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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Thanks Mister Demonic, the juice will be ready and in perfect conditions, on an instant. She said and bow before run to the garden, of course that she was a little slower that the average and it took her more time to reach the garden than to make the juice. But once she have all the task was made at the speed of light. her mind was the home of many luxury dishes and soon she decide to make one of them using the instructions writed in her mind

First she prepare the orange juice

Tropical fruit juice (1 jar of 8 rations)
squeeze of lime juice

She Peel the orange but keeping as much pith on as possible. Then she peel the skin of the kiwi, as this removes the bitter taste. Then cut the kiwi into slices, and divide the orange into segments. after that, she peel the mango and chop into small pieces. lastly she pass the fruit through the juicer and mix it well.

After finish, she noted that there was too much oranges and decide to make a orange juice, just in case that her mistress dont like her creation [

The doll like maid ended easily her job and check the dinner table and prepare it to the little lunch, her skills should be enought to have all ready before her mistress return.

(use skill)
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Cammy took the fresh aged cheese out of the dairy cooler and picked up a grater and began to grate the parmesan cheese into a large bowl before going through the spice rack to pick the perfect seasonings for the crust. She took some garlic salt, lemon pepper, some crushed red pepper and finally a little jar of milk and poured the milk into the bowl with the cheese and bread pieces mixing it up well, before pouring the spices into the bowl and mixing it up good. She would then take the fish and roll them in the flour and mix to coat them good and thoroughly, before taking them and placing them into the oven for cooking.

((Forgive if that doesn't sound right at all, I personally know next to nothing about making crust and went with what I thought would sound good.

Using Skill as well.))
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

In response to Mae's last statement, Harriet tapped her chin with a finger, looking as unreadable as ever. "Well, it miiight be a little too late to worry about that..."

"Anyway, I figured as much. People write all kinds of things about demons and things nowadays, I don't suppose it would have been any different back then... except that no one knew how to read, I guess." She closed the book again, and then tossed it further down the table. She picked up the power system manual... and then looked at Mae out of the corner of her eye.

She tipped her chair onto one leg, swinging it out from under the table. "Come here. I always study better when you're close by." She pulled on Mae's arm gently, into her lap, and rested her cheek on Mae's arm. She held open the book as it stood on the table, scanning the pages for whatever information it was she was looking for, arms enclosing Mae's body in between them.


Domonic watched as the last of the juice went into a pitcher. "That looks lovely, Micra," he said, smiling. "And that smells lovely as well, Cammy," he continued, breathing in the trout's aroma coming from the oven.

When the shorter maid piped up, Domonic eyed the cakes sitting on the counter. "Hmm... I thought she was going to top them later, but I suppose I should go tell her that they're done. Thanks, R... oh, dear." As he finished talking, his eyes turned from the cakes to meet Rin's, finding them an irritated red. Domonic dove a hand into a pocket, and pulled out a small case. "Onions, again... I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner, Rin..."

Domonic opened up the case and took out a small bottle of eyedrops - a small kit, having been assembled to help with his ward's various eccentricities. He shook it... and then held it up to an eye. "Empty! Oh dear, oh dear... oh, I know I asked to have a supply sent to the house before we arrived! Let's go check the nurse's office."

He offered Rin a hand and turned to the other two maids. "I'm sorry... but could you two finish setting the table, and let Mae know about her cakes?"
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"A little... late?" Mae didn't like the sound of that, but her mistress glazed over it so quickly that the angel had little time to respond before the book in question was slid far down the table and out of Harriet's current attentions. As soon as the power manual was in Harriet's hands, Mae thought it might be best for her to return to her cakes. They'd be done soon.

But Harriet had other ideas in mind for her and pulled the blonde angel gently down into a sitting position on her lap, then wrapped her arms around her.

"M-mistress...." Mae could feel the color running into her cheeks. Though she had often flirted with the notion of being intimate with this human mistress of hers, she'd not yet felt this level of physical affection from Harriet. It was so out of the blue. But she did not fight it, sitting down and leaning back against the lady of the house with a warm smile slowly growing across her lips. But what was the source of this happiness, truly?

If Harriet is making a seduction attempt, she can do so against Mae's Affection score (which I can't remember off hand what it is at this point.)
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite


Harriet didn't respond at first, absently "hmm?"ing a minute and several pages or so later. Even then, she didn't pull herself away from her book until she'd skimmed through an entire chapter.

"Did you say some- awww! You're blushing! How sweet~" the Mistress teased, grinning. "Here, let me read you a story. 'Once upon a time, Captain Voltaire Amfere rode his ship across the great alternating currents from the port of "electrical outlet" to the far-off land of "lithium-ion power cell". There, he passed through the adapter cliffs, where the current slowed, and eventually, the waves disappeared. The ship was nevertheless pulled along in the direct current of the waters...'"

No seduction here, honk.

That reminds me. I really should've been handing out stress for all the teasing and whatnot...
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae was both bemused and befuddled by the strange story her mistress was weaving, but entertained enough by it to remain seated and pleasantly attentive for the duration, so long as it continued to be an interesting story. She hoped there would be pirates. There were usually pirates in a story set on the high seas.

Meanwhile her angel cakes sat cooling on the kitchen counter, undressed. This was not entirely a bad thing, as angel cake can stand by itself, provided there is a decent tea to accompany it.

"And then what happened?"

Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Next? Well, next, Voltaire docked in lithium's port. It was a great port, and held hundreds of other ships like his. You see, lithium was just the trade hub of a grand network of other cities and ports known as "super computer", and... and..."

Harriet stopped a minute, cheek pressed against Mae's shoulder, and sniffed. Then she sniffed again. "You know, you smell really nice for having been standing around out in the sun for an hour or two, Mae. Like... I dunno... lilies in the sun."

She nuzzled against her arm and closed the book. "Can we just stay like this for a while?"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Thanks Mister Demonic, im glad to heard your words, even when is easy to make orange juice Micra said with a little smile, as she give the final touches. Then Rin eyes call the atention from the butler and this ask to the two maids for help, as he take the eye irritated maid to the nursery, her perfect health was very important for Micra too, as all must be ready to serve her Mistres Miss Cammy, i will take care of the settling of the table, as you have better chances to find our beloved mistress, also my dish is ready and the kitchen will be vigilated until all return
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

The butler's apology had Rin shaking her head left and right. "It's okay, Mister Domonic, Rin will be..." She had looked calm and collected as her mentor pulled out his little Rin case, a necessary precaution given how the little maid can be sometimes, but the moment he took at the eye-dropper and tested it to find it was empty the girl looked quite shocked. "Ah! Rin can't let the Mistress see her like this!"

It probably would have been quite the sight to see the pair panic over something so minor, but for Rin this was a matter of life and death. A maid needed to look impeccable at all times, and with her sensitive eyes they would stay red and slightly swollen for quite a while, enough to make an impression on the young mistress. It would be an imperfection, one that would stain the maid's reputation and put her one step closer to being relieved of her duty. She couldn't afford that. She NEEDED to stay here, and that's why she quite readily took Domonic's hand and started out the door before he was ready. "Nurse's Office! Understood!" She would actually start pulling him along, and though she was heading in the right general direction she would eventually make a wrong turn and need to be corrected. At that point she would stop pulling and actually let herself be led. "Right!"

Of course there was another reason she wanted to get there. Her eyes were starting to hurt! :(
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Next? Well, next, Voltaire docked in lithium's port. It was a great port, and held hundreds of other ships like his. You see, lithium was just the trade hub of a grand network of other cities and ports known as "super computer", and... and..."

Harriet stopped a minute, cheek pressed against Mae's shoulder, and sniffed. Then she sniffed again. "You know, you smell really nice for having been standing around out in the sun for an hour or two, Mae. Like... I dunno... lilies in the sun."

She nuzzled against her arm and closed the book. "Can we just stay like this for a while?"

Mae smiled and nodded.

"As you wish, Mistress."

The pair would make for an unusual sight. Harriet, dressed as she was in smart casual, her head lying against Mae's sleeve, occasionally sniffing the maid, while Mae had seated herself squarely upon Harriet's lap, dressed in her white maid uniform with black trim, and thigh high white stockings. Mae wondered what it was that was going through her mistress' mind at times like these, but was content to merely be a relaxing object for the slightly eccentric lady to cuddle against.

Without any rush to be anywhere else, Mae sat there as requested, happy to be of service.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Ah! Yes, right away Miss Micra! I'll find Mistress Harriet and inform her that the lunch is good and ready!" She said as she marched out of the kitchen towards the library when she got there she found the doors open and Harriet and Mae cuddling up to each other comfy like. She would quickly and quietly slink in and attempt to hide somewhere where she would have a good view and angle and begin sketching the softcore Yuri like scene in her ever present sketchbook. Once she had finished a decent rough sketch of the pair she would tuck her sketch book back in her clothes and walk up the pair and inform them, "Ahem. Excuse me Mistress Harriet and Mae, but the others and Mister Domonic wished for me to inform you that the bunch is good and ready now."

((Using Skill to walk quietly to a desk or something and crouch away unhidden where she can sketch the mater-slave shnugs))
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Rin pulled Domonic along into the hall. Thankfully, the nurse's office was right there, just a few steps from the dining room - though Rin almost ran past it.

She opened the door, and almost ran into the wall directly across the doorway. Turning, she found herself in an unusually large room, with several beds lining the far wall, windows stretching far up the high ceiling as they did in this house. A small divider wall sat at the far end of the room. The whole place was a sterile white. The wall she'd nearly smacked into appeared to be for further rooms built into the infirmary - one smaller room closer to the entrance, and a larger one next to it.

A man sat on a bed on the far side of the room. He was well-built, with a brown crew cut, and clear blue eyes. He also looked a little embarrassed, dressed as he was in just just his T-shirt and boxers, a bandage wrapped around one of his thighs.

"Just a moment," came a woman's voice from behind the divider. A few clanks sounded, and just a moment later, an Asian woman in glasses with her black hair pulled back popped out, only her head visible as she looked out from behind the wall. "Hi, Dom. What's the matter?"

"Hi, Emily - I need some eyedrops for Rin, here. Those extra strength ones?"

"Oh, sure, they're in the cabinet back here." she replied, as she disappeared behind the wall again. Some more clanking and another moment later, she popped back out and tossed a small box to Dom. "There ya go," She said, and turned to look at Rin. "That's the one those are for, huh? Jeez, you look really bad, sweetie. Go ahead and use one of the beds to drop those in."

"Thanks. Over here, Rin - sorry, Rich," says Domonic, as he guides Rin over to one of the beds, the last bit addressed to the pantsless man with an apologetic duck of the head. After she had layed down and removed her glasses, Dom kneeled and hovered over her face, looking intense. He was perhaps a bit too close, and when he spoke, she could feel his breath on her cheek. "Hold still, now..."

One drip, and she felt one eye cool. One more, and she felt the other do the same, soothing spreading as she blinked, discomfort fading. "There. How does that feel, Rin?"

"Yes, do you feel okay now?"

Somehow, Emily had managed to sneak up to the opposite side of the bed, unnoticed by Rin, where she stood, hands in her pockets. She was wearing a crisp pink shirt and a navy blue, knee-length skirt under her white labcoat. The initial shock of her appearance, though, paled in comparison to the next - her left leg was shiny, polished metal.

"Here, let me see."

She pushed her glasses up onto her forehead, and knelt down next to Rin and held her chin with a cold hand. Why... oh God, it was metal too! Her left eye then began glowing a pale blue, and a light of the same color swept back and forth across Rin's, scanning them...



A Maid was supposed to be unobtrusive... and so it was with Cammy, who had found Harriet and Mae without any trouble, cuddling in the library. She tip-toed in quietly, and hid behind one of the columns holding up the balcony of the upstairs library. Neither of the other two seemed to notice her - helpfully, their backs were to the door, and the carpets muffled her footsteps - and she furiously sketched them out on a free page in her pad. It was done in a blaze, and Cammy carefully put it away before stepping out.

"Ahem. Excuse me Mistress Harriet and Mae, but the others and Mister Domonic wished for me to inform you that the bunch is good and ready now."

After she'd said her piece, Harriet immediately responded - less than positively. "Boo. Your timing su-"

Harriet turned to give her a dirty look... but, seeing Cammy's face, immediately turned it into an impish grin. Instead of getting up, she wrapped her legs around Mae's, and wrapped her arms around her waist tight. "Ooh, Mae-chan, your skin is so soft... I'm burning up..." she cooed, in a much higher voice than her's was normally.

Sneak roll (skill): 5*3=15. Pretty sure that's a success.



The food was ready to go, and everything was going swimmingly.
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Rin was a little too worried about how she would look if seen with puffy red eyes to worry whether she nearly ran past the room or straight into an oddly placed wall. But she wasn't a blind creature, and when she finally spied the admittedly well-built man sitting in just his boxers and T-shirt the maid blushed and stood straight while averting her gaze elsewhere. "Rin is sorry for... er..." It was probably a bit of a miracle that she could see that much, but all she could really do is stand and wait as Mister Domonic spoke with the head that popped from behind a divider. She stood as the two talked, and she stood as the coveted package was finally freed and thrown to her mentor.

At Emily's suggestion Rin quickly hopped into a bed and pulled her glasses away, the world itself starting to blur uncomfortably. Laying as she was she made for quite the innocent looking sight, her frilly and bright dress splaying out while her hands crossed against her stomach, her chest rising and falling ever so slightly as the butler approached. As he leaned forward he was surprisingly close, so he definitely wouldn't miss seeing Rin's mouth part ever so slightly, her breath getting a little deeper as he ordered her to stay still. As he came even closer her breath caught in her throat, and she held it there, her body not daring to move an inch as she waited for what was to come...

Relief! Oh, sweet merciful relief! It was such a joy to feel those drops wash over her eye and sooth her swollen nerves, and even though she wanted to blink and clear them fully she kept her eyes open as long as she could to let those wonderful little drops do their work. It was only when the good doctor showed at her bedside did she finally allow herself to blink, but she still didn't have her glasses in place, so the finer details weren't immediately seen. Rin never really saw the artificial leg, but sight wasn't the only sense she had. When a cold metallic hand went and caught the girl's chin she immediately froze and opened her eyes wide. She stared up at the slightly fuzzy face that greeted her, and the moment that pale blue light started to dance across her face she started to turn an almost matching pale white.

"M... M-M-Mi... Mi-i-i-isssst..." She couldn't quite get the words out of her mouth, but Domonic would know enough to realize Rin was back at her breaking point.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Mae nearly jumped up when she heard Cammy's voice from the entrance to the room. Only Harriet's wrapped arm around her prevented her from sliding out of the seat and straightening up immediately.

At first, it seemed Harriet was inclined to let her do just that, but after realizing that it was her sister who was peeking in at them instead of one of the other servants, the mistress seemed to redouble her efforts to keep Mae seated there, and what was more she was starting to say things that made the angel blush.

"W-what? My skin? Mistress Harriet, what do you mean? Are you hot?" Mae's voice had risen with concern, but still the angel didn't exactly do anything to fight her way out of Harriet's grip. Emotionally, the angel was confused. She could tell that Harriet was being coy with her, and she sensed that most of it was some sort of show for her sister, but Mae had no clue why Cammy would illicit such a response from the mistress. All the angel did know was that she wanted Harriet to be pleased with her.

"Is - is there something more I can do for you, Mistress?" Mae asked.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"Huh? What's wrong, sw-" the doctor said, as Rin started to stutter. "Ah! Th-that's okay, she's fine, I'm sure!" Domonic quickly interjects, and scoops Rin up from the bed, to the surprise of the doctor. "Um we've got to prepare some uh some stuff for the Mistress, but thanks, Em!"

With that, they were out the door. The cyborg sighed, staring at the doorway Domonic had disappeared through. "Dork."

Outside, Domonic set Rin down, and then bowed his head deeply. "I-I'm so sorry, Rin! I completely forgot to mention that! Ohh, please forgive me!"
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

With a small squeak Rin's world spun as she was carried to safety and placed on the floor outside. For a while she still looked like she was in shock, her body completely straight and stiff as she blankly stared at nothing in particular. Domonic's apology garnered absolutely no reaction from her, and she simply continued to stare into space for a few more seconds. Eventually her voice started to spill out of her mouth in the very faintest of whispers, and if the butler listened closely he would probably barely make out what was being said.

"Rin is a maid A maid can do anything Rin is a maid A maid can do anything Rin is a maid A maid can do anything"

She kept repeating it to herself, a small mantra to try and center her mind on her own identity instead of focusing on all the things that surrounded her, but the way her voice was getting slightly louder and more frantic made it sound like that was a losing battle. That faint whisper turned into a low murmur, which then started to simply rise in pitch as her sanity could actually be seen slipping away.

With her mind cracking with every passing second the small maid was quickly reaching the point of not return, but as her lungs filled with air to let out a piercing scream her hands shot to her mouth and clamped over them. Her eyes suddenly started to focus, and she looked up at her mentor like a deer caught in a semi's headlights. For a few more seconds she simply stayed like that, but eventually she managed to reach down to the pocket where she placed her glasses and pulled them out. They stayed in her hands, and she merely stared at them before speaking quietly once more.

"Rin is a maid." Identity confirmed. "A maid is to act with grace and poise no matter the situation, to see to their master's decrees and desires without hesitation, to treat all guest whether they be master or servant with the utmost respect." She recalled the cornerstones of the servant philosophy that she would need to follow, her resolve focusing on what must be done if she truly wished to stay in this house. "A maid can do anything because she must."

The glasses were finally placed on her face, and after a couple careful corrections she finally managed to bring her face back up. She still looked like her heart was racing like a bat out of Hell, but her nerves were back in place, and she seemed to be keeping herself in check. "Rin... Rin thinks it would be best if she simply forgot this for now and returned to her duties. Don't you think so, Mister Domonic?" As much as it sounded like she was simply brushing off his apology the look in the girl's eyes would tell the man that she was looking for him for direction and maybe even a small bit of approval for keeping herself from royally freaking out.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

"You don't need a rest, fir..." Domonic starts, but upon seeing the look in his ward's eyes, he quickly switched his tune. "I mean... r-right! You're always such a hard worker, Rin! I won't be surprised if you become the best maid here!" He gave her a huge - if slightly shaky - smile.

His face relaxed a bit, and with a slightly sadder, more concerned look, Domonic squeezed her shoulders lightly. "I know it's been hard for you here, but It'll get better, okay? You're a great girl, and I know you'll do just fine."

Together, they headed back to the kitchen.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

The young pink haired maid continue her work without stop, cleaning the dinner table, decorating it and over all checking that all was right with the food. Sigh... why they take so long to come? the food will get cold... the doll like girl whimper as she try her best to make the food stay in their best state and ready for her mistress and the others workers.

If she have a free time she will look with her curious around the kitchen and the dinner room.
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

Micra worked amazingly quickly - Rin and Domonic couldn't have been gone longer than three minutes, but when they came back, they nearly bumped into the crimson girl as they both reached the door at the same time, and found the food all prepared and ready to go, precisely put together and arranged for maximum appeal to the eye. Who'd have known a fish cutlet could look so good?

"Oh, wow! You're done already, Micra? It looks good!" Domonic said to her, as he inspected the food. He walked out to the dining room, and pensively looked over the table they'd be sitting at.

"Hmm... you know, it seems like something's missing... Ah, I know!"

He runs out the back of the kitchen, and comes back shortly holding some shears in one hand, and a thin vase in the other.

"Flowers! The table would look much more lively with a bouquet, don't you think? I'm sure if we hurry, we can pick a few from outside before Mistress and the others get here! And there are enough outside that no one will notice a few missing, I'm sure!"
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite

The little maid give two steps back and then bow to Mr Demonic and Mae when they reach the kitchen, She start to blush when the butler give their compliments. The pink haired girl just nod and wonder what to say in these circumstances Thanks Mr Demonic, its a pleasure to hear your words, but it was all thanks to our work team... Micra decide to remain quiet, as the butler move to the dinner room and she look him curiously when he said that something was missing, maybe the mthere was something that her Mistress always need to eat, maybe a special spice or a personal crockery.

She wait to the butler return and then nodded happily Yes, flowers always make all looks better Should i avoid to cut some kind of them or add any favorite one of our Mistress? Micra wait for any advice of Demonic before walk quickly toward the garden, she know that she have the time to make this and decide to dont run with sharp things, as it would be very dangerous

When she reach the garden she look expectlanty, before decide the right flowers to make the bouquet, she was teached by the countles of archives that her creator put in her memory and soon she expect to have a beautiful bouquet that her Mistress will love.

(use Skill of Luck incase that the first cant be used)