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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Slimy take a moment to calm herself, her feral instincts wanted to rape both woman badly without stop, yet at the end the need to protect her breeders or more likely lovers make her try to calm herself and walk weakly being guided by Celine inside her and Roundy toward the dark cage filled with blood. They made it at time, as Roundy lift them to the ceilling at a dark corner to dont be noticed, Celine manage to see three dark humanoid creatures walking to the ceillings, they have a bunch of eyes, tendrils wraping and moving in many parts off theirs bodies, claws of at least three inches, a evil face at their chests and a skin like iron dark plates. All the creatures stoped to cause any noise moving away to hide at the dark side of thirs jails until one of the strange creatures point to a closed cage, the big creatures trapped there started to roar and place in a defensive stance, using his tendrils and fangs to menace them but the strange creatures move so quick and with a single blow kill it, the others monsters of the same cell tried to get at the corner in fear as the dark trio open the cage and take the monster body who looks to stay alive ut unable to move. Two carry it as the third closed the jail without any attempt of the remain creatures of try to attack it. The dark humanoid take its time to see them in the corner, giving a kick scratch to the jail to make them do scared growl and then leaving them making a strange signal to them as insult followed with a evil laught.

After the terrible show, Slimy remain aroused as also the two girls, yet Celine could endure it now if Slimy leave her cum, the monster woman start to hug herself and inside her the two girls could feel the tendrils starting to caress them again, maybe do it in this dangerous place was turning her on again, the elf futa could feel two thin tedrils caress and stroke her sealed dick, as also the mindless woman continue to impale herself all this time on the manlike member. At least the three humanoid creatures had leaved the place, the monsters remain quiet and only some of them stay looking to the bloddy cell where the grup hide, some making weak noises for help and others licking their lips and moving his tendrils to them without success
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Finally Slimy seemed to have found control over herself, though she still obviously wanted to rape the two until they fainted, and Celine wanted nothing more than that as well at that moment, but she couldn't allow it to happen, not now, not when they had come this far. When they managed to get into the bloody cell and hidden as best they could with Roundy holding them up to the ceiling and away from prying eyes hopefully, Celine watched 3 strange and evil looking creatures with many tentacles writhing around on their bodies go over to a closed cell. Celine and the others watched as the 3 creatures pretty much beat the hell out of the creature inside the cell and dragged it off to the gods only knew where.

Once the creatures were all gone, Celine noticed that Slimy was still very aroused as her tentacles were caressing the two girls inside again, and again Celine had to talk her down. "Slimy... sweetie, I know you're wanting it bad, and believe me i do to. But we can't risk it, not in here. I promise you when we get out of here you can have a whole session with me and do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt me okay," Celine whispered to Slimy, then glanced at Roundy and whispered to him the same thing, knowing he must be getting very jealous that Slimy was getting all of the attention on Celine. Celine meanwhile had to try and endure the constant pleasure that she was being put through since she was getting double teamed and all, and though it was quite hard to do, she had the thoughts of Vanessa, Triny, and their children to guide her and keep her sane, as she knew that she couldn't afford to lose in this place.

Grabbing the girl in front of her, Celine pulled her into a kiss and bit down on her lip, to try and bring some sense back to her, she wouldn't bite hard of course, but hard enough to let her know that she'd been bitten. If that didn't work, then Celine would try and slap her a time or two, hoping to at least calm her libido down before it was the end of them. Should she be able to knock some sense into the girl, Celine would hold her and apologize if she'd hurt her any, but explain that she needed to be quiet or they would certainly be found and imprisoned and that then the girl wouldn't be able to enjoy having sex with her anymore. Should that work enough to get the girl to stop raping her, Celine would have Slimy and Roundy move them on out of the cell they were in, where she would look around at the other cells to any of the monsters begging for help, which she was assuming she could understand them thanks to Slimy, she would see how many of them were begging for help from her and see if she could somehow communicate that she would help them but only if they followed her and stayed quiet, and helped her, she would also offer the same thing to some of the other monsters as well, to see if any of them would follow her lead also.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine was asking too much to Slimy, the female monster looks to be in a really need to continue this for a long time, but slowly the vines recoil away of them as a geez noise come from a part of the creature, the vines holding the futa member were moved away making hard for Celine to endure her seed get out. When Slimy withdraw her tendrils from the the two females holes, the sex crazy girl groaned and kissed in dispair the elf lips until this start to give her a soft bite, thegirl was very out of this world to understand it, so Celine slap her a pair of times in the small space than both have to move inside Slimy, this make the girl stop and look to Celine with plead eyes, but she dont speak or tried to attack her again, she just start to caress her pregnant belli as she heard what Celine say.

Still inside Slimy, Celine take control of the creature and after ask to Roundy to let them at the floor, she move and tried to talk with the creatures traped at the jails, some accept the help, nearly of them were small monsters like slimes or with tentacles on theirs bodies, even small single tentacles, there were of many others different kinds, but more of them werent trying to heard them and they instead tried in vain to open the jail to rape the vine pregnant girl.

Celine tried her best to heard them and she manage to heard some distants voices than Slimy tried to traduce direct to her brain, to do it, the elf feel two small thin tendrils get inside her elfic ears, making her squirm in pleasure instead to be painful or bothersome. She could feel also the heavily pleasure than Slimy was feeling, something than could be describe as to have thousands of dicks ready to cum and tried to endure it, Slimy body was filled with a different substance and feel so warm, nearly as if she were in heat.

Celine could heard many different voices from ones saying than they will obey if she free them, others saying than she must just open the jails and run away with them, others said than she will be unable to open the jails and of course many evil voices carving for sex.

She get close to a cage with many creatures accepting her orders, but a sudden jolt from the lock jail make slimy vines get away of her hand.

Celine notice some strange purple letters on the door where it open than slowly turn off.

She then heard than no one of the monsters could get close the door and the jail was imbued with magic so they cant break it, but she saw how easily the three dark humanoid creatures open this door so easily, there werent even something than could be called padlock or anything than could completely lock the door, there was just a iron little bar.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I'm sorry sweetie, but we need to be quiet and careful in here, or you won't be able to have this any more. You understand me?" Celine said to the poor girl when she gave Celine a sad pleading look, gently rubbing her still painfully hard member against the girl's body a little to try and explain, and then she gently caressed her cheek and kissed her on the forehead and hugged her like a big sister would. "And I know it's hard for you Slimy, but we can't afford to do this, not right here and now. We'll be in too much danger here, and we run the risk of me losing the little ones growing inside me. Okay?" Celine then said to Slimy, patting the creature from inside very gently, letting her companion know that she wasn't angry with her and that she understood her need for sex at the moment, but trying to get her to understand their need for secrecy at the moment.

Celine sighed softly when Slimy's tentacles retracted from her and the other girl, and when Slimy did this, Celine leaned her head down and kissed Slimy's body, letting her know that she really appreciated her listening to her. When Celine made her requests to the various monsters in the prison cells, she noticed that most of the smaller ones seemed willing to help her from the looks of it, but the larger ones didn't seem to want to and only wanted to rape her she could see, as their tentacles reached through the bars of their cells out to try and grab her through Slimy's body and pull her over to rape her. Celine idly smacked their tentacles away when they got too close, showing them disdainful looks as she felt two of Slimy's tendrils worm their way into her elven ears, causing her to giggle a little as her ears were ticklish, but it also made her give a soft moan as she felt pleasure from it too.

When Slimy did this, Celine could hear and feel all that Slimy could, and she then understood just why it was so hard for Slimy to hold back when it came to sex. It felt as if she had a hundreds, no thousands of cocks, all of them ready to explode and spurt out loads of cum into a warm pussy that waited to accept it all. She could also feel that Slimy seemed to almost be in heat from the feel of it, which might also be why she was so horny, but she'd have to talk to Aisha about it later when they got the chance. With that, Celine pet Slimy again and kissed her, apologizing to her again before turning to the cells again. She found that she could also hear all of the different monsters in the cells, and she heard the different ones telling her what to do. She decided to move over to one of the cells holding a lot of the smaller creatures that accepted her offer, but when she tried to touch the cell bars she was jolted from the magical lock on it. The strange purple symbols on the side of the cell made her wonder exactly how the 3 monsters from before opened the other cell and took that other creature earlier.

Celine examined the iron bar she saw instead of a full lock, trying to figure out how to open the magical locks holding the cell shut. Should she manage to figure it out, then Celine would open it and let the smaller creatures out that gave her their allegiance, while letting out any of the larger ones that gave her their support too, but the rest she would leave in their cells for now. However if she couldn't figure out the lock on her own, then she would see if Slimy and or Roundy had any insight on the matter and could open it themselves before trying to just turn it or pull it out to release the locks.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The poor girl remain silent, caressing herself as she remain in from of Celine by the tentacles than Slimy use to restain them in place, the soft light passing the countless vines dont give to Celine the chance to see too much of the girl body aspects, she just looks to be human as she dont have any horn or racial beast part than could help the elf to identify her race. The possible broken girl give some more needed soft moans and decide to rest at her shoulder where she receive Celine's forehead kiss as the elf receive some licks and kisses at her neck. Slimy was more glad to heard the futa words, she caress the elf back and pregnant belly over all in a passionate way, as her vines acted has hands to hug at the elf, even then Slimy send a message of where Celine saw the poor girl close Celine get surrounded by vines and then she happily get fucked without Celine get touched at all, maybe Slimy send her this image in order to ask for a little sattle at her needs.


Moving Slimy body, she get closer to the little bar than secured weakly the jail the runes turn of when her bared hand without the vines remain close it, but once she get closer to look at them, the purple runes appear and bright with intensity, letting free some small jolts in a menace way close Celine face. The futa saw the same occur on the others jails when the creatures get close it, the big ones were enduring the pain as theirs tentacles weakly try to grapple Slimy, maybe this strange spell also drain theirs energy. Roundy start to flail his tendrils and push the nude hand of the elf toward the door, Celine closed her eyes ready to feel the shock, but nothing happened, looks like this runes dont work on her at last, with this on her mind free the lesser cereatures was really easy.

Thanks and what looks like bows from the creatures soon show to Celine how happy they were to be free of that terrible cage, however not all stay at her side, maybe they were scared to face the terrible creatures than trap them there. A few of the creatures tried to get very close Slimy but the monsters who decide to follow her stop them, at least this time the number let them avoid any possible fight.

Her "new soldiers" were two young slimes, three single tentacles, a smog creature of the size of her hand, two young tentacle mass creatures, a living stone creature and what looks like a mushroom giant phallus. There were others creatures who want to join her, but they were in bigger jails and there were more mindless creatures than helpers.

Once decide what she want to do there, she still need to decide where she want to do now, the passages were the same and she could just leave that place instead looks deep inside this floor.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine saw the girl seemed to understand her words for the moment, but she couldn't be totally sure exactly. She believed the girl was human from the looks of her, but she couldn't be totally certain about it as she couldn't see her whole body just yet from the fact that there was little light in there, as well as the fact that they were still inside Slimy's body. When the girl lay her head down on Celine's shoulder and began softly kissing and licking her neck, as if to try and get her to have more sex with her, Celine couldn't help but smiled softly at the poor thing, knowing that it wasn't her fault that she was so horny, so she leaned over and kissed her one more time before patting her on the back.

"Yes Slimy, but make sure to keep her quiet if you're going to use her some okay. And if it's possible, remove whatever she's got in her womb and replace it with your own seeds, because it probably won't be good if whatever is in there comes out around us if you know what I mean," Celine whispered to Slimy, knowing that she could understand her words.

After getting closer to the bar with the runes on it, she saw them burning brighter on the thing which zapped at her face a bit and made her flinch back a little. She noticed that this was the same thing that happened when the creatures in the cells got close to the bars as well, and while the smaller ones were staying back, the larger creatures weren't stopping in the slightest and were reaching out to try and grab her and Slimy, but they couldn't as if their powers were being drained by the strange magic runes. When Roundy pulled her hand towards the bars after pulling it out of Slimy's form, she readied herself to be shocked but nothing ended up happening amazingly, which she was thankful for.

Knowing this, Celine quickly made to release the smaller creatures that pledged her their allegiance, freeing them from their horrible confines. Not all of them she saw stayed with her, likely too scared to stay with her out of fear she'd make them fight or something. The ones that did stay near her however she saw seemed happy about her releasing them and with Slimy's letting her understand them she heard words of thanks from them. Some other ones got extremely close to her and Slimy, as if to use the large creature for cover, but the ones that decided to follow her made sure they didn't get too close as they pulled them back. Celine of course didn't mind them staying close to her, but it may cause them to get caught easier, which of course may be what they intended, so she had to be careful and allowed the others to pull them away.

Once she looked over her new troops as they were and saw what all she had to work with, she glanced around at some of the larger creatures that offered to follow her, but to let them out would require her to release some possibly more dangerous creatures also, which she had to decide whether or not to do. She tried once more to speak to the larger creatures to get them to join her, though she doubted she'd manage it without offering them her body in return, or something else maybe.

"If I promise you all a nice cunt to fuck all you want afterwards will you follow me then?" Celine asked some of the remaining larger creatures, if they didn't agree to her offer, then she would see if she could get some of the larger creatures that did wish to follow her to the front of their cells to get them out before shutting the cells back up and keeping the rest inside. However if she couldn't do any of this, then she would be forced to leave them behind for now, but she would promise to return as soon as she was able to release them from their cells.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The female monster dont act so soon and let the broken girl enjoy a little of peace feeling the pats than the elf give her, but then some minutes later a hollow vine get close the girl mouth and eagerly opened her mouth, the vine get inside and muffed her mouth completely, two thin vines get inside the girl nose and she start to look really happy as she relax on Celine's shoulder, two different hollow tendrils placed on her strangely big breasts and start to suck the fluid inside her ample breasts, her two lower holes get filled again but this time it looks like Slimy was not trying to cum inside her, the vine tubes were sucking everywhere, drinking who know what from the girl, a strange noise come like if something soft get broken and slowly the vines at the girl get some bulges, the girl started to feel sad as her belly get reduced, her tears and struggles were wild until Slimy secured her and eat the last inside her womb. the girl start to bite and hit everywhere hurting a little both celine and Slimy but at the end the vine creature stop her and looking than she dont have other option rape her in a little violent and quick way. The girl's limps were secured by mani vines and more of onee apendage get inside her lower holes, the hollow tentacle at her mouth was changed by a normal big and hard one, the girl tried to bite again but only manage to hurt herself, with all the struggle Celine had a lot of problems to stay stand, all the potent thrusts moved the girl worse than a ragdoll, hurting her a little and making her make some groans for a while until the vines cum for first time inside her, with this the girl slowly start to relax and accept what the creature was doing to her, for minutes she bounced at the futa girl who dick fortunatelly was not inside her, finally she cum before receive the second mass load, then she happily wait the third, fourth and even fifth, a new vine come, twice bigger than the normal ones, for nearly nothing manage to get inside the girl cunt and slowly buldges of what could be named seeds start to fill the girl.

Meanwhile Celine had her own problems talking with the creatures, maybe Slimy could had started this later but now she could not stop them, at least she was not the one with tentacles inside her so she could get really focused. Maybe this or something else make her finally heard Roundy voice.

Hey! im already waiting my own cunt. Slimy stop fucking, you will make them want to rape you even more...ouch...greedy creature stop whiping me and give me something at least!.

Just then Celine notice how some vines had moved and push Roundy away, a non emotional soft sound like giggle come from inside, not from Celine or the girl yet it sound as a female one yet a little far of being human. Roundy was right at least, the monsters looks to really be in frenzy and Slimy horny smell could make this worse. Some creatures looks to really accept Celine conditions, yet they looks to have a hidden motive. Slimy make Celine turn to a left side jail where a blinded big creature with a worm like body looks to had accepted, there were some small ones without make any move, some looks dead and others scared, the creature had tried to make a hole but he was in a special full jail and maybe he or the discharge had killed some of the monster.

Roundy looks to dont like the idea, turning to Celine and even asking if this was right with her.

Doubt than he will have enough with just a breeder, but at least he could hide them inside him. Slimy turn to Roundy and nodded, giving him some pats with her vines as she get close the jail, leaving to Celine to decide at the end as the elf is the only one who could open the jail.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine watched as Slimy moved her tentacles around all over the girl, taking her breasts inside of her hollowed out tentacles which began suckling on her, while two small thin tendrils went into her nose while another thick tentacle slipped into her mouth to muffle her. Then as Slimy began sliding another tentacle into the girl's ass, and a hollowed out tentacle into the girl's soft petals to begin pulling the seeds of whatever had raped the girl out, she noticed that the girl was trying to prevent it from happening and was struggling a bit, but Slimy grabbed her and held her firmly so she couldn't and sucked them all out. The girl's thrashing had managed to hit Celine a little bit, causing her to grunt in pain, but nothing she couldn't shrug off, while Slimy began fucking the girl. Celine could really only watch on as Slimy filled the girl with her seeds, fucking her senseless and calming her down for now thankfully, which Celine hoped would keep the girl calmed down now.

After that was over and done with, Celine glanced around and heard Roundy speaking to her, and he sounded quite distressed from the sounds of it. "Don't worry Roundy, I didn't mean they could have me, but that they could have Aisha instead. I know I already promised myself to you and Slimy, and besides I won't be able to handle going so many times without a rest, so I'll need to have just you and Slimy, Aisha can handle them all," Celine whispered to Roundy, winking knowingly at him, as Aisha could merely make them all her servants when she got through with them, and since she was a succubus and all she could go almost indefinitely.

Celine understood that she needed to get control of the situation before she lost it and the monsters, the ones she'd gotten to follow her, and all the others mobbed her. She saw that most of the monsters that had accepted to follow her were starting to go a little crazy too and she knew that she needed to get a hold on the situation before she was pulled out of Slimy and raped senseless. Celine also didn't think that they could risk letting out the big worm creature, as she couldn't trust it to not turn on her when the time came for him to help.

"Alright everyone, calm the fuck down right now, or nobody gets any pussy afterwards. You hear me? Now no one is going to fuck in this place until we get through in here alright. Now I don't want to have to knock any heads around okay, so come on. I promise we'll be back for the rest of you, or at least someone I know will be. So just sit there and relax, and be brave," Celine said very forcefully in a very commanding tone, drawing her sword and holding it up to cow them all down, even Slimy and Roundy. "Now Slimy, if you're finished seeding that girl, then you can stop now, I know it's hard but you'll have to do it if you want us to be able to get out of here and your seedlings that are in both me and her now, we can't risk it. And Roundy, don't worry, I'm not that far gone and I don't plan on it. Now, all of those that are loyal and brave enough, follow me, the rest of you, stay put and help will be here when my friends arrive," Celine then said, looking around at all of the other monsters. If they didn't listen to her, especially Slimy in the state she was in, Celine would bonk her on the head with the hilt of her sword, showing her that she meant all she said and that she was the leader here. Once she had gotten control back and everything, she would get her new followers together and lead them on out of the prisons area down the hall opposite where they came in through the portal elevator.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Roundy said than he was fine with that plan, yet he would preffer than Aisha use these new recluits after had his creatures, maybe to avoid than any of them clean her womb like what Slimy just has do to the girl some moments ago. The girl remain calmed sucking the vine at her mouth and feeling how the ones at her lower holes continue the slow thrust motion.

After say her words the lesser creatures stop the small struggle among them, now calmed some looks to be a little depressed of not have their chance to transfer theirs seeds before the nearly suicide mission than Celine could be thinking to do. Roundy dont complain and as always looks to be ready to act if Celine get in danger. Slimy dont stop to pleasure the girl, but the futa girl could feel something in her mind than Slimy was just trying to calm the girl, maybe to sattle her lust or just to confort her after the hard hit of lost her childs a moment ago. Anyway Slimy will try to stay like this, as this looks to dont cause too much problem to Celine moves, but the elf could try to make her stop if she push the order a little more.

The huge group crawl and walk to the front path, with the new ten monsters walking at her side, they could maybe have some problems to try to pass unnoticied. The first thing than Celine noticed was a lot of dry fluids between them blood, then some mushrooms than looks to be normal yet in nearly lines like if someone had made them grow on porpouse, letters and runes on the walls, even a signal thanlooks to dont have more of a pair of years, finally she found a well made of wooden and rocks, some magic runes around it and bucles were there too, maybe the runes were there to stop any monster of get out of there. There is also an intersection, some stairs at the right path and a corridor with some rooms and rusty tools for harvest at the left
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine nodded over to Roundy and whispered that she understood, but that Aisha would likely do just what he said in any case. She was also happy that the girl seemed to have calmed down now as she suckled on Slimy's tentacle that was in her mouth, which slowly thrust in and out of her. She also noticed the smaller followers she'd managed to convince to follow her looked a bit depressed about her words, so she reached around and petted them, assuring that there was someone that would be more than willing to have fun with them.

When Slimy let her know in her mind that she was just trying to calm the girl down after what had just happened with her and all that, Celine relaxed a little bit and pet her once again, telling her that as long as she could keep herself in check and was able to help her when the time came, then she could continue having fun with the girl.

Moving on down the path leading forward, with a full dozen followers now as she had ten from the prison cells as well as Slimy and Roundy, Celine noticed some more runes and such on the walls and as they passed them she glanced over to see if she could understand what they said. After looking at the different paths they could take, Celine decided to take the path up the stairs for now and search around that way.

"Let's go this way for now and search for others to rescue as well everyone, but stay close and stay quiet," Celine said, looking around at her followers.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

At the walls, Celine reach to identify some familiar shapes, the strange lenguage make her hard to understand all but shemanage to identify a part of it. There she notice some figures between the runes, some than describe a village or a town with men and women working the day, there were what looks to be images of monsters and then the village images get reduced, then a bright and powerful image dominate the writings, there were some female images and some have manlike members, finally monsters, women and some strange humanoids were in the last space until only the strange dark creatures were in the remain images among the letters.

The creatures follow her and start to go up the stairs, just at the end they find others rooms and a pair of dark humanoid creatures holding some boxes and carring them to an opened door, one of them made a strange sound and shaked its head as the other turn to her before finally get inside the room. At total there is a corridor with a big door at the middle with some figures of maybe some gods, there is also a pair of wooden doors at the sides and close the left there is the half opened door where the two dark creatures get inside.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine wasn't able to really able to tell what all of the strange symbols said, and she noticed figures in between some of the runes and what looked like a town of some sort. After looking at what seemed to be a story of sorts engraved into the walls of the place, Celine led her new followers away from the place and on up the stairs. As they made their way up the stairs, Celine caught sight of a couple of the strange humanoid creatures carrying some boxes into another room down the hallway.

She noticed the large door at the very end of the corridor and the two smaller rooms to the sides, which the two creatures went in to the left of and that door was still half opened, which slightly worried Celine, yet made her curious at the same time. She motioned for everyone to stay behind her as she crept up to the door and then peeked around in to the place to see what was going on in there and what was in the boxes exactly, and if there were any more creatures in that particular room as well.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Roundy and the others remain hidden, as best as the small army could do it and let to Celine inside Slimy body check the place, looks like some of the small creatures were ready to run in case than this get really bad, but the others were in some way stoping them. Slimy dont looks to have any fear and she remain taking care of the poor girl without lost of sight what is happening outside.

Giving a little peak, Celine reach to see a large room with some of the humanoids there making different activities, one was writing something as she let the others two open the boxes what looks to have some different things on it, from seeds on frasks to even clothes and small tools, then after write these were placed on a small basement behind the one writing. At a side of the room another creature was getting pleasured by a nude brunette young human girl, this human was sucking a phallus comming from the neithers of the creature and some tendrils from the chest were caressing the young girl. Other blonde human woman was resting at the floor close the last two and she only have a silver collar and two gold shacles, at her side rest an sword and there were others weapons too stored in the basement than is not completely visible for Celine.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As Celine moved inside of Slimy's body up to peek around the corner and into the room, her little army moved slowly up behind her and tried their best to stay hidden, some looking ready to bolt if something happened, while the rest were ready to stop them. Slimy was quite brave apparently, showing no fear in the face of possibly being killed and the one she was supposed to protect being made into nothing more than a breeder for other monsters. Celine softly pet Slimy one more time as a way of thanking her for showing no fear with the situation, when she herself was quite scared of maybe going into the room up ahead and losing in a fight against the things inside, but she also knew that she had to look for more captured girls and rescue them.

When she got to the room, Celine peeked around the doorway and inside, where she saw a quite large room with a few of the dark creatures inside, along with a a couple of women, one a blonde like herself and the other a brunette. Three of the creatures she noticed were busy with getting the boxes she'd seen a couple of them carrying unloaded and all, while a fourth one was busy forcing the brunette haired girl sucking its member. The blonde girl she saw was collared and shackled as well with a silver collar and golden shackles and she also noticed a sword next to the girl and wondered if she'd only just been beaten and captured. She knew that she should attempt rescuing the two girls, but going against all 4 of these beings would be tough with just her, Slimy, and Roundy, which is why she was glad that she'd come through the prison area first and gotten some reinforcements, though she wasn't certain if they would actually fight for her or not, but then again maybe they would at least keep a couple of the creatures attention while her, Slimy, and Roundy dealt with the other two.

With that, Celine would creep back to the rest of her monster soldiers and whisper back to them all what she'd seen inside the room. “Now we have to save the two girls inside there, because those creatures are using them for the gods only know what, and plus because one of them seems to be a fighter of some sort and maybe she can help us to fight. Try to keep from raping the girls any okay everyone, they'll likely be a little tired, and if they can both fight then we'll need their help to get out okay,” Celine whispered after she filled everyone in on what was going on in that room. Once everyone knew what was going on, Celine would move on back to the room and peek around inside again and then she would wait that until they could move in while all of the dark creatures backs were turned so they could get the jump on them and sneak attack them, hoping to mob them enough to bring them all down quickly. When the chance presented itself, she would lead a charge into the room and attack the dark creatures, going first for the one directing the other two that were carrying the boxes, as from what Celine could tell, that particular creature was a she and seemed to be the leader here.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once Celine return and inform to all what she has saw, the creatures had different opinions, one had fear to fight them so soon, a few more were not glad to heard than they were unable to fuck the two girls and some others were glad to have the chance to make these creatures pay for all the tortures in the cages. Roundy affirmate than this could be a great moment to see how strong these creatures are and slimy also looks to be ready to do her best.

All soon no matter what they think decide to follow the big pregnant female plant monster. They remain in place and waut her signal and then all attacked when all the dark creatures were looking to other place. The creatures rushed against the dark creatures, using theirs many apendages in an attempt to win this fight as fast as possible. The one taking care of all manage to notice when the attack start, yet she only manage to make a strange noise before Celine hit her, the others monsters were having some different results, as it looks like not all the dark creatures were taken off guard, even some of the minor monsters were hurted and countered, yet at the end two of the dark creatures were glappled and the one who has been attacked by Celine is trying ro ewcover herself. The chaos continue, the one being pleasured by the girl get up and pushed the human to a corner as the dark creature tried to fight as many monsters get close, all the noise half awake the human close the sword, but then the girl sended to the corner scared scream loudly


The human close the sword get up and take her weapon looking around completely confused, but at least not a single monster get close her or the other girl.

Celine dont have too much time to see this, her foe tried to recover and fight back, so Slimy send her vines toward her, these fail for the firsts tried but at the end the female monster whip and wrap the dark creature, leaving some red marks on the dark skin.

Roundy also wrap another and let the others monsters do what they want with the strange creature, yet after a while his tendrils were damaged and he was sended flying away. The two dark creatures at the basement manage to kill two small monsters but at the end both were very wraped and wounded than they could get defeated soon. The last dark creature nearly kill two monsters and get only slighty wounded, the girl at the corner start to cry and take a weapon from the basement.

HELP US PLEASE!!! THEY ARE TOO MANY! The girl scream, for what it looks she is more scared from all the monsters than the datk creatures.

4 monsters very damaged to continue fighting, two dark creatures are close to be defeated, the one in charge is grappled and Roundy receive a damage
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once ready, they charged into the room when the time was right so that they took their enemies by surprise. Celine swung her sword at the female creature, who barely made a strange noise when hit, while some of the others were taken by surprise, but not all. However a couple of the strange dark creatures were grabbed by Celine's monster allies while Celine's foe she'd chosen was still trying to recover after the blow to her.

As the fight dragged on, the creature that was using the human girl pushed her away and into the corner of the room as it turned to face Celine and her troops, while the other girl screamed out in fear. Celine wanted to go over and slap her right across the face to shut her up, but she knew that she couldn't risk just going over and do that because she had to deal with the other dark creatures.

Celine's foe began fighting back however and she had little time to even think about anything to do aside from block the dark creature's attacks. limy however was helping her and grabbed the dark female creature after a few failed attempts. Roundy she noticed had managed to wrap himself around another creature, while the rest of what went on in there she barely noticed other than she'd lost two of her minions, but she didn't expect to keep them all alive.

"Girl, shut up. We're here to rescue you, but if you draw all of these things to us then they'll know what we're doing," Celine called calmly to the girl while she fought with the dark female creature. Celine then tried to use Slimy's size and weight against the dark female creature to get a bit more power in her swings to force her foe to the ground and stab her to finish her off, where she could then move on to aid the rest of her followers.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine words werent so great accepted by any of the girls and even the strange dark humanoids turned to her, maybe the image of two nude humans females being rescued by unknown monsters was not so easy to imagine by the two girls. The fight continue and the elf tried to send a deadly strike with her sword, as Slimy hold her victim, however a metal sword stop her attack and turning to a side she notice the blonde human parring her blow and send her aside the strong enough to give chance to the dark creature to get free and with a strong whip of her dark tentacles send Celine to fly away. Roundy was not having a good time too as the tentacle orb only manage to grapple his victim to get throwed aside with a heavy impact by the dark entity. The others creatures were having a better moment, one of the dark creatures get completely restrained and injured to move again, the girl who was screaming tried to take a weapon and free the dark creatures, but she was very scared of the monsters to get close.

5 monsters very damaged to continue fighting, a dark creatures are close to be defeated, the one in charge is slighty wounded and Roundy receive another damage, by the one with a pennis
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As Celine's sword strike was turned to the side, she let out a grunt of anger while the girls apparently didn't believe her that she and her monster allies were there to help them. "You silly girl, what are you doing, I'm trying to rescue you from these foul creatures. I'm an elf you fool, not a monster," Celine said angrily to the girl as she was knocked back by the dark creature, where she then got back up and ready to continue fighting.

With that, Celine jumped out of Slimy after telling her through their mental connection to take care of the dark creature and do whatever she needed to in order to kill her, while she took care of the girl with the sword and tried to talk some sense into her, or at least knock her out and subdue her that way. "I'm on your side girl, I'm trying to save you two and get you out of here, but you're making it very hard to do it. These monsters are my allies and I have more help coming soon to rescue us all, more humanoid people like myself. Can't you see that we aren't trying to hurt you any," Celine said to the girl, and should she be able to talk sense into her, she would then go aid Slimy against the dark creature stabbing at the female creature, but if the girl didn't see reason, then Celine would use her superior sword skills and parry one of the girl's attacks and bonk her on the back of the head and knock her out, where she would then go help Slimy, should she still need her help. If she did not she would go help Roundy instead after that.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After receive the damage, Celine get up and give to Slimy her message. Of course than the monster creature was worried by leaving the elf alone in the fight, but if she suppose was needed to talk with these humans, then she dont have other choice. Soon Celine get release of the vines than were defending her body and get out with a bright warm slime cape. I havent saw or heard about an elf on these lands. The swordwoman looks upset and prepare to fight Celine, but leave her to continue talking, yet what caused the elf words was very different from what the futa girl expected. An Invasion...again...The human words make the female dark creature get in shock and turn to see the swordwoman, moment than Slimy used to hurt her and wrap her. Roundy tried again and this time manage to take by surprise the futa dark creature. The remain creature of the other two fight hard, giving some hits to the monsters, but at the end it also fall. The creatures start to bite and cut the dark creatures tentacles, giving them no mercy, however the taste of them make them get sick, so they only focused on hurt them to get relief after all their time traped in these jails. The two creatures screech in pain, the agony of each tentacle being pulled out and theirs eyes destroyed looks to cause a heavy pain on them.

STOP!!! DONT HURT THEM! The other human said still stunned by the fear, but the pain to see the creatures being hurted looks to be so much for her.

I will not leave our city fall again! The swordswoman rush toward Celine than wait her, but in a quick motion the human block and move away, sending a kick to push the elf aside, taking the kick potence to make a quick motion toward the door, in an attempt to get out of the fight.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I'm not from these lands, I'm adventuring far away from home," Celine replied to the woman as they fought each other. "Invasion... what are you talking about?" Celine added curiously, wondering what the woman was talking about.

She glanced over to see Slimy taking the dark female creature down as she wrapped her, while Roundy managed to grab the dark futanari creature, and while the other creature was taken down by her other allied monsters. Celine almost wanted to go punch the other human girl when she called out for them to stop and not hurt the dark creatures, but she restrained herself for the moment.

When the swordswoman rushed at Celine, the futanari elf raised her sword to defend herself and parried the woman's sword, but was kicked away from her. Celine grunted in pain, but held her ground and when the woman tried to run, Celine rushed after her, knowing that she couldn't let her leave the room, because she would only end up getting captured and raped again by the dark creatures, but she would also alert them to her still being there most likely as well and she couldn't have that.

"Wait you fool, what are you talking about? Don't go out there, you'll alert those creatures to us all and we'll all be captured and raped senseless. Get back here. I don't know anything about your city," Celine called to the swordswoman and dove at her to grab her and pull her back into the room, where she would then kick the door shut as she hauled the girl back inside to talk some sense into her, hoping that Slimy could handle everything else inside with the dark creatures and the other girl.

"I swear that I'm here to help you both. What must I do in order to prove that? Kill myself? If we were here to hurt you both we wouldn't be killing those evil creatures, that only wish to enslave all they get their hands on," Celine said to the two women as she pulled the one back inside.