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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

In the library

"Oh sweet Mae-chan, 'Mistress' is so formal... call me Harriet... just Harriet..."

The young lady of the estate slowly squeezed her celestial guardian closer, nuzzling her face against Mae's back, the feathers of her wings tickling the Mi- brushing against Harriet's cheek and neck...


Hidden by the other arm, Harriet pinched Mae in her side, where Cammy couldn't see. "C'mon, play along!"

Audibly, she spoke again, still in that raised pitch turning her head to rest her cheek in the space between wings. "Please? I... I can't wait any longer... I want to... I need to hear it... just... Harriet..."

"Mae..." she breathed, exhaling her name almost reluctantly, as if she were afraid the angel might leave her as her breath did. The barest of trembling shook her, and although Mae could clearly feel her shivering, close as they were, it took Cammy a bit to notice it - so slight, she'd almost missed it!

Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

The angel was confused. But the pinch on her backside roused her into action.

"Ah, very well... if you just must hear me say it... of course I will speak your name..."

Mae's inner cunning decided to flourish at that point, and even though she was a proper angel, there was something devilish gleaming in her eyes as she spun slowly around to push her heavenly bust directly in front of the mistress' face before the angel lowered herself, straddling Harriet's hips as she sunk to eye level with the coquettish lady.

"But only if I can have a taste of your sweet lips... would you do that for your Mae-chan? My sweet... lovely... Harriet?"

Using Cunning to turn the tables and make Harriet suddenly embarrassed and trapped into giving Mae a big lover's kiss.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

With her worries redirected into focus to her duties Rin accompanied Dominic back to the kitchen, but as soon as they entered the dining hall she very nearly bumped into the crimson android. Or more precisely she nearly bumped into Domonic's backside as he nearly bumped into the mechanical maid. Thankfully she was able to stop in time, so she simply let out a small little eep before she poked her head out from his side to get a shielded look. What she found were expertly placed settings for the Mistress and her newly hired entourage, and as Rin stepped out to inspect the settings herself she had to agree with her mentor. "Wow... Rin is impressed..." But the more she thought about it the more she realized that being a machine probably had its advantages. Micra could properly measure distances at the fly and place everything within millimeters of perfect harmony. How was Rin going to compete with mechanically calculated perfection?

The mention of something missing broke the short girl's train of thought, and when Domonic suggested that they could quickly gather some flowers for a bouquet Rin once again agreed. It seemed Micra did as well, and in no short order the mecha maid was off to gather her arrangement. Rin didn't know how much time they would have, so she decided to assist Micra so the job would be done that much faster. She would offer suggestions as they both briskly walked through the garden, trying to picture a perfect complement of colors that would stand on their own but would not detract from the lovely meal that had already been set.

Assist with Skill
Skill = 4
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae pulled herself from Harriet's arms as the mistress watched, a look of confusion on her face. How was she supposed to tease her sister if Mae was leaving?! The confusion quickly left, however, when Mae turned back... and was replaced with a dazed, but contented look, as the holy housekeeper brought her bust just centimeters from Harriet's face. Mae sank down until she rested in Harriet's lap. Eyes affixed to her maid's wonderful chest, she undoubtedly missed the twinkle in the globes further up.


It occurred to her that Mae had said something. It took her a moment to recall what it was, during which she could only stare up at her, looking confused. Meanwhile, Mae and Cammy both realized her voice was back to it's normal pitch.

"Oh... a kiss." Realization. "Wait, a kiss?! Her eyes darted back to Cammy for just a moment. "U-uh... yeah! *ahem* A kiss, from my, um, dear... uh..." she stuttered, finally remembering to do her voice mid-way.

Harriet screwed her eyes closed a moment and pursed her lips for a kiss... awkwardly trying to decide whether it would be more yuri-ish to clutch a hand in front of her chest, or not, or if she were still teasing - or not. Her little act looked to be well and good forgotten.

Mae VS Harriet!
Mae teases! rolls a 2, multiplies by her cunning (4), for 8.
Harriet tries to keep up her charade! She rolls a 3, multiplies by her cunning (1), for 3.

Mae wins! Harriet is now at 8/20 stress.

Also, 10 stress for Rin, minus 5 from Domonic's comforting, for a total of 5.
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

For the most part, Mae was play-acting as though she were just being extra helpful and inventive in whatever show Harriet was putting on for the new maid, Cammy. But at the last second, just before Harriet screwed her eyes closed, Mae made certain to soften her gaze as she too lowered herself into the kiss, while at the same time raising her two angel's wings above her shoulders and unfurling them in all their glory.

As Harriet hesitated, hand raised just in front of Mae's chest, the angel stole the initiative and pressed her soft pillow-y breasts against Harriet's hand, while at the same time pressing her pouted lips against her mistresses' own. Her touch was soft, the feel of their skin touching one anothers' so pleasing to Mae and she could only hope that she was having the same effect on Harriet.

As Harriet would attempt to break of the kiss sooner rather than later, Mae decided in a flash of an instant to be bold and attempt a deeper kiss. She could always explain it away as an attempt to better "play along" if Harriet didn't like it. But Mae was going to make certain her lovely charge did like it.

Her lips parted fully, her tongue flickered out lightly, and she took her first tentative taste of her pretty Miss Harriet. If she could convince Harriet with this one kiss - maybe this angel would have her secret wish come true...

Mae wants to give Harriet the best first kiss possible so as to steal Harriet's affections. Using Cunning as Mae doesn't trust herself to do it right if she just lets herself go. She wants to concentrate on doing everything as sexily as possible.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Harriet didn't seem to notice the change in Mae's eyes before she scrunched her eyes closed. Her arms were still shaking - only this time, it wasn't a put-on. The sensation of Mae's rack enveloping her arm and pressing against her own chest, coupled with the feel of equally soft lips on her own, brought her eyes back open, and she looked up, awed at the majestic sight of the angel's wings spread wide.

Just as Mae could feel her start to pull away, she leaned in, her tongue flitting out to brush against Harriet's lips. The mistress stopped, her green eyes wide with surprise and staring into the blue ones just inches away. A second passed...

...And Harriet licked her lips. With the hand she still had free, she hooked around Mae's head, bringing her closer, her lips waiting and parted.
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

((I've been horribly distracted and preoccupied of late, please forgive me. ^_^;;;))

Cammy dropped her sketchpad and stood there slackjawed and shocked at the display Harriet and Mae were putting on. At first she simply stood there covering her mouth, but after a while she managed to shake herself out of her stupor and call out timidly, "Erm, excuse me..... Mistress.... Miss Mae..... B-but the lunch is finished and ready. If we don't h-hurry, it will get cold and ruined...... I'm sorry to interrupt; b-but muss Micra, muster Domonic and the other are w-waiting on us.... So we sh-should hurry and get back to the d-dining room, okay!?" she said waiting for the display to be finished before running up to Harriet and gently grabbing her by the arm and rushing off to the kitchen.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae melted into Harriet's open and waiting mouth, closing her eyes and simply enjoying the feeling of mutual pleasure-giving, as angel and mortal explored each other's mouths with long, slow lip-mashing and tongue dancing.

When Cammy spoke to interrupt, Mae allowed herself a couple moments more to enjoy this immense moment before pulling back and standing up. What was that saying that mortals had? Always leave them wanting more?

She smiled beatifically at Harriet and straightened her own maid uniform while letting her wings fold back down behind her back. "Miss Cammy is right. We mustn't let the food cool. And I should go make sure the cakes came out all right. We'll have plenty of time after lunch to... 'play along.'"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Harriet ignored her sister's attempt to get her to stop... though she couldn't do the same when Mae pulled away, whining in protest.

After Mae decided that they should stop as well, the mistress of the house looked at first one, then the other, rapidly switching between the two as she protested, her silvery, flowing twin tails waving back and forth with each movement. "But, I wanna... I mean, I'm not even that hun... but but but... oohhhh! Fine! ...Later."

She let Cammy lead her out as she pouted.


"Hey, wait!" Harriet said, right as she and Cammy got to the door to the dining room. "Um... You, you know, you were, um, you were awful quick to get me away from Mae. Did you w-want onee-sama all to... all to... uh... um..."

Cammy could tell Harriet was playing with her again. The mistress was still shaking a little, and her face was flushed - combined with her babbling, it was obvious she was still very flustered. Cammy, having known Harriet so much longer than everyone else, knew that while she was usually brazen and daring (especially when she was making trouble to her...), once her composure was shaken, it usually took her a while to regain it. And clearly, she hadn't.

"Dammit! I, um... I should freshen up. Y-yeah."

She turns to go, but stops. "Oh, and, I suppose if you hadn't come I wouldn't have gotten that kiss. So, thanks, sis~"

She stood around for a moment, before skipping off further down the hall, heading for the bathrooms right near the infirmary.


Out in the garden, Rin and Micra snipped the last flower for their bouquet. Domonic trailed behind them, holding the vase filled with what they'd already picked. Rin took it, and started to primp the bouquet out... only to notice Domonic's face had turned bright red, and was pointedly looking everywhere BUT the mansion. She turned, and through the library windows, saw Mae and Harriet all over each other, with Cammy watching!

Meanwhile, as she was getting up, Micra spotted something strange hidden in the foliage of a nearby bush. A closer look revealed it to be a shiny black, half-circle, plastic dome of some kind, less than an inch in diameter. The round end stuck out, while the flat side was stuck to a twig. Searching her databases, Micra found that it resembled the covered security cameras one might find in a department store.

"Ah! Don't look!" said Domonic, panickedly, once he noticed where Rin was looking. That got Micra's attention, who looked as well.

"I said...! Um, um, she's probably just, uh... giving Mae a surprise inspection! Uh, yeah! Wait, no...!"

It was at this point that Cammy and the mistress took off. "Ah! We're out of time! C'mon, we have to hurry back!"


"...Wow, you guys really go all out, huh? Jeez, you got flowers and everything."

The young lady sat at the head of the table. Domonic stood behind her, to her right, while everyone else had taken their seats.

"Yes, mistress. Rin and Micra picked them." They stood in the middle of the table, the light and bright colors of the flowers they'd picked contrasting well with the dark decor of the room and it's sturdy furniture. They were in full bloom, as well, hints of their floral scent wafting to everyone's noses periodically.

"Cool. ...I was expecting you guys to make, like, pancakes or something. Not a full out three-course. And dessert." she said, eyeing the little cakes they each had. "but that's good too. Anyway, dig in, guys." She smacked Dom on the arm. "You too, dummy. We're going down later on."

"Already?! But-"

"Ah-ah! No buts!"

Her mood was much improved from before... or, at least, she wasn't viciously harassing them all, anyway. She was bouncing her heels while she ate, and grinning, too.

The fish was super fresh, and very moist - hardly anything had had to be done to it. The crust was a pleasant contrast - substantial and rich with seasoning and flavors, in comparison to the tender, simple trout.

The vegetables in the salad were similarly fresh, bright and green, the red apples standing out in the mix. It provided a balance of tang and sweet, the tastes keeping their taste buds from going tired of the main course. The juice Micra had prepared was just as tasty - it was sweet with some tanginess, and the only help it needed was from some ice, to cool it down.

"This is really good! Maybe I should just have you guys cook instead, and send the chef back home?"

All that was left was Mae's cake, the spongy things piled high with even more fruit...

Everyone gets 6 favor. Mae gains a further 10 favor, for playing tongue twisters. The rolls were really good, don't get used to it~

Micra has to choose whether or not she wants to take the thing she found.

...I'm PRETTY sure I've had this window open for >12 hours, so uh, I'm just gonna submit already... if I missed something, let me know, so I can address it. Dialogue before moving on again.
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

As both maids goes toward the garden, Rin started to give her opinion and suggestions about how the bouquet should be do it. Micra dont stay behind and share some of her info too, but it was not because Rin opinion but more likely to earn a friendly talk with the maid that some minutes ago was very altered, after know the truth of some of the workers of the mansion. They soon reach the garden and before start Micra smiled to the other maid before said Ok, lets start! Miss Rin, lets give our best for our Mistress. Also should be fine if we talk more in our free time, i want to know more about you... to improve our work relationship The android said turning her sight to a side, as if they talk about personal topics, she could let escape her more darkness secrets.

After a brief time, they were close to collect the flowers to make the bouquet, Micra was scanning and taking the needed flowers when her visual systems detected a strange object, her hand move to take it curiously, as she take a close flower. It dont take her too much to identify the camera and wonder to herself what was doing one of these in the garden. Micra was thinking to ask, but then when she place the last flowers in the vase, Demonic said then to dont look something, but this only cause that Micra reach to see what was happening through the library windows of the mansion.

After her years of training, it was clear for Micra to know what was really happening between Mae and her Mistress. in her old life, this was something that could have make her even smile and take like a common thing, but now she was not a sex slave or more likely a fuck toy, Micra was now a loyal maid and even when this act was slightly obscene, she will easily tolerate anything that her Mistress want to do, unless this affect her mistress health or image in the society. I see, it looks like we must have all ready for our own surprise inspection Said looking to Rin and Demonic before this last one said them to move on. Micra nodded and run behind them, all this was so sudden that she forget to ask about the camera and instead she store it in her pocket.

When all were ready to sit to eat, Micra follow the manners used for these events and bow to her Mistress when this reach the place, she was really glad to heard her mistress opinion about their food. Micra stay alert to catch any usable info that she could use to improve her services to her mistress, as she eat the enough food that her system demand. Thank you my Mistress. We are so happy to heard that our services fulfilled your needs Said after a bow, then the android sit and make a mind note about the possibility that Harriet could love to eat pancakes in the morning with her orange juice.
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

As the pair started gathering the arrangement Micra asked Rin to talk about herself so she could get to know the shorter woman better. This caused the human to shift a little nervously. "Rin... Rin is nothing special compared to everyone else. She's just a normal human who likes watching TV in her spare time... But if you have any questions for her she will try her best to answer!" Though the maid in the orange dress was still a bit nervous and anxious around the crimson android she did her best to keep to her word, her life being painted as nothing more than a rather mundane life for a human that eventually led to her interest in becoming a maid after having attended a party thrown by the world-famous Jones Family.


As the centerpiece was coming together Rin noticed Mister Domonic acting rather oddly. Since he seemed to be pointing away from the mansion she turned her head and adjusted her glasses a bit, and what she found was a shock. She quickly became as red as her mentor, but she couldn't keep herself from staring. Mae and the Mistress... They were all over each other! Rin felt like she had a front row seat as she watched Harriet's hand disappear as both women's chests pressed against each other, and and Mae looked like she was practically throwing herself at the Mistress, her mouth falling onto the mortal and sharing much more than she thought a pious angel would.

For some reason Rin found herself totally entranced by the scene, so much so that she didn't register what Domonic had said until Micra made her comment. This caused the short girl to flush even brighter as she suddenly pictured herself lying still as Harriet approached and told her to stay still for her 'inspection'. The young woman tried to shake her head and throw her attention elsewhere, but the image only became worse when Mae suddenly appeared and started to undo Rin's complex dress so Harriet could get a much more intimate look. Stop Stop Stop!


Thankfully by the time brunch was ready to be eaten Rin had managed to calm her frighteningly over-active imagination. The smell of food helped. The girl really enjoyed having something yummy to eat, and with the way everything was set up it was more than enough distraction. And thus did Rin dig in, her tiny little body somehow managing to stuff her face while possessing a grace and poise that was expected from a servant of her station. The comment on the cook, however, had not gone unnoticed, and the little maid stopped so she could swallow and not make a pig out of herself. "Thank you for the compliment, Mistress Harriet, but Rin would hate to think that she cost someone else their job. Besides, now she wants to know what his cooking tastes like!"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae smiled inwardly as she walked to the kitchen, feeling lighter than air -- and that was without the use of her wings!

"The Mistress' lips... her hands... and she was so into me!" Mae shook her fists gleefully as she shuffled a half happy dance down the hallway, pushing her way through the doors and coming to put the final fruit toppings on her angel cakes.


The lunch was simply fantastic, and Mae let the other maids know so in quieter tones than the mistress, yet no less enthusiastic.

"This fish is divine! I should know!" she told them, laughing at her own little joke. "Rin and Micra you're both incredibly talented. I'm sure this household will be better for having you both."
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Ah! Oh no, he works so hard and has so many years of experience! Not to mention having served the household so long! Im flattered and honored by the praise M'Lady, but please don't take someone else's job away! Fish is good for heart health, mental capabilities and other nutrition, but plain grilled or fried fish just wouldnt have done! Also it had been a while and we were waiting out in the sun for you a while Mistress, so we were all already hungry. Salad is a good and simple, yet filling and wholesome side for any meal, providing the vegetables one should have in a balanced diet, and we even got our share of fruit from the apples in the salad and Micra's juice. And if we get hungry we cam just come down and have what is left over. And don't worry up the clean up! Well take care of everything for you, right girls!?" she finally finished, with a beaming grin before resuming eating her meal and tsking a good swig of her orange juice. "As for breakfast, we should prepare some meats, fruit, and maybe some oatmeal. Just sugary bread and syrup won't do. It is the most important meal of the day after all! Well be sure to start our beloved mistress' morning off the right way!"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Served the household so... oh, no, no, Antoine's back at home. We've got another chef here, some lady named Alivia. Owns some restaurants around here or something. I've never been, but the reviews are good, and grandpa says it's great."

"Though, I suppose if she weren't here, it would cut into your time for other things. After all," Harriet said, casually looking sidelong in Mae's direction, as she stopped to take another bite, "Those bookcases won't dust themselves!" It might have sounded like a completely normal comment, had EVERYONE not seen what happened earlier.

Eventually, the meal began to wind down - everybody (except perhaps Rin, it seemed) starting to get full. At last, with all of her food but the dessert gone, Harriet wiped her mouth daintily with a napkin, and then rapped her spoon against her plate, calling for attention.

"Okay! Now that everyone is almost finished, we should start thinking what to do today. Now, like I said, the library is pretty huge, and it needs a little dusting. There's also the hotspring, outside - it would probably be a good idea to scrub it down, just to get rid of all the twigs and dirt and stuff that's blown over the rocks and whatnot, especially if we're going to use it tonight. Now, upstairs isn't that important, since it's mostly just us staying here, and there are a few people in the worker's dorms, but they know to pick up after themselves. Mostly."


"Mistress..." Domonic starts.

"OR. I show you the deep, dark secret of Marshall Manor."

"Harriet! At least let them get used to working here before you do that! You remember what happened last time, right? And poor Rin's already had a hard enough time as it is, can't you let her get used to-"

"Domonic. I didn't let you bring her here unless I thought she could handle it, right? And you and Mae'll be there to protect her, right? She'll be fine." Where had she heard that before?

"At any rate, I object! I vote we clean the hot spring. I'm sure the girls could use it after a day like today."

"Wanna peek, huh?"

"No! It's just-"

"You're so easy, Dom," said Harriet, cutting him off. She was grinning, while Domonic was blushing. "Alright then. You guys go ahead and decide while you're doing the dishes. Whether we do it today or later doesn't really matter. And don't worry, it's not one of those deep, dark secrets that will sneak up in the middle of the night and kill us all in our sleep or anything. Probably."

She then took a bite of her cake. "Mm! Delicious as always, Mae."
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Micra was ready to give her opinion of a even better breakfast, but this would be useless now that Harriet said that the new chef would start to work soon. The rest of the brunch she stay hearing the whole conversation between Harriet and Domonic.

Deep dark secrets!? It would not be any problem for me to go there to clean a little. Said the pink haired girl, as she take her dishes toward the kitchen and return later to try to help anyone who need it.

Unfortunately, it had been a lot of food for the little android and she had not space for the angel cake. The little girl decided to store it in the fridge for eat it later. She then wait the right moment to vote, when all had ended their food and take their plates to the kitchen. Its alright, if i take care of the library? im sure to dont have any problem to clean it.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae smiled mysteriously and pretended not to notice Harriet's sidelong glance in her direction, but she did giggle a bit at Domonic getting teased.

"I wouldn't mind cleaning the hot spring up. Wouldn't it be simply wonderful for us all to sit down and relax in the water tonight? And as you say, Mistress, the deep dark secret will still be there for us to discover tomorrow."

Once Harriet had begun in on the dessert, Mae also began to eat hers. She accepted the compliment with a smile and a slight blush, but didn't speak more, not wanting to be overly chatty. Surely the other three maids would want their own say about what they wanted to do tonight.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

At hearing mention of the dark secret of the mansion Cammys complexion paled considerably, going nearly white before speaking up, "Uhm.... O-Onee-s-san..... Ah..... I-I think that something l-like that might b-be a bit too much for some of us here, especially poor Rin-chan, who looks like her head might explode at any moment now..... I-I think.... A nice hot relaxing dip in the hot springs would be better for everybody else at the time being too......." she said her piece timidly.....
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

As Harriet made her little comment on that oh so dusty library Rin suddenly coughed and nearly spit out the food she was currently chewing. Those images started filtering through her head once more, and she started turning red rather quickly. She reached for whatever glass was nearby and quickly took a rather large gulp, and by the time she was done she managed to calm herself down a bit. Of course she just made a spectacle of herself. "S-Sorry. Rin had something go down the wrong pipe..."


Would they buy it?


The meal continued, and the food helped the maid with the silver mane calm herself once more. She was rather enjoying herself at the moment, and with dessert just around the corner she wondered just how well Miss Mae could cook. But as the Mistress started to speak it caused the short girl to pause. Her fork returned to her plate, and she listened as the possible work load for the evening was either dusting the library (Stay calm...) or cleaning out the hot springs. The talk of using it after had the maid smiling to herself as she pictured all her cares and worries of the day simply melting as her body let all the built up tension wash away.

But then something else came up. The secret. Marshall Manor's deep, dark secret. Domonic immediately rejected it saying it would be too much especially for his little protege, and Rin immediately started to worry. When Cammy suddenly spoke up and wholeheartedly agreed that worry started to grow deeper. She didn't care that Cammy already knew about, all she cared about was the fact that two people thought it would simply be too much. "Is... Is it really that bad...?"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae smiled with a twinkle in her eye at the young Rin.

"Oh don't worry, nothing the Mistress gets up to could be THAT bad, now could it? Cammy and Domonic are just being over sensitive for your sake, since nearly all of us here seem to have a nasty habit of dropping our unique... peculiarities on you without fair warning. I'm certain that whatever the Mistress is alluding to, it's not really 'dark.' Just think of it as a wonderful and exciting surprise that will await for you -- like a present on Christmas morning."

Mae's tried to be as soothing and reassuring as she could be with Rin, hoping to alleviate any built up stress the poor girl might be under.

Cunning roll to try to make Rin calmer and reassured. Using cunning because Mae is consciously aware by this point that Rin can't handle too many surprises at once and needs to be manipulated into a sense of ease.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Hehehehehe. Do you want to find out?" comes Harriet's response for Rin, smiling unnervingly at her. "I'm sure they'll have the spring nice and scrubbed for us by the time we get back, all sweaty and tired from adventure. A bath is always better after adventure!

"At any rate," she says, just as Domonic looks like he's going to object again, "It looks like most of us want to get the hot spring cleaned up, so we'll do that instead. Blue pill it is."

"But, yes, it's likely not as big a deal as I'm making it out to be. As Mae says, it's only me. How much trouble could it possibly be?"


Once everyone finished eating and the dishes were washed and put away, Harriet led everyone out to the hot spring, while Domonic went to get whatever they'd need out of storage.

Out the back... and instead of the dirt that should have been in the reclaimed farmland the mansion was built on, there was an expanse of natural-looking stone, in which a gargantuan pool of clear, steamy water rested. Boulders decorated the edges, one hanging over a deeper section of the water, and even with the small island in the middle, it looked like it could fit over fifty people!

Beyond the stone, there was a yard - though it looked more natural than the manicured greenery outside, a few huge trees rising into the sky, while bushes, grass and flowers scattered themselves about. Keeping the outside out was a tall wood fence.

Harriet slipped off her shoes and walked out onto the rock. "Nice, huh? Dad really liked the hot springs when he went to Japan, so he built this one here. A shame none of the employees ever really used it... mixed bathing, I guess?" She shrugged.

She hopped up on a boulder and took a seat, looking around. "Okay then. There's twigs and crap to be sweeped away, leaves to be pulled out of the water, and all the dirt needs to be swept off the paths and all the stone." She then laid out on the rock, her long hair sweeping to either side. "Don't mind me."

You get to work on your chosen tasks, but it's not long before the sun's heat (now closer to the noon-ish variety) makes itself known... and with the humidity and steam rising from the water, it's hot and unpleasant work. The mistress is soon fanning herself, to no effect.

The heat also makes it once again obvious - any time Domonic is near, the temperature drops VERY noticeably, becoming MUCH easier to bear.

After a while of sitting around watching the maids at work, Harriet is stricken with an idea, and any of the maids looking at the time see a flash of mischief cross her face.

"MAID HUDDLE!" She yells out suddenly. When Dom starts to head towards her, she stops him with a finger. "Not you, you stay over there."

He looks noticeably worried.


"Okay, this heat sucks. It's getting to me, and I'm wearing the lightest stuff here. Also, I know you all can feel that thing Dom does."

"Also, I'm bored."

So! Here's the plan. We'll all go raid my closet for some swimwear, and whoever gets him to squirm the funniest, gets to have their own walking AC until we're done out here. Oh, but you have to stay in your bikinis, even if you lose."

"And no "I don't wanna"s, either! No backing out."

She turns and points to Domonic again, still standing where he stopped in his black suit, looking completely unaffected by the heat. "Stay right there, we'll be right back!"

As you all leave, he looks confused... but still mostly just worried.


The air conditioning of the house feels good, as you all file up to the Mistress' bedroom. She unlocks her door, and leads you through the room - huge as expected, with a GIANT four-poster bed smack in the middle, some bags in various stages of unpacking lying around, and rich red carpets and wallpaper - to her closet.

There are probably smaller studio apartments.

"Okay! Pick something. I pick up clothes even if I don't fit them for cosplay and stuff, so if you look, I'm sure you'll find something." She speaks she flips through the racks, quickly selecting a rich, dark blue string bikini.


"Oh my God."

You look up as Harriet interrupts your search, and find her holding out a neon-yellow... what in the hell? It looks like a thong, but it's way too big.

"This is Borat's mankini. Like... it has Cohen's signature on it and everything. Why the fuck do I even have this?"

"Nevermind. Tell you what - if you guys can get him in this, I'll give you all one of those "Mistress has to do anything you want" cards - just one, so it has to be a big group thing you all agree to."

Mae rolls to comfort Rin! Roll of 2 x cunning 4 = 8. TN = 6 means Rin chills a little.

Rin gets 2 stress removed, and now has 3~
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