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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

While the thought of treating it like a Christmas present seemed rather absurd when two other people were worried the short maid would have a little panic attack Mae's words did calm her down some. Most of Rin's problems were coming from her inability to accept that there was more to this world than what she knew. Angels, androids, cyborgs, she never would have dreamed she would ever see any of those let alone work side by side with them, and there had to be more things like them out there. The secret is probably just some thing else Rin has never seen before. It can't be that bad, right?

She turned toward Harriet as the Mistress gave her answer, and Rin wasn't all that comforted by the almost predatory look in that woman's eyes.


Rin's head swiveled back toward Domonic, and the look of concern on his face didn't help either.


Cammy was more of the same. It all came back to the angel, and she was the only one who had any faith that the secret was nothing that Rin would need to worry over.

If...if Rin can't trust an angel then who can she trust?!


With the expansive spring set before them and the tasks set forth Rin immediately set to work. She started by sweeping the paths since her dress was probably a lot more insulated than everyone else's, but eventually she started switching to the other jobs. She hiked her dress up as best she could and started wading through the water, the leaves and twigs and such being fished out of the artificial spring and causing the girl to sweat profusely as she got to business. She could have kept out of the water and avoided this almost overbearing heat, but that didn't seem all that fair to the other maids. Best to make sure everyone had a chance to ease at least a little of this unpleasantness. Share the work, share the suffering.

As they all worked Rin felt the occasional breeze pass her by, and just when she started to realize that Mister Domonic was the cause she was interrupted. "MAID HUDDLE!" Domonic just happened to be near at the time, so when Harriet told him he wasn't allowed to join Rin gave him the same worried expression before patting him on the shoulder and joining the huddle.

As she arrived she expected something either mischievous or embarrassing, and Harriet didn't disappoint. Rin couldn't believe that the Mistress wanted them all to parade around in front of the butler, and not only that she wanted them to flaunt themselves and make him squirm just for her enjoyment. And she was making this a contest! Rin was about to object solely on the principle of the matter, but Harriet continued and made this contest a mandatory affair. She practically made this an order, and with the instructions leaving her absolutely no choice the shortest of the maids followed her new mistress into the house. Her eyes met Domonic one more time before they all disappeared, and though she still look a bit worried he would definitely see the apology that was written all over her face.


With the heat no longer baking her in her dress Rin let out a sigh of relief. "Paradise is air conditioning..." But such thoughts came to an end as they finally entered Harriet's room, and though the thing was larger than FUCK she really didn't have much time to reflect on it. It was time to get to work.

With all manner of outfits at her disposal Rin found herself looking through anything that could be considered swimwear, but then she remembered that Mistress has specifically said bikini back in the spring. Her search led from skimpy little things to patches of cloth that could barely be considered floss let alone an actual outfit, and she wasn't even halfway done! Harriet interrupted her once again, and as the woman pulled out the day-glow thong for all to see it's actually a bit of a surprise to see her just as surprised as everyone else. Rin was speechless, but the challenge that came afterword had the girl in shock. That's when she finally found her voice. "Rin... Rin could never do that! She respects Mister Domonic too much to make him wear THAT! That's just... That's just...!" A little cry of embarrassment led her to bury herself in the closet, and she quickly started rummaging around to try and keep herself occupied.

But a moment later her head peeked out, and with a rather timid tremble in her voice she spoke once more. "Um... Rin doesn't know what she should wear... Could..." This was a bad idea... "Could someone help her find a swimsuit?"


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Micra soon had to forget to clean the library and follow the rest toward the hot springs, it was really weird to her that everybody had choosen do this in the middle of a warm day, when the natural would had been to do it in the dawn or when the Sun start to fall and they still must clean a lot of things after the bath in the hot spring, the poor android just remain clueless at the choice of the others maids, as her body leave a fine cape of sweat over her skin as she clean the best that she can until Harriet sama invite them to a game.

The change of temperature when they pass to her mistress room was well received to Micra who was happy to see how was her mistress room and weardrove, soon she heard her mistress instruction and even when she was ashamed, the little android cant say a no to Harriet and soon accept nodding and searching for the best swimwear that could have better chances to turn on the buttler.

[luck for search and if cant be used in the event, use cunning ]


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Cammy blushed a bright deep scarlet at Harriet's suggestion ,"O-O-O-O-Oneesan! I c-can't do that Mister Domonic! He's been like a big brother to me! Just like you! I couldn't have him wear something so embarrassing!" She cried out as she buried her face in her hands before shaking her head furiously, "I am sorry, but I will simply just have to sit this game out! I d-don't mind wearing a swimsuit, but I just don't think I could manipulate and embarrass Domonic-kun like that!" She cried as she stared at Harriet with devilishly innocent and sweet sparkling puppy dog eyes with tears brimming at the bottom.

(Using Affection, if possible.)


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Harriet pinches the green-clad girl. "What did I say?! No buts! And besides, you know just as well as I do that Dom has nothing to be embarrassed about." She sighs. "I just thought you girls might want to see him in something other than that stuffy ol' butler getup."

Though he wasn't the most suave man around, there was no arguing that Domonic was a good looking guy. And as dashing as his suit was, it certainly wouldn't hurt to see a little more of his skin.

...But in an electric-yellow bikini?

"I'm sure he certainly wouldn't mind being manhandled by lovely ladies like yourselves, anyway. But, fiiine... if you don't want to do it, then that's alriiiight... it was just a bonus challenge, anyway." She crosses her arms, looking a little disappointed. "Jeez. No fun at all."

She then turns to Rin, looking positively predatory.

"So! Need some help, d-"

Mercifully, her cellphone rings just then, and she turns away to answer it.

"Yeees, Nick. ...What? What other maid? We didn't hire- what, grandpa hired her? ...Well, whatever, send her on up. We're in my room."

She flips her phone closed. "Be right back."


Following a drive some ways out of the city and into huge, gated estate... of wilderness... smack-dab in the middle of farmland...? Rosarita stepped out of the limousine and onto stony concrete - her first footstep here in Marshall Manor. After a bit of talking on his cellphone, the somewhat intimidating drivier indicates to head on up. Following his directions ("through the door to the far end of the loading dock, up the elevator and the double-doors in the furthest hall, by the stairs," delivered in a curt voice), Rosarita makes her way through the enormous house.

The door opens almost instantly when she knocks, and she finds herself looking at a girl even younger than her, with silvery hair almost as long as she is tall, wearing only a skimpy blue bikini. "Hi!"

She looks a little surprised - but recovers quickly enough. "Uh, nice to meet you, I'm Harriet Jones. We're picking out bikinis right now, so come on in, and you can introduce yourself after we get you covered up."

An obvious jab at her uniform, almost entirely sheer as it was.

"HEY! New girl's here, guys!"


When Mistress Harriet returned, Rin found some strange plastic hairband thrust over her head.

"As I was saying... you should wear these! Whatever you wear, you'll be cute. Cuter, anyway."

Looking up, Rin found a pair of... fuzzy cat ears! They were matched to the mistresses' hair color, only slightly shinier than her ow- did they just twitch?!

"Animatronic! Try not to get them wet."

Sadly, Cammy rolls a 1, times Affection 4. TN 8 - as a rich, spoiled bitch, Harriet is well-versed in the ways of puppy dog eyes.

No roll for Micra, as rolling is not involved in picking clothes.

As a sidenote, I don't like the rule where you lose stats due to missing maid clothes and whatnot, so don't worry about suddenly being horrifically crippled or whatever because your maidhat is gone.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Micra soon found a skimpy dark bikini who was made of a material who looks like leather and easily could be used in a bondage sesion, it even have a collar and wrist bands who were well adorned. Micra take it and looks for a safe part to change her clothes, she tried to heard the conversations as she does it and the notice to have other maid in the house was greatly welcome.

Micra end to change her clothes just when her mistress leaved the room, so she take the time to look for possible future cleaning targets around the room, as the others maids were busy to chat.

Just when Harriet return, Micra bow to her and the new welcomer Welcome! Its a pleasure to meet you. My name is Micra, i will be glad to help you in any need


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae had seemingly disappeared, but such was the chaos surrounding Harriet's self-amusement and teasing of Rin and Micra that the angel's departure was hardly noticed. In fact, at the moment of the swimsuit challenge being issued, Mae had not hesitated to phwip open her wings and catapult herself up to the second floor of the house, slipping through a window into Harriet's bed chamber, where she instantly dove through Harriet's swimwear drawer until she found what she was looking for - a skimpy, red two-piece bikini that was made of very, very little fabric.

With her natural, bombshell curves, the swimwear made the angelic maid into a drop-dead gorgeous figure. Unfortunately, because she'd rushed ahead so fast, she hadn't heard the protests of the other maids, nor the fact that Harriet had given into them. Already dressed in her new look, Mae decided to take things a step further and borrow some of Harriet's scented body oils. Deciding to err on the side of excessiveness in order to get a rise out of Dominic and thus win Harriet's prize, Mae slathered on copious amounts of slick body oil all over her skin until she was positively shining.

Only then did she step casually down the stairway to the downstairs area, just in time to make a stunning entrance and first impression upon the new maid standing in the entrance hall along with all the other maids and Harriet herself.

Suddenly, looking as she did in her sexy swimwear, Mae felt as though she were most under-dressed.

"Oh... mistress, did we stop playing the dress up game? And who is this?" She nodded towards the new girl.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Oooooooh.......... As you wish, Mistress Harriet~" Cammy finally relented not wanting to be a party pooper having been convinced by Harriet that Domonic wouldn't be embarrassed...... or so she was told...... With that she waited till the other girls got out of their uniforms, changed and left the room; looking around to make sure there were no other peeping toms or observers; before heading to the closet and looking through the room for the most modest and classy suit she can find "Even if I decide to play along, I am still a maid, Oneechan. And a maid must remain, proper and dignified at all times. I'm not going to wear anything racy like the others, but I will put on a swimsuit." She told herself as finally picked out a formfitting, but suitably covering earthen tone, one piece suit, before pulling a pullover floofy t-shirt over it and slipping on some loose socks and topping it off by replacing her headdress with a large wide brimmed sunhat. She then proceeded to make her way down stairs as she found Mae, Micra, Rin and Harriet with a new face. Her face immediately went beet red, "OOOOOOH!~ We have a visitor and here I am not in proper maid attire!~ PleaseforgivemeI'llbereightback!" She cried out flustered as she ran off to change back into her proper clothes.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

((...For clarification, we are still in Harriet's room, where the closet is. She fetched the newbie, and came back up. I suppose I should be clearer with this shit, shouldn't I.))

"Not so fast!" cried out Harriet, lunging out to catch the pale girl by the neck of her one-piece before she could get away. "If you don't stop freaking out I'm gonna make you switch with me, Cam." She yanked her back in... and wrapped her arms around Cammy's waist, before she could try to get away again. "So. I'm Ha~rriet. This is Ca~mmy. I~'m the master of the house. And she's my dear maid!"

She let go, and turned to the maid that was nearest. "This is Micra. Fair warning, she's... Jeez, where did I get a leather bikini?... she's a robot."

"Mae, our resident celestial. No Mae, we haven't. Yes, they're real. Oh, her wings, I mean." she said, idly playing with Mae's wings as she stood behind the scantily-clad and glistening angel.

"Aaaand our dear Rin, a trainee to the butler, who you'll get to meet in a minute. She still hasn't picked anything - Maybe you two could help each other choose, huh?"

"Well, anyway, that's us. What about you? Should we just keep calling you newbie, newbie?"
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A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

She knew it. It was a bad idea. The moment she let the words out of her mouth she could practically feel Harriet hovering over her, her mouth twisted into a cruel smile as the Mistress schemed over how she could completely break such a foolish little toy... But thankfully the arrival of a new maid saved Rin from a fate she considered far to frightening, and once Harriet left she dove back into the closet and started looking for something to wear to avoid what was sure to be a lesson in humility.

Unfortunately that really didn't last all that long, and when the woman returned with the new recruit in tow Rin looked a little nervous but stepped out to greet her new coworker. And then she immediately turned her head. "It looks like she already got a head start..." At first glance it looked like the new maid was simply walking around in her in her unmentionables, rather racy ones at that, but after a couple awkward attempts to properly introduce herself Rin eventually learned that the new girl was dressed in her uniform. Apparently someone else had a rather cruel sense of fashion that left her woefully exposed to the world. It made the short girl wonder if the new maid was actually supposed to be a maid...

With her inability to introduce herself it left her an easy target for Harriet, and a moment later the maid with the silver hair found herself under attack. She found something slipping over her head, and before she could even protest she looked up to find...cat ears. Huh. That really wasn't all that ba- Did... Did they just move? Little Rin turned toward the Mistress to ask her unspoken question, and when she received her answer she looked somewhat shocked. But the glint in her eye said something different, and when she turned to stare at herself in a nearby mirror she started wondering just how she could- They twitched again!

With that Rin all but disappeared as she started rummaging through the closet once again. "Silver silver silver..." But this time she had a purpose, and various different sets of swimwear were actually tossed around as the girl seemed possessed. When Harriet introduced the entire maid troupe Rin suddenly turned into the most calm little thing anyone had ever seen as she straightened herself and stepped outside to bow. "Rin is pleased to meet you." Her new ears actually laid down as she bowed, and once she noticed this everyone would probably hear her squeak excitedly before diving back in to search for an outfit. "Mistress!" She practically leapt at the woman, but she stopped right beside Harriet and took one of the woman's hands while bouncing on her feet like a child with an attention problem. "Do you have anything silver that would match these?"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Entering her new job via limo, Rosa went along with the orders of the man that had been her driver gave her after the brief talk in his phone. After going through the ways she had been told to follow, the tall newcomer was met with another girl who seemed to be her boss from now on. "Yes, that is me. My name is..." she tried to introduce herself to this curious female, but she was already back at the few others in the room, other maids it looked like. Not sure what to make of the attires they were wearing, Rosa still went after the master of the house. Get in there bravely and be confident, even in a mostly transparent uniform.

What waited for her inside was quite a colorful bunch to say the least. "A robot... an angel... at least the two others are normal..." the flame-loving girl analyzed the company she would be working with from behind the shelter of her mirrored glasses, showing a calm and warm expression despite being somewhat puzzled by the more exotic members of the group. She even bowed her head a bit at the last one, Rin. Looked like Harriet was lavishing some attention onto this one. Once the master was done and inquired about her name in the future, Rosa was quick to reply. "No, that is not my name. I am Rosarita Di Lanza, the new maid to join this interesting group. If my proper name is too much of a mouthful, just Rosa will do finely." she addressed the entire group but mostly Harriet, grabbing the hems of her long skirt and giving them all a courteous bow.

Done with the introductions, she went over to the closet with Rin to follow the first instruction she had been given in the new job. Pick a swimsuit... Looking over the selection, there were only a precious few pieces that would suit someone as tall as she was without being uncomfortable to wear. Finding something that suited her, Rosa selected a dark red two-piece. The top looked like it might be a sports bra, covering more than bikini tops usually did. The bottom was pretty normal for such an article of clothing, though the rear side was slightly small and showed off some rear. "Is this good?" the newcomer asked, not at anyone specific. Despite thinking that the future held a swimming session, Rosa still had her glasses on in addition to the head-dress of a maid.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Well... I think you'd look good in an orange bikini. The color suits you, you know," Harriet replied to the little maid's inquiry, dragging her back to the closet. "But, if you insist, there's this... and... this... and this..."" she continued, punctuating each "this" with a new article of clothing - a silvery string thing like what the Mistress was wearing, but with a leopard-print pattern; a far more covering combination of tube top and bike shorts, also a metallic silver but with a lavender floral design printed on it; and last, a one-piece, high-cut leotard, of the same reflective material as the other two.

"Ooh, ooh, how about this?"

She pulled a hanger out from the racks, a thin, white shirt hanging from it. It already looked like you could see through it, just a bit... if it were to get wet-

"Hmm... well, I guess white doesn't go well with silver, right? Maybe you should take this one, instead?" She pulled another one - bright orange, but no less thin.


While Rin was contemplating her clothes, she felt something sticky on the base of her spine. Before she could turn around to look, two smaller sticky pads touched just above the first, and she felt a tiny jolt.

She turned to look over her shoulder at what Mistress Harriet had done to her this time... and found a tail, bristling and standing straight up, the same color as her ears!

"Also animatronic! I made it to go with the ears. It's still kinda, uh... anyway, you don't want to get it wet, either. It probably won't fit with that one-piece, though. It's thought activated too - give it a try!"


"Okay, are we ready? Does anyone else want some cat ears or anything? How 'bout a leash, Micra? I know I've got one for that collar..."

After tending to any other requests, the group left for the door to the hot spring... though they didn't go through just yet. Harriet told them to wait, and ran off - coming back a minute later, carrying some things in her arms.

"Okay. A parasol for our elegant Cammy, and popsicles for whoever wants one. We didn't explain the rules, did we, Rosie? We're cleaning the spring outside, but it's really hot, and that butler is an AC. Whoever gives me the best show gets to stay cool while they're working. Okay? Get ready now!"

Harriet fished out a tiny microphone from her purse, and thrust open the door. She raised it to her mouth, and her voice boomed out, amplified several times over.

"Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to THE very first Miss Marshall beauty contest!" Harriet gabs energetically, making her way over to the silver-haired butler, untouched by the heat as ever. "I'm your host, Harriet Jones! It's a pleasure to be here, ladies and gentlemen! But! Enough about me, let's meet our judge! This charming young man has placed first in the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe and has brought home the gold for horse racing at the Olympics, but a mere medal isn't nearly a match for his solid-gold heart - kind and caring to a fault, it's Mister Domonic Jones!"

"Dom! Would you like to say a few words?" She said

"W-w-w-wha-" Domonic stuttered, dumbstruck.

"Ohohoho, you! Now, without further adieu, let's meet contestant number one!!"
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Looking from side to side, Mae saw hesitation in the eyes of her fellow maids, so she shrugged and took it upon herself to go first. She entered through the doorway like a model on the runway, strutting her perfectly shaped, oil-slathered body down the pool side, approaching Domonic with bared sexuality in her eyes. Her wings were spread behind her back like she were on a victoria's secert shoot, and in her hand was a red, melting popsicle that she began to suck on as she made her approach, treating the icy treat as though it were an object of incredible desire. Mae glanced seductively at Harriet as she let the icicle enter deeply into her mouth before turn her gleaming blue eyes back to Domonic as she slowly withdrew the popsicle with a loud pop at the end as it escaped the suction of her naturally pouty lips.

As she stopped right next to Domonic, she let the popsicle trail seductively down her cleavage, leaving faint traces of red juices running in small rivulets into the deep gorge between her mountainous busom.

"Hello Domonic... mmm... just being around you makes me feel so different."

It was true, as the natural AC that Domonic created with his Yeti blood made her flesh go suddenly cold and her nipples became pert and obviously noticible through the tiny bikini that left nothing on her heavenly body to the imagination.

"Would you like a lick?" she said smoothly as she leaned up against him. After a long pause, she added, "Maybe from my popsicle?"

She took another long, deep, suggestive suck from the wet, melting rod before offering it to him, proffering it up next his lips.

She hoped that Harriet was being as affected by this as Domonic.

Using Cunning to get a huge reaction from both Dominic and Harriet


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae's sultry approach to the duo at the water's edge was well executed... but the butler didn't seem very receptive. While he certainly looked appreciative of her swaying curves, he looked more worried than anything else.

Harriet, however, watched her hungrily as she strode up. Her grandstanding persona was quickly forgotten, and it seemed all she could do to keep herself from going slackjawed.

At her offer, Domonic gently pushed the cold treat aside. "What is she putting you girls up to this time? And..." he said, starting to talk softer, so only he and Mae would hear, "Erm, what about Harriet? She's right there, and... in the library..."

"Wow! A knockout entry by our stunning first contestant, Miss Maen... Maener... uh Mae!"

Harriet evidently had snapped out of it.

"But Domonic doesn't seem impressed! Ooh, let's hope contestant number two has better luck!"

Mae rolls a 2, which comes out as 8 when we multiply by her Cunning of 4. Dom is seemingly unphased by the sexy approach, though Harriet looks far more into it.
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Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae looked a little crestfallen when the butler didn't seem taken in by her act. She supposed she still had a lot more to learn about men... or perhaps she just wasn't his type. Now that she thought about it, she had a feeling that Domonic might be swayed by a more shy girl with his sensibilities.... someone like Rin...

In a hushed whisper, Mae leaned in closely to Domonic.

"You're very cute Domonic... if you want to help a maid out, make it look like you're moved by one of them. Ah... and the library... well... I think Miss Harriet liked my act too, dontcha think?"

She winked and then with a curvy sachay went to stand besides Harriet, still licking her popsicle as another maid strode out.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

I think I'm gonna up the sophistication of the ears just to make them more useful that simply standing up and laying flat.

The moment the leopard print bikini was shown Rin's eyes focused solely on that. She made sure she listened to Harriet's choices, it wouldn't be right to simply ignore the Mistress, but in her little head she already knew what she would choose. "Rin will take this one!" She nearly pounced on the excuse for an outfit, and with her swimwear in hand she dove back into the closet and started undressing in a slightly secluded corner.

It would take some effort to actually peak on the little maid as she changed clothes, but Harriet was inspired. When she moved in to add her little accessory to Rin's behind she would find the girl bending over with her ass on display as she stepped out of the dress that was now pooling on the floor. It was an easy mark, and as soon as the short one felt something sticking to her spine she yelped and clung her dress to her front, her ears standing as straight as they could. They laid flat once again as her head slowly turned to see what had given her that little jolt, but once she saw the tail they perked back up and turned left and right a bit. When she learned it was like the ears her eyes darted back and forth between Mistress Harriet and the tail a couple times, and the tail started swaying back and forth in excitement Rin let out a little squeal of delight. It took little time for her to get herself ready, and once she was done the others would probably be a little surprised at what stepped out.


As all the women were getting prepared to step outside Rin had stayed back a bit to look at a conveniently placed mirror. She started playing with her hair, primping it up to let it fall back down, and little by little the headband that held the ears started to disappear under her slightly darker hair. Once that was done she turned herself so she could look at the tail and the pads that held it in place. There really wasn't much she could do to hide those from view. How disappointing...

All her primping and preparation kept her separated from everyone else for a bit, so she completely missed the exchange between the butler and the angel and the obvious show that was put on for both Harriet and Domonic. It was only when she noticed the Mistress's voice booming in the background that she turned and noticed everyone at the door, and though she heard something about a contestant having better luck she just didn't care. She only had one thing on her mind.



With a yell that would probably catch anyone's attention Rin could be seen running out of the mansion. The bikini that clung to her showed so much more of the maid than her dress ever would, and though she may not be as tall or ample as the Victoria's Secret angel she had a body that would make most men stop at gawk as she ran by. Had she just been walking her chest would have jiggled slightly in its flimsy constraints, but with her running it struggled to keep her contained. Her assets bounced with each step, the cloth frantically clinging to her every move in desperate attempt to keep her somewhat dignified. It was a glorious sight. David Hasselhoff would be proud.

But no matter what show Rin had put on for everyone else she was far too happy to care. All she wanted to do was get close to her mentor, and as she did nearly glomped him before stopping right in front and nearly popping out of her little leopard print suit. "Mister Domonic! Look!" She leaned closer, the position giving him an unobstructed view of her cleavage. "Cat ears! And they move!" They both twitched in response to her excited mood. "And a tail!" She turned 180 to give him a view of her backside, and though she leaned forward to show off the tail her perfectly sculpted ass was right there for his viewing pleasure. "And it moves, too!" It stood straight and tall, and the end of it swooshed back and forth to show she was feeling rather playful. "Nya!"

After a few moments of showing off her new accessories she turned back around and took his hands in hers. "Rin thinks she may like it here!" Despite what kind of heart-attack she may give him the happy smile and the twinkle in her eyes would tell Dom that his protege was genuinely happy. So happy that she was bouncing on her heels like an overexcited child while her body was anything but.

If I need to roll then I'll use Affection.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Your 'act'?" Domonic said. "Y-"


Before he could go any further, Rin's voice rang out, the doors bursting open as she blazed down the stairs and out in record time. "Ohnonononono... you roped her into this, too?!" He cried out to Mistress Harriet, who merely looked on in bemusement.

Though Domonic apparently had no qualms watching Mae's approach, he looked determined not to stare at Rin's bouncy dash, flushed red and fixated on something entirely to the right. When Rin told him to look, though, he did - and blushed furiously at the short girl's innocent baring of her generous assets. But when she took his hand and he saw the joy in her expression, he calmed down - no longer so worried about the girl's state of undress, and just happy for his harried apprentice. "Haha... I'm so glad to hear than, Rin!"

He spent a moment standing there, smiling as Rin bounced up and down happily. He surely would have spent more, were it not for the Mistress.

Both her and Mae's arms wrapped around them and squeezed, pulling them together in a big group hug. Rin and Mae could both feel the butler tense up suddenly, enveloped by a ring of beautiful, half-naked women.

"Awww! A heartwarming moment by contestant number two, the exotically named Miss Rin Uzumaki! I think it calls for a group hug! This voluptuous young maid has touched our judge's heart - can our next contestant do better?!"

Only when they released him did Dom relax again - in a relative sense. It had been relatively harmless so far...

Rin rolls a 5, and Affection makes that a 10! Domonic is perturbed but happy for his protege, and Harriet thinks it's a little amusing.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Rosie? An AC butler? Just exactly what is this job? At least the pool cleaning bit sounds normal..." the newbie maid thought as she wondered the hyperactive mistress and her antics. So apparently it was a competition then. Not something the tall girl had expected from her new job, as she had always had a certain image about maids and their work. But she would bite this, and not back down from the event. Little moments such as this should be embraced, not swept aside. If only she had a nice flare to further lighten up the situation. Water and cool were alright, but fire was better.

After seeing two approaches, one rather sexually suggestive and the other more on the energetic eager side, with a touch of childishness. Seeing those performances happen, the glasses maid could only think of one way to do this, and it was how she did all things. Seeing as this was someone she had not met before, Rosarita thought it best to not make a massive scene and enter at her own pace and maintain a level of courtesy that she showed everyone until they were proven to not be worth it. Going through the pool area and towards the target in a casual yet feminine way, she scanned the butler from behind her eyeshields. The man was indeed quite delicious, a sharp if somewhat confused look on his strong features at the randomness of the current event. "He probably has a hard time keeping up with this mistress of the house and her hyperness..." The slow walk she was using might not be the most sexy thing one could imagine, but the fire-happy female was not going to stress over such things, giving the man plenty of time to absorb her form into his mind. Rosa could manage herself in the body politic, not quite as voluptous as the angel was but close behind, but she was such a tree trunk when compared to these two... That always had her self-conscious, as men tend to have problems with girls who were taller than them.

Once she had reached the man, Rosa adjusted her glasses back up as they had moved slightly during the walk. Faking out that she had hems to grab on still, the tall maid did a traditional curtsey, bending a knee and lowering her head at the butler while introducing herself. "Mister Domonic, I believe we have not met. I am the newest addition to this team of maids, Rosarita Di Lanza. It is a pleasure. How are you holding up on this fine day?" she said, not going any further with the first impressions, as she wanted to show her easygoing nature right away. It would easen up their future work relationship, if nothing else. Going along and answering the man what he asked her, she would take up her spot with the others once she had seen the reactions of both him and Harriet.

Affection ho


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Domonic looked almost terrified in the small space of time between his surprise hug and the entrance of the next maid. When a girl he'd never seen before came out, and without pomp of any sort, he looked... confused.

She came to a stop at a reasonable distance leaving Domonic's personal space uninvaded, and curtsied. Though not quite as beautiful as the angelic Mae, she was by no means plain - and Domonic looked much more comfortable with her less aggressive approach.

"Ahaha... it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms. di Lanza! I haven't met you before now, have I? I'm Domonic Jones, the butler here - I suppose I manage the mistresses' staff, as well..."

The two chatted for a few moments, and Domonic seemed to relax even further, as if he hadn't been spent the majority of the day fretting over the maids and being victimized by the Mistress - who was, speaking of which, standing off to the side, and looking quite unamused.

"Aaaand our surprise contestant, Ms. Rosarita di Lanza takes the third slot! It's a shame she doesn't seem interested in the contest, because she's quite a looker, and she's managed to get along with our judge swimmingly! Will contestant number four's feminine wiles be able to get the better of this new challenger?!"

While her announcing was unaffected, as Rosarita went over to join the group clustering around the Mistress, she rolled her eyes the other way. "Tch. How boring," she mumbled to herself.

While they'd talked, Rosarita noted Domonic seemed to not even notice her height - or how oddly out of place her glasses and frilly headdress looked on the bikini-clad woman.

Rosa rolls 6! She uses her 3 affection, and her result is 18! It's always the quiet ones.

Dom seems quite glad to meet her - or at least, someone relatively non-batshit as her. As great an anti-climax as it was, though, Harriet is not impressed.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

As the others girls do their moves, Micra was completely sure that she could not match them. Her body and programs had been adapted for her new work as a maid and she even dont know is she should only wear the leash or also add pink dog ears and a fluffy tail of the same color or maybe bunny ears. the possibility of success is even lower than the 10%. Must find a better choice or Mistress Harriet will be disapointed

Micra then saw how Rosa the new maid melt the chance to take Dominic off guard and the buttler was calmed once again. The android maid then turn to the remain maid, Cammy. The human at least have some possibilities to win, maybe of the 50%, however Micra know how increase her chance even more. Getting close her, the pink haired girl said her. Can we go out together? We can win if we join forces, just use me as an extra accessory and then our mistress will be pleased, i beg you Miss Cammy


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"It is a pleasure to meet you Rosa! I take it you are new help the Mistress hired at the last minute? Mistress Harriet is always so mischievous. I hope she doesn't cause you too much trouble. My name is Cammy. I have been working here in the mansion since childhood. I'll do my best to help you make your way around the mansion and keep up with our dear mistress! I just know well make fast good friends!" she said her cute face beaming under the sun hat as Rosa introduced herself and they were finished with the grouphug. She was soon jolted out of her current train of thought of by Micra, "Huh!? D-dog ears? A l-leash? Oh, no Miss Micra! You're my friend and fellow maid! I couldn't dare degrade you like that! And besides....... I....... I....... I d-don't have any f-f-feminine wiles! I.......I'm not that kind of girl......." she said squirming uncomfortably holding her sunhat over face blushing beet red looking down to the floor........