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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

I can has announcement?

*clears throat*

Shrike is, as of two hours ago, in the realm of the unemployed.

Stupid mexicans... (No offense to the mexican community at large, of course ;) )
Re: Member Announcements Thread

D: Noes!

Because as of Yesterday... I'm no longer a student. After missing so many days of class due to various illnesses this semester including the flu, I've decided to do a medical withdrawal.

Now I need to find a seasonal job x.x
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well it's almost the Christmas season, so there may be people taking on for Christmas employment.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

On the exact opposite of Shrike, the resident Incubus has become employed in an job that can actually pay his rent for a change as of the last few days. In fact, I've been so busy, haven't been around much due to it. Here's a quick timeline so it can properly be appreciated:

Several weeks ago: Phone interview, actual interview

Friday: Get call, training starting Sunday until Tuesday.

Sunday: First day of training. 8.30am start. I haet mornings. Day feels like a monday due to shock of having to get up, but unlike a real monday, this one is worth doublepay. The venue appears incredibly well catered, as they provide good quality tea and coffee, as well as morning tea (cakes and pasteries and the like), lunch (Fancy looking sandwiches and sliced fruit) and afternoon tea (Varies from day to day, but was awesome). The training itself was at times helpful to life as a whole and not just the job as well. (Such as dealing with conflict like a ninja. I don't mean literally...)

Monday: Second day of training. The group leader who is training us discreetly approaches me during one of the breaks and mentions that the trainers are looking for supervisor candidates, and if I were do (example), I'd have a much better shot at it. I promptly do said thing mentioned.

Tuesday: Apart from being Melbourne Cup Day, a public holiday in this city, it's also the last day of training. (Yay, more doublepay.) Everyone dresses up as encouraged and I go to it in a suit. (Attire was normally neat casual. For me, putting on a tie and jacket was about the different between the two.) I enter the lunchtime fashion contest thing, not because I think my decades outdated suit is sexy, but rather to show I'm not afraid to, to further increase my odds of gaining supervisor position.

We make it through to the end of training, and I get confirmation I'll be employed (Some people didn't make it; the people in charge said they'd do us in groups because there were so many and called them out of the room for their final interview, which was their last chance to prove themselves) and read through my contract. Then, I, along with several others, were called out of the room for "The next group"; as I had already worked out the first group were the people who may not be returning (Because it was so hard to work that little one out) I was a little worried, but looked at the others in the group, and was all ":cool: I think we're the leadership potential".

Turns out I was right. :cool: I become a supervisor of a team of ten little minions. I also find out I'm needed to, on minimal supervisor training, work the next day starting at 6:30.

Wednesday: I get up early. I groan. I get dressed. I groan. I go to work. The morning is a disorganised mess above my head, but my team know what they're better than seemingly anyone else in this mess. I spend the majority of my 8 hour shift travelling to the four locations my team are spread across, and simply checking up on them, seeing if they need anything, ensuring they look presentable and are doing their job. I'm sure my job entails more than that, but with my superiors desperately trying to organise rostering over the next week or so, they haven't a chance to pass on what that might be. I also don't get the company phone I was promised yet. :(

I get a call while I'm buying lunch (Inconvenient), asking me if I'm able to work this afternoon as one of the team members in the afternoon shift (which is4pm to 7pm) at the closest site to my house. Being a fool, I say "Sure, I can do that." So when I get off work at 2.30pm after 8 hours, I go home, spend about 45 minutes desperately relaxing, and then go back to work for another 3 hours. I give the supervisor I'm working under for the evening shift (Who I trained alongside, so we know each other) some tips about how my day went previously, and we get on with our jobs.

All in all, I'm just glad to have a day off. After getting home last night, I went to sleep shortly after 9pm. Delicious sleep at last.

As far as what it is I actually do, my state is brining in a new electronic ticketing system soon for its public transport. We disperse ourselves around the transport network and are there to encourage people to switch over, and educate them on how it works. It's a psuedo-sales job, because there's no "I need to sell (number) (things) or I'm fired". And at this early stage, we're told to remain passive and not try to approach people; let them come to us if interested, because the system isn't out yet.

TL;DR summary: Incubus has a new job. He is now a commissar. He has a bolt pistol and will use it liberally. Not one step backwards, dogs.
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Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'd like to announce that one of my new bosses is a porn star.

that is all.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

She's kind of ugly and all kinds of stupid.

So no, not quite awesome... but very funny.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I can has announcement?

*clears throat*

Shrike is, as of two hours ago, in the realm of the unemployed.

Stupid mexicans... (No offense to the mexican community at large, of course ;) )

Woohoo, Shrike I cans join you in unemployment line. I'll bring the dice you bring the d&d books.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Today I saved the life of a child from being mauled by an Andean Condor, and the life of our newly born stingray by helping the zookeeper out with the water pumping equipment.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Okay, I want to hear more about the kid and the condor before I start feeling more warm and fuzzy for the baby stingray...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

More like several children. The condor cage is right next to our stingray exhibit (where I work), and we tend to get stupid kids/irresponsible parents who think that the fences and ropes laid on the pathways leading to the back of the exhibit mean that they can go back there. It's just an obstacle course, not a deterrent meaning that there's danger!

Note, to give a sense of dangers, the is a large bird; it has the 2nd largest wingspan in the world, surpassed only by the Albatross. The other two birds in the cages next to it are the and the , all of which have signs posted in front of their enclosures warning people not to get too close or they'll get pecked or clawed. Also, there are cement ledges used by the zookeepers to walk on or place objects on, of which there is about a 2 foot drop onto hard concrete of you were to fall; potentially lethal to anyone, and even more so a child.

Incident 1 today: Two children run back behind the Andean Condor/Bateleur Eagle/King Vulture cages, and I promptly catch them and escort them back to their parents, who apologized to me.

Incident 2 today: About 6 kids from a family outing run behind said bird exhibits. One of them climbs up and walks along the cement ledge with only a wire fence separating him and the King Vulture. I pull him off, and the parents yell at the kids to come over. The dad gave me a look like I did something wrong. Jackass.

Incident 3 today: A little boy, about 2 years old at most, went behind the enclosure and began walking on the cement ledge of the Andean Condor. The two birds begin eyeballing him and one actually started walking towards him. I take off like a rocket and start to climb over a fence while yelling at him to get down when his mom reaches her arms out and pulls him over said fence, simply saying "Oh, hey...how did you get back there?" as she's doing it. Then she just leaves. Oh, sure. No big deal. It could only have fucking mutilated him. And thanks for being polite enough to yell at him so you could even realize where he was. Goddamn lazy bitch.

But yeah. Just another day at work... @__@;
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Those sound worthy for Not Always Right, jeeze. Yeah, I'm more inclined to feel more sympathy toward the baby stingray than STUPID CHILDREN. Granted, now, I'm not the type to want to see children mauled by wild animals, but for fuck's sake...

Good work, man, even if the parents didn't appreciate it.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Thanks for being a hero Lucas, and SQUEEE! Baby stingray! x3
Re: Member Announcements Thread

You should've just let the retards get mauled, at least that way if they survived they'll know not to fuck around with potentially dangerous animals. And if they died, well their parent's would then know they should always wear a condom during sex.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Good job, Lucas. I wouldn't want to see kids mauled even if they are stupid. Though I actually think the condor sounds cooler than the baby stingray, but I like raptors.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I read it too quick and somehow registered saving a baby stingray from a condor.

Would have been both heartwarming and awesome at the same time, with no shame of saving stupid kids.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Nah, couldn't let the little dipshits get mauled, because then the parents sue the zoo for letting it happen, because you know that's exactly what would come of it, rather than a valuable life lesson.