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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Now without work to do and the great posibilities to spend the time. Micra soon turn to her Mistress and the others remaining maids in the room. Im sure that both, Miss Mae and Miss Rosarita will return soon, so how about if we use a little game to decide the pairs? Or we can also talk about the mysterious secret place in this Mansion, is a secret laboratory or a place full of interesting objects? The loli maid said trying to create some fun for the others but maybe she should wait for the answers of the others ladies.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Sammy flushes an even deeper shade of red as the mistress speaks to her, always a feeling honour and a sudden rush of shyness at granddaughter of the man that saved her grandparents from certain doom whenever she spoke to Sammy.

"Uh... um, of course my lady!" Sammy replies happily at the seating order suggestion and with the speed and grace one wouldn't normally associate with someone carrying quite a large suitcase Sammy quickly makes her way to her seat and sits down next to Rin. Smiling at a potential new friend, and competitor for Harriet's affections, Sammy offers the girl her hand to shake.

"Uh, hello again," The alien starts, addressing both Rin and what is left of the group. "I'm uh, Sammy Perkins. Like my parents and their parents before them I'm to be a maid here. Hrm... that's kinda obvious really... It's kind of a family tradition, I guess? Yeah, that's it. I do hope you all can accept me into this house, and that we can all work together!" Once finished Sammy offers her biggest and warmest smile to the group.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"Huh? Wha- Wait, Rin didn't...!" Though she called after the Mistress the short maid was unable to get Harriet to turn around, and she could only watch as her employer returned to her rock and sulked by her lonesome. "Rin didn't mean it like that..." She really didn't mean to make the Mistress depressed like that, and as she worked she considered stepping over and apologizing. Each time she did her head popped up to give a quick glance toward Harriet, and each time she saw the sulking woman the urge to apologize became even stronger. But as she was preparing to do so she heard a faint little giggle from behind her back. Did she just giggle at Rin? Rin had no idea what to make of that, and she just threw herself back at her work to try and keep her mind occupied. It wouldn't be good to start questioning everything right now.


As yet another maid entered the room Rin wondered just how many servants Harriet thought she would need. In any case there was another warm body ready to serve the Mistress, and with all the other help that would take care of the lesser duties it sounded like this job would be getting easier. Maybe she could finally get a chance to snoop-

"Hmm... oh, why don't you have a seat next to the short one over there? Her name's Rin, she's very friendly."
The new arrival was practically thrust into Rin's lap, and as the woman made her way closer Rin immediately noticed just how graceful she was. She moved with a clarity and poise that could only have come from years of training. If she was that graceful while carrying such a large suitcase then there was no way Rin could compare! Stop that! This is not a competi-

Her thoughts were interrupted as the new arrival offered her hand in greeting, and in what was probably an odd move to make Rin clasped the hand with both of her own. "H-Hello!" Even if she berated herself for it there was no stopping the slight pangs of jealousy she felt at seeing just what a shining example this woman made as a maid. When Sammy introduced herself to everyone Rin soon learned why. Sammy had come from a line of servants. It was her station. Her breeding. She had been trained to serve the Jones Family since birth. It was no wonder she looked so perfect.

"All right!" Rin came to some conclusion, and as she did she stood up with a rather determined look in her eye. "If Rin is going to become a better maid then she must do what she does best! Time to go snooping!" It would be a bit of a shock to hear her talk like that, especially for Domonic. "Please excuse Rin." A polite bow was given to the Mistress, and once she was back up she suddenly reached for Sammy and grabbed at the woman's hands. "You come, too! That way Rin can show you around!" With that she started dragging her new coworker toward the door, and if no objections were made she would be off to start exploring.

But her trip wouldn't head all that far. She made a beeline for the Nurse's Office, and once she arrived she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks. "Okay, Rin just needs to build up some nerve..." And with that she carefully poked her head in and began to search. Her eyes looked all around, and only once the area was clear would she delve deeper. It almost looked like she was stalking someone, and in truth she was. Her target was the cyborg she saw earlier, and once Emily was found Rin would hide and watch the woman work in secret.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"Uh, um, wha- Aaaaaaah!" Sammy cries out in surprise as she is suddenly taken by the hand and hauled bodily off her seat, her grace and poise seemingly lost as the girl is dragged along, hopping on one foot while trying to keep her suitcase from flailing around with the other hand.

"This wasn't what I had in mind when you said we were going to go snooping," Sammy comments when the girls finally come to a stop outside the nurses office, a hint of disappointment in her voice. "If you want something to calm your nerves I may have something in here..." Dropping her suitcase on the floor Sammy opens it up to reveal an assortment of clothing, primarily boyish-looking shorts and underwear as well as a collection of personal effects. Rummaging around for a couple of minutes the sound of glass jingling against each other can be heard before the young alien pulls out a bottle of premium vodka before hiding it under her clothing once more and doing the suitcase back up. "Just don't tell the mistress about this though, yeah?"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

After spending some time looking into all the rooms on the second floor, Rosarita found them all similar to each other, with the exception of the rooms already lived in. Not bothering with exchanging, she left her belongings in the same room she had initially placed them in. There would be time for personalization and adding things later. Having taken care of that small hassle, the glasses maid retreated back to the air condition room where they had been lounging in earlier, not having any particular hurry with the whole thing. The current thing in her mind was getting to know the others better, allowing her eventual merger into the group. There might be fun times involved in this, so the maid in the mostly see-through dress sat herself down near the others, seeing if they had something planned.

(Rosa will take the room on the right and highest up on the same batch of rooms where Micra and Rin are. You know, the dark orange room two up and one right from Rin's.)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Her communion with the Archangel Saphine concluded, Mae ended her prayer and the shining light of the heavenly host receded from the maid's room. Mae stood back up and then undressed, laying out her maid uniform for the laundry before turning towards her closet and slipping into a cleaner spare uniform.

She then walked to the laundry room and deposited her worn uniform in the hamper and inspected the amount of laundry needed to be done. It seemed she would require a few more articles of clothing for a full wash.

And so she went back around the house, informing anyone and everyone she saw that she would be collecting laundry from them shortly and that they should put anything they needed washed in their hampers shortly. Along the way she bumped into Sammy, the newest maid to come to Marshall Manor today.

"Oh, well, hello. My name is Mae, will you be working with us as well?" Mae did not exactly show off her wings, but neither had she retracted them out of sight, meaning that it was still fairly obvious she was not a normal human. The heavenly and sexy blond maid then noticed the bottle of vodka in Sammy's hand. "Oh, well that's interesting. Best to keep that away from the Mistress. She's likely to take a nip or three from it."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

In an instant Rin leave taking Sammy with her. But they had worked for this family their whole lives... How they cant had meet each other before or know all of this house? The android maid said to herself, as she was leaved alone with Harriet and Cammy. She was expecting pass more time with the others maids and her Mistress, but all looks to dont pay attention to her, the work and Harriet. Also, she dont have any topic to talk to them, but Micra will try again to make a conversation.

So, at least four of us had served Harriet-sama family for years. Any other employer had also worked their whole life to this house, Mistress?

Sorry to ask. but, what kind of order can Micra give to you Mistress?


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Huh?" Rin was a little too busy trying to go unnoticed by the robo-nurse to realize Sammy was opening her luggage, but when she saw the bottle being offered to her... "AH! No no no no no! Rin doesn't need to relax!" Surely she jests... "Rin was going to snoop on the doctor and try to get over her fear of non-humans and she isn't old enough to drink and and..." At that point Mae arrived, and the angel immediately noticed the bottle of booze in the new girl's hand. Rin turned bleach white at that point, thoughts of being caught red-handed with controlled substances when she was far from being legal. There was no way an angel could ignore that, not when it was right in front of her face!

With the possibility that she could be damned to Hell for all eternity on her mind Rin immediately grabbed the vodka and stuffed it back in the suitcase before slamming the thing closed, all within the span of a second. After that she jumped right behind Sammy and made sure she was separating the the holy maid from the shortly maid. "RIN WASN'T TAKING IT! RIN KNOWS SHE'S NOT LEGAL! RIN DIDN'T SIN!"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Seeing Rin's over the top reaction, Mae couldn't help but giggle lightly, before relaxing her visage into a most benevolent smile.

"Of course not Rin. I do not think you have sinned, and even if you had, I would forgive you if your apology was earnest and felt in your heart. So fear not. All is well."

The angel did not understand what about her own visage could be so frightening to the young girl, but maybe if she took extra care to be extremely nice and angelic, the little maid would be at ease.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Uh, hey the-" Is all Sammy could reply with before Rin's dramatic display of innocence. Sammy let out a small laugh at Rin's behaviour before standing back up and picking up her suitcase.

"Anyway. Yeah, I'll be working here from now on. I'm Sammy, nice to meetcha'," The alien replies, offering a hand to and a slightly curious look at the angel as she caught a glimpse at the tip of her wings.

"Um, you mean there's other 'non-human's' here?" Sammy asks Rin after the introductions are over with, the ever present curiosity in her voice, her gaze falling once more onto Mae.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Mae felt Saphine's eyes leave her, and the lighting in the room returned to normal, the heavenly radiance leaving along with the archangel's presence. The chill of the mansion's air conditioning swept over her skin again, replacing a warmth she hadn't noticed until it had begun to fade, but she quickly recognized it as the warmth of Heaven, God's own radiance. It felt... good. Even having just escaped the heat of the hot spring outside, it felt good.

It had already been a year on Earth. Perhaps it was just a blink to an ageless being such as herself, but that would have been quite a while, to any mortal...

She left to gather up some dirty laundry, taking them down the stairs between the Mistress' suite and Cammy's room, down the stairs past the door to the hot spring, and into the basement, where the laundry room waited for her. The basement was far less fancy than the upper floors, with far less wallpaper and far more concrete. A metal door denoted the boiler room on the right, and unmarked double-doors ended the hall abruptly - but Mae was more interested in the laundry room, unlocked and on the left - which she found to be huge, well-equipped with a veritable bank of washers and dryers, and several shelves, racks, and tables of storage for linens and freshly laundered clothing, once again equipped for far, far more people than whom lived here currently.

When that was done, she went back upstairs - running into Mae and Sammy just outside the TV room.


"Helloooo~" Harriet said absently as Rosa walked back in to the TV, not looking up from her computer, while some show played on the TV - in giant, glorious widescreen HD, of course. The angel was still not there, however excepting for the new arrivals and Rin, everyone else was - Micra and Cammy were on one of the sofas, while Harriet fiddled with her computer and Domonic stood off to the side, looking cheerful and far less terrified than when she'd first seen him, when the mistress had them toy with him for her enjoyment.

When Micra muttered to herself, Harriet seemed to look confused for a minute, and then focused in on her computer even further. She didn't look up from her computer, but she replied anyway; "Well, actually... Mae's only been with me for a year, now... Rin even less than that - what was it, six months, Dom?"

"No... no, only three."

"Only three? Huh. Well, at any rate, she's pretty new to the family as a whole. Sammy's been with us forever, but she's usually was with grandpa or uncle or whoever, not me... then there's you. I dunno how long you were with Lucas... And there's Cammy, of course... she can tell you her own story, I'm sure. She is right there."

"...There!" She said, and in short notice...

"But they had worked for this family their whole lives... How they cant had meet each other before or know all of this house?"

...Micra found her voice being played back to her.

"I suppose you picked up some shiny black thing out in the yard sometime ago? Those are my surveillance mic/cams. I'd like it back, if you don't mind. And as for orders... like I said, only if you got Dom into that string bikini."

"...Huh?" asked the butler, completely perplexed, the realization of what Harriet had tasked them to do not yet sunk in.

"You guys didn't, though, so-"

She was interrupted by something from outside. Though extremely muffled, it was still quite distinct:


The mistress stared a little before continuing. "...So, yeah. No deal. ...Though... wait, come to think of it, let me..." she pulled herself away from her computer a moment to rifle through her purse, before pulling out the same mankini as before. "...It looks like I forgot to put it back. Everything off but this." She gave a devilish giggle. "You still wanna try? He's right there."

"...Huh??" Domonic said. He definitely looked worried, now.

"For make benefit glorious nation of Kazakhstan, yes?" She said, grinning at the robot while she stretched the bathing suit out between her hands.

Look, a status display! And it only took me ~3 months to figure out that maybe I should post one. Herpity derpity doo. F = Favor, S = Stress (current/limit).
S 8/20
F 24; S 6/30

F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 9; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 6; S 6/30
F 6; S 0/30
According to my book-keeping this should be all correct - if you've got otherwise, please PM me.

Mae and Sammy have never met before, though are probably familiar with each other's existence, at some basic level - as in, "oh, I've heard of you", and whatnot. The Jones family, tied to an international corporation and all, are kind of massive and spread way out.

Feel free to decide whatever you lot are watching, TV-people.

Alivia's in the kitchen, FYI.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Yes," said Mae, shaking Sammy's hand formally. "There are other not quite humans here. But as I'm sure young Miss Rin will find out, we're quite friendly."

She straightened up and fluttered the tips of her wings.

"Now then, I am collecting laundry. Miss Sammy, if you brought anything that needs to be washed, please add it to your hamper soon. I'd like to get the washing started now while the Mistress is settled and relaxed."


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Nope, just arrived so I don't have anything that needs cleaning yet," Sammy replies with a smile though her brow furrows ever so slightly as the alien realises this woman already has a foothold with their mistress.

Looking the angel over once more Sammy ponders just how hard she'll have to work to get in close with the mistress. She is about to ask Mae though realises she's probably kept the angel for too long as it is. "I should make sure my partner is going to be fine," Sammy says as she begins to turn away from Mae, concerned about Rin's little freak out. "Guess we'll see you later."


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The maid like doll stay hearing the answer from her Mistress, it was really interesting to know that each of the maids had never know each other in person, even when some have lived their whole live serving Harriet family. It was hard to decide if she should say the time from her first day or when she was completely created to answer how much time she lived with her creator, she was wondering to herself when she heard her own voice.

Ehhh?... How? Micra exclaimed surprised, as she look around for the sound source and quickly started to look inside her clothes for the camera, when she heard the explanation of Harriet. I...im really sorry, Mistress. It was not my intention. Please take it. Said blushed the pink haired maid as she lend the camera. She never tried to take it for herself, as she just forget to place it in their place again.

Then all goes worse, she just forget too that her Mistress was expecting than they also make that Mister Demonic wear that strange outfit. Rin shouts make Micra turn for an instant, but she return her sight to her Mistress and the butler who looks that this was a little embarrassing for him, maybe he will refuse to wear this in front of a lot of ladies.

Micra was starting to turn completely red, as she could be when she remember the well build body of the man when she touch it. It was just to much for a simple task.

A-a... As you wish. My Mistress. I...ehm... Said as she start to turn to the mankini and the man in a continue circle. For Kazakhstan... Said completely blushed as her mind system fuse both images in one when she place the bikini between she and Demonic. She really dont want the prize so much to do this, but it will make her Mistress more happy and it was her work as a Maid, anyway it was just a piece of cloth, nobody will get hurt if the butler wear this for a moment.

It..it must be now? Maybe Mister Demonic will prefer to wear it when he use the hot springs. Can he wear it behind his clothes?...sigh... The android decide to just take a moment to calm herself and then turn to Demonic once again... well more likely the close wall.

Im so sorry Mister Demonic, its not my intention to embarrass you in any way, im still feel bad about what happened in the contest, but its my work as a Maid. Said Micra trying to endure and dont cry, as she walk slowly toward him. I just want to be a good maid, but this time i want to do this the right way. Please Mister Demonic wear this for a moment, just for our Mistress, i will make the others turn to other side if needed, if you want i can wear this before you or make another thing to pay this debt, maybe make your lunch or give a massage after a long hard day, please. End to say the Maid as her hands lay over the sides of Demonic, looking him direct to his face, expecting that the human accept for his honor as a man and she dont have to use another dirty trick to make him wear it.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"It's no big deal. It's not like it created a blind spot my enemies could have used to sneak in, poison us all and steal our secrets or anything." Was that supposed have sounded comforting?

"Anyway, I can hear and see you from these, provided I'm actually checking them at the time. If not, you'll be recorded, and I'll probably see you there, eventually."


"What?! Even if they turned around, I'd still be practically naked, Micra!"

"Hehehe. You can say no if you don't want to, Dom."


"Well, that tears it. Micra, if you want him in that thing, it looks like you're gonna have to push him down, rip off his clothes and put him in it yourself."


"Of course, you'd probably have a hard time doing it yourself, so you might want to get some of the other girls to help you. Wouldn't that be nice, Domonic - surrounded by girls that want you naked?"

"NO! N-no it wouldn't, Harriet!" He'd gone a shade of scarlet brighter than they'd ever seen before - though whether it was from embarrassment or anger, it was hard to tell. Perhaps the Mistress was going too far this time, but... come to think of it, none of them had ever seen him get angry...

"At any rate, you don't have do it either, Micra. I mean, Lord knows, it's not as fun if you're not half-naked too."


Just then, a click signaled that the door had opened behind Rin, and the click of shoes on tile alternated with a metallic clanking.

"You guy's are really noisy, what's going on out here? Is everything alright?" came the doctor's voice - a bespectacled Asian woman, whose black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, a white labcoat over a crisp pink blouse and a dark blue skirt that reached to her knees. Noticeably, her limbs on her left side are all obviously robotic - and the pale blue light coming from her left eye told the maids that it was cybernetic, as well. The rest of her appeared perfectly human, though. The light swept over each of the girls in turn.

"Oh, hello Rin. How's your eyes? Still feeling alright? And you two are... ah yes. You two should be extra careful, it's much more complicated to treat you two."

The light stopped. "Well, you all seem okay... was there something else?"

Emily was still quite nice... but, barely noticeable in the background, coming from far inside the infirmary, they heard a strange female voice, that was intermingled with odd white noise and an ominous buzz -

"-rridors-s. HowHowHowHowHowHow can you challenge a perfect, immortal machiinnNNNnee...?"

It would speak less intimidatingly afterwards, and be followed by a rather cheerful, male voice - but that very first thing they had heard seemed to stand out against the rest.

S 8/20
F 24; S 6/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 9; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 6; S 6/30
F 6; S 0/30

Also is sounding from behind Emily.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"No Miss Emily, I think I'll be fine thank you. I was simply informing these two maids that I am collecting laundry. I don't suppose you have any that you--"

Just then the male machine like voice could be heard from behind Emily.

"Hmm, I think I shall leave you to your business," the angel said, not wanting to get involved with anything before she could complete her task. She hurried along to the remaining rooms to collect the dirty clothes from the hampers and then scampered down to the laundry room. Once there she separated the whites from the colors and put the loads into two different washers, setting the timers and pressing the buttons on both of them.

"Right!" she exclaimed out loud, "Time to check up on the mistress... I pray she's just being her silly self and not really doing anything too dark..."

To be honest Mae was a little stressed out about the possibility, and after the traumatic experience she had had with demonic forces in her relatively recent past, this whole experience had her shaken. She would go seek out Harriet in the TV room and make sure Harriet was happy. Making Harriet pleased would probably put the angel at ease as well.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The poor ashamed android just frown, as she heard the meany butler dont try his best to please her Mistress, even when she had beg to him and even give him options to make this moment less unpleasant for him. She was just to desist, but after heard how her Mistress was trying to help her and even give her the choice to leave this mission, there was not a way to give up now, the loli robot think until she heard than this would not be fun without she get half naked too.

Without get away of the butler, the pink haired Maid nodded to her Mistress, more ashamed of what she must do to please her. I...I understand, use the force to make Mister Demonic wear this outfit now, will not be not so fun, as if i accomplish it... wearing a bikini too. Also, Mister Demonic will not be so embarrassed if he use this instead his swimming trunks inside the hot springs or taking a bath in his own bathroom.

So, i will postpone this, Mister Demonic... But as a Maid, is my duty serve our Mistress and i cant disappoint her trust on me. Even if i have to...wear a bikini and... make Mister Demonic... wear only...this over his... ah!... no, i must dont think in that! Micra mind was getting filled with images of herself undressing the though Demonic and put on him the little string mankini, her soft hands touching his muscles, all this when they are alone on the hot springs, as her Mistress cameras record each second of that shameful moment. Micra shake her head to try to dont think more in this but instead she do it as she press her head against the strong man chest, for an instant until she notice it and get away of the man. Im sorry... ah hmm, Mistress Harriet, can i stay with this swimwear until succeed? Its that fine? Said Micra trying to dont looks so embarrassed and holding the mankini


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Mae's assurance helped to calm the poor little maid's nerves, and the exchange between the other two woman helped her collect her thoughts a bit. But it wasn't enough to calm her completely, and when Sammy asked about other non-humans Rin was still the harried little bundle that she was. "Yes! Mister Domonic is a walking A/C, the maid in the red dress is a robot, she's-" A finger gets pointed almost directly in Mae's face. "-an angel, and the doctor's-" As Rin pointed to the closed door of the Nurse's Office she heard the tell tale click of the door being opened, and though she wasn't turned completely around her finger was pointing directly at Emily as she stepped out.

It was awkward standing there completely still with her finger out as if accusing the doctor of something, but thankfully the woman overlooked that for the moment. "H-Hi!" The other hand rose and forced that entire arm to lower and point to the floor. "Rin is f-feeling better!" Of course her nervousness was showing for all the world to see, and her innocent little heart was racing at about a mile a minute. It almost looked like Rin was about to bolt, but somehow she forced herself to come to a proper stand before lowering her head. "RIN APOLO-" She immediately clasped her hands over her mouth and turned around, and after a few seconds of concentration she finally turns back. "Rin apologizes for being loud!"


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Poor Domonic was too stunned to hear Micra would continue in her task to make him wear that electric-green bikini to even react to her sudden closeness. By the time he'd noticed she was leaning in, it was too late for him to react. While Micra turned to ask to ask the mistress' permission, he spent the moment looking positively terrified at the sudden looming threat of being jumped at any moment and having his clothes torn off.

The mistress giggled from her place on her couch. "Sure. Just don't damage it or anything."

Dom could only whine in protest. Meanwhile, Cammy sat, TV remote in-hand and enraptured by the TV, Hayate the Combat Butler playing out on-screen.


When Mae came in, the first thing she saw was Domonic looking teary-eyed. "Mae... H-help..."

Harriet looked up when she heard the angel's name, and immediately cut him off. "Yeah, Mae! Micra's gonna need your help holding him down while she helps him into that mankini."

"Maeee... can't you talk some-"

"- of the others into helping, too?" finished Harriet, a catty grin on her face.

"No! Please, don't-"

"Please don't fail him."

Domonic gave up. Mae saw the mistress' face glowing with amusement. It was a little hard to tell - especially with Harriet's unpredictability - but it seemed like she hadn't been up to any of her more sinister tricks - just her usual ones.

"R...Rosa? You aren't going to help them, right...?" the butler asked, turning to her and looking desperate.


Emily waved off Rin's apology. "Oh, don't worry about it."

"Now then," the doctor continued, "I don't think I've introduced myself properly to either of you, have I? I'm Emily Liu, and I'll helping you ladies stay healthy. How d'you do."

She stuck out her robotic arm and offered Rin a handshake. Before she could take it - or more likely, be terrified by it - Emily made a little "erm" sound, and stuck it into one of her labcoat's pockets, offering her other, human hand, first to Rin, and then to Sammy.

S 8/20
F 24; S 6/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 9; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 6; S 6/30
F 6; S 0/30


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Woah, that's more than I was expecting," Sammy replies, surprise in her voice. After all, she was expecting herself to be the only non-human around. When Emily comes out of her office and addresses the two of them the young alien's eyes widen for a moment as she looks at the nurse. "Uh, hey," Is all Sammy can say when she takes Emily's hand and shakes it briefly.