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Milk Love 2. Parasitic City



Darkest Marisa is seen back 3000 years, October 12th 2005. She is with a humanoid robot assistant.

"Lila, this is the new age..." She shows her robotic assistant various test tubes and creatures made of gel. Lila scans the creatures, putting it in her database. "Duly noted, Lovely Marisa. What will they do on the surface?" Marisa laughs. "Well, I'd rather leave that up to the populace once they take over the world." Lila beeps, playing a sort of tune of disappointment. "As you wish, Awesome Marisa." Lila keeps scanning the creatures, trying to get a list of options for their purpose.

3000 years later, Kanami and Lila are walking down the streets of a small town in peace. Lila smiles to Kanami. "We're one of a kind. I'm still surprised I met another person like myself." Kanami thinks for a bit. "Well... I dunno how physically old you are, but believe me, it took a lot of research for those warriors to make me alive..."

Suddenly, Kanami is taken away by what seems to be a warrior in a ninja dress. Lila widens her eyes. "Kanami!" She runs after the ninja, leading up to a city that is not unlike Hospital City from Adventure 1. She looks around after she loses sight of the ninja.

A.) Check the alleyways

B.) Check the skyscraper building in front.
Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

Oh god. Back in Silent Hill.

Alright, hafta say, EPIC OPENING. I could see it happening, and now it adds a level of HMMM, WHAT HAPPENED? to it.

Let's see... If it's a flashy ninja from movie lore, we go for the skyscraper.

I'm guessing real ninja.

Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

Fuckin' A

(Decided to start taking part in these due to the first one)
Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

A... Ninjas have A names.
Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

Lila rushes to the gap between buildings. "Kanami? Kanami! Where are you?" Lila looks around the place when suddenly an unknown looking milker comes out. It seems like a Sucker Tendril, only pink and jellylike. She backs up a bit, then the sucker tendril hops up for her, suckling on her milk. What is different is, it seems like it is getting bigger with each gulp.

It stimulates her chest by way of drinking from her right breast, groping along the other with its other end.


A.) right arm pull

B.) Left arm pull

C.) Search for Kanami while being milked
Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

B - somehow I don't think wandering around with a sucker tendril attached is a good idea. Though whether it stays a sucker tendril...
Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

B. more leverage from left arm than right. By the way... Is she invincible at this point? No MHP (milk hp)...

EDIT: IGNORE THAT COMMENT... I already forgot Milk Love...
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Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City


I'm going to say that the answer is in matching the answer to the sucker, not reversing it, even though it might make a bit more sense in the real world.
Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

B. She's right handed if I remember right, but nevertheless it'd be far easier to pull with the left hand. Maybe try biting it!

The four surest moves for a sexy girl in the city:
Eye claw!
Hair pull!
Groin kick!
Bite bite bite!
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Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

Still going with fuckin' A
Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

(This is what happens when I wait too long. I am in a votelock. xD I'll think of something. Been tending to some pains that I got yesterday night.)
Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

A to break the tie.
Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

Lila manages to pull the parasitic sucker from her right breast. She then is able to use both to take it from her globes and toss it aside. The tentacle then scurries off.

Lila still looks around the alleywas. It seems this dark area is endless. The tall buildings on either side thick as well it seems.

A.) Keep looking for Kanami through the alleyways

B.) Turn back for the tall building.
Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

B. We've lost sight of a ninja. Even dragging a kidnap victim, how much head start does she have on Lila after the tentacle attack? Quite a bit I wager, and there's at least a 50% chance she didn't even come this way. It'd be a better idea to find out more of what's going on here.. and this tall building seems like the most important place in town. Investigation time!
Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

Lila begins to turn around, looking to the building. "That place looks oddly suspicious...." She moves back, then goes into the skyscraper. Business women in the form of warriors scramble around doing their business. Paperwork and all. They seem charged with their business routines more than capturing Lila. But she could hear Kanami squeak out faintly.

Lila rushes through the elevator it came from and then arrives at a hallway. She sees two doors.

A.) One marked MOIC Lab

B.) One marked Experiments
Re: Milk Love 2. Parasitic City

A of course. Lets find out what those acryonyms are.. Don't want to run into expeirments through I betcha Kanami are in them.