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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The swordswoman dont answer to Celine's questions and she just run away, dodging the elf attempt to stop her and making the elf hit herself quick a sudden push away. Celine dont give up and follower until the big door at the corridor, giving a last look to her army. Slimy and the dark creature hit each other, as Roundy is wounded again and the nearly humanoid cries of the dark creatures fill the place, their purple blood start to fill the place.

Unable to open the door, the blonde woman turn to Celine to face her again. Stop your nonsenses, how can you be at our side if you are helping these vile creatures than killed all ours males and slaved our people to defeat ours guardians? If i let you continue our godness temple above us and our city close it will fall again The woman prepare herself to end this fight, Celine has been damaged at the battle and feel a little tired.

Celine 3/6

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine was glad that the door seemed to be closed when the swordswoman ran away from her after pushing her away, then Celine gave chase after glancing back to see Slimy and her foe hitting each other, while Roundy took another hit while the other girl merely sat there crying. The woman she was chasing stopped and turned around to face her once more, where she then spoke. Celine was a little tired now and needed to rest, but she knew that she couldn't let this girl out of here.

"Look, I don't know what you think those creatures are, but they aren't your guardians, they have you both enslaved and they've taken some of my mistress's soldiers as well to enslave them, and that is why I'm here, to rescue them and any other people that they have enslaved. I don't want to hurt you miss, please believe me when I say that I'm not here to hurt you. And I don't even know where your city is, but it isn't here, these are caves and tunnels that are in the forest surrounding my mistress's palace and I decided to come out to rescue her people that were taken. If I lower my sword will you do the same? Will that show you that I'm telling the truth?" Celine said to the girl, keeping her sword at the ready, but not attacking and merely parrying the girl's attacks, knowing that she needed to go to Slimy's and Roundy's aid soon to help them both. If the girl told her yes, then Celine would slowly lower her sword until it was pointing at the ground, letting her know that she meant her no harm and was indeed trying to save her. If Celine managed to talk some sense into the girl, she would then go back to help her allies, going first to Roundy and helping him out by stabbing the dark creature, then on to Slimy to do the same, and then together the three of them would all help the rest of her minions finish off the last one.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The woman stop her attack for the moment, but dont put her weapon down or accept the elf words, however she decide to talk a little more.

Stop thinking than we are slaves! i dont know what kind of creature are you serving, but if that bunch of creatures are your army, then ours guardians havent made anything wrong by taking down your mistress's soldiers, certainly they get too close of us. The woman point to Celine with her sword and then for an instant the passage from where she come before add pointing to the elf. As you are new at these lands, i will give you a last chance even when you had just made a big sin. Take your bunch of monsters and leave this place, you can use the cursed tunnels than you had said, but dont expect than we will thread you nicelly the next time.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I can tell that you're slaves from the way those foul things were treating you, and I freed most of these monsters from the prisons back down the hall, which your supposed guardians were keeping imprisoned there. I persuaded them to help me to find my mistress's People that were taken, the ones I am searching for aren't monsters, it was people that your guardians ambushed in the forest for no reason. Now I didn't see them, but they have already tried to enslave me as well for no reason other than trying to find my friends. But I'll leave, if your guardians return my friends to me, because I can't return to my mistress without them or her other servants will likely kill or punish me harshly me for failing to do what I said. Believe me when I say I wish I didn't have to fight your Guardians, because I would like to be back with my mistress and our child but I have no choice, I must become stronger and return with my mistress's other servants so that we can be together and the others will recognize my strength," Celine said to the girl, hanging her head slightly and gripping her sword hilt before looking back up at the girl with a determined and righteous look in her eyes. "If I were your enemy wouldn't I have already killed you, and my sword has holy magic within it if you couldn't tell by the looks of it. Earlier today some dark demonic like creatures much like those ones there attacked my mistress while she was pregnant with my child and tried to kill her, now I want to help you miss, but if you're going to be foolish like this and not see that these things have you and your friend there enslaved and probably what's left of your people, then I can't help you. But... If you want, I can show you the glyphs and images I saw that showed those dark creatures standing over your people and the monsters both, and the prisons where they were doing horrible things to many different kinds of monsters," Celine added to the woman in a righteous tone that she was hoping would talk sense into the woman before she ended up forcing Celine to knock her out, which she didn't want to have to do because she could really use her help.

She was fairly certain that these dark creatures were the ones that enslaved this girl's people, because the things had already tried to do the same thing to her before and after Aisha left, plus she couldn't just let these foolish girls stay enslaved by these things if she could help it, but she did understand that you can't always save those that don't wish to listen to reason. Celine very much wanted to leave and knew that the only way that she would have any chance of saving Vanessa's other servants would be for Aisha to return and help her do so, because she was too exhausted to do so with just Slimy's and Roundy's aid.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The blonde woman take her time hearing all what Celine had to said, however the elf words upset her slighty more as Celine continue. Also the futagirl notice how the blonde girl get surprised when the elf talk from where the monsters were taken.


So basicaly you are a newcomer than had already a child with a "mistress" and have holy powers.
Said the girl with a frown before add.

Look, i dunno if its the same at your homeland, but many things love to enslave humans or use them for worse things than death, the images than you described have a different meaning. They describe how our people was saved of the monsters and humanoid creatures by our godness, she give us these creatures to protect our lands and if your mistress's minions could hurt you by just fail, then maybe the guardians have good reasons for what you said The girl has moved a little away, trying to take more distance, maybe she is just trying to dont be surprised or Celine words had affected her.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine hung her head a bit once more when the girl spoke again, knowing that she probably sounded strange and like her story a bit too hard to believe. But that didn't dissuade her any as she looked back up to the blonde woman. "Look, maybe they did have good reason to attack my mistress's people, maybe they didn't, I don't know because I wasn't there. But I do know that I love my mistress and our child, as well as Triny and our child, and I want to return to them as soon as I can. I lived in a place where monsters like all of these don't really exist, so when I saw those creatures holding your friend over there and forcing her to give him a blowjob, and you with a sword at your side as you lay there, the first thing any normal person would think was that you were being raped and had lost to them. I meant to save you both from said rape is why we attacked," Celine said defensively, thinking to herself that this girl was crazy. "If you really want me to leave, then I will leave, but I can't without those that were taken, whether they were taken by your guardians as you call them, or by something else. Your guardians there I think are all still alive but I'm not sure, tell them to stand down and I'll tell mine to as well. Because all I know is that my mistress's people were taken into these caves. Are you and your people and guardians the only ones that live in these caves? If not then your it may have been whatever they are that attacked my mistress's people, but still the same I must find them." Celine added to the girl, lowering her sword a little and calling for Slimy, Roundy, and the others to stop attacking to kill their foes for the moment and back off only if the girl called off her guardians as she named them.

If they did end the fighting right then and there with the woman consenting to call her guardians down,well those that were left and still fighting that is, then Celine would lower her sword the rest of the way and sheath it completely, calling for the others to release them and come to her, where she would pet them all, whispering softly to each of them not to worry that Aisha would heal them right up when they got out of there. If the woman replied to her that it may have been something else that lived in the caverns that took those she searched for and not her guardians, then Celine would apologize, but admit that there was no way she could have known that these guardians of theirs were not her enemies and that if in her position then it would look like the same thing and she would likely have done the same thing.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The woman sigh and shake her head after heard the elf's words. I suppose than rest naked after train is weird, but the creatures at this zone have many ways to destroy armors and clothes, even then if a couple of lovers pleasuring each other make you start a unnescesary conflict, then maybe you should not be the one being sended to an unknown place by you mistress. Anyway we dont have the time to talk about this, we should stop them now before that useless battle kill someone The woman said and without waste time walk toward the room, looking to still have something against Celine, but was not weird after all what suddenly happened.

The two soon reach the battlefield where Slimy still face the dark creature without any had the upper hand, Roundy was losing the battle, the girl was getting raped by some of the still awaken monsters and a creature still try to protect itself of the monsters blows. The dark creature is filled in purple blood and the other defeated creature has lost all its tendrils and even an arm, from it red blood has come out and the creature remain without move a finger, maybe its dead or just uncounciest. Celine words dont stop her new minions than continue brutaly raping the girl and hurting the dark creatures, but after a moment Slimy looks to had stop them. The swordswoman made her best to stop this and turn to the elf after taking a moment to calm herself. Look, we have already too much problems to aid you, but i guess than give you some info will avoid more mistakes. The tunnels are filled with monsters, some live in nests and are very smart, maybe some of them are the guilty, just try to dont get close our ruins, town and holy grounds so dont start a fight

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Well in my own defense, I didn't know that it was your lover, I saw a strange monster of unknown origin to me raping a young woman and moved to help like any sensible person from my homeland would do, as we're raised to be noble and help those in need," Celine said to the woman as she followed her back over to where the fighting was, where she had to give a shout to her newer followers to get their attention with Slimy's help in order to get them to stop. Celine would rush over to the other girl and yank any of the smaller monsters off of her that didn't listen, scolding them and telling them that if they didn't begin listening to her orders then she would take them back to the prisons and toss them back into their cells as she shook her sword at them.

"And also, my mistress didn't send me, she is currently recovering from having our child, I came out here while she is resting, and she'll likely say something like I shouldn't have attempted such a stupid thing or something to that effect. But I couldn't just leave our people out here," Celine said once she had control of her minions once more, petting Roundy a couple of times and kissing him and telling him that he did a good job and that she was sorry he got so hurt, then she did the same to Slimy, though the other littler monsters she didn't add in the kisses and pets as they didn't stop when she told them to, and they would have to wait until they returned to Aisha to get their promised sex, which she intended on doing soon enough, as she didn't see any way that she could manage to find the other lose ones without her help. Because Roundy was hurt, and she was beginning to get a bit exhausted herself, and she didn't know how hurt Slimy was. So unless Roundy could heal quickly, she doubted that it would be wise to remain within these treacherous tunnels. Who knew though, maybe Aisha was on her way back already with more help with which they could then use to find them, but she would have to go on to the entrance and await them for now at the very least, because she thought it was too dangerous otherwise in here.

"Thank you miss and I apologize once again, I hope you can forgive me for the way I was raised. I'm Celine by the way, maybe we'll see each other again on better circumstances," Celine said to the girl after rounding up her companions, though she didn't extend her hand out to the girl to shake unless the girl did so first, figuring that she merely wanted Celine and the monsters gone from there. With that, unless the girl wished to speak with her more, Celine would take her rounded up minions and begin making their way back to the entrance to this god awful place to see if Aisha had returned yet or not, though Celine would take the time to help stop the bleeding of the worst wounds of the guardians of the two women if either of the girls asked her to as penance.

She really and truly hoped that Aisha was on her way back, or that at least someone was, as there were simply too many tunnels to explore and not enough of her to go through each one.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

She is not my lover, the guardian and the other girl had been loving each other for a while. Anyway you should not judge others when you are leading all that bunch of monsters, do you like to be backstabed? These creatures only look at us as vessels for theirs childrens. The woman answer, slighty less angry with the elf answering than the elf should stop to risk her life and follow Celine's mistress wishes of not be so selfish and carefree with her life.

The creatures turned to Celine, still raping the girl, not moving away for a moment until Slimy turn toward them, the female monster dont just return the kiss, but hug the blonde elf and caress her back for an instant with many vines and even groped her rear, what made Roundy turn and push both of them away, maybe slighty upset with Slimy. The raped girl remain sleeping in a fetal stance, soon the futa creature cuddle at her and caress her, the others two dark creatures remain ready to act, one defending the heavily injured and the one who faced Slimy close the blonde human.

Sure, i will forgive this if you never attack our people again and we dont see your mistress's people walking around ours lands once you had recovered your people The girl add, not caring if Celine try to heal the creatures, yet the guardians were ready to attack again if she dont leave soon, maybe Celine should do it before more of them find this mess.

Once away she could use the elevator to return to the dark rooms where many creatures and that spider were waiting or she could take other path.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"These two here are my friend's minions, so they'll listen to me because Aisha told them to, I freed this lot from some prisons where they were being tortured," Celine explained after Slimy and Roundy stopped the rest of the monsters from raping the other girl, with Celine staring at the other monsters with a dominant look to let them know who's boss.

When the girl told her that she would forgive Celine as long as she never saw her again, Celine assured her that she would do everything in her power to prevent another meeting between them, at least on the same terms that they did this time, that if they met again it would be very different and no weapons would be drawn as it would be hands being extended in friendship if anything. Then Celine gathered her minions together and quickly headed out back once she made certain none of the guardians were dead and no longer in danger of dying.

After leaving the room, she headed back to the elevator to attempt to quietly make their way onwards through the place, intending on heading down the other path that was there before leaving the place completely, though if everyone seemed to hurt still then she would attempt to take them all on out instead.

I got a question. Have they already healed any wounds they had? If so then they'll go ahead and continue searching for the others.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

They are just monsters Celine, i guess than they could work as minions, but even then you cant trust completely at them and you can denny than any stranger would dont doubt in attack you if they see you close all of them. The blonde human said more likely giving an advise to the elf of the possible danger. Celine could not denny than her minions were a little hard to control now than she was not inside Slimy, maybe all the creatures look the female monster at their leader or there could be any reason behind theirs attempt of rape that human.

The monsters start to move away, even the ones uncounciest start to move, except for two small tentacle creatures and a jelly, killed at the battle, maybe not only by the dark creatures as an axe rest at the floor close where the woman was getting raped. Celine used some rags at the place to try to stop the bleeding of the very damaged guardian, her skin crack and she screech weakly, maybe the monsters placed acid on her.

Once made all what she could, Celine made her way toward the elevator, the creatures looks to dont have serious wounds so they could continue walking, but she dont know what they were thinking as they leave the place filled with breeders and the cursed dark creatures than caught them.

Close to go down, Celine must decide what to do now, her eyes would be unable to see at the complete darkness and Slimy get close her ready to take her inside. The elf know than there could be many creatures, she could fight or try to pass unnoticied toward the water sound, as also return to the entrance yet the time to return to the mistress castle is too big than certainly Aisha has not returned.

(end the post soon)
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After leaving and making their way to the elevator and using it, Celine found herself in pretty much complete darkness, but she did notice Slimy opening up to allow her to climb back inside so that she could see once more, which she quickly did before moving on. She noticed that everyone was wounded some, but not too badly, but still she didn't want to try and find the others with these monsters that didn't seem to want to listen to her.

Once her eyes had adjusted to the light after climbing into Slimy again, Celine began slowly and carefully making her way back down into the water and back towards the entrance for now, to rest and recover a little more and maybe before trying to rescue them all.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Easily she get once again inside Slimy, placed at the side of the uncounciest woman than she manage to get. Then they walked toward the exit easily without get disturbed by the others creatures, as Celine's army was too huge for individual creatures.

After nearly an half hour she return to the entrance, it was still night and the outside still remain in complete silence, maybe it will be the dawn in some hours what made think than Celine has been busy without rest for nearly a day except by the brief time than she passed with her lovers. There was not sign of the reinforces so she could take a break, however Slimy take the chance and put Celine out of her, the many vines start to move until she return to have an slim yet still imponent form, then she squirm and hug herself arching her body and making some lust muffed sounds, it take it some minutes until she stop and deep breath, she looks to be checking herself as some whimpers and sounds start to get from her, then she turn to Celine and wave with a very human giggle, sounds like attempts of words came from her each time getting better until the female monster manage to master it enough.

...Hi Celine... its hard to control... this body, but i need to talk with you.

Its only for this moment, dont fear for her

You made a great job, but all believe in different things, even us. So dont expect than all notice what you clearly see at the first try.

Just look at me, you help me to grow and before meet you i would had take permanent control of this woman to get stronger, but once we end talking i will release her nearly broken mind and body.

The new ones are wild creatures, we have ussually a short live, so we try to reproduce ourselves and get stronger to dont die, they are giving to much at following us, if you want you can continue using me to lead them, but dont look bad at them. Following a possible breeder who dont is a vessel for our childs and die for her is close a joke

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine was easily able to slip inside of Slimy once more, getting beside the girl still inside of Slimy's form like before. They were easily able to make their way towards the exit without anything coming after them, which Celine was thankful for, thinking to herself that any other monsters probably thought that it was too dangerous to attack her little army alone. After a short while, they made their way back to the entrance, where she saw that it was still night outside, though she didn't know how far into the night exactly it was at the moment, but she felt quite tired all the same, likely from having barely any sleep and or rest since she'd woken up this morning.

Once they made it to the entrance, Celine saw that Aisha hadn't returned yet, though there could be many reasons for that, so she wasn't worried just quite yet, so with that she decided to take a break so they could all rest for a couple of minutes. When they did so, Celine felt Slimy pulling her out of her slimy form where she set her down and began changing her own body around that of the girl inside of her to fit around her. Celine watched with wonder as Slimy did this, and waited for her to finish before she did anything. She watched Slimy making such lustful sounds and she couldn't help but blush, then when Slimy was through with her form change she watched her checking herself as she giggled while waving at her. Celine waved back at Slimy with a smile. Celine stood there and listened to Slimy trying to speak to her from what it sounded like, and she urged her along, trying to help her out a little as she went until finally Slimy seemed to have gotten the hang of speech.

Celine listened to all that Slimy had to say, taking it all in patiently without speaking, so that Slimy got to say all that was on her mind. When she was finished speaking, Celine honestly had to say that she was more than a little sad to know that Slimy here wouldn't live for very long without doing what the other littler monsters tried to do to that girl before. "I'm not worried for her because I trust you, and... I'm sorry Slimy... I didn't know all of that about your kind. I'm glad that I was able to help you grow though, and I think I understand what you're saying," Celine said, stepping a little closer where she reached out and gently caressed Slimy's cheek and leaned in to place a soft little kiss on her lips. "I can't allow them to have me right now though, because I'm still carrying your seeds and it wouldn't be fair to you to let them destroy yours and put theirs inside me just so that I could gain better control over them. What do you think we should do now? Should we go back to the great mistress and Aisha and the others? Or do you think we don't have time to do so before the ones we're supposed to be trying to rescue are lost to us? I don't like leaving them behind, for more than one reason, but if we can't handle it alone then we'll need help to do so, but at the same time I don't want to leave them when we might be their only hope of freedom from being nothing more than mindless sex slaves," Celine added to Slimy, wanting her opinion on what they were doing there


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Slimy apreciate the elf words and gratefully accepted the kiss, she even softly pull Celine toward her with her arm and then caress her back ending with a brief press at the blonde woman.

Well, Celine... sometimes one must make choices than will cause a great impact in theirs lives, just try to hear your inner self and you will never regret your choice.

Slimy then giggle softly and hug the elf, wishpering. Like i said you, these creatures will follow you if you use my body, as the strongest creature i have some rigts over them. Just after an instant Roundy hit the plant girl, what made her giggle and name him "grumpy Roundy". Celes could wait or explore many places, yet she could take all or part of her army.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Thank you Slimy, for the kind words, and I'll do just that. Now before you release that girl can you tell me something Slimy? Is she too far gone to save? Her mind and body I mean. Are they both too far gone for her to be healed? I'm sure you can tell," Celine said to Slimy, giggling softly along with her slimy companion as they hugged, giggling at Roundy when he hit Slimy as well, especially after what Slimy called him. "I will use your body though, if you don't mind me doing so that is. Because you are very strong indeed," Celine added, caressing Slimy's cheek again.

Celine waited for Slimy's answer before she decided on anything else for the moment, taking the opportunity to rest a little more in the process, as well as trying to give Aisha and or anyone she may have sent or brought with her to arrive, as she should have had more than enough time to have gotten back by now surely. They must have split up nearly 2 or 3 hours before at least by now, Celine thought.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Slimy let her rest over her as a lover, warming her with her slime and gropping the elf rear, as also caressing her back. If she were lost, i would had already turned her into my core, but she still have chances to get recovered, even when her state is the worse of the women than i had meet. Slimy take a moment, and lift softly the elf face, using her hand on the elf,s chin and kiss her again, using the woman mouth to taste it better.

They stay like that for a moment until Roundy started to move more and push softly at them. So Aisha can do that? Celine, he said than Aisha can find us easily later, so maybe we should move, unless you want to rest more. Said using some tendrils to help herself to pleasure the elf even better.

[if you choice to move, you can take any path. at the moment she still can take the stairs going up at the first intersection, the path with water running close the elevator and any of the others 4 paths after the monster prison.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine felt the warm slime of Slimy's form keeping her warm as her hands began groping her butt, and when she felt Slimy doing this, Celine cooed softly and let Slimy do so. Celine listened to Slimy talk and allowed her to lift her face up where she accepted the kiss from her companion willingly, her body going slightly limp in Slimy's arms save for one part in particular, which was more than a little erect and rubbing against Slimy's body. When Roundy pushed against them, they broke their kiss and she listened to Slimy speak again. Roundy had apparently told Slimy to translate that Aisha could find them no matter where they were within the tunnels, and that they could easily continue on with their search.

"Alright then you two, we'll keep looking until Aisha gets here in that case, at least until we get too tired to continue on. But I want to tell you both something. If while we're searching, we end up in a fight that you can't get me out of as well as yourselves... then I want you to leave me and go get Aisha and bring her to where I'm at. I'll... try and hold out for as long as I can, but try and not take too long because then I can't fulfill my promises to you both m'kay," Celine said to Slimy and Roundy, nuzzling against Slimy's cheek and petting Roundy as she shuddered and sighed softly from Slimy's tentacles that were gently pleasuring Celine's body.

Celine would take a couple of more minutes to rest and try and calm herself down a bit so that when and if they started fighting again in the tunnels, whatever they were fighting didn't easily reach out a tentacle or something and bring her to her knees with a few soft caresses of her cock. Once she had calmed down a little, enough for her member to go down from hard to semi hard, Celine would then gesture to Slimy to release the girl if she hadn't already so that she could climb back inside of her and continue their search. Once they were all ready to head on back out, Celine would lead them all back to the crossroads where she'd found the steps leading up, and then she would have them to take the steps leading up, wondering what strange things she would find up there.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Slimy remain showing her love to Celine with her soft yet pleasurable foreplay, it was a shame than they must stop and dont continue doing this for a while, even the elf lower holes were already ready to feel the slime vines again, but with her counciest thinking in the torture than the kidnaped girls were suffering she stop and just and let Slimy give a last kiss at her before start to move her tendrils, after a moment Slimy let Celine get inside and once again Slimy get the form of a tall heavily pregnant monsterwoman. The army goes for a long time until they reach the ruin stairs, the place looks empty until Celine manage to notice a long corridor with symbols and pictures, broken statues and stones were at the place, they then notice two huge beasts like phanters with tendrils resting close anothers stairs, they looks to be resting yet maybe they could awake at an instant and start the attack, at a side of the stairs from where Celine come she can see a strange water pool and some zones with vines at athe ceiling.

^two paths to choice^

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine continued cooing softly as Slimy caressed her, though she groaned as they readied themselves to move once more because she was so horny now, and she could feel that her pussy was ready to accept Slimy's tentacles again and receive another wave of her savory cum and seedlings if she wished to seed her more. Though in the end, Slimy kissed Celine one last time before maneuvering the girl inside of her around once more and releasing her from her control so that she could rest, where Celine then climbed inside of Slimy once more, ready to move back into the tunnels for a while. As they followed the path leading back to the steps, Celine idly thought to herself, thinking that Slimy wouldn't abandon her no matter what most likely, and this thought scared her slightly as she didn't want Slimy to get killed trying to rescue her if she was captured. That meant that she would have to keep from getting captured then, so that her friend here wouldn't get herself killed trying to rescue her.

When they all made their way to the steps once more and began climbing them until they made it to a long tunnel with strange symbols and pictures that Celine assumed were like the ones she saw before. She also noticed several broken statues all over the place, as well as to large beasts with tentacles resting next to another set of steps, though these two in particular looked to be asleep from what she could tell. Then she saw the pool of water with some vines hanging down from the ceiling, and she could only think that they were intended to grab anyone trying to either cross or go into the water. There was really little choice in her mind which way they should go now, the pool really led nowhere that they could easily reach without likely alerting the two beasts as well as the ceiling tentacles to their presence.

She tapped Slimy's insides a bit with her fingers to get her attention, where she quietly directed her towards the steps, to sneak past the beasts as quietly as possible and motioning for her to pass along the message to the others to be as quiet as possible also, because they couldn't afford a fight here she thought, because it may bring down a horde of monsters on them.