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Nox Home World

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Re: Nox Home World

"I...They...What?" comes out of Sho. She shakes her head. "It's gotta be a trick. Swear the Asgard have gotten sneaky, hanging around all us 'lesser beings' all the time. Nope. Not going to believe it. Not yet." She claps her hands together, mostly to bring Siphon and Aya back around. "We have Nox to wake up. Let's worry about them and then we can worry about the destruction of Alderan."

Best thing when there's a crisis, throw yourself into your work.
Re: Nox Home World

Siphon shook his head.

"Then they really have started an all out blitz against us. They've attacked the two back bones of the entire alliance already, chances are the Draque or the Wraith are next. Systematically they are going to try wiping out our allies, probably attack the Ori at some point as well before coming for Earth and us."

Aya shuddered slightly, but looked up at Siphon.

"Sho's right, we need to focus on getting the survivors out of here. Once we do, we can go over what information we do have and try to figure out their next move, try to come up with some way of slowing them down at least. One thing at a time though, besides maybe someone here got something off one of the bastards and can share something useful."

Vanessa nodded to Sho.

"We found out from Cassie ourselves. Speaking of which, she's rather occupied at the time being with Atlantis, which is good. Poor girl has been through so much lately, though I think there's more to it than we originally thought. I'll explain later. What can I do to help?"
Re: Nox Home World

"Yeah, once we clear outta heah, goin' ta need ta bend y'ear, Siphon," Ian states. "Business b'fore pleasure, though. Point us in a direction."

Sho, meanwhile, looks to be gearing to throw herself into her work, at least for the time being. "You know, we might want to get word out to the others while we're doing this. In the time it takes us to clear the Nox out of here and tinker with the city, the Klarnell could be swarming to their next target. Forewarned is forearmed, as the old saying goes. Unless our Ascended's going to show up again."

"Our what now?" Ian turns to look at her.

"Seems someone interfered with the wholesale slaughter of the Nox. Pretty sure it was an Ascended at this point, given the wide-scale hurt put on the Klarnell."

"Ho boy," he mutters, pinching a brow. "R'fresh mah memory: does this place fall under Atlantis jurisdiction?"
Re: Nox Home World

Siphon nodded.

"Both the Milky Way and the Pegasus Galaxies as a whole would. Messing with the anomalies, shutting them or preventing them from opening is one thing, but this ... This is out and out blatant interference, they didn't even bother concealing it. Which means either the Ancients are taking this so seriously they've suspended virtually all their laws, or they are in the middle of a power struggle over those laws. Either way, not sure in the long run this will bode well for any of us. You're right though Sho, we should get a warning out, let Peltas know to send a message to both the Draque and Wraith just in case. We should also inform them that the Klarnell appear to be at least part Nox, so they may have some of the mental abilities as well. We'll have to take one of the jumpers out, looks like some kind of scattering field ...."

Lianna shook her head after a moment.

"Won't be an issue now. It was in place should any Klarnell have managed to survive, so they couldn't try communicating out. You should be able to call out now."

Siphon just blinked for a few moments, then smiled slightly before raising up his crystal.

"This is Siphon. Talok are you out there?"

The message would also reach Sinnve, and her sensors would inform her that the field had dropped just a few moments before Siphon's voice came through her speakers.
Re: Nox Home World

((Hello! Trying to get back in here. Rather lost. Still in hospital whilst writing this. xD
Just to check I'm up to date, is the city still cloaked? Or is the "scattering field" part of the same mechanism that's been disabled?))

"That field dropping should help. See if we can beam the Nox citizens out, if not, my team will get started on helping to move them right away." Ellisia answers, ready to proceed however suitable. The other two knights, likewise.

Sinnve receives the message and continues to look up to the city.
Re: Nox Home World

((City just decloaked now since they have to be decloaked to beam people out. And shit, you alright?))

Talok replied to Siphon, and the latter quickly caught the former up to speed.

"I believe I can transport all but a few up and still have enough air to get everyone to Peltas just fine. You'll need to take the last half dozen or so by jumper back though."

"Alright Talok, will do, start locking on and beaming folks up, then head back to Peltas. This shouldn't take very long, least I hope not. See you back home, Siphon out."

A few moments later, Nox all around the city that were still alive began transporting out to Talok's ship, leaving Siphon, the Knights, Elissia, Sho, Ian, Vanessa and the two Nox they had been with still standing.

"Alright, let's go get the last of our friends and get them to the jumpers, then set this city to slumber before getting out of here. You folks ready?"

Talok meanwhile had finished transporting out folks, and sent a transmission to Sinnve.

"Sinnve this is Talok, are you ready to transport back up? We will be leaving shortly."
Re: Nox Home World

"Certainly." Ellisia replies, "Lets move." Stepping forwards, with her two other knights naturally moving with her. If there were still any other Nox to be collected, the knights would make use of their sixth sense to help seek them out quickly and efficiently, and accompany everyone back to the Jumper.

Sinnve meanwhile receives the transmission, watching over the fortunately quiet scene. "Rodger. I'm ready whenever. Bring me up as soon as you're leaving." she answers.
Re: Nox Home World

There's a little bit of a whimper out of Sho as they mention how many people are going to be in the jumper. "Maybe I'll catch a ride with Talok." Whether or not that's feasible, she'll still help to round people up and get folks where they need to be.

Despite helping out, Ian looks a little troubled. Clearly something, or several something's, are on his mind but it's a matter of soldiering through the task at hand before dealing with any of it at the moment.
Re: Nox Home World

Siphon nodded to Sho.

"I'll check with him if you want, but remember we do have two jumpers. Damn good thing too, cuz this many people would never fit into one jumper in one go."

Using their senses, the knights found four more Nox that were still out cold, and within a few minutes they had managed to move everyone that was still alive. Once their guests were secured in the first jumper, they would begin to divvy out who was going in which jumper.

Once that was figured out, Siphon then would notice Ian's troubled look.

"What's on your mind Ian?"

((Let's see, we have Sho, Ian, Vanessa, Six Nox, Siphon, Four Alverans, Aya and Three Etherians if I have counted right. So that makes 18 to split into two jumpers. So 9 in each for proper balance, though you can get up to ten in a single jumper I think. Hmm, Sho may wanna ride with Talok anyway haha. I'll let Copper reply before we actually move this onward.))
Re: Nox Home World

"Eh, just mulling over in mah head what's been goin' on. Plus, what we need ta talk t'ya about." He waves his hand. "It'll keep. Just don't go disappearin' on us once we get back ta the station."

"Yeah, if you'd do that?" Sho asks, especially seeing the numbers that they're dealing with. There's really no way she's going to be comfortable in the jumper and a jumpy weather witch isn't exactly a good thing in an enclosed space.
Re: Nox Home World

Siphon nodded to Ian, then grabbed his communication device again.

"Talok, you still in orbit?"

A moment later he got a reply.

"I am, just picking up Sinnve now."

"Good, beam up Sho too would you please? We're a little crowded for room down here."

"Stand by for transport."

A moment later Sho found herself on board Talok's ship, on the bridge no less.

Finally ready to go, they loaded into the jumpers and made their way to the gate, and finally, through back to Peltas.

Sinnve was beamed up a few moments after Sho was, and then they were on their way too.

((Feel free to have Sho say something to Talok on the ship, moving everyone else back to Peltas!))
Re: Nox Home World

It takes Sho a minute to orient herself, likely spinning around in a circle before she realizes that she's on the bridge.

"Thanks, Talok. I really owe you for this one. So does Siphon, since it'll probably keep me from wrecking the jumper," she adds with a laugh. "Just point me to where you want me to hang out for the trip home and I'll get out of your hair."
Re: Nox Home World

Talok nodded to her.

"No problem, and anywhere is fine. This won't be a long trip."

After a moment, the ship jumped into hyper-space and they were on their way.

((And now they are both back to Peltas!))
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