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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Name: Celine Genaus
Age: 19
Level 0 Trait: sword expertise
Description: In game Celine is playing a voluptuous elf girl that has perfectly unblemished white skin, long blonde hair that hangs in a ponytail to her butt, she has blue eyes, stands at 5'6” tall, and she has large E-cup breasts... Celine also tries to keep it a secret that she is a futanari with a 12 inch penis.

Attitude: Celine is an adventurous person that isn't scared of trying almost anything, she's exploring all of the different ways that she can use the EGG for fun.

Extra Notes: Anything but scat and guro goes for me.

Celine a tester, has come to her second day to the Corporation to discover than her save game has been lost in the last update, the persons in charge of her machine inform her than they could try to recover it but it could take them all the day and maybe they could use other option. They could mix the few remaining information from her last game and fuse it to a new one. After decide Celine get inside her machine looking the updated start screen, as it will be a new game all the others options are unavailables and only she can start a New Game.

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futanari option? Y/N
Pregnancy: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consentual Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): (1-5, five being very rough, 1 being very gentle.)
Additional Category? _______________?

Then she have to choice between these places

Mystery dungeon
Forbidden Town
Hidden Forest
Pleasure Island
Monster lair

Then there was the Norma- Hard- Insane Option followed by the avatar options to create your desired character
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine was sad to have lost her old save game, but she'd just start a new one in that case, but she did ask if they could somehow retrieve the friend she'd managed to find in her last game Malou the slug girl if it was at all possible, maybe she'd be able to meet her again in this game, but she doubted they could make it so that she remembered her but if so then awesome. Once she got in, she powered on the EGG machine and when it started up she saw the familiar start up menu, she saw the settings menu pop up asking her to input them for her game.

Humans: Y (2)
Male/Female: Y (1)
Female/Female: Y (5)
Futanari option? Y
Pregnancy: Y (4)
Birthing: Y (4)
Non Consensual Sex: Y (3)
BDSM: Y (3)
Slavery: N
Corruption: Y (1)
Body Alteration (breast expansion, gender swap, small mutations, etc.): Y (2)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y (5)
Beasts (Animals and Animal-like creatures, including anthros): Y (3)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose): 3

Additional Category: In addition to the pregnancy add egg laying by creatures that can, and seed implantation by plant monsters that can with it. Also If it isn't included in the monsters & such, then succubi, angels, nymphs, and other mythical types of beings if possible.

Once she'd chosen her settings, she would see the choices for starting location and decided on the Pleasure island, thinking it could end up being better than her last game.

She also decided to choose Normal for the difficulty, as she remembered having a bit of a hard time with a couple of monsters in her last game. Once she'd chosen all of her settings, she saw the avatar designer option and checked it out and saw a multitude of options to add to her previous character. In the end she decided to keep her character pretty much the same, though she checked around to see if it was possible for her to make herself a futanari in this game, if so then she would choose to do so because she was curious to see what would happen. Then when she was done with that, she clicked start to begin her new adventure in this fun machine.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The avatar creation seetlings looks to have all what Celine is looking and more, soon after decide her options she notice how all start to get covered in a deep darkness until she were unable to see anything, then in a moment she heard the wind passing through the flora around her, her eyes opened by the soft sunlight reaching her soft luscious body. She was resting bellow a huge tree and close a river. Close her are the remains of a little fireplace maybe made by her and some fish bones resting close a sword protected by an rune adorned cover. She at the moment notice her usual avatar and she could feel some extra weight between her legs, fortunately her underwear and clothes hide it easily.

Looking around she notice how the river continue for both sides and she also could take any path as there were trials than looks to continue through a swamp and a far mountain.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Once she awakens in game, Celine opens her eyes to see the sun shining down on her and she could feel the wind blowing through the flora all around her. She looked around and saw that she was in a camp of sorts that was made under a huge tree, she glanced to her left and saw a river near her camp and to her right was a little campfire. She glanced down and beside where she slept was a sword in a beautiful runed sheath. She looked at herself and noticed she looked pretty much the same as in her last game and as she stood up, she could feel some extra weight between her legs and she shifted her clothes around a little to see that as per her selection in the avatar creation she had a quite large penis in her pants.

"Wow, that feels a little different," Celine mumbled to herself, getting the feel for moving around with her new appendage in her pants as she walked around and gathered up her things.

She explored around for a minute to see the river ran far in both directions and she noticed a trail leading through a swamp. She got all of her camping gear that she had and decided to follow the trail through the swamp towards the mountains to explore in that direction.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The camp have few things than could be usefull in the future, at least she have a bagpack to store them, between them there was: a blanket, a very used old sleeping bag, a tiny bottle with a strange liquid and a extra underwear. Once all were stored, Celine move to the swamp, she could see some fishes jumping on the river as some little fluffy creature like bunny/cats try to catch them, there were some strange fruits in some trees and as she get close the swamp less fauna can be seen. Once in the entrance she see how a strange slide trial go through one of the three possible roads, other go straigh to the mountains and a left one looks to be made of logs over the murky swamp water.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine walked down the trail while admiring the scenery, watching fish jump out of the water at time and other things of nature. She passed a few trees that bore a strange looking fruit and decided to try and grab a few if they could be gotten to, so that she would have a bit of extra food on her if she needed it. She eventually came to a crossroads and saw three paths to take, with one leading to the mountains, one further through the swamp, and a third taking a little side path.

Celine decided to take the path towards the mountains for now and thought she may come back later once she'd explored the mountains a little.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After take some fruits and take the straight path toward the mountain, Celine's steps were taking more effort now than the floor is now a mix of mud and pools of mudky water, this result to be not her worst problem as soon a huge mud ball in front of her start to move direct to her.

Celine 5/5

the dice roll has choice than we will use Prinny second battle system rules for this battle (yes, each battle will have a random set of rules between the normal one and the two used by Prinny.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine traveled for a while, slowly traversing the mountain path. After a while she was starting to get a little bogged down in the mud that was on the path. While trying to get unstuck from the mud, she looked up and saw a muddy creature moving towards her and readied herself to fight by drawing her sword.

That's okay with me Plmnko, use any battle system you like.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine attack first

Celine Critical hit it

Mud creature hit upper cloth body 3/4

Celine 4/5 Up D -1 Grappled

mud creature 4/6

Thanks to the skills given to her by the game, Celine get ready in a battle stance with a complete balance, in an instant she move to a side and make a deep line through the big mud ball. However a tendril from the ball wrap her upper torso and pull her some feets with it, she could feel some spikes in the tendril than were starting to sink on her clothes and maybe if this continue she could lost her upper clothes.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine watched as the creature rushes at her and she swiftly strikes at it with her sword. However when she struck it, it managed to wrap a tendril around her chest in the process and pull her a little ways with it. She felt its spikes dig into her clothing, ripping them slightly.

Celine grunted as she was grabbed and immediately attempted to break free and strike back against her opponent by cutting at the tendril wrapped around her.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine escape attempt succeed

M B hit her

Celine hit

M B hit her again

Celine 3/5 FP 3/4 Up D -1 in attack and defense (Mud)

Mud Ball 3/5

With a quick slash she reach to cut the spiny tentacle who was grappling her, however she roll a little on the floor before get up and this give the time enough to the monster to pass over her, she could feel something trying to take her sword, but she push the creature away and cut it when she free her sword. The strange mud looks to make her move slower as it was over a huge part of her body.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine's slash managed to cut the tendril holding her and she got loose as a result. She tried to roll away after hitting the ground, but before she could get up the creature managed to move over her and it tried to take her sword, but she managed to hold on to it as she kicked the creature away enough to swing her sword at it again to cut it.

Celine attempted to get back up and attack her foe again, not willing to give up just yet. She lunged at the creature to try and stab it even while the mud slightly slowed her down.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine fail

M B Critical hit her

Celine 1/5 FP 2/10 AP -1all rolls [mud] -2 attack [grappled]

The elf girl try to stab the creature, but this evade her in the last moment and before she tried to move away, some mud hands come from the ball and secured her arms, she could feel how she is pressed against a tree, as more hands start to foreplay her, a pair of hands caress and press her hands as other go inside her pants and begin to stroke her member, giving soft moves than were starting to make it get erect.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine thrust her sword at the mud creature and just at the last moment it evaded her attack. She tried to jump back but before she could, the creature sent out several muddy hands which grabbed her arms and pushed her against a tree, securing her to it tightly. She could feel more hands begin rubbing and caressing her across her whole body, forcing a few coos of pleasure to slip from her lips. She felt another hand or two slip down into her pants and grab her new member and begin stroking it softly, which forced her to moan slightly as she began hardening up in her pants. When Celine felt herself becoming erect, she thought it was a strange feeling, as she now knew what it felt like for a man to have their cocks played with and she had to admit that it felt pretty good.

Even though Celine thought the feeling of having her new appendage played with was good and she was feeling pretty winded from the fight, she nonetheless tried to break free from the grasp of the muddy hands to fight back, as she didn't want her first sexual experience in her new game to be by some muddy creature. She attempted to rip her hands free from the hands holding her against the tree and swing her sword at the creature, to maybe at least drive it away.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine hit

M B fail

Celine critical muder it

Feeling the mud hands over all her body maybe was arousing her as the time pass, but this dont stop her to struggle the enough to free her armed arm and use a direct slash to cut all the hands in just a motion. The creature was very surprised by the sudden attack and the blonde elf use that moment to stab the core of the creature, her luck was too much than her attack kill it in the instant turning it into just a lifeless mud mass.

Now once again alone she could rest to clean herself or continue her path after rest a moment, her shirt was slighty damage with just some little holes from where the spikes pass. At the distance she could see a huge pool of mud being filled by a small river with cristaline water.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine struggled mightily with her opponent and eventually got her sword arm free enough to swing her sword at the creature, taking out all of the hands with a swift swing of her blade. The creature stumbled back a step or two completely stunned by her attack and that gave her time enough to stab it right through the core, killing it dead.

Once she'd finished off the mud creature, Celine took a moment to catch her breath and noticed her clothing was slightly damaged from the fight, then she looked around while leaning against the tree she'd been pinned against and in the distance she saw a pool of mud being filled by a small river of crystal clear water. She decided to go get cleaned up a bit after her fight, then she would move on and continue exploring the mountains, provided she wasn't accosted by anything else of course.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

As she walk she notice a side path to avoid the huge mud pool and reach the little water stream without any other difficult. Once there she start to clean herself, slowly taking away all the mud on her clothes and body. But just when she was close to leave she reach to heard something moving over the trees near her. The weak noises were starting to get closer until they stop near her, however her eyes cant detect anything yet.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine found a small side path to go around the mud and took it, making her way to the stream so she could clean herself. Once there she took her clothes all off and eased into the water, deciding to clean her body first, then her clothes. When she was done cleaning her clothes and about to get out, Celine heard something in the woods near her position and immediately her eyes shot up in the direction of the sound. She scanned the area but saw nothing that could be making the sound, which slightly frightened her.

"Um... h-hello, is a-anybody there?" Celine called out towards the trees in a bit of a shaky voice, while using her hands to try and cover herself some and at the same time hoping that whatever was out there was simply a deer or a squirrel or something.
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The elf was not answered, she could only feel the water running below her honeyhole and the warm wind passing close her wet skin. Suddenly more noises come now behind her, the trees move wildy make her turn to see what was happening, she could see only vines and leafs moving everywhere, but just when she tried to focus a strange long vine wrap her nude body and start to pull her out of the stream, she could feel a soft presion around her breasts as other vine wrap her ample blossom, giving soft moves to start pleasuring her

(monsters attack first)

Celine 5/5 FP 1/10 AP Nude -1 Attack grappled
Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine waited for a reply to her challenge, but received none, then she heard something from behind her and turned to look, only to find nothing again. As she tried to focus in on where the sound was coming from, Celine felt a vine wrap around her nude form and pull her out of the stream. She could feel its impression against her soft breasts as other vines begin wrapping around her, sliding them all across her body in soft caressing motions to pleasure her, causing small little gasps of pleasure to slip from her lips.

"W-While that d-does f-feel good, I didn't g-give you permission t-to do that," Celine said, still in a bit of a shaky tone, this time though from the pleasure beginning to course through her body and not from fear.

Celine tried to get loose from the vines and grab her sword to attack, where she would then begin hacking away at the vines while following their lengths to their source.