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Mary (the64bitbot)

Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The options screen fades away and the world slowly fades in; Mary finds herself in the empty room where she had fought the pirate's ghost, Aly standing next to her and waiting for her to lead her through the door at the other end, to the part of the cave the two hadn't explored.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary smiles as she say Aly. "Ready to get going? Let's go!" Mary says with a huge smile, cheering as she hurries through towards the unexplored portion of the cave.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"I'm ready" Aly replied with a smile, and she followed after Mary when she opened the door. The cave here seemed smooth, and had probably been widened by the pirate when he had used it to house his treasure. They head east for a while before they come to a T-Junction; the northward path seems sloped upwards, so Aly suggests they go south, which they do until they come to another fork. They can head south or east. "I think I hear a noise to the south, but I'm not sure what it is."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Let's head that way, just to check then, and probably be careful." Mary says, leading the way for Aly to follow, taking a defensive type stance just in case there are any nasties hiding around.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The two head south, and Aly stops Mary before they head into a room. "I think I hear buzzing, but I'm not sure" she said, eying the room carefully. Mary, however, can't hear a thing.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Buzzing? I don't think I like the sound of that, though I can't hear it. Forget it then, I trust your ears, we'll had back the other way."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The two head back north and east, and after a long trek arrive at another ornate door, this one with an elaborate padlock on the door handle. It looks like the key they found when they defeated the pirate's ghost would probably fit in the padlock.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary smiles, taking the ghost captains key and trying it on the lock. Obviously treasure awaited them behind this door.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary was right, obviously. The key easily turned in the lock, and the padlock fell away. She and Aly walked into the room behind it to find a pretty massive treasure. "Wow... I've never seen so much gold before" Aly muttered, clearly amazed by the gold and jewels laying in orderly stacks all around the room. More amazing were the statues, pure gold or silver, that were perfectly in the shape of men and women... While the two milled about amongst the treasure, the gold slowly began to fade from the statues, and they heard a weak whisper. "Pl...e...ase... he...lp..." it called out, in a raspy male voice. Aly whirled around and looked to see the ashen face of a real, flesh and blood human man staring at her, his bottom half still gold. "Oh my Gods..."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Wha..." Mary was in shock, seeing the person like that. She couldn't possibly imagine what was happening. When her voice finally returned it was frantic, even as she tried to stay calm. "Yes, yes! Of course, how can we help you? Please, tell us."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

As Mary watched, the gold slowly receded down the man's body, the same happening to the other "statues." "Wa...ter..." the man weakly whispered as he began to fall to the floor, unable to support his weight. There hadn't been any water around in the cave for a while now, but Mary could either search for it, or try to find a solution magically.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"R-right!" Mary said, trying to use her magic to make water, and asking Aly to go get some if she couldn't, she had a feeling Aly was quicker than her.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

While for some reason Mary couldn't make water directly, she realized that she could make ice and then melt it. Aly went around the room, gathering up gold and silver goblets in which to serve the water, and went around handing them out to the people when they were full. The men and women eagerly gulped down the water, seemingly extremely thirsty. When they had had their fill, the man from before began talking again, his voice more normal this time. "Thank you for that. You must have beaten the pirate's ghost, his magic is slowly dissipating." In all there were three men and four women in the group, all of them quite naked, and they were slowly regaining their strength after however many years they'd spent as statues. Mary could wait for them, or she could start on her way out of the cave with the treasure in tow, letting them rest longer.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Yes, it is no problem, I am glad you are all okay!" Mary says happily. "And yes, the ghost is defeated."

Mary couldn't stand the thought of the people being left alone after so long, so decided to stick around to see if anyone them wanted an escort back to town.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary and Aly stayed with the recovering adventurers as they slowly regained their strength after years of inactivity. "We should be fine, you've probably cleared out most of the way through to the exit, and there's nothing between the exit and the town" the man they'd been talking to said. "Besides, monsters tend not to attack big groups, so feel free to go on ahead or explore a little more."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary nods. "Alright then, we will, thank you and I hope you're all okay."

She leaves the room, turning to Aly. "Were there any areas we hadn't yet explored? Aside from that buzzing room..."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Aly thinks for a moment as she pulls a bit of the treasure along behind her on a magical disk. "I think there might be an area we haven't seen up past that incline" she said finally.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary nods. "Let's head up that way then." She says, leading the way.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary and Aly head north towards the incline they'd seen earlier, treasure in tow, walking up it and then to the east briefly before the path turned north again. They eventually reached a large, empty space, with a path branching off to the west and another to the north.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Not really paying attention, Mary started off on the North path, hauling the treasure behind her, not even realizing she hadn't even been here before.