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RPG RPG Maker [MASOP] Majokko Sharry: Heat Stroke 魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報 RE165898 RJ165898

Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

1.01 have many erorrs.
The town is defective safety once you reach about 100 am back to 0.

and you can not get more for whatever reason.

can no longer leave the school.
Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

HAHAHA omfg...
Now I understand what's wrong.
You need to be to go by foot at the right place to trigger events that progress the main story, otherwise it'll look like you're stuck.
If you get to a point where you can't leave the class room it means you didn't walk your way into the school...
This only means that this game isn't well built, because if you're meant to only progress on the game when you walk through a certain map, you have to forbid the player to do anything else but that, unless it's a free style rpg, which I'm quite sure this isn't one lol...
Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

So when you go at night you can change your clothing style, you can even go naked get some scenes with some new npcs that appear at night (different from the ones always appear)... but after this I dont know what to do, does anyone know what else you need to do to go forward with the story?
Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

So when you go at night you can change your clothing style, you can even go naked get some scenes with some new npcs that appear at night (different from the ones always appear)... but after this I dont know what to do, does anyone know what else you need to do to go forward with the story?

How do you change your clothes? I am at nasty level 200, but can't do anything with that beside story based cg.
Re: Ver 1.1 Save & Cheat

Literally 1 post above his and the post above that have the link to the game.

It's not obvious to spot because a blue "game link" was hard to notice and i thought it was a link to dlsite.
Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

So when you go at night you can change your clothing style, you can even go naked get some scenes with some new npcs that appear at night (different from the ones always appear)... but after this I dont know what to do, does anyone know what else you need to do to go forward with the story?

I basically followed the #1 rules of RPGs.
Talk to EVERYONE, about 2 to 3 times.
I've been progressing a bit like this and managed to do about 4 quest by now.
From my understanding, this game is like solving mistery cases, like poltergeist activity and stuff, because there's a couple of scene where the mc is raped by invisible cocks lel.
Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

You're a God Eti :D
Thanks a million!

point out where has mistake better (wrong word also ok)

if changed is momentary shame, if dont change is forever shame lol

why Thread: Game Over Rape is locked...... OMG
Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

point out where has mistake better (wrong word also ok)

if changed is momentary shame, if dont change is forever shame lol

why Thread: Game Over Rape is locked...... OMG

Can you fulfil my old request of walkthrough for the game RJ153452 (Beginning of adventurers, I had left download link in the thread Game Over Rape which was temporarily closed [it's open now!])? For that service I can point out your grammatical errors in your walkthroughs. Courtesy for courtesy. Deal? If you agree, please PM me your walkthrough link, and I will PM you your errors list :)
Just for a case download link for the game:
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Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

How do you change your clothes? I am at nasty level 200, but can't do anything with that beside story based cg.

In your room there is a mirror that shines at night, there.
Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

It's a shame half of the cgs were clothing variation :(
All in all I give this a 6 out of 10.
Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

If you're running a translation tool, the cat in your room gives you hints during the day. I'll list who you need to talk to as well as I remember (might be missing some, maybe Etigoya will make a full wt).

First quest: Sexual harassment, talk to the girl at the bottom right, then the woman in front of the library, then the man in the plaza at night.

Second quest: Underwear thief, walk into the classroom in the morning (don't teleport there after time runs out), then talk to everyone in the classroom, then talk to the guard captain, then talk to the woman just above your own house. After that, go to your classroom at night.

Third quest:Library thief, walk into the library during the day, after talking to the superintendent talk to everyone on the second floor. Come back the next day, talk to the superintendent, then talk to everyone on the second floor again. Talk to the woman outside the library, and maybe the guard captain. Then go to the library at night.

Fourth quest: Slave market. Talk to your classmates, then talk to the guard captain. At night, inspect the entrance to the monster zoo. Talk to one of the men in the bar. Talk to the people in the rich houses (southwest area). Go to the monster zoo during the day. The next day, talk to the women in front of the slums. At night, walk to the top left house in the slums. Inspect everything (one thing has a down arrow, walk straight down and inspect the wall). After you've touched all the clicky things, inspect the water basin and you can move it to find a door. Just walk through to the event.

Fifth quest: New witch. Go to school. After the event with the teacher go to the guard building. At night, talk to the same man in the bar from the previous quest. Talk to your grandmother. Talk to the the people in the rich houses. Talk to your teacher. At night, talk to your teacher in the plaza. Kill all the monsters (or lose to them), then talk to your teacher in your classroom.

I'm pretty sure that's everything. Again, there may be stuff missing/out of order, but I'm too lazy to go through the entire game again for a full walkthrough.

Notes: At 100% the heart meter in battle lets you use your super attack (it goes up by 5 every time you cast magic and 10 every time an enemy uses a sexual attack). Every time you use your super attack your lewdness goes up by 5. Inspecting the mirror at night lets you choose which clothes to put on...I haven't found a single thing this affects. As far as time goes, I'm pretty sure the exact time has no effect on anything. Certain events happen during the day, and certain events happen at night. You have a watch in your key item inventory that can turn time forward to the next time slot (first choice, Morning>Afternoon>Evening>Night(can choose to masturbate)>Morning. The second option with the watch changes time to morning of the next day.

CGs: Losing during any quest-related fight gives a CG. Certain NPCs at night will have sex with you for money if your lewdness is high enough. There aren't any game overs other than the final boss (pregnancy end); losing in any quest-related fight auto-completes the quest as if you had won.

Again, talk to the cat in your room (not the one in front of the school) during the day for hints. This game seems to have been created with a lot of ambition and completed with less features than intended.
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Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

Again, talk to the cat in your room (not the one in front of the school) during the day for hints. This game seems to have been created with a lot of ambition and completed with less features than intended.

cat give hint in v1.1
but a lot ppl start playing in 1.0 no hint from cat

BTW author in web say :





下着泥棒イベントを開始前に教室に飛ばされると教室から出られなくなる不具合を修正 repair hscene in 2nd quest the fight in school (add lechery one)



Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

Menu screen to display the Slut degree
· Town of security and Nasty degree Fixed a bug that becomes 0 when exceeding the 100
Fix the discomfort of-masturbation scene
Fixed a bug where generated movement and in the final stage time
- Nasty degree-related Fixed use effect of the item
• When is skipped to the classroom the underwear thief event before the start will not get out of the classroom Fixed
Fixed a bug that does not look at the Nasty state in-virgin loss event
· Fixed a display mistake of falling picture
• To prohibit the use of pocket watches in battle
· Typographical correction
-Trial version of the data takes over to be able to fix
• Using Fixed false representation of material
※ I have appended the description of the parameters to the readme.

then there is hope who distributes 1.02 ^^
Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

Second quest: Underwear thief, walk into the classroom in the morning (don't teleport there after time runs out), then talk to everyone in the classroom, then talk to the guard captain, then talk to the woman just above your own house. After that, go to your classroom at night.

How do you get to the classroom at night? The character always walks back from trying to get in the school area.
Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

This is frustrating. Dunno what I'm doing wrong, but I can't get in the slum house in the 4th mission.
Re: [MASOP]魔女っ子シャーリィ発情注意報

How do you get to the classroom at night? The character always walks back from trying to get in the school area.

make sure to talk to every one in the class room and then talk to the bottom right teacher NPC in the room before the classroom, you may also need to talk to the green haired NPC in the town area as well as another guy standin on the bridge on the lower mid left side of town before talking to the teacher NPC i was talking about.
This is frustrating. Dunno what I'm doing wrong, but I can't get in the slum house in the 4th mission.
make sure when you go to the tavern, you talk to the soldier, the guy to the left of the entrance, the maid. then go over to the slums, talk to an NPC (at night there won't be a nun NPC but a different guy), then walk over to the monster zoo and past it, a thing will happen, then go to the next night and you should be able enter the top left house in the slum area

for the 5th one (the actual slave trade one), you have to talk to everyone in the class and i believe the Elf NPC that's is in the middle of the school entrance, then talk to the head guard at the guard post, then try to enter the monster zoo tent at night, she won't enter and say to go the next day, then go to the tavern and talk to the gossiping people seated at the bottom left. the next day check the rich houses, talk to the guy on a couch(?) in the top left house, there will also be some papers close to the bridge that goes to the bottom left house. inspect them 2 times, it says a celeb show happens between the times 9:00 and 10:00 at the monster hut. go to monster hut during the day first, then inspect it at night.

for the 6th one, you go to the security office with all the guards, then go back to the rich houses area and first talk to the lady on the couch in the bottom right house, then the guy on the couch in the top left, then go and talk to the class teacher in the classroom. she tells you to meet her in the park at night, a bunch of monsters are summoned, you can either beat them or loose to them for the CG, nothing bad will happen. then the teacher will meet you in the classroom for the final battle, make sure you save before the battle if you want to get the ending CG's because this causes a game over, beating gets a CG if you went the slutty route, loosing gets a pregnant CG.
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