted in an imprudent way and dont follow theirs orders, also you made me send some forces to rescue you and that little talk with i suppose was the named "That blue haired woman with the gold armor "make you turn one of my best generals against you... Normaly that would had been a really not good way to be accepted by them as equal

Vanessa then pinch the elf cheek to calm her and make her dont think in her last words. Dont worry, i have all solved to make you look really good against them, however i cant let you escape of this easily. First, i will charm this little cute collar to know where are you all the time, sorry cutey but awaken and heard than you risk yourself could kill me one of these days and that could be helpful if you get in troubles at the future. Said as she caress the elven gem collar

Then you must promise me to dont do something like this without talk with me, after all if you want to be look as my equal then you first must know to follow my orders, dont worry i will be always open for heard your kind soul suggestions and i see than you accepted to do as i wished a moment ago, so you will not have so much problems.

Vanessa then giggle and then point her clothes. Now i will love if you slowly undress me and caress my body, a massage would be also good as the start of your punishment.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine noticed that Vanessa didn't seem to be all that interested in what she was saying, and she almost just stopped talking altogether, but didn't do so and continued on, finishing what all she had to say in her defense. After finishing with what she had to say, she listened to Vanessa's response, sitting there in the bath quietly as she washed herself. "See I didn't know that the palace was attacked again Vanessa, my only concern at that moment was to save those that were in need, but I never stopped thinking about you, Triny, and the children. If I had known that the palace here was going to be attacked then you know that I'd never have left your side. I only wanted to help and that was the best way I knew how, because I was always taught by my parents and all of my people to do so, to help anyone that needed it," Celine said at first, taking a breath before continuing, knowing that she had a lot to say now as she cooed softly at Vanessa's caresses. "And I understand what you're saying Vanessa, don't think that I don't, it's just... I don't know how else to help. We come from different worlds, and I only know how to do what I was taught, which was to help anyone in need. I act on instinct is all I can say and when I see or hear someone needs help, my body just acts on its own is all I can say in my defense for doing what I did," Celine continued, getting to washing her hair and shampooing it up to finish up with her bath.

"Furthermore, you never told me that I had to follow their orders Vanessa, all I was told by you was that I should listen to you and your orders... so you can't blame me for not listening to any of them, and they shouldn't either. That's just not fair, and it's not right, especially when I know how to fight and have proven that to you as well as them. And honestly I don't care if she is one of your best generals, she should learn some manners at very least, and I'm not just some mindless breeder, because that's what she said I was... a stupid breeder that didn't know her place. Is that all I am to you and everyone else here? A stupid breeder? Because that's what it seems to me that everyone here thinks of me and makes me feel like, and I really don't appreciate it when all I've done is give and give. Like I said, I don't come from this kind of world, I only know how to fit in back in my home, I'm not used to pretty much everyone being against me constantly and thinking less of me for trying my best to help, even when it doesn't work out for the best, and that's what pisses me off the most, that I'm looked down upon for trying to help to the best of my abilities. I just... it feels like I'm hated by everyone in this place almost that's of higher rank than me," Celine then said as she washed her hair, unable to contain her anger at the blue haired woman, whoever the fuck she was. It didn't make any sense that she'd been singled out by said person as someone to hate. She calmed slightly down though when Vanessa pinched her cheek lightly, but she was still quite angered.

She listened to Vanessa tell her that she had an idea to apparently improve her image in the eyes of her generals or something, she couldn't tell very easily as she dunked a bucket of water over her head to start washing the shampoo out of her hair. When she told Celine that she was going to enchant her collar so that she would always know where she was at, Celine thought it was a decent idea herself, as it would indeed come in handy sometime later most likely. When she finished washing her hair, Celine then listened to Vanessa finish up a little stoic like, almost feeling that her feelings weren't being taken into consideration at all, but then again she also knew that Vanessa was trying to help her... at least she believed that Vanessa was anyway, it was hard to tell sometimes when she was trying to help and when she was simply just acting as if she didn't care at all.

"Vanessa... I can't promise you that I'll always follow every order you give me, because it just isn't my nature as an elf. We elves are free souls after all, and we like going outside into nature. But... (sighs softly)... I can follow some of your orders I suppose, whenever we're in front of others as well as some when we're alone, but it just isn't my nature to be cooped up, I'm an active person and I like to get out and get my hands dirty sometimes, I can't help it. So that's why I ask you not to try and make me stay inside all of the time, I know that it's dangerous for me, but there's no other way that I will get strong enough to do all I wish to do with you and earn everyone's respect. I only wanted to prove to everyone that I could handle fighting," Celine said in response to Vanessa's last words, and though she wanted to add onto her last sentence that Vanessa likely wouldn't give her much choice in the matter, she didn't go ahead and say it, believing it would probably piss Vanessa off or something, if nothing else had up until now that is.

With that, Celine figured that she should put on a brave smile, and then she began undressing Vanessa how she wanted all slow like, then she neatly folded her clothes and set them to the side. Then she helped Vanessa down into the bath and sat down behind her on the edge of the bath, caressing her body all over as sensually as she could manage, leaning down to kiss Vanessa on the cheek as she got Vanessa's body all wet with the water, dipping her hands down into it and then rubbing them across her shoulders and cheeks. After caressing Vanessa for a couple of minutes, Celine moved on to rubbing her shoulders, gently squeezing them for a few minutes before moving down her back some and massaging as best she could.

"I'm sorry for all I said Vanessa, but that's just how I feel here, ignored because of who and what I am, and hated for the same reasons. Slavery was nonexistent where I come from, hell it's actually outlawed. I mean if my family and country found out about where I am now in this place, they wouldn't stop until I was freed along with every slave kept here, and everyone else wiped out for enslaving them, no matter what the reasons for enslavement were. So you can't really blame me for feeling this way about things, and I would like to know just why your blue haired general girl hates me so much. The rest of them don't like me much I can tell, and it's their choice not to like me, but I just get the feeling that she hates me and could care less if I had died out there, doing the job that she either didn't want to do or didn't have time for, because there's no way that she knew the palace here would be attacked, nobody could have known it would be attacked again," Celine said, apologizing to Vanessa for her harsh words and voicing her feelings about certain things. As soon as she was through doing that, a couple of other things popped into her mind that she needed to ask Vanessa. "Also, where are Cassie and Lina? Are they okay at least? And... what of Sophia? The angel girl down below that... you know, from the other day. Has she given birth yet?" Celine asked, slipping down into the water with Vanessa to start lathering her up with soap to wash her lover clean unless Vanessa wished her to massage her some more, in which case Celine would do that instead.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Vanessa remain quiet, not looking to show any react for Celine words, not even at her angry ones or the others about the elves and theirs point of view against slavery, she just leave her lover shoot her all her anger to her until this apologize.

She then just turn and hug the elf, both nude bodies feeling the warm of the other for a while. Oh, it was a pair of days really hard for both, isnt my love?

I dunno what could had happened to you at that place, it should had been harsh, we were so worried for you. i could sound selfish but Grace birth would had killed anyone else in the first seconds of birth, it was like hell i could havent endure it without you, thanks but i also needed you at my side after awaken, Trini and the others needed to stop me of go to search for you, then after that attack you send me Aisha to say me than you decided to stay.

Please i love you, just forget all that and hug me and confort me. I dont want to hurt anyone else or heard more complains and doubts, you know than i love you the enough to have a third child and have a life with you, i know than you are a good warrior so who cares what the others think
. Celine then start to feel something like warm drops starting to fall at her shoulder, just bellow where Vanessa face was resting, her Mistress body was more warm and even a little red, she could feel not only sadness but also a hidden fury, a hate than has been growing all this time as Celine has been talking.

After a long moment Vanessa manage to calm herself a little to answer her lover answers. I dont know where Cassie or Lina are, they just dissapear after they went to look for you, im also worried for them. About Sophia, is the first time than an angel could give birth at this plane, it could be today or maybe even years, im just not interested at that at this moment, but i will check that tomorrow.So, what will you do now? will you leave us again to search for Cassie and Lina?

I will understand it if you cant leave than my troops take care of that, but at least stay with me for a while, please i need you
Vanessa answer as she cuddle at Celine shoulder and caress the Elf belly, she tried to dont sound needed, but no matter how strong she is, after give birth anyone need a support and Celine havent been there for her or for Triny.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After blowing off most of her steam and anger, Celine sat there washing and massaging Vanessa while she began talking again, with Celine just listening to her speak silently for the moment. When Vanessa turned and hugged her and Celine felt Vanessa's warm tears falling onto her shoulder, Celine couldn't help but tear up as well for making Vanessa sad like this, it made her feel like a terrible person. She hugged Vanessa close and stroked her hair a bit, trying to comfort and calm her because she seemed angry... at what though Celine knew not, but she could only believe that it was her that Vanessa was angry and furious at, and that scared her... no, it terrified her to say the least. Celine pulled gently away just a bit from Vanessa's hug, taking her hand and wiping away Vanessa's tears with her fingers, where she then gave Vanessa a brave smile, hoping to let her know that she was sorry.

"Again my love, please forgive me for going out and leaving you here alone, I honestly didn't think you'd be waking up so soon though is all I can really say about that. I intended on being back long ago with all of those that were lost, sitting right beside you on the bed and holding you, with Grace in my arms. But... apparently the gods dislike or hate me, because I failed at that... both of those things actually, for the most part at least," Celine said to Vanessa, caressing her cheek with the back of her hand as she spoke. "And I know that it doesn't matter to you Vanessa my love, but it does to me. Because I want to be able to do this in front of everyone and not make you look weak to them for allowing such a lowly bed slave do this to you," Celine added after hugging Vanessa again, leaning in and kissing her as passionately as she ever had before now, the only feeling coming from her being unconditional love for Vanessa.

After that and after Vanessa started talking again, Celine remained in the bath with her until she finished talking again, merely caressing and cuddling with her the whole time, rubbing her cheek against Vanessa's. Though the lingering feeling of that fury and anger in Vanessa was still fresh in her mind, Celine still loved her regardless, but she did want to find out what exactly was angering her so much, if it was her or something else. When Vanessa told her about Sophia, Celine just smiled, rather kind of hoping that it was sooner rather than later, but if it took longer then she wouldn't be angry, as long as Vanessa allowed her to raise the child while she helped her then she didn't really care how long it took. When she spoke of Cassie and Lina however, Celine's worry grew again, but she knew that she couldn't help them in the state she was currently in at the moment, as she would only do more harm than good if she went out again trying to find them, regardless if Vanessa sent anyone with her to find them.

"Vanessa my love, I will stay here for now, with you, and with Triny, and all our children. I can't go out right now in any case in the shape I'm in, I'd only do more harm than good. And I love you enough to stay here despite my friends being god only knows where, possibly in trouble and or hurt. I can't help them like I am now. I need to be stronger, strong enough that not only would I be able to fight anything that might hurt you, but so that everyone here will respect me and stop hating me, but please have someone find them, because I would hate myself forever if they got hurt trying to find me, and I could never ever forgive myself for it. About Sophia, as long as we both can raise the baby, or babies if she has twins somehow, then I care not how long it takes, but I do kind of hope it doesn't take very long because like you told me a few days ago we need an uncorrupted angel to protect our world, plus I want Sophia's baby to be able to grow up with Grace, so that they can play together and all of that. I've been a poor lover by leaving both you and Triny to try and help others, but please understand that it's how I was raised, to always put others before myself. But nothing could ever stop me from loving you and Triny, so please don't think that me going out is because I don't love you or anything silly like that okay, because it isn't true," Celine said, nuzzling against Vanessa's neck and lightly nipping at it, hoping to cheer Vanessa up some as she decided that her place for the moment was here with Vanessa and Triny and their children. "I'm not going to risk going out again, so don't worry about that for the moment my love, my place right now is here with you and Triny and all of our babies. But there is one last thing I have to ask, and please don't get angry at me. But... please tell me Vanessa, what has you so angry? Is it... me and what I did? Or is it something else altogether? I'll listen and not get mad or scared in either case, I just... want you to trust me enough to be able to tell me anything is all," Celine added, kissing Vanessa on the lips again, though not quite as passionately, it was still a kiss filled with her love, so that Vanessa would know that she loved her with all her heart.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Vanessa, just leave than Celine continue caressing her, slowly starting to caress her elf pregnant body too, sometimes even giving soft touches to her lover dick. She tried her best to stop letting free her tears and return a soft smile to Celine. Were you expecting than i would remain sleep for nearly a day? You are pressing you too much sweetheart, as you cant expect than all will love and respect you in less of a week. She then press herlf even more at Celine, making her rest at the bath wall, then her fingers start to give soft touches on the elf's ears, what soon make her member get hard by the great pleasure. I dont doubt than you love me, my love. Its just than you should talk with me before go out to a dangerous quest, you were so lucky this time but who know the next time. She then let Celine talk more and with doubts she decide to answer her

Im fine, but if you want to know, yes im angry, not only with you but also with Aisha and my generals, they should had stopped you from going there... sigh... there are others things than ruin my day, but lets not talk more of that, i had sended already someone to look for Lita and Cassey, so just focus on us this time. She get over Celine, stroking her member and sucking the elf breasts until these start to let free some milk, the elf hears also get sometimes caressed.

Please... dont put your seed inside my womb... im not completely healed after Grace's birth Said the mistress as she softly moan.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine cooed softly at Vanessa's caresses, and when she caressed her member, Celine's knees trembled as she wiped Vanessa's tears away. "Y-Yeah I was kind of expecting you to be out for quite a while... I mean maybe not a whole day, but I was at least hoping long enough for me to get back. And I know that I can't expect everyone to like me and to earn respect in less than a week. But I did expect since I am your personal servant at the moment that I'd have a bit of respect and stuff," Celine replied to Vanessa, still cooing softly. "And I know that I should have said something to you before leaving to go fight and help, but you were asleep and I couldn't really do that. But hey, on the bright side, I did manage to save three girls by myself, a human and a couple of neko's, so I didn't completely fail, but I doubt that they were any of your servants," Celine added, leaning over and laying her head on Vanessa's shoulder, kissing and nibbling at her neck, thinking to herself that she could at least take pride in that small fact.

When Vanessa began teasing her sensitive elven ears though, Celine melted in her arms, leaning against her beloved. "Oh Vanessa... m-my ears are really sensitive," Celina whimpered, her body totally limp in Vanessa's arms at the moment. "G-Good I hope they find Lina and Cassie soon, and... don't be so angry with them please, or your generals. They did try and tell me not to go and stop me, but... I went anyway. So... I'm the only one you should be angry at really, other than those that attacked," Celine added, not liking what she was doing, but willing to take the rap for everyone so that Vanessa wasn't angry with anyone save her, because despite the generals not liking her, she didn't want Vanessa mad at anyone if she could help it, but if she had to be angry at someone then it should be just her, because it was her own fault for leaving and going out to fight like she did.

As she sat there, her strength coming back to her after she went limp in Vanessa's arms from her teasing and pinching her elven ears, Celine felt Vanessa begin stroking her cock as she began suckling on her nipples, a bit of milk starting to dribble out. When Vanessa told her not to cum inside of her, Celine nodded her head vigorously, lust and arousal in her eyes despite the fact that she'd already had sex so much that day. "Alright sweetie, n-no finishing inside then, but... I'm afraid that you'll have to take charge with that bit, because I'm not sure with this sluggish body at the moment that I'd be able to pull out in time," Celine said, chuckling a little bit and caressing Vanessa's cheek as she spoke again, nothing but love in her eyes for Vanessa. "I... I'm yours Vanessa my love, to do with as you please. Just please... all I ask other than to be allowed to help raise our children and that all of my own children by Triny and anyone else be treated equally by you and everyone here is that you please, just please trust me enough to always be able to talk to me about your problems and to trust me enough to help you with anything, be it fighting, making love to you, just trying to help solve any problems you've got, or anything at all... just know that you can always trust me to help to the best of my abilities," Celine added, leaning in to kiss Vanessa on the lips, letting her know that she meant every word she'd just said.

Celine would sit there an allow Vanessa to mount her after that, moaning softly as she did and caressing her beloved's body to increase Vanessa's own pleasure as much as possible at the same time. If Vanessa did go ahead and start having sex with her, then Celine's moans would turn lewder and grow a bit louder as they went on, and when she neared her first climax of however many times Vanessa wanted to make her cum as a punishment of sorts, Celine would warn her every time she was about to pop, so that she didn't risk impregnating Vanessa again.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The elf words looks to have a possitive effect on Vanessa, who continue caressing her servant at her sensitive zones, making her get each second more aroused. I could easily place you in a high rank, but i supposed than you would loved it if you earn it for yourself so in that way you get loved and respected as you want, my beloved Celine. Her words then get interrupted by a long deep kiss, than ended with both sharing a string of droll.

So you bring me three new girls as presents to forgive you, i wonder what i should do with them~ Vanessa answer after Celine place all the fault on her, both girls continued theirs foreplay until Vanessa place herself over Celine hard member, giving soft moves at the meat rod with her lower lips as she playfully play with the elf breasts, making them split some of the elf milk, as her face is placed in front of Celine's both close each other needing to touch the lips of her loved one

Then Celine said her last words where she place herself completely under Vanessa needs ended her words with a passionate kiss, after a moment Vanessa ended it and caressing the elf cheek answer Im completely yours too Celine... my love. That is why i let you be the father of my third children, just i beg you to dont break my heart, no mather what happen in the future, dont stop loving me like this or believe at my words. Vanessa words were filled with sadness in this last part, her need for someone completely trustworthy and who fill her with love were nearly obvious, she then hug completely the blonde elf and start to thrust herself with the hard elf member in a way to calm her inner self completely and also fill that huge need at her insides of her soul, whimpering "i love you celine" as her moans follow the ones of her lover, as always her honeyhole is so amazing for Celine, her member receive a warm pleasure from the woman walls, pressing and sucking at it, after just a pair of minutes Celine could feel herself nearly close to explode in a white stream, but fortunately Vanessa get out and with a soft groan she impale her rear entrance with the elf rod, the thigh hole made celine unable to stop herself and cum inside her Mistress who looks to dont feel to much pain for the action, showing how well her body has been created to pleasure any man or woman.

Both lost sight of the time and continued pleasuring each other, Vanessa dont stop to milk the elf manlike member, sometimes using her hand, mouth, rear hole or cunt. As she do this, she also caress the elf's ears, sometimes licking at them, kissing her lover neck, eardrobe, sucking and drinking each cum drop than has escaped of her body. Finally after see how tired Celine is, she let her rest and pet her. Looks like we lose each other in our lust, lets hope than my childs havent awaken with our little fun.

After some minutes of rest, Celine notice than her belly has grow even more and it was starting to move, there was not too much pain, yet she know than the birth is close to happen.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After finishing their kiss when Vanessa told her that she could simply elevate her in rank, Celine shook her head. "No my love, I should earn my place and everyone's trust before being given a rank such as that, that way I won't be seen as incompetent. I hate to say it... but I suppose I should speak with your... (sigh)... blue haired general that I pissed off and try to see if I can get her to train me. And they are yours to order however you wish, but be kind to them, they went through a lot, especially the human girl. Her mind was almost broken completely in that horrible place, and I didn't bring them as presents exactly, I brought them here because they needed a safe place to stay," Celine said, her voice turning into soft coos when Vanessa began teasing her more by rubbing her entire body against Celine's, rubbing her own wet snatch against Celine's extremely hard member.

Celine just smiled at Vanessa when Vanessa asked for her to never stop loving her, nodding to her beloved and kissing her once more with feeling as she felt the great urge to have her beloved Vanessa right here in the bath. Celine hugged Vanessa back as Vanessa impaled herself upon Celine's member. Cooing softly as Vanessa began fucking her, Celine caressed Vanessa's back and cheeks as she went, letting her know that she loved her and would never betray her, whispering in Vanessa's ear each time she whimpers that she loves Celine that she loved her back. Soon Celine felt herself about to explode in bliss, and she knew that she couldn't do so and risk getting Vanessa pregnant again, which would undoubtedly happen since she had magically made Celine's seed much more potent and all a few days before and all. When Vanessa switched holes though, Celine didn't hold back any longer and let loose with everything she had left in her after such a long day, all of her stress and worries gushing out of her along with her seed as she held Vanessa close to her.

Celine didn't stop Vanessa when she continued pleasuring herself with Celine's member, allowing Vanessa whatever she wished of her for now. When Vanessa caressed her ears though, Celine went limp everywhere save her member, which throbbed a little harder in response as Celine moaned aloud with every kiss and caress to her body no matter where it was placed. When Vanessa finally stopped and was petting her head, telling her that she hoped that none of her children had woken up, Celine nuzzled against her, kissing her on the cheek and laying her head on Vanessa's shoulder.

"I'm sure that they aren't awake yet, or at least aren't looking for you or me. But... can, or will you tell me now my love, who are all of your daughters exactly? I know Grace of course is our baby, but I'm wondering who the others are, because I've heard you speak of them before, and I'd like to know what their names are so that I'll know them and all you know. If that's okay I mean, I'll... understand if it isn't, but... I just want to get to know everyone here is all," Celine said to Vanessa, sounding a bit out of breath as she spoke. Then she felt her belly rumble a little bit and noticed that it was even larger now than before, signifying that her birthing was near at hand. "Oh shoot, it isn't hurting yet, but I can tell that I'm near my love. I need your help please. I need you to tell Aisha as soon as I'm somewhere that I can birth... whatever it is growing inside of me and have her tell her minion Slimy, who put them in here that it's time. I promised Slimy that I'd do so, so that she could be there for when it happens... if it isn't too much trouble that is," Celine said after a couple of more minutes, grasping her belly and trying to get to her feet in order to make it to the birthing chambers.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Even in her great need, Vanessa manage to heard her servant answer, she giggle and nodded proud of her mate. Good, i hate when my servants have a not productive rivality... and dont worry all will receive an special treathment, even when i cant let free that human, but the two neko could leave once i get what i need to get from them. The mistress say between soft delicate moans, giving what she could to pleasure her lover, both bodies continued theirs wild lust until Celine couldnt take more.

Once recovered the enough, Celine ask for the Mistress's daughters. So you want to know more of them? oh dear you are just so curiouse, but dont worry, i love ou in part for that. The black hair girl say as her red eyes remain closed as she rest over Celine, cuddling at her for a second, feeling her breasts and tired manlike member with her hand, caressing it softly without stop, as one of her fingers go deep inside the elf to touch her clit.

She turn and open her eyes to see direct to Celine kissing her softly at her lips before continue, wishpering to the elf ear as she softly restart to touch in a passionate way the elven ears, making Celine moan again and muf the mistress whispers . I cant say the name from my older daughter, she will hate you for dont receive it from her once both had passed more time together and you had named her... Cutey or something... she is a difficult girl, but is so kind in the side, yet she looks to be always upset.

The second, well she was a very good girl until she grow up and leave to maybe build her own army or invade a distat land, i name her Eralda Raziel, yet she could had changed her name for something more of her like.

The talk suddenly stop when Celine feel her birth starting, Vanessa dont show any sign of worry or fear, she instead giggle and kiss her lover before get up and help her to stand up. Dont worry sweetheart, birth monsters ussually is a pleasure for many, as they try to make theirs victims addicts to give birth, let me prepare all and dont push yourself too much. The mistress then move away and dry the water around her with a warm dark aura around her, once this dissapear she make the clothes on the floor move toward her and place in place automatically, as she seductively moves toward her chambers, opening the doors to let Celine a free pass to the corridor who has been free from her barrier to let the elf move to the breeder chamber.

Celine's arousal increased in big steeps as she get out of her Mistress bathroom, she notice how Cutey frown at her when the little lady remain resting at the bed, each step get harder and she cant soon stop to make soft moans, as her lower lips get soaked with her naughty fluids. Once she weakly reached the corridor out her mistress chamber, she was more than a mess, her hard burning dick was so hard and leavig flow precum, milking continually from her breasts and with her eyes gazed with lust, she could feel something trying to get out of her hole, struggling with her walls and making her feel so good until nearly make her feel fall at her knees, but just then two soldiers hold her and take her to the breeder chamber, she dont manage to endure too much so she was placed with the others breeders.

Without using her will to walk, Celine manage to control herself better as she rest between two girls at her side, she could feel how she couldnt resist more without give birth to what was close to get out, her body arched, as her legs move instintively to let the creature get out more easily, her moans get mixed with the others than come from the many girls on the hall and with a last potent moan the strange object get free.

In a wonderful bliss, Celine remain nearly uncouncious with a lewd face until she get recovered just the enough to turn down. She notice a plant like creature crawling like a snake away of her, little vines moving close each other until form a little clearture torso like Slimy yet in a small size, the goblins and imps around her get scared by the strange creature at the room, not sure mabe where place it. Even the newborn looks to be confused and unable to decide what to do now surrounded by many juices and boddies than it could use. The next birth soon started yet just now the soldiers free her and moved her out of that place and put her at the baby chambers, maybe Vanessa has order them to place her in a best place.

Celine awake moments later after had give birth to the second creature, from her dazzed state she could feel than she was resting over a nice bed, yet she was starting to damp her with her fluids, the second creature soon started to lick the fluids around her, as the next start to get out. From that point Celine have just some seconds of sanity before get in a arousal gazed state than she start to love each time more. Soon after had given birth to some of her childs, Slimy appear at her side, as also Trini and Vanessa, giving her support as her heavenly torture continue for maybe hours.

At the end she given birth to at least twenny creatures, many looking as Slimy, others were plant creatures like the big one than had impregnate her at the start, yet a white Slimy baby rest on the monstergirl arms.

Are you fine Celine? How do you feel? ask a worried Triny, as Vanessa get close Slimy and the white shinning baby creature. She will be fine, Our love one could even love to do this each day. Celne could not denny that last part, her body feel so needed to get pregnant again, each birth has been amazing and so easy, yet she was hungry and tired after the long ordear.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well I didn't mean just let them free exactly my love, I just meant be nice to them, because of what all they went through," Celine replied, nuzzling against Vanessa's neck and kissing it softly.

As Celine sat there, softly moaning while she listened to Vanessa ask if she really wanted to know more about her other daughters, to which Celine nodded her head eagerly as she let out a soft moan at Vanessa's caresses, wriggling around a little bit in the process. When Vanessa's fingers found her clit, Celine whimpered and moaned as she leaned against Vanessa, trying to hold out against the pleasurable onslaught. When Vanessa then began touching her sensitive elven ears, Celine couldn't suppress a louder passionate moan, tilting her head back a bit as it escaped her lips and her body trembled quite a bit as a result.

"Well... w-what could I do to make her happier and learn her name from her? Do you know anything that would work maybe? And is your other daughter not good any more or something? Maybe we can find her or something someday," Celine said to Vanessa, but just as Vanessa was able to answer her she felt the pregnancy about to reach its climax and she was about to give birth.

After Vanessa told her not to worry and why she shouldn't, Celine actually got a little more worried, because she didn't want to be addicted to giving birth like this, she was in fact only doing it at this point because she didn't have much choice in the matter at the moment and all. As soon as she was allowed to, Celine got up and headed on out through Vanessa's bedroom past Cutey, who was watching her from the bed frowning at her somewhat and she didn't know why exactly, but she didn't have the time to really worry about it at the moment. As she made it out and into the corridor, Celine was quite a mess and she was almost certain that she wouldn't make it to the birthing chamber on her own. Her cock was so hard it hurt as it leaked her precum down its length to drip on the floor under her, and her breasts constantly leaked milk, and then just as her eyes were beginning to glaze over with lust again and she felt something trying to slide out of her, a pair of soldiers grabbed her and helped her to the birthing chamber.

Laid between two other random girls, Celine began pushing whatever was coming out of her, trying to get it out quicker as she let out a lewd moan into the birthing chamber, wanting to get out of here as quickly as possible. However her mind was being fried from the pleasure and soon after getting there, Celine felt something pulling itself free from her. She barely had time to look at it before the soldiers came back and pulled her up from where she was and moved her to another more private birthing room. Her vision and mind finally came back to her a bit after getting into the new room, and she was able to look down to see the second creature had made its way out of her, which looked like Slimy much like the first one.

She barely noticed Vanessa, Triny, and Slimy coming in there with her as she birthed out creature after creature, some of which looked much like Slimy, while others looked like the other creature that impregnated her earlier when she was out with Aisha.


Some time later, Celine felt her consciousness coming back to her, and she didn't know how much time had passed since she started giving birth, but she was sure it had to have been at least a couple of hours or more, but she wasn't certain exactly. Her eyes glanced around and found Triny as she asked Celine if she was alright, and she glanced around to see Slimy holding a little white skinned version of herself as well.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine Triny, don't worry about me. A-And yeah it did feel good, but I don't... wanna do it everyday, despite how good it felt Vanessa," Celine said first to Triny, letting her know that she was alright, and then she replied to Vanessa's words, letting her know that yeah it felt good, but she didn't want to do it that often. "I'm hungry though right now... and really tired. C-Can I possibly get something to eat and maybe get back to our bed afterwards to sleep?" Celine added to Vanessa.

Once her questions had been answered and food on its way to her, Celine would turn to Slimy and smile. "There you go Slimy... I hope that makes up for how hurt you got in that place because of me, tell Aisha to tell Roundy that as soon as I'm feeling better, that I'll fulfill my promise to him as well, unless she wouldn't mind doing so for me that is, because I must keep my promises and I did promise him a shot at me too like you got. But if Aisha is willing to fill in for me then I'll let her handle it for me, because I have to train a lot after I recover, to earn my place here," Celine said to Slimy, reaching out and patting her on the butt and then reaching over and gently caressing the little one Slimy was holding in a motherly way.

With that, Celine would wait for her food, gesturing to Triny to lean down, where Celine leaned up and kissed her on the lips, whispering in her ear that she was sorry for worrying her and Vanessa by trying to be brave. "I hope I didn't make you mad at me or anything my love, I just wanted to try and earn respect and everything so that I could have the both of us and Cassie treated better," Celine said to Triny, not caring who heard her saying this as she caressed Triny's cheek with the back of her hand.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The blonde elf feels tired, yet the continuous births looks to dont had hurt her in any way so maybe she will be fine after eat and rest for a while, however her sore breasts burst with milk, as also her lewd hole and pennis, maybe the final side effects of the creatures births. With many of the baby monsters taken away, she cant find a way to get rid of her juices.

Of course my love, i will bring you with anything than you want to eat, meanwhile rest a moment here Vanessa answer as she get close and steal a deep french kiss from Celine and then give a wink to her before talk with some nurses.

Slimy looks to be happy and some of her vines caress the elf arm and body after get her slimy sexy warm rear pressed by Celine. Uhm... dont worry Celine, im not mad with you, is true than we were worried, but i believe than you would by fine and you will return soon. Also, dont push yourself so hard, im sure than soon all these creatures will respect you as what you really are. Trini then lay close Celine, both girls cuddling each other until some soldiers help Celine to return to the bed, there an exquisite quantity of dishes were waiting for her, Cutey was there too, not looking to want to leave the bed, yet her eyes were placed on the food many times, as she turn to other side. Vanessa and Trini sit and invite the elf to get in middle of both, yet then Grace started to make baby noises and sit at her baby bed to see what was happening, she has been wearing a royal luxury pink gold baby dress, her face looks curiouse and she cutely move her feathery wings as if she wanted to get up to see better.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine was absolutely exhausted after all of the creatures she'd birthed, her body barely able to move any at all, so when Vanessa leaned down and passionately kissed her, Celine just went limp in her arms and fell back onto her pillows. Laying there with her breasts full to bursting with milk and her penis so hard almost it hurt, Celine lay there and listened to Triny reply to her earlier words after Slimy caressed her body with some of her tentacles.

"Again though, I'm sorry I went out and took such a big risk, I shouldn't have done it... but I couldn't just leave those poor people out there to suffer like that. Not when I had the power and the means to save them," Celine said to Triny, leaning over to kiss her on the lips. "Thank you for the kind words my love, I know you're right. I'll just have to keep trying and show everyone that I'm not just some stupid futanari elf that's only good for sex. And when I do, I'll make all our lives better, you won't have to be a slave anymore and our daughters will be treated like princesses," Celine then added, cuddling against Triny as if she was afraid of letting her go.

When the soldiers came and helped Celine back to the bedroom, she thanked every one of the ones that helped her do so, waving goodbye to Slimy and telling her that she'd see her some other time hopefully. When they got to the bedroom and helped Celine inside, she had them help her onto the bed where she then crawled over in between Vanessa and Triny where the two apparently wanted her to come to, where she noticed Cutey eying the food a little hungrily. As she got a bit of the food for herself, Celine glanced over to Cutey and smiled.

"Would you like something to eat too Cutey? I've got plenty here and I don't mind sharing with you if you're hungry. Same for anyone else, if you're hungry then please get yourself something," Celine said in a friendly tone, offering some of the food to Cutey, or anyone else that wanted anything to eat.

When she heard Grace stirring about, Celine giggled softly and smiled down at her's and Vanessa's child where she was at in her crib looking out at everyone, a look of wonder on her face. "Vanessa my love, bring Grace up here with us, she looks curious and I want to get a better look at our child, please, I think she wants to see her papa Celine," Celine whispered to Vanessa with a smile as she got some of the food to eat while sitting there, waiting for Vanessa to bring Grace up there with them.

If Vanessa brought Grace up there with them, Celine would set her plate to the side for a moment and pull the little one up into her arms, a bright happy smile on her face. She would then pull Grace up against her and hug her close, taking the little one's tail and wrapping it around her own arm to make sure it didn't swing around on accident and cut anyone or anything. "Hey there sweetie pie, aren't you just adorable. Say hello to your big sis over there sweetie," Celine said, pulling Grace around and facing her towards Cutey and waving Grace's little hand at Cutey.