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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Slimy noticed the elf fingers touching and stay quiet as Celine make her know her plan, the monsterwoman take a moment to inform all, but at the end all accepted and taken the risk of be detected, they pass the creatures, some more stealthy than others, nearly a few were close to awaken one but at the end they reached to pass unoticied. Celine group continue, they manage to see than the corridor has been bloked by rocks than had fallen from the celling, there were some holes above them and from there two giant spiders come out, both ready to attack the group and defend their place.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Slimy it seemed understood what Celine was wanting to do and they quietly began making their way past the two sentinels and up the steps, with a couple of her smaller followers almost bumping into the things, but thankfully they didn't and they were all able to move onwards. They then made their way on up the steps and down the next corridor, which they found was blocked off by fallen rocks. They did however see some holes in the ceiling above them and from them came a pair of large spiders, and the two of them looked ready to fight them all.

"Oh damn, I don't know if there's any other way around Slimy, but if there is, we should try and take it... unless you think those spiders might have the great mistress's troops," Celine whispered to Slimy, seeing what her main companion would have to say on the matter. If Slimy didn't think they would find the ones they were searching for up in the spiders webs, then they would try and backtrack a bit and try to find another way around after coming up the steps. But if they either couldn't get away, or if Slimy thought they should at least check the spiders webs out a little, then Celine would ready herself to fight, as it was only 2 spiders against around 7 or 8 of them. Should it come to the fight, Celine would draw her sword and swing it in a horizontal arc at the larger of the two spiders to take out as many of its legs as possible.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine could feel than Slimy tried to talk with her, but before that could happen the spiders screech and one throw a web net over Slimy, she was so big and focused on Celine to dodge that attack, the elf tried to get free of that web using her sword but more silk was sended to her, making than the vines get struck on the sticky substance. Nearly at the instand Roundy tried to save her, but the other spider attack him each time than he get closer, Roundy can only dodge each attack and then the others creatures tried to join the battle, but then a roar behing them make them stop.

The two beasts from before had awaken and looks like they want to aid the spiders, theirs powerful bodies start to hurt the little minions than in team manage to grapple one of the creatures, but already two creatures had been hurted and slowly get away of the battlefield in order to protect theirs life.

[Slimy and Celine inside her are grappled by web -2 at rolls]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine could tell that Slimy was about to speak back to her, but just as she was about to do so, the spiders began screeching and chittering as one spurted some its webbing out and all over Slimy. Celine watched as Slimy got entangled quite badly in the silky substance as she tried to help cut her free, Slimy's tentacles getting caught up in the webbing as she tried to rip them free. Celine knew that it was her fault that Slimy got struck by the webbing,as the monster girl was trying to protect her from getting struck by the stuff, but she couldn't let herself feel bad about that any because right now they needed her to lead and fight.

She glanced over to see Roundy beginning to fight with the other spider, but just then she heard a roar behind them and noticed that the two sentinels from before had woken and followed them up. She knew that they should have tried to get rid of them before coming on upstairs, she was so stupid to think that they wouldn't wake up and come on up to help whatever else they might run into up here. Gods why was she so stupid? Her smaller creatures were attacking them to hold them off for now, but there was little else she could really do for them at the moment short of exiting Slimy and having her take care of the spider they were in battle with, hoping that she would be able to manage taking it out alone, which she was fairly certain that Slimy could handle easily enough since she was so strong and all.

"Slimy, I'm going to go help the others,you and Roundy handle these spiders alright. And remembe what I said, if it looks like we can't win and you both are about to go down, leave me and go and find Aisha okay," Celine said to Slimy, giving her orders to her and Roundy as she jumped out of Slimy to allow her to maneuver better since she wouldn't have Celine weighing her down.

Once out of Slimy if she could manage it, Celine would hack at the webs on her way out to help her monster friend as much as possible before jumping off onto the nearest of the two creatures that followed them up, ordering the rest of the smaller monsters in her group that could still fight to all gang up on the one she didn't go after to bring it down together in numbers, telling them that they would all have to work together in order to win this fight.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Hearing her throughts, Slimy let Celine get out of her, the monstergirl put all her effort atmake an opening at the net so the elf could not get at the web. Now free Celine used her sword to free her favorite monster and then when toward the full healed beast, the feral creature was beating some little ones, so easily Celine take it off guard and cause a wound, the monster tackle her, but she dodge at time to damage it even more.

Slimy now free started to arrange her body when the spider jump at her, bitting her in her hand, as Slimy protect the girl inside her, she looks a little drowzy but soon turned this duel at both sides, getting free and exchange blows. Roundy hit and then get webbed and sended away, the poor creature looks to be better to stealth and dodge. Finally the bunch surround the last creature, but nobody attack until the beast rush at them, they wound him before he send them to fly.

Slimy 2 damage, poison
R 1 web
Spider1 damage
Spider 2 dmg
beasts 2 damages each
monsters 5 able to fight

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Slimy Celine saw opened herself up a bit to allow her to jump out to aid the other monsters while she dealt with the spider that was troubling the two of them, with Celine slashing the webs a little on her way out and freeing Slimy from them. Celine barely noticed the spider jumping down and biting Slimy's hand, which Slimy raised to protect the poor girl still inside of her body, and though it was obviously a poisoned bite Slimy fought through it and managed to break free of the last webs on her where she slammed a tentacle into the spider. Roundy also managed to hit his foe, but was webbed and shot away from the other spider, but she had faith that it would break free as he was so small and could easily do so.

Celine meanwhile dove in at the stronger looking of the two beasts that snuck up on them, stabbing her sword into it and twisting it, noticing the other monster knock another of the smaller creatures away in the process. She could only hope that they understood her when she called over to them to basically surround it and hit it from all sides. However she would have to deal with the creature she was fighting first before she could actually go over and aid them any more than she had by coming out at this particular one. Celine tried to move in close to the creature where she would swing her sword low at its legs, hoping to take out any chance it had of mobility so that it would be easier to hit. Should she manage to take out its ability to move any more, then she would rush the other monster fighting with the other smaller creatures, telling them as she rushed the other to switch foes with her as the downed one would be easier for them to fight.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The battle looks to be so difficult, Celine manage to cause a cut at the creature legs, but it is so strong to have problems and jump at her failling to hit her for inches, his apendages fail again when the elf move to a side and then the creature dodge her sword, but then she with a quick move hurt his back legs, she was close to change opponent when the monster charge at her, the impact make her drop her weapon who fortunately is just a little far, but the heavily creature is over her.

Slimy and the spider hit each other, both using theirs natural weapons, Slimy use acid and vines against the poison and webs, fortunately she is more close to win. Roundy get free and attack before get webed and wounded in a circle than could be his end soon. Other creature fall but the others hit with tentacles and others substances, but each time than they wrap the creature, this hit them and send them away.

Celine 1 damage stuck bellow monster
Slimy 4 hits poisoned
R 4
Spider 4/5
Spider 3/5
Creatures: 4 remaining fighting
Beasts 4 damage each

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine managed to slice at the legs of the large creature, causing it to fall to its knees, but she wasn't able to finish it off as it fell down, though she managed to kick the back of his legs and keep him down for the moment, but as she prepared to rush to the aid of the other smaller creatures, the thing somehow managed to get up and charge at her,knocking her down under it as her sword fell away out of her hand. She gasped as she dropped her holy blade on the ground, where she soon followed it, trapped beneath the beast she was trying to get away from so that she could aid her other monster minions. She reached out for her sword, but it was just too far away for her to grab with the tips of her fingers, so that meant she'd have to do this the old fashioned way.

"Get... OFF OF ME!" Celine growled, the anger at seeing her beloved Slimy and Roundy being hurt like this while she was unable to aid them welling up within her. With a shout for it to get off of her, Celine pushed with all her might to get it off of her enough to grab her sword where she would then stab the thing and finish it off, because it had to be on its last legs and should fall with another well placed strike to most anywhere on its body... surely.

Once she'd dealt with it, she would then finish aiding her other smaller monster minions, unless they'd dealt with the other monster thing before she got there that is, in which case she'd go after the spider attacking Roundy and help him out, slashing at its legs to prevent it from climbing away and out of her reach.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine tried her best to release her slimy body of the creature over her, she could feel the massive rod pressing her opening, her wet lower lips could taste the warm big member than certainly will break her appart. With all her energy, she reach her weapon just at time to kill the beast, however this remain over her and her slim body cant get free at time. She see how Slimy crush the creature with her vines after receive another bite inside the spider new web, the monstergirl cant resist more and fall at her kness, she looks to be in danger. Roundy had other hard battle and just when it was close to be eaten by the spider, his tendrils get free and kill the remain spider.

The worse part is than the caoz break the teamwork of the others monsters, ones remain fighting, others runaway and the less lucky get beaten by the dark beast, a little more and all the small monsters will be defeated. With Slimy unable to fight and the others two traped, this could end baddly, at least the monster looks to be heavily damaged.

Roundy close to be defeated, trapped
Celine: same hp, trapped
Slimy: unable to fight
Creatures: 1 hp remaining
Beast: same hp

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As Celine struggled to get free from the creature atop her, she felt the thing's cock pressing at her tight wet folds. Feeling such a large member pressing at her frightened her greatly, because she knew that it would tear her apart. However she was able to reach her holy blade where she stabbed it into the creature, killing it before it could rip her poor tender pussy apart. However the creature fell down on top of her where she was forced to watch Roundy nearly killed before he could finish off the giant spider attacking him, the other large creature knocking some more of the little monsters away while some others fell back and retreated, and when she saw Slimy getting so hurt her heart began beating faster as she cried out.

"N-No Slimy... I'm coming. G-Get off of me you bastard!" Celine cried as she pushed the creature as hard as she could off the top of her in her hurry to get to Slimy and aid her. However she didn't have to worry as much about Slimy as she originally thought she'd have to, as Slimy crushed the spider with her slimy tentacles, which eased Celine's heart.

This left only the one creature left, which had taken down the majority of the smaller creatures, and Roundy was almost down himself, but she couldn't let them lose... not here and not now. She was torn between freeing Roundy to aid her as much as possible and attacking the other creature and driving it off from them. She in the end decided to free Roundy by cutting the webs holding him down, where she would then step in front of him to try and protect him, not willing to abandon him to his fate. As soon as she freed Roundy, she would call over to the other smaller monster to draw the other creature over to her where the three of them could team up on it. Once the creature had gotten in range of her blade, Celine would attempt to take its legs out just like she did with the other one, where she would then try and either slit its throat, or stab it in the heart so that she could hurry over to check on Slimy and see if she was alright, because she couldn't lose Slimy in this god awful place, as she'd been with her the entire time they've been in these god forsaken tunnels and Celine's heart couldn't stand losing Slimy when it was her fault for bringing them back into this place.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

With a lot of problems, Celine get free of the heavy corpse over her, she take her weapon and move to help Roundy, however him get free before she could help him. The remain creature hear her and escape to her side, ehrtr the three tried to fight together.

The beast pursue it and just in an instant it jump to them, Celine evade and cut his legs, but it fall over the wounded Roundy, looking the chance the other creature give a final attack to the beast, killing it at the instant.

With her army destroyed, Celine notice than Roundy was not moving after the potent impact, Slimy looks to be still unable to move and the standing creature start to eat the beast, the others creatures looks to be dead or had run away. She can try to help roundy but once that she dont know what could do. Moving to Slimy, she notice the monsterwoman still breathing or more likely moving her vines.

Nude with just her sword and manlike member hard and ready, Celine feel herself with little options, she is the only one with energy, looks like the foes were trying to dont hurt her. Anyway the time to try something to save her allies was ending. Slimy could use her or the nearly broken girl inside her, but both cases could make any girl lost more than energy.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

It was a struggle, but she managed to get out from under the dead creature, pushing it off of her in her haste to check on Slimy and help Roundy out. By the time she got to Roundy's side to free him however, he'd already done so himself, while the last remaining little monster in her little army moved to her side at her orders. The last creature came after her, Roundy, and the last brave little monster, who all stood ready to take it down. Celine managed to dive to the side, where she slashed the last creature's legs out from under it, where the other brave little monster finished it off easily, though it fell over on top of Roundy, who didn't move any more afterwards. Celine was greatly worried for Roundy, who didn't move after the thing fell over on top of him, but she was even more worried for Slimy. Noticing that Slimy's tendrils were still moving somewhat, Celine quickly pushed the last beast thing off of Roundy first so that he could breathe or whatever monsters did that passed for breathing, where she picked him up and took him over next to Slimy. After gently placing Roundy down, she took her sword and cut Slimy free from the remaining webs and knelt beside them both, tears welling in her eyes for her monster friends. She still had the energy to move on she knew, but all of her companions save the brave little monster were gone or too hurt to continue onwards at this point... she hated it, but they would have to leave and get more help before they could rescue the ones trapped within this place.

"Slimy, Roundy... oh gods my friends, please be okay. Is there anything I can do to help you both? If so then just tell me and I'll see what I can do, b-but if it's sex then we should wait until we get out of this god forsaken place before we do... u-unless you need it now that is," Celine said to the two with tears streaming down her cheeks, as she'd grown quite fond of Slimy, and though she didn't know Roundy quite as well he had trusted her to get them out of there and she felt like she'd failed him in this. She was almost sure of what she'd likely end up having to do in order to help the two out and help them recover from their wounds, and she was more than prepared to do it, but she knew that they needed to get to at least a slightly safer place before doing it. So with that, she would pick Roundy up since he was small, and she'd fix his tentacles around her some to keep him on her back, while she tried to get Slimy on her feet once more to try and get them out of there and out of these tunnels, scooping up the other smaller monster along the way that stayed by her side and kissing it on top of its head should it have one, and if it didn't then she would just kiss it anywhere and thank it for staying with them, promising it a reward when they got back to her home, which they were now going to as they were too tired and hurt to continue onwards in these caverns for now. "My friend Aisha will take really good care of you when we get back, and I'm sure that you'll be quite satisfied with her," Celine added to the other little monster, putting it on her shoulder or letting it follow along beside them if it wished.

As soon as they got back outside of the caverns, if Slimy and Roundy could hold out that long that is, then Celine would tell them both that they could have her until they recovered enough to be able to move, but then they should get moving again once they could, back to the great mistress's palace and to Aisha so they could inform her of what happened in this place, telling the two that she was sorry over and over the entire time. If the two could not wait until they got out of the tunnels, then she would tell the other little monster to keep a close watch out for anything and eat the other dead creature if it wished, where she would then offer herself to Slimy and Roundy both, allowing them to double team her if they wished, opening her arms to welcome them in to let them know that she was more than willing to do this to help them.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

It was hard to remove the creature from Roundy but after a difficult moment Celine manage to get the poor round creature free. Roundy body is really interesting at touch, it is big enough to be able to carry two or even three girls but Celine could carry the creature using some of her strenght. Once close Slimy, soon she release her friend or more likely lover from the web, but once free Slimy dont manage to stand up for herself, her vines ere slow and her legs cant get up of her kness, Celine used all her strenght to carry the three creatures but Slimy put her body hard to stop her, after a moment the third monster looks to be ready to stop her attempts to return too.

Without being inside Slimy, Celine couldnt understand hr friends and Slimy was so weak to take control of the nearly broken girl without cause damage to both, even then the few vines able to move, pull one of Roundy's tendrils close Celine's flower and then holding Celine's hand she move the elf hand to take the dark tentacle. It was easy to understand than Celine must help the uncouncious Roundy to feed of her before return to the Entrance. The other monster accept the human orders as maybe he would try it anyway, of course than it only feed of the 4 foes as it made guard, leaving the others little creatures untouched, however for some reason he decide at the end of dont touch the spider than Slimy beat, even in her weak state maybe this creature could be still looking to Slimy as the Alpha Monster of the group.

With all this Celine dont have too much choices to do now than feed them to have a chance to save them. The weak creature remain inert for a while as she penetrate herself with his black tentacle, Slimy placed a vine at her mouth and wait her turn resting at her kness, her vine looks normal yet very slow and only manage to muff Celine as this continue trying to save the dark tentacle ball, for a moment this looks useless, then the poor Roundy made weak convultion moves, Celine fear the worse until the tentacle get firm and penetrate her in weak motions, Roundy continue earning strengh as Celine get penetrated for minutes, slowly the monster start to use her whole body, caressing her back, groping her breasts, pinching her nipples and using her rear hole like a thirsty needed man with a water bottle, soon she cum feeling herself a little tired.

The elf expecting to be close end of save the black ball dont notice when a web of vines take her and push her toward Slimy, without being able to resist more, Slimy in a lust need take both inside her and engulf them in vines. Soon the blonde nude futa was pleasured in her whole body helped by Slimy's aphrodisiac fluids, outside looks like just a green huge ball, but in the inside an Orgy continued for a long time, the vines tried to be kind, but the urge of use the elf were so much than Celine soon needed to be helped to breath by Slimy.

From hair to toe both girls were used and drenched in the creatures's substances, even her foot fingers were used to sattle the monsterwoman and then she notice than not only them but also Slimy was getting penetrated by Roundy tendrils, vines and tentacles pleasured each other, coiling themselves with theirs fluids and mixing them at the two girls. After her fourth orgasm Celine lose herself in the pleasure, her member has been sucked by a hollow like cunt vine and then all get completely blank in a lust moment.

Celine awake at the floor, filled and denched with many fluids, still in bliss after the sex, she notice Slimy already walking taking something from the spider corpse, Roundy is not anywere where Celine could see him and the other creature is bigger and resting.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Before she got very far from where they were, Celine felt Slimy stopping her and saw her pulling one of Roundy's tentacles up to her tight flower and she instantly knew what she needed to do and took Roundy's limp tentacle and plunged it inside of her, more than willing to do what she had to in order to save Slimy and Roundy both. The other little monster seemed to understand what she was asking of it as it went off and began eating the other two dead monsters, though it left the spider alone that Slimy killed for some, and the only thing she could think of to explain this was that it saw Slimy as the head monster of the group and that it was her kill to eat later.

Celine was a little relieved when Slimy moved a vine and slipped it into her mouth to muffle her moans, which she was certain would draw more enemies to their position... or at least she was quite certain it would anyway. Celine glanced over at Slimy after leaning over and taking her tendril in between her lips, giving her a knowing look as if telling her that she knew what she needed to do, and then she reached out with her free hand and caressed Slimy's cheek and smiled around her tendril to let her know that she would get to her once Roundy was alright since he was in worse shape. Soon she could feel Roundy's tentacles weakly beginning to thrust into her and this caused her to heave a sigh of relief, as she knew that Roundy was at least still alive. It didn't take Roundy long before he had the strength back in his other tentacles started joining in on the fun as their strength returned, where they began caressing her body and squeezing her ample breasts and teasing her nipples. When she felt another of Roundy's tentacles penetrate her soft pucker, her eyes went wide as they teared up slightly as her poor asshole was still a little tender and sore from that one demon creature earlier when she helped chase down her mistress's attackers. She let out a few soft whimpers of pain and reached back for the tentacle of Roundy's that was fucking her ass, gently squeezing it as she made another soft muffled whimper to him, looking back at Slimy and Roundy both with tears in her eyes, as if begging them to please be very gentle with her ass. After that, it didn't take long for her to reach climax, and Celine spurted her hot load out all over the cavern floor, her body beginning to feel a bit weaker than it had and she knew that it was because Roundy had absorbed some of her energy to recover his own.

Not long after that, she felt a mass of tentacles begin wrapping around both her and Roundy, pulling them inside of Slimy's form. Celine knew that Slimy couldn't wait any longer and resist the temptation of having her, and so she went limp in her grasp and allowed her to pull her inside of her form. She could feel Slimy's tentacles rubbing in their aphrodisiacs into her skin to coax her lust up, which worked to great effect for Slimy, not that she needed to do so of course as Celine was more than willing to allow her them both to pretty much rape her in order to recover from their wounds. She could also see the other girl inside of Slimy being taken as well and she grew worried for her because she was already so weak as it was. She didn't last too long before cumming a second time her seed spurting out and into Slimy like crazy and filling her up and likely giving her some much needed energy. Celine was so out of breath that she could barely breathe anymore, but Slimy helped that by slipping a pair of tiny tentacles into her nose to help her breathe. Celine also noticed that Slimy was being more than a little rough and let out a few muffled cries of pain at her ass being pounded, weakly trying to grab at Slimy's tentacle that was in her butt to try and slow it down to a more gentle pace. She knew that Slimy was in great need and couldn't restrain herself very well, but it was slightly painful for Celine as she tried her best to endure for her companions sakes. She could faintly make out Roundy's and Slimy's tentacles writhing around and the two were pleasuring each other as they pleasured Celine and the other girl, and soon Celine felt a hollowed out tentacle slip down over her length where it began sucking on her hard cock, milking her seed out of her quickly. She came two more times before her mind went blank, the young futanari elf's hands trying to force Slimy's tentacle in her ass down some to be more gentle until she couldn't do so any longer. She could only hope that this helped Slimy and Roundy enough to help them to recover so they could leave this place.


When she awakened some time later, Celine could feel that she was drenched in sweat and Slimy's and Roundy's cum, and likely a couple of other fluids as well. Her body was still feeling quite blissful as well and it took her a few moments to get her bearings as to where she was exactly, and when she finally opened her eyes and tried to move she let out a soft gasp from how sensitive her loins still were as she noticed Slimy taking something from the dead spider she'd killed. "S-Slimy... a-are you okay? W-Where's Roundy? Is he okay too?" Celine weakly called out to Slimy from where she lay, her body still quite weakened from the sex and draining, a little too much for her to get up just yet.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Both creatures were in a really needed state, they couldnt reduce theirs speed as Celine and the other girl were used until their limit. Fortunately Celine's body was not damaged, just sore and tired nearly making her unable to move, her pussy feels so warm and the monsters substances had prepared her holes in case of be raped soon.

Slimy turn to the elf, nodding and placing something inside her vines, then she point to the hole where the spiders had come, her purple hand lift two fingers, then pointes to another place, there Celine notice than the little monster has grow the enough to maybe fight alone, With the three monsters without damage Celine could heard somw noises from where she had come.

[decide where to go ]

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As Slimy and Roundy continued raping her senseless, Celine lay there limply in their tentacles as they pounded into her savagely, not slowing down hardly at all despite how much she cried and whimpered in pain to them to slow down. Her tears of pain did little to persuade the two needy monsters to slow in their raping of her, so all Celine could do was hope to endure the pain even as she grasped at the tentacles to try and force them to slow down, which in the end didn't happen at all as Slimy's and Roundy's tentacles both gripped her arms and held them down so that she couldn't stop them.


After waking and asking her question to Slimy, Celine felt the warmth still in her sore and tender folds from Slimy's and Roundy's seed and they tingled softly from the feeling. When Slimy turned and gestured towards the hole the spiders came from, Celine could only imagine that was where Roundy had gone. She also noticed the other monster that had managed to make it through the battle was much larger than it had been, and she felt that it deserved a reward for all of the trouble it went through to help them all as well. So she raised up slowly, groaning softly as she did so from how sore her body was after the rather brutal rape Slimy and Roundy had put her through. Once she had managed to stand up, Celine walked over to the other little monster and knelt down beside it, where she then kissed it on its head or what passed for its head rather and thanked it for staying with her, where she then went over to Slimy and recovered her sword, then she gently caressed Slimy to let her know that she was ready to climb back in, as she heard some noises coming from where they had entered into this area from and it scared her slightly as she could only imagine that it was more monsters coming after them all, and she seriously doubted that she could handle another raping if Slimy, Roundy, or the new little monster got hurt badly.

Once inside of Slimy again, Celine would ask her what happened while she was out cold, if Slimy knew what it was closing in on them, and if Slimy could even hear her pleas earlier when she begged and cried for her to at least slow down with her poor tender pucker. She would let Slimy know that she wasn't angry, but it did cause her more than a bit of pain that they were doing that. Once she found out all she could about what was behind them, what had happened while she was out, and if Roundy was indeed up in the spider holes, Celine would make a final decision as to which way to go.

I'm assuming that whatever is closing in isn't friendly, so the only real way to go is into the spider holes I'd say. Unless it's Aisha and the others finally showing up a little later than I figured they would have showed up, in which case Celine will of course go to meet them. If it's more enemies though, Celine will have no choice but for Slimy, Roundy, and the other little monster to go up into the spider holes for now and wait them out, because she's still a bit weak from the raping Slimy and Roundy gave her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The monster receive happily the woman kiss, but showing it by the lack of face but it move a little faster and bunce softly, however this creature dont try anything bad against her and just let her return to where Slimy was turning at the spider nest, from where Roundy return a little filled with webs but without any wound. The female monster allow Celine to get inside and the creature softly caress her as her body get surrounded by vines, maybe it was the way than Slimy have to say sorry for the harsh sex from before, inside Celine notice than both girls bellies were more round and she could see nearly the seeds inside the other girl, at least she looks happy and institively the mindless woman caress her bell in a sostly manner.

Her mins soon receive the info, she heard from Roundy than two females and some small spiders were inside the nest, the bugs could be more but they were now stronger than them. This however was not the biggest worries from the elf as she is scared for the chance than more monsters could appear soon from where the beasts were resting, they were three now and if all goes bad, she could not get out of Slimy to help them to fight at her weak state.

She then heard female and male voices, they could be monsters or humanoids, it was really hard inside Slimy, as she now could heard the others ceatures too, unfortunatelly Roundy was complaining about the webs on hiss body and the other creature was not so talkative, he was just waiting orders and nothing more, Slime also was more focused on answer her questions feed the mindless girl and hide to heard and say to Celine what was happening at the moment.

Celine cant heard the monstergirl voice, but ideas get inside her mind like before, she understand than Slimy and Roundy were affected with the spider venom, making them lost a lot of theirs mind and control, the need to survive take theirs control and as a dream they were unable to control or even see her state as the sex goes. So at the end she must choice between go and rescue the girls or go out her hideout and find what is the creatures than are getting closer.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine was glad that her new little monster companion seemed to be happy at her kiss, as it bounced softly after she did so, and she was even more glad when it didn't try and do anything to her and let her move on back to Slimy. Once back at Slimy's side, she noticed Roundy coming back down from the spider's web area above them, covered in little webs. When she got back into Slimy, Slimy's tentacles began gently caressing her body as they surrounded and held her, and she was sure that Slimy was trying to let her know that she was sorry for earlier, so she reached out with a hand as Slimy was caressing her and she rubbed one of her tentacles, whispering that it was okay, but to just please try and be gentle next time, then she whispered the same to Roundy and that she forgave him too because they were both badly hurt and couldn't control themselves any. She also noticed that the other girl's belly was quite well rounded now, as was her own, and the other girl was gently caressing her belly.

"It's okay you two, I'll be fine. Just please try and be at least a little more gentle with my ass next time okay. I'll understand if you lose your minds again, but I don't know if I can handle you pounding my ass that hard again without crying and trying to get free from you," Celine told the two, petting them on their heads, or what passed for their heads rather.

After linking back up with Slimy so that she could understand them all once again, Celine heard him tell about what he'd found up in the spider's nest, and she felt that if the littler spiders were all that were left, then they should at least attempt to save the two girls up there, as they may be a couple of the ones they were searching for, and to leave now when they were this close would be cruel, even with her in the shape she was in, she still felt strong enough to help people and wouldn't stop trying to do so, especially if she was their only hope of salvation. She would just have to rely more and Slimy, Roundy, and her new little minion helper, which she really needed to give a name to soon.

The voices and sounds coming from behind them disturbed her a bit, because she didn't know who they belonged to at the moment, and they couldn't risk a large fight with anything that was sentient enough to talk, because then they would be screwed... probably literally. So after making her decision on moving on up into the spider's nest to at least try and save those two girls Roundy spoke of, Celine reached out and began plucking the webs off of Roundy to clean him off a bit before they attempted to move on up in there, though she did take the time to ask the two if they could tell who it was coming behind them. If they couldn't tell, then she would tell Slimy to grab their new little friend and the three of them would go on up into the entrance of the spider's nest, and she would see if Roundy could or would go out quickly and see if he could tell who it was coming behind them and then rush back and let them know before they went on into the spider's nest further. Should it be monsters or people that they didn't know then once Roundy returned, she would lead them all on further into the spider nest to attempt a little rescue of the two women Roundy stated he'd found inside before they then attempted to flee the caverns here and return home. If whoever coming behind them was friendly however, then when Roundy returned and told them so, Celine would have Slimy come back down and they would go and meet whoever it was.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Both Slimy and Roundy looks to try their best to dont be so harsh on Celine the next time, of course than they dont know about the demon incident, yet as the futa elf always accept anything if there were not pain, then her condition should be acceptable even for any evil monster. The creatures heard her words, Roundy get closer leaving her until him of all the nasty silk, even giving a thanks to the humanoid before prepare to do the next mission than Celine has giving him. The new monster heard Slimy call and get close ready to get inside the spiders nests if needed.

The blonde elf could heard the voices getting closer as Roundy prepare to make a quick peek, the next moments were filled of suspense, not a single noise until in a quick run Roundy move toward them.

He said in a hurry than they were humanoids in hard shields and shoot at him, no doubt were hostile for the drk monster and also he looks to dont identify them. Celine manage to see some burns on the dark creature as also an arrow att one of his tendrils, yet he could survive easily, the humanoids had reduced the speed and looks than they are on guard, ready to shoot to anything at their path.

Roundy receive two wounds

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Feeling that the two were sorry for how they'd treated Celine earlier, the young futa elf simply caressed them once more to let them know that she wasn't mad at them, simply a bit sore. Once she had Roundy cleaned off of the webs on him and sent him on his way back behind them a ways to find out what was coming from behind them, she had Slimy go ahead and move them on up and into the entrance of spider nest where the smaller spiders were still at, which she was cure that they could handle before trying to make their way out, at least.

When Roundy returned a little wounded, telling her what had happened, she knew that they needed to move, so she helped get the arroww out of Roundy's tentacle, breaking the point of it off and sliding it out, making sure to be careful so as not to leave a splinter in there, then she kissed the burned area on him and held him against her as she told Slimy to move them all on into the spider nest and away from the entrance area of the nest, telling them that whoever or whatever it was that attacked Roundy shouldn't be messed with for now as she looked down at them all. Before moving on in of course, Celine tried to see if she recognized any of the humanoids down there, making certain that they mistook Roundy for an enemy if it was any of Vanessa's soldiers or anything before moving on into the spider nest, with her sword at the ready to fight anything.

"Are you okay Roundy? I'm sorry that you got hurt again already," Celine quietly asked Roundy as they went, holding him against her chest, where his tentacles were likely gently caressing her body.