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Luna Crescent (Mindflayer)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Luna was greeted at the door by the training academy's CO, as well as one of the Doctors. She'd been summoned here for what had only been described briefly as some sort of simulated test she had to take in order to 'graduate' and move on out into the elite defense/rescue team world. As she entered the building, the CO introduced himself and the female doctor with him.

"Welcome to Arcturus Base Academy. I know you've been here before for various training, so I'll dispense with the usual introductions. I am Colonel Maybourne, current commander of this facility. This is Dr. Samantha Abrahms. You'll mostly be seeing her after we reach the preparation room. Now I know you weren't given too much detail regarding this test you need to take, so I'll fill in what I can, and then the good Doctor over here can fill in the rest."

He paused as they passed a checkpoint, heading deeper into the facility, before starting up again once they were moving.

"So as you know, or should from the training classes, a number of years ago we had a bit of an incident regarding ... let's just say overly frisky alien hostiles. They over ran one of our outposts, and it was some time before we found out what was going on. Eventually a small group of survivors, including the rescue and recon team sent to check in on the outpost, returned. What they shared with us was nothing short of a perverted nightmare. Unfortunately, we also know there is a good chance these aliens know, or have a rough idea of Earth's location, hence the creation of this facility. It's goal is to teach you what we do know about these creatures, their tactics, and, in the end, the simulation you're about to under take will give you first hand knowledge of what they can do without actually truly facing one of them. Now granted, it's only a simulation, but it's the best we can manage given these creatures ... unique abilities to directly manipulate body processes and even the DNA of their victims. However bear in mind that how you score on this will determine any future assignments you may have with this program/initiative, so I expect you to treat this as if it were a real mission with lives at stake. That said, I'll turn things over to the Doctor so she can explain the more medical and technical aspects of this device. I must return to my post now, good luck Captain."

After a quick salute, he left her with the Doctor, who for her part turned and spoke softly.

"OK, so I'll tell you as much as I can about this. Basically, you'll be undergoing a simulation of the very first encounter we had with these creatures, reconstructed from the surviving members of that doomed planet. Now the first thing to remember is that these creatures are beasts of lust and sex, and in both simulation and the real world, they won't stop trying to mate with you until they are dead. Now we've been able to make significant advances in technology since we created this simulation, so we can actually simulate the effects these creatures would actually have on your body should they come into contact with you. This will allow you to learn what they can do, and with any luck, figure out how to steel yourself against their attacks should you ever encounter them for real. Now, there are two methods for the simulation. One essentially allows you to put on a headset, and play it out all in your head like a video game, only you're actually in a form of stasis. In this state, your mind will still process everything I mentioned before. The second option is something of a live simulator. Basically you enter a holo-grid, and duke it out there. This has the benefit of actually allowing you to physically train yourself on top of the mental aspect, though it can be a bit more taxing. Which of the two do you think suits you better? I'll make the arrangements once you've decided, and if you have any questions, now is the time."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Luna paused and gave a quick salute to the colonel as she was greeted. "Sir, ma'am. Captain Luna Crescent at your service," Luna would say, before going at ease and following him and the doctor further inside the place. "And yes colonel, I wasn't told much. Only... well, report here for more training or some such," she'd add as she followed them along.

Luna listened to all that the colonel said, and nodded a couple of times. "It sounds fascinating, and... scary sir. But this Is what I signed up for after all. Whether I'm scared or not... it's my duty, and my job to face that fear and fight it. And if I can lead that charge... well, all the better, because I'm willing and able to do so," Luna would tell him, before giving him a quick salute in return, and turning to the doctor.

With that, Luna turned to Samantha and listened to all she had to say. "Creatures of lust eh..." Luna commented as she spoke, finding the knowledge of what these things would do until she killed them to be... intriguing to say the least, and also worrying, for she had never really had sex before, though she wasn't exactly a virgin per se... as she'd used toys before to satisfy her needs, when needed.

"It sounds less like they are creatures of lust, and more... creatures of pure instinct, primal instinct at that. Mating is one of the most base and primal instincts of humans. I don't see why it would be any different for any other species out there in the galaxy. Right? But that makes them predictable, which means it's a weakness that I can exploit. And the hologrid. I have to train my mind And my body both. I can't do half measures. And besides... I'm the first in here, right? That means you're likely scouting and training me to lead whatever unit you're both making to combat these aliens. Or am I mistaken? If I'm not mistaken, I have to lead by example," Luna would then tell doctor Samantha, looking more than prepared to do this.

"As for questions about all this. Well... first would be how long can I stay in that hologrid for at a time? Second... can they actually perform... changes on me in there like in real life. And third... hmm... ah, third would be do we have a means to strike back against these aliens should I be deemed fit to lead a unit against them?" Luna then asked.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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The doctor paused for a moment before responding.

"We thought more basic instinct at first ourselves, but once we started digging deeper and subsequent mini encounters with these creatures have suggested they aren't just basic instinct. At least not all of them. Some definitely use tactics, suggesting a higher level of intelligence, and others ... Others seem like they could be leaders. Even still, we've long suspected there's something else out there, something driving all of them, either controlling them, or guiding them. I wouldn't assume they're all going to be predictable, not even in the simulator. As for the first one ... well, that's a hard one to answer. The first ever to undertake one of these simulations no. There have been others before you, though you are the first one to undertake this with the new system paramaters since the full holo-grid upgrade."

She paused for a moment, considering the remainder of the questions before responding.

"Time is somewhat an interesting prospect within the holo-grid. We managed to find a way to actually alter time itself when inside of it, using a sort of time dilation technology we recovered and learned how to operate. Inside the holo-grid, it will seem like days or even weeks have gone by depending on how it's set up. But in reality, to your physical body and to us outside, only hours may have passed. We have equipment that can monitor your physical condition while inside. If they reach certain readings, we can begin the process of a temporary pause on the simulation to allow you to recover if and as needed. Even though you know time isn't exactly linear in there, don't be surprised if while in there you feel like you really have been at it for days, that's what it's designed for. Interestingly, our initial studies have shown that you should still manage to be able to train your body as if you really did go through all of that over the course of days. In a way, we've found a way to shorten the normal process of physical training. If this holds true with the latest rounds, it may have other uses down the line as well, such as physical rehab for those involved in incidents where they have to re-train their bodies to even walk.

As for changes, yes and no. While inside the grid yes, they can actually alter you the same way they could physically in the real world, though there's no chance of those changes existing once the simulation ends. We can also suspend the changes, allowing us to re-load them on subsequent trips into the grid for a later time should the need arise to pause it. As for the last question, we've been working on methods to strike back against them, unfortunately we haven't truly been able to test them in actual combat yet. The simulator will provide a weapon for you based on these technologies, however that can only do just so much. The only good thing is that despite their capabilities, they do at least seem to have some degree of vulnerability to basic weaponry. In theory, the worst case is you'd just need a lot of bullets or energy blasts to actually put them down for good. Depends on what you're fighting, and of course, if the enemy has anything new to throw at us that we've never seen before. Given what I've seen thus far, I wouldn't be surprised to have that happen some day, we just need to prepare as best as we can.

Now, if you're ready, I'll leave you to get ready. Once you're ready, step through the large air-lock like door over on the far wall, and enter the simulation. Good luck."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Oh I see. Well then, I guess I'd best make a good show of it in that case, heh. And time dilation technology... whistles... that's pretty hardcore. I'm no techno geek, but that can't have been easy," Luna repliedd and look around to the doctor. "Also... hmm... so are there difficulty settings in here then basically? Like... if I requested it, you could tone it down, things like that?" she'd ask curiously.

"If there Is something like that.... Don't pull any punches on me. Give it to me as hard as possible. These aliens won't be a walk in the park, that's for certain. So best I'm learning the hardest things they can hit us with, so that I'm therefore more able to adapt in the field. Right? This is supposed to be something like special forces training. Is it not? If that's the case, it needs to be hard to weed out those unable to handle it," Luna then said, cracking her knuckles and walking over to the air-lock door on the far wall and then back to the doctor again. "Any last minute things I need to know? Like... are my clothes okay, do I need to remove any metallic objects from my body, things like that?" she'd ask after opening the door, but just prior to stepping inside.

Assuming Samantha didn't tell her to remove anything, Luna would step inside and get ready, stretching and doing a few warmup movements to get her body more limber and whatnot, as she awaited the program to start. "Remember doc, don't hold back on me. Hardest settings," she'd call out.