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Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

very strange when someone considers you a women in this game XD

yes, it is xD. and for me it's a very uncomfortable situation :eek:
but that's the risk when you create a female character :)
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

yes, it is xD. and for me it's a very uncomfortable situation :eek:
but that's the risk when you create a female character :)

I think I might be playing my female avatar a little bit too well, cause I'm pretty sure at least two people have a legit crush on me :confused:

Don't know how I should feel about that...
Seeing how people think differently about the player sex interaction, I was wandering if there is a way to invite players that will enjoy it the same way you do... Like, if you want to have a "roleplay" experience and talk dirty and all that thing, and you invite someone who will also like that so both of you will have a good time.

I thought about some way to communicate that via the profile info, when you click in other player's character. Like some type of list that you scroll and define your preference (options like: Roleplay, Silent, Casual Chat, Game Chat, etc), and then when others click in your profile they see it and can judge if that's what they want. Also, when you get the invitation, it shows the preference in the confirmation window, so you can see and confirm or not.

What you guys think? I guess it would make the game more enjoyable for those that are a bit off...

I agree with that

I think I might be playing my female avatar a little bit too well, cause I'm pretty sure at least two people have a legit crush on me :confused:

Don't know how I should feel about that...

Wow, that means that you're a great actor.
But yes, it's not a easy situation

Btw, what your name in the game? Mine are Vinart for the male and Viny for the female.

MilesXXX, a great idea for your signature. It's a problem if I do the same?
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Still haven't heard from Serega or Vadim about MMO updates.

Rock on party people, PARTY ROCK!!!
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Still haven't heard from Serega or Vadim about MMO updates.

Means we can play da waiting game at MnF Alley ....

With drinks and senseless conversations :D :D

Oh and Miles I use ur sig for myself ... hope its okay, because the idea is great ?!?
MilesXXX, a great idea for your signature. It's a problem if I do the same?

Thanks, and no problem at all! Go for it. :)

Oh and Miles I use ur sig for myself ... hope its okay, because the idea is great ?!?

Sure, no problem! :)

Still haven't heard from Serega or Vadim about MMO updates.

Rock on party people, PARTY ROCK!!!

Hope they are making good progress in the game!

What kind of things you guys mostly do in the game while you wait?
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Hope they are making good progress in the game!

What kind of things you guys mostly do in the game while you wait?

Just chatting with people and have fun doing so :)

I agree with that

Wow, that means that you're a great actor.
But yes, it's not a easy situation

Btw, what your name in the game? Mine are Vinart for the male and Viny for the female.

MilesXXX, a great idea for your signature. It's a problem if I do the same?

My character is called Miss_May
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Thanks Miles!
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

yes, it is xD. and for me it's a very uncomfortable situation :eek:
but that's the risk when you create a female character :)

XD now i always put my hands forward, i write always, i want only lv up :D

but it's possible now increase breasts more of EE cup?
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

For myself, the character's name is AngelOfLove

I think I found some of you, not completely sure, either way, happy looking!
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

very strange when someone considers you a women in this game XD

oh God, now isn't that the truth! lol
Got so many messages of "hey beautiful"....Oddly enough that I haven't gotten one message that asks if am a girl or not lol.

People, if you see Midnight Ace in game, the person behind that avatar is a dude. By the way its so awkward when people talk during the sex scenes, and they want you to talk back to them dirty....like I don't know how to respond back as a girl lol.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

oh God, now isn't that the truth! lol
Got so many messages of "hey beautiful"....Oddly enough that I haven't gotten one message that asks if am a girl or not lol.

I don't need to know if they are a guy or a girl, I will just roleplay based on what the avatar is

I find it creepy if someone asks for my irl details, always found it creepy asking for someones details online unless you have really come to know them.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

I just play a little, wtf is wrong with Sanders Sisters ?I can't hold out more than 30 seconds on that bull xD
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

I just play a little, wtf is wrong with Sanders Sisters ?I can't hold out more than 30 seconds on that bull xD
Good for you!,i can´t hold even for 10 seconds(im suck on that game):D

Until now i have only one little "roleplay"(a girl ask me for sex:eek:), and all I did was I could not stop laughing, that was all that I feel about the roleplay. Maybe when play as a girl the things start got creepier!!!!:D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

Maybe when play as a girl the things start got creepier!!!!:D

I assure you that, but it's more creepier when the other person starts to asking about your real life :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

I don't need to know if they are a guy or a girl, I will just roleplay based on what the avatar is

I find it creepy if someone asks for my irl details, always found it creepy asking for someones details online unless you have really come to know them.

This. I really honestly don't care who is on the other side of the computer. I sure as hell don't want to tell strangers playing a porn game anything about my real life.

I really enjoy roleplaying both as my male and female character (although I play the male about 80% of the time). It really helps when you find people who get into the roleplay(RP) aspect of the game too. (Getting into character both during the sex scenes and in casual conversation.)

Since I've seen the animations dozens of times, the game gets really boring for me when the partner is completely silent and just clicks through the scenes as fast as possible. It's like having sex with someone who is just lying there waiting for it to be over.

oh God, now isn't that the truth! lol
Got so many messages of "hey beautiful"....Oddly enough that I haven't gotten one message that asks if am a girl or not lol.

People, if you see Midnight Ace in game, the person behind that avatar is a dude. By the way its so awkward when people talk during the sex scenes, and they want you to talk back to them dirty....like I don't know how to respond back as a girl lol.

Just respond as you think your girl would. Remember, they are talking to your avatar (who probably is very beautiful), not you. Simply saying "thank you" works fine. A lot of the time, when a RPer asks something like that, they are trying to feel you out to see if you're willing to at least try to roleplay. (If i were to say something like that and the person not respond, I would not invite him or her.)

If you're not comfortable with it, just say so. Most RPers are well aware of how awkward it can be, especially if you're just starting out. They will leave you alone if you say so, or try to ease you into the RP if you say you're willing to give it a try. As a newbie, don't feel like you have to talk nearly as much as your partner (you can gently tell them if they talk way too much, lol). Responding to questions, even if just one word answers, is much better than silence.

One last early RP tip: if you don't like to talk dirty, describing the action on the screen can be just as good.

If playing a girl really makes you extremely uncomfortable, it might be better to start as a guy. While it can be a little harder to get laid, if you find a female character who is good at RP, it's totally worth it. If you pay attention to how the female character RPs with your guy, then you can get ideas for how to react on your own female character if you ever play as her again.

Sorry for the long RP discussion. While it makes the game really fun for me, I know not everyone feels the same way. There's no wrong way to play, as long as you're having fun. :)

I just play a little, wtf is wrong with Sanders Sisters ?I can't hold out more than 30 seconds on that bull xD

I made it to like 50 seconds once. But yeah, I usually fail around 20-30 seconds or so. Playing that minigame single-player really isn't worth it, unless you like a challenge.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

For the Bull-Riding game my highest is 1 minute and 10-ish seconds if I'm correct :p

I know, why am I so excited to do well on a minigame on a porn MMO? I don't know either. But ah well!

I was the same.... I think I only got 1.08 but so often over 1 minute and then bam chaos breaks out and the bull goes rage mode
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

According to Vadim, they are working on some snow environments for the game, though he could not give any dates or timeframes on when we will see it.

And Kosmos said that Serega is working on some new content but no specifics where given.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games: MMO Discussion

According to Vadim, they are working on some snow environments for the game, though he could not give any dates or timeframes on when we will see it.

And Kosmos said that Serega is working on some new content but no specifics where given.

A rough time frame would be good so people know when to come back otherwise you could have people who get bored and forget about it.