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Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

After heard than they are fine and completely healthy, both girls start what could be called a honey moon of three days. In that time they spend most of the time pleasuring each other as they could without hurt the future childs inside Celine, who was feeded and protected like nothing in her life, normally Myrtle just pleasure the elf dick and breasts, as they lay in the tentacle bed kissing each other once all end. Then they take a time to rest and talk of their lives, there Celine start to understand the life of her couple. How she live alone in these lands and her need to have her abode over a huge tree, it looks like she have many predators on these lands and many beast women do their best to take their kind away of their lands, luckily Myrtle born close this huge tree and climb it in her childhood. The magic mud and monsters around the place also help her to pass unnoticed and this huge vulva protect her from flying humanoids.

The elf also learn than Myrtle only had learn what she know from the adventurers and explorers who rest close the river, but they usually come in groups and a plant girl like her prefer to hide herself than attempt to talk with them. Now as a adult she cant move so quickly but her countless vines and super resistant home are the enough to have a peaceful live in this place, at change of this she move really slowly and it will be very dangerous for Celine and the seeds to take her with her.

With the time Celine breasts swollen and leak more milk than Myrtle dont let waste and the young blonde elf belly grow more until it was nearly impossible to her to get up without get tired at an instant. She could feel them move slowly inside her and each night Myrtle place a little of the strange fluid inside her partner, that moment was amazing for Celine, she could feel the tendril inside her womb pressing softly her eggs as a stream of orgasm fill her until get completely exhausted. In the whole day Myrtle dont stop to bring her new food from the surroundings, this teach her what was safe to eat in the swamp and could help her in the future unless she find something new to eat in her journey. Even she eat the meat without cook and mix all her foods with her lover milk, she dont know why, but that plant girl milk taste every time better and soon turn into her favorite drink as she stay there.

Just in a night she wake up with a sudden pain and wet feeling at her neither, her adapted eyes to the darkness of the vulva reach to see a pool of water below her who increase and take away the sex juices of that passionate night, Myrtle was peacefully sleeping but after some moments Celine succeed in awake her.


w-what should i do?... Celine rest here and ... i dunno
Said the young plant girl before start to recover the calm and place Celine in a better position to give birth. The young elf do her best using the lessons than she learn in the real life, maybe in the school or any other place like the tv. This result to be a long tiring experience, using her full strength she groan as she see the first seed leave her body, it was at least twice the size of when it get inside and many green tendrils were around it as this get over her before fall on the floor and rest in a corner. An tired Celine feel the second come soon and she start to groan and push again, Myrtle looks how the elf was losing her energy at the start and she do what she could to help her. Vines with syringes inject something on the blonde elf arms and she dont notice any change until she push with a restored strengh.

The time passed and more shornseeds leave with their little tendrils moving around. Even with Myrtle help, Celine was sure than she will fall unconscious soon, her remaining strength leave her just when she push another seed attached to other and that was all what she remember.

The next day she wake up to notice than her belly was close to normal and her body start to return to the normality, but her breasts could need more time to get restored. Maybe she still is a little tired and is not in her best condition, but nothing of her soft problems will affect her in a fight. Myrtle was resting in a side of the room, her tendrils had made a cocoon to protect their childrens and a milky substance leak from her tendrils in order to give all the nutrients to the little ones. Of course than this had make her remain in a nearly drowsy state as she give all the nutrients than she collect from Celine's milk.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine and Myrtle spent their time talking and playing with each other, with Myrtle doing anything very gently to Celine and not even using the young elf's lower lips with her vines save for the one to pump more of her nutrients into Celine's womb with. When they weren't pleasuring one another, they talked, with Myrtle telling Celine how she'd lived in these lands alone, why she lived in this very tree, things like that.

Celine told Myrtle many things about herself as well.
Nothing that need be wrote, as I haven't even thought about it. Let's just say she tells her where she came from, why she became an adventurer... stuff like that.

Myrtle also showed Celine many different kinds of fruits and wild foods that were safe to eat, which would come in very handy later on. Celine also became kind of addicted to Myrtle's breast milk, which was very tasty indeed. On the third day Celine was all but unable to move anymore, as her belly was simply to big for her to even get up without getting too winded to go anywhere after getting up, so she decided to just sit or lay there while Myrtle pampered her.

That night however, when Celine and Myrtle went to sleep, Celine had been asleep for a couple of hours or so and was brought out of her peaceful sleep by a sharp pain in her belly. It scared her when she felt the pain in her, so she immediately tried to get Myrtle up.

"Myrtle... M-Myrtle come on, wake up... i need you... somethings wrong," Celine said as she shook Myrtle.

When she finally got Myrtle awake, the plant girl was frantically trying to help, as she didn't know what to do. Celine tried to tell her what she could do to help, using what information she'd collected over the years in real life from her mother, from television, and from several other sources. Celine used what little strength she had and told Myrtle to help her into position, then she began the long and painful process of giving birth. Celine cried out in pain as the first seedling made its way out of her, with that experience in and of itself almost tiring her out completely. The second one came soon enough and Celine was barely able to summon the strength to try and push, then she felt something sharp poking into her wrists and looked over to see Myrtle's vines injecting something into her. She wasn't sure what it was, but soon enough she figured out that it was to give her some extra strength to push with, so push she did.

As time passed, Celine pushed out a few more seeds and after the fourth one she was screaming in agony as each one made its way out of her, she screamed and begged for Myrtle to end her pain in any way she could. Finally Celine's strength failed her and she blissfully blacked out from the pain and exhaustion her body was going through.


The next morning when Celine woke, she noticed her belly was close to being normal again, along with the rest of her body save her breasts, which may take a little longer to go back to normal. She felt very sore, but not so much that she couldn't move, though she would likely be a bit stiff for a day or two. She glanced around the room and saw Myrtle in a corner of the room cradling the seedlings in her vines, which were leaking a milky substance that Celine figured was nutrients like Myrtle had been pumping into her womb for them to grow. She softly moved over to Myrtle and saw she looked very tired as she fed all of her own nutrients to the little ones.

"Myrtle... hey Myrtle," Celine called out softly to her friend... no her lover. If Myrtle answered her, she would continue.
"Let me help you sweetie, I've still got plenty of milk as you can see, and you look exhausted. Just tell me what you need me to do." Celine gestured at her breasts, which were still leaking milk somewhat. She would help Myrtle however she tells her to, doing what she can to help her lover after Myrtle did all that she could the night before for her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Uhm...yawn... Good morning dear, how do you feel today The plant girl said weakly with a smile as she turn to the elf, she take a moment to understand what Celine was trying to do and ashamed nod with her eyes looking both orbs, her instincts must be calling her to jump to the beautiful nude girl in front of her, but there was not way than she cold lose the fight. Maybe i will feel better with a small drink look like i really need your help. She invite her lover to cuddle close her as she use her mouth to drink from one of the mammary gland, with thirsty sucks she feed from her for a moment before decide to use a free tendril to drink from the other. mhmm... im sorry to take your energy like this, giving birth looks to be more hard than what i expected. Myrtle said before continue drinking, her natural color looks to return to her and she remain like this for a while before decide than this is enough.

Thanks Celine, i will drain a little of energy from this tree for now on. Do you want to leave now? i... i will understand it and i can take care of them now than i ended to create their nest. Myrtle said trying to looks strong but she really want to stay with Celine more time, but both know than they must continue their own path sooner or later.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"Good morning to you too Myrtle," Celine replied when she was greeted.

Celine allowed Myrtle to cuddle her and drink of her breast milk as much as she needed, feeling that she should help Myrtle out a little at least, since she did seem to be quite tired from nursing the seedlings.

"Don't be sorry Myrtle, take as much as you need, it isn't hurting me any," Celine tells the plant girl when Myrtle apologizes for taking Celine's energy.
"And yeah, giving birth is quite a painful experience to say the least."

When Myrtle finished drinking of her milk, which took a while, Celine saw that Myrtle's skin color had returned to normal and felt relieved when she noticed that Myrtle seemed to be feeling better now. Celine sat there while Myrtle told her she understood if she wanted to leave now.

"Well I would like to explore some more around here Myrtle, if that's okay with you," Celine said, thinking about it for a minute before finishing, making sure to choose her next words carefully so as not to hurt Myrtle's feelings any, then she gave Myrtle a cheerful smile and spoke again.
"But I... would it be alright if I use your home here as a sort of base, or home if you'd rather say that? But can I use it to explore this place from? Regardless I intended on staying a day or two more to recover before leaving to explore some more. Also can you tell me when the seedlings will sprout? I'd like to know so that I can come back to see them."

Celine would wait for Myrtle's answer before saying or doing anything further.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Of course, you are free to do as you wish... Myrtle said trying to smile before her lover continue to talk her. The next words were decisive for their relationship, in some way Myrtle feel herself so happy to heard than Celine call this room to be her home, a pair of happiness tears escape from Myrtle's eyes, as the blonde elf looks to want stay with her two days more what cause her to hug her. Both nude body remain close each other before the plant girl could recover herself the enough to answer her.

This...this is your home too, darling. Stay the time than you want and return every time than you need it, i and our children will be waiting you always. looks like this moment had made than the plant girl recover her will to fight, with the promise to see her again after a time she looks to face any problem and protect these lands of anything. Uhm... I cant say a exact date, a month or maybe two weeks. Each of them will choice the right time to be ready to see the world Once all said she stay in the same place to take care off the little seeds, Celine could stay with her, talk or even both could have a intimacy time once again. Of course than she could train with her swords, eat or just rest close her lover.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine's main reason in wanting to stay an extra day or two was to make sure that Myrtle was alright before she left, she would spend her time over the next couple of days with Myrtle however the plant girl wished to spend it.

"Do you plant them or what Myrtle?" Celine asked curiously.
"If so then I'll help you." If they did need to be planted, then Celine would help Myrtle find a nice safe place to do so at and then help her plant them.

After the next two days, Celine would get her things together, along with the strange runed stone that Myrtle had, because it may be important she thought. She would also take a few of the gems and pieces of jewelry in there, thinking maybe she could find someone to sell them to or trade for something with them.

Once she had everything together, Celine would kiss Myrtle goodbye, telling her that she would try to be back in time to see the seedlings sprout or whatever they did, then she would take a look around the area to see what paths were open to her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

With her lover at her side, Myrtle have few things to need now, of course than they have a wonderful time together who they use to show their love to the other. Celine was feed and caressed in an attempt to restore her force for her future journey, as the elf happily feed the plant girl with her milk and warm cum. But Myrtle never tried again to penetrate her in her lower holes, maybe in an attempt to dont impregnate her again or lost energy and fluids. The blonde elf teach her common knowledge like what is the sky or others things than a plant woman dont have the chance to learn, Myrtle was pleased to learn more of her lover life and they pass a great time together.

About the seeds, Myrtle lived in a dangerous place to try to plant her seeds, living mud, wolves, feral monster girls and dangerous creatures could eat or kidnap their childrens, all this made her the only living plant woman of her specie living in this zone, all the others were Alraune, rose girls, mandrakes and many others who looks to hate Myrtle kind.

Usually i should plant them, but im trying something new using this tree and my own energy to give them all the nutrients needed and once they are ready i will let them get energy from the sun too. Myrtle looks to know what she was doing and in some way this looks to work like as a greenhouse.

With the time the moment to leave come, Celine take her backpack filled with the things than the lovely Myrtle give her and now she decide to give a last sight to the area. It was early morning she could see the same path toward the mountain and if she walk through the swamp to the right in some hours reach to a path than will guide her to the desert in a day. At her left she notice a vast forest with a dark aura in the center of this, the Island was not there today and instead she reach to see a lake far away.

Once chosen the path Myrtle give her a long kiss too and hug her for a time until she was ready to let her go. Take care Celine, not all the creatures on this swamp will treat you like me. She then prepare her vines and slowly make her fall to the floor once the elf was ready.
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When Celine started looking around after leaving her new home, she saw to her left a vast forest that had a dark aura in the center. To her right she could continue through the swamp and reach the desert or whatever it was in as little as a day or so. She couldn't see the floating island anymore and instead saw a huge lake in the distance. Of course she could just continue up the mountain trail she'd already be going up.

"Thanks for the warning Myrtle, I'll be careful. And you be careful too, with the seedlings here I mean," Celine said to Myrtle, then she pointed at the forest.
"What's in that forest over there? It looks awfully... dark I guess is the only word I could use to describe it."

Celine would wait for Myrtle to answer her, as she may go to the forest instead of on up the mountain.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I heard some tales about that place. Said Myrtle as she prepare all to let Celine reach the floor safety. A unknown evil entity lives there sealed in a temple, not many creatures try to live there and some said than you cant reach to heard any kind of animal many foots of distance from that place. Close that place you can find a path toward a strange town too. Unfortunately these tales are all what i know, no one of the humans who go there had returned to this river.

After secure some vines on Celine body to protect her as she prepare her to make her go down Myrtle kiss her again, with a worried face. If you want to go there, dont risk yourself too much and return here before something bad could happen you.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"If it's that dangerous, then maybe I won't go there until I'm a little stronger," Celine said when Myrtle told her how dangerous it seemed to be.
"Don't worry about me, I wouldn't do something so irresponsible as getting killed and not getting to see these little ones." Celine smiled and gently caressed her hand across a few of the seedlings.

"I think I'll head on up the mountain for now," Celine told Myrtle and gave her one last kiss before letting her lower her to the ground.
"I'll be back soon I hope."

With that, Celine waved goodbye to Myrtle and headed towards the mountain trail, deciding to go up the mountain for now. After exploring it some and gaining some fighting experience, then she would explore the forest a little.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Grateful to heard than Celine will avoid that dangerous place, Myrtle wave to her once this reach the floor and start her journey toward the mountain. After a long walk she reach to see a strange transparent pool in front of her, a close perfect circle in the whole path, she could heard some noises in the closest trees and maybe some birds singing.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When she'd left, Celine followed the mountain path a ways until she arrived at a strange pool. It looked transparent to her, which was strange to say the least. She decided to head on over to investigate it closer, maybe fill her water skins up if it looked safe enough to drink. While she investigated the pool, Celine made sure to keep an eye out on her surroundings as she heard some strange noises in the trees around her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

I suppose than she is dressed

Monster attack first

Monster hit Celine

Celine 4/5 1 AP -1 attack grappled

Once she get close and turn around to avoid get taken by surprise by any creature who could be hidden around her, Celine soon feel something wet jumping to her head and upper body, her eyes soon notice the strange liquid turn to the shape of a nude woman who was wrapping her arms around her.

The strange creature giggle and start to lick the elf face as she look her to her eyes.

Hi little one. Why are you walking alone in this dangerous place, something bad could happen you. She said with a lewd grind,

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Yeah she's dressed.

Celine glanced around as she knelt down to get a drink to make sure nothing was able to sneak up on her. However when she did this, she failed to notice the strange looking water take the shape of a young naked woman, who was in the process of wrapping her arms around Celine.

"W-What the," Celine sputtered as she was grabbed, not expecting to be grabbed from the direction she was. Celine heard the girl giggle as she licked her Celine's cheek.
"Um... hello there to you too. I'm exploring this mountain if you must know. Do you plan on... doing anything bad to me then? Celine asked her with a questioning look after hearing what the woman had to say. She decided to play it cool and try diplomacy first, as this girl may be like Myrtle, however if it looked like she was going do anything then Celine would defend herself by trying to break free and fight back.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Of course not said with a giggle as she cuddles even more. I only want to do good things to you. Why dont you just undress yourself and rest on the floor, it will only take a moment and then you can leave.

Celine could fee how the slime get slowly inside her clothes, if she dont do something she could lost the control of the situation, the strange slime touches were starting to turn hr on as they surround her and little holes start to appear in her whole cloth.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

"I don't mind as long as you don't hurt me, but let me get undressed before you dissolve all of my clothes, I don't want to catch a cold after all," Celine replied, trying to get loose to undress.
"Also this isn't going to result in me getting pregnant again is it? And I'll go ahead and warn you too that if you try to hurt me in any way, I'll fight back."

Celine would undress if the girl allowed her to, then she'd keep her sword in hand in case she needed it, not allowing the girl to pull it out of her hand if she tried to do so, as she may yet need it to fight back.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

The slime just cant resist the urge and have a giggle attack. Pregnant you? again?..."giggle" You are soo fun. Said the girl before let the elf undress herself. Why i should hurt you? You will be fine, so just let me pleasure, please. Once the blonde elf was undressed, the slime girl slide until get close her and start to kiss and caress Celine's body, looking to dont be worried by the sword on the elf hand.

Ohhh...do you have one of these, too? I will love this a lot. The girl said when she notice the now erect Celine's rod. Slowly the soft foreplay was making Celine turning on, her body was starting to get drenched with the warm slime, making her blush as this continue.

The strange slime woman was giving special attention to the erect member sucking at it with her thigh and slimy cunt. her breasts start to press against the elf blossom, and soon her whole body was so close to Celine than it could be dangerous use her sword.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

When Celine had gotten her clothing off, the slime girl slid over to her and kissed and caressed her body, not looking to be worried about Celine's sword in her hand as she did this.

"Yes I... do have a penis," Celine mumbled when the slime girl marveled at Celine's fully erect member.
"Can I at least know your name before we do this?"

Celine then watched the slime girl work her body and didn't try and stop her, and while she kept a hand on her sword the whole time, she did relax her grip on it a little. Celine leaned back and let out a loud moan as she was pleasured by the slime girl, which would let her know she was obviously doing a good job of pleasing Celine.

Celine simply allowed this slime girl to get this over with, after which she would decide what to do while getting cleaned up after their fun.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Heh... name... that dont really matter... call me... Amy The slimegirl said between kisses, her tounge looks to suck and lap the saliva from the elf mouth and the same happens to her others fluids. Celine sex juices were over produced by the arousal slime effects, even she could feel how the slime get inside her breasts before these take all her milk and place all inside the slime girl.

With all this pleasure building from everywhere, the blonde girl was unable to resist too much and cum, what the slimegirl loves before drink all again until the huge cook get tired of be milked. Leaving the blonde elf exhausted in the floor.

Good girl, thanks for feed me without try to fight. Hmm, maybe you should stop of use that sword and clothes, many monsters could turn agressive if you are wearing a weapon Amy said trying to dont piss the elf and her slime return to her body, leaving the elf clean again and ready to leave if she want.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Mind Flayer (Celine Genaus)

Celine heard the slime girl call herself Amy, but before she could really even do anything the girl's tongue invaded her mouth while she was kissed. Amy as she was called didn't stop there with kissing, she soon went on to Celine's breasts, where the young elf could feel the slime getting inside of them and drawing her milk out and into Amy.

Celine was unable to resist the knot of pleasure building in her loins that threatened to consume her mind as it grew. The knot finally burst and Celine exploded in orgasm, her juices squirting out of her honeypot while at the same time her seed spurted out of her cock with great force, leaving Celine breathless after the pleasant climax.

"I can't very well walk around without my clothes on Amy, I'll catch a cold and what if something attacks me and simply doesn't want my body and wants to kill me to eat me or simply because they don't like me. In that case I'd need a weapon of some sort to defend myself wouldn't I, plus I can use this blade here to get myself some food when I'm hungry, I have to eat too after all," Celine told Amy when she said she should simply stop wearing her sword and clothes.