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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Are you even able to physically kick yerself in the nuts?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

With my heel.

and yes, a toxic heel kick is a thing to dread.

..and yes, the fact I know I can hit my nuts with my heel means I've tried.
Re: Member Announcements Thread


well then...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I went to see Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs today and I can safely say it's the greatest film every created. (in my opinion at least) And I recommend you all see it. I was laughing all the way through it, and Bruce Campbell and Mr. T do voices for it and if thats not a good enough reason to see it I don't know what is.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Bruce Campbell and Mr T? I have to see that now.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh really? That's really good to hear. I was expecting something more along the lines of hearing my childhood rattle its chains and screaming as it was raped. Good to know somebody did right by the classic story.

I'm hoping to hear more of the same for the movie version of Where the Wild Things Are.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh, if you want the classic story in film form then you'll most likely be disappointed even if I haven't read the book to know that exactly, all I did was wiki it. It just seems like it was inspired by the book from what I read. Also, the Fantastic Mr. Fox film looks to be amazing. My childhood was jumping for joy when I saw the trailer.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

(Is a very big Bruce Campbell fan, and thoroughly dissapointed in himself for not knowing this already)

Bruce Campbell in Cloudy? OMG HAVE TOO SEEEE!!!

*Jumps up and down with joy*
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, I can tell already for the wild things movie that there's going to be disappointed people, for the sole reason that they took a book that had like 20 pages and a paragraph on each page... and made it a feature length movie. That's a lot of extra stuff in there that people are gonna be like "It wasn't like that in the book."

I say we let Where the Wild Things are be judged by the children of this generation, and not us. Sure it might be a good movie and all, but it is a movie for children.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

There's the trailer for Cloudy, judge for yourself whether you'll like it or not.

Also, Planet 51 looks to be awesome too.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Gonna be sending the puter to the local shop, did all my backups on a one-meg drive, so they better not wreck my puter or they haveta find all my hentai again!

Anyway, gonna be out for a bit
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Planet 51 has such a surprisingly cute looking alien dog. I giggle every time I see him.

And good luck Lurker.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Gonna be sending the puter to the local shop, did all my backups on a one-meg drive, so they better not wreck my puter or they haveta find all my hentai again!

Anyway, gonna be out for a bit

Good luck with that. But holy hell, you can fit all your important computer data in one tiny megabyte? Or did you typo meaning gigabyte? Still impressive, but not quite as shocking as a meg =P
Re: Member Announcements Thread

The only things I passed over was word docs, notepads, my favorites, stuff for a story idea I wanna start writing, my War3 models and map projects, and my adobe files I use for Warhammer 40K research, plus all my add-ons for blockland, just in case it fucks up royaly... And yeah, it was only bout half a meg on a meg-big zip drive.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Jeesh, I'm envious. One programming solution wouldn't fit inside a meg zip drive, unless I'd just started and hadn't added any graphics or something.
Re: Member Announcements Thread


Re: Member Announcements Thread

Welcome home Chibs... and Lucy is unable to speak at the moment. Call back later.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

excuse me while I put on "I love Lucy" reruns xD
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I went and saw Up at the movies instead of how I usually see movies (*ahem*). It’s very good. More importantly were the trailers:

Cloudy: I first thought Cloudy would suck back when I only knew the god awful title… but seeing the trailer made me go ‘holy shit, this is actually going to be good’. I don’t know that it’s going to be better than Up was - because up was pretty damn good – but it certainly looks like it’ll be something.

G-force: The G is for Gay. (As in ‘piece of crap’, not homosexual.)

Planet 51: Planet… Planet… Guh. Damn it, I was hoping I could manage to make perversions of the words for all movies that look like they’d be crap, but it seems I’ve been stopped at one. Admittedly it’s not even a quarter as bad as G-Force, but that just makes it crap with seasoning… I still don’t want to consume it.

Where the wild things are: I didn’t actually see this trailer going to see Up, I saw it a while back when I went to see… Transformers 2, I believe (bleck). I cannot help but think of H.R. Pufnstuf (<3 =3) every time I see this mentioned. It looks like it could be good, but it also looks like it may turn out to be crap. The trailer is ambiguous enough that I can’t even begin to make a judgment call.



I forget who it was that got to talk about G.I. Joe and a couple of similar ones that Hollywood raped and to which I was immune, having no knowledge of the subject. Well, now you get to watch me in similar agony as my own childhood gets torn apart… assuming you do not know of the subject matter. I’ll give you some info: he could soar high in the sky, he was someone brave and gentle and wise…

I shouldn’t have to spell it out for you. (Right click and save, just clicking probably won’t work.)

Anyway, what the trailer showed looked horribly Hollywoodified, like scenes out of Aliens vs Monsters, (which I have had the unfortunate displeasure of having seen, if not of having paid for seeing,) just with a better graphics artist and a name that makes the older generation more inclined to watch it. Now, it does seem like it’s got a legitimately good storyline, but the way they’ve played it out is looking to be nothing short of hideous. Not to mention the damn girl they added who seems to only be there to fill the hole of ‘generic love interest’ crossed with ‘token female’.
(…And then there’s the idea of a love interest for Astro in and of itself, and the fact that he very much seems to be Astro Teenager more so than Astro Boy…)

Is should be noted that I am not using Never Trust A Trailer in anything but the most minimal form, and so the movies could be far better or worse than their trailer is making them look.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

G-Force was... well a mindless kids movie. I know lots of kids who'd like it so, hit the target audience pretty well.

Cloudy... doesn't look up my alley.

Up... same deal.

Planet 51... The little dog based off the Xenomorph from Alien makes me giggle every time, and it actually looks half decent.

Where the Wild Things Are... I never read the book, but I picked it up the other day in a store (literally picked it up, not bought it) and flipped through. Like I mentioned somewhere on this forum, to have made a movie of a children's book that was like 20 pages long and with a paragraph of text on each one, that's a lot of extra stuff. So... could be interesting to see where they go with it, but considering they'll actually be able to put meat on a skeleton of a story.

Astro Boy... well, I never watched it. All I know is that Sly loved the show as a kid, and is eagerly looking forward to the movie.