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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Not that important. I went this time for moral support for the cuddlebuddy, who was presenting a paper.

Wound up doing more tourist stuff than actually sticking around the conference. Got Barbra Eden's autograph. Took pictures. Spent too much money (again) and came up with a new character for another game *laughs* Typical stuff. At least the train ride didn't take forever.

Also, awesome, if but pricey, food in that city. Spent more time being foodies than sight-seeing *laughs*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'll be in an operating theatre Thursday morning getting a pleurectomy. The surgeon said roughly a week of recovery time was typical. Wish me luck.
You better come back safely, I'm too young to be a widower. :x
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Wow. Google is really helpful. So I search "pleurectomy" and get "Pleurectomy is a type of surgery in which part of the pleura is removed." Where's that *headdesk* smiley?

Little more poking tells me what I need to know. Good luck, Squid. Seems something non-complicated (or as non-complicated as surgery gets), but warm, fuzzy thoughts heading your way anyway.

Something I didn't talk about prior to the Chicago trip was the fact that my Xiahou Dun car lives again. Apparently, while I was out with the cuddlebuddy, some dumbass pulled into my across-the-street neighbor's driveway, likely to turn around, she comes out, yells at him, and while he's backing out, he backs his ass end into the front end of my car. Knocks out the shield to my parking light, bends the bumper slightly, and chips the paint. Thankfully, my uncle witnesses this, so does my neighbor, and my mother just happens to be coming home in time to see it. Mom thinks the kid was on something, mostly because, well, he and his passenger hugged her. We got the insurance information, I call up to report it, and set up an appointment to have them appraise the damage.

Close to $1000 dollars later, I'm getting a check for the after-deductible fee and I'm not being found at fault (because my car was legally parked in front of my house). However, while I'm in Chicago, I get a letter from his insurance politely informing me that his coverage conveniently lapsed about a week before the accident (which is why he probably wanted to settle this out of pocket.) Thankfully, because he is at fault, my insurance is going after his/him to get the rest of the money. We'll see how things go.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I got a job guys! Thats why I haven't been around and why I swear ill post in tdl on Thursday.

Im making $10 an hour right now. In the middle of training for a call center. I get to deal with Verizon customers.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

That actually sounds pretty fantastic. Congrats!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'd say it was even more fantastic if I hadn't just cut my service with them *laughs* Awesome that you got the job, though, Chibs. I know you've been looking for a while, so glad to hear it. Good luck, too. I know jobs like that can be rough at times, so here's hoping it's smooth sailing for you.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Hello. I'm still in hospital, writing this from my bedside. I don't actually know for certain whether I'm allowed to charge this laptop from the wall sockets here. Different nurses have said different things. So I may be on for only an hour, or I may manage a bit more. Who knows. When they spot me they'll either tell me off or they won't.


Currently got a tube slightly over a centimetre wide jammed between my ribs. Great fun.

Nyah. Internets.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Sounds like you made it through the surgery all right, at the very least, Squid. Take care of yourself and rest up. Don't underestimate the power of pillows after surgery. And good luck in getting the nurses that don't care if you're online or not. If nothing else, distract them with cute videos of cats.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Have you been flirting terribly with the nurses?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Me? Flirt? Hah. I'm in for a lung operation, not a personality transplant. My elderly neighbour in the next bed over has been doing all the flirting.

Seems I'm not getting kicked off the laptop though.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Glad to hear you're still up and kicking, Squid. BRB, though. I hear a distressed new member of the family.

Copper adopted a new kitty today. She is currently under my mother's bed. Her name is Lucy. She is a long haired calico. Pictures to follow, when I can get her to mug for the camera.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

I just wanted to announce that the chick I was with for 3 years who left me for another dude told me she ended up getting herpes from him and racking up a few thousand dollars worth of debt between the two of them after just a couple years of being together. Good going, sweetheart. You REALLY made a great life choice with that fuck up.

Meanwhile I've moved into the entire first floor of a house in a rich neighborhood where houses start at $700,000 courtesy of a family friend so I can pursue my education and not get tied down to a boring and shitty career like she did because she chose her college major at age 17.


That is all.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

*slow clap*

I suppose this should be more than two words so in other news nunu is still working like a lackey. We've made the news a few times though, so either we are doing good work or slow news day.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, trying to find the old, ad-bot infested forum for reasons and so I do a search for "line marvel forum" and the first link that shows up is for Dark Gate. I just found that amusing.

Also, if anyone has a link, I'd be willing to risk venturing back in. There's information there I need to get.

Unless someone who was in SBS remembers AI's character's name when we were playing. Dre and I are trying to figure it out.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

If I remember correctly Tentacle Haven (if that's the old forum you're referring to) doesn't exist anymore. At least I couldn't find any trace of it while googling it, and I believe the old links to it in one of the incarnations of SBS here lead to nowhere. And I'm not 100% sure but I don't think AI's character was in SBS on Tentacle Haven. Though I could be wrong on that.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

True, but I was pretty sure I referenced her in Sho's profile, which I had up on there and changed when we moved here. Mostly just a dot in the shark, but figured I'd give it a go.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

So, trying to find the old, ad-bot infested forum for reasons and so I do a search for "line marvel forum" and the first link that shows up is for Dark Gate. I just found that amusing.

Also, if anyone has a link, I'd be willing to risk venturing back in. There's information there I need to get.

Unless someone who was in SBS remembers AI's character's name when we were playing. Dre and I are trying to figure it out.

Truly I have won the internet popularity contest.