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Main Cavern

Re: Main Cavern

Irene tried her best not to scream. Oh, she'd love to shout with passion right now! Somehow, she managed to restrain herself and spoke quietly, moaning between the words. "It's... Greaaat... The... Best..." Her hips started going up and down, her rhythm synchronized with Spitheysh's thrusts. She put her hands on the couch, grabbing the material and squeezing it violently. The demon was hitting all the right spots, and Irene was going insane from all the pleasure. "M-more..."

If nothing else, she was certainly swelling the demon's ego! Spitheysh snarled and latched his teeth around her throat, careful not to crush or pierce her delicate neck for all the action was a fierce one. Humans were better off not dead, especially when they were so Aska-taken agreeable about it.

His thrusts came harder, with more effort as his cock pistoned into her and that knot kept dragging slickly against the tight walls at the opening of her cunt. Groaning, panting, the demon filled her just how she pleaded for him to. Irene could feel the moment when the knot at the base of his penis had swollen too much to allow him to pull his throbbing erection out of her. At that point, Spitheysh gasped and let go of her neck, crying out as his hips gyrated against hers, nearly next to orgasm!
Re: Main Cavern

Irene didn't seem to notice the sharp fangs around her neck... Or perhaps she wasn't bothered by them. Either way, it didn't really matter. As Spitheysh's thrusts became harder, Irene's efforts also increased. By the time the throbbing knot at the base of the demon's penis reached it's maximal size, the girl felt a surge of incredible pleasure as an orgasm hit her hard, sending her into a frenzy for a short moment. She squirmed against the demon, tightening her pussy as much as possible, desperately trying to rock her hips before she went limp. Through a haze of post-orgasmic bliss, Irene smiled. Despite the fact that it began rather poorly, this wasn't a bad day.
Re: Main Cavern

As the girl came, the demon followed suit a few moments later. Hot streams of cum filled her with each frantic thrust, until finally the demon settled, panting, atop her. With a shift of the hips, his member slipped from her sopping wet cunt and settled back in its sheath. "Nicely done," he told her, not unkindly. He began to shift his weight in order to climb off of her, back to the ground. "Find me again some time, love."
Re: Main Cavern

Irene nodded. She was worn down by the action - after all, it was a completely new experience, so she had no preparation. Still, the girl was pleased with it... And perhaps she'd like to repeat it someday. "... I will." Her strenght was slowly returning as she rested. So was her usual, somewhat cynical personality and the ability to think straight. However, at that moment Irene felt nearly happy, so she viewed the whole situation in a bright light - something unusual for her.

'Eh... He's a demon... Maybe he wants my body, nothing else... He could find a better mate if he wanted to... Still, it would be good to have him on my side... And I can get him on my side... Or at least join his. This is going to be really good.'

(Note: Those are her thoughts.)
Re: Main Cavern

((XD I'm glad I got to use that character again. I was disappointed when he got such a cold reception originally.))

The great thing about shape-shifting, Spitheysh knew (just as every other dragon and demon did) was that you could mask certain aspects of how you looked; in this case, as he grabbed his coat with his teeth and changed, he wound up fully clad, if a little wobbly-legged for a minute.

The one thing that he didn't want was to have some girl he'd just met clinging to him, which he'd been beginning to think Irene might try, given how readily she'd taken him. It was always either the cold shoulder and the difficult-to-fuck, or the warm reception and the dangle-off-your-arm that came with it. Spitheysh didn't exactly have a good opinion of women as a gender, though there were exceptions. Speaking of which...

He caught sight of the mandolin-twanging Saul, and began in that direction as he rejoined the bulk of the caverns. When he noticed Vaniolle was accompanying him, he cast a cat-like grin. "Well-played, freeborn," he lifted an invisible hat (why would he wear a real one, when it would damage his nicely spiked red hair?) adding, "and the assist goes to you. Vani, pet, it is always a pleasure to see you."
Re: Main Cavern

In the meantime, Irene managed to get herself together and put her clothes on, but she found that moving off the couch was out of the question - at least, at the moment. She lay down and decided to take a little nap before moving.
Re: Main Cavern

Saul shook his head at Spi's very obviously self-satisfied attitude. Some things never change, especially demons... "Hello, Spi. Enjoyed yourself, I trust?" Noting his greeting to Vani, he lifted one eyebrow, and said "Why am I not surprised that you happen to be acquainted with this lady. Is there anyone down here that you aren't on at least speaking terms with?"
Re: Main Cavern

He chuckled agreement, grin all the more self-satisfied, though at least he had the chivalry not to boast in words. Not that that was much!

"I can think of a few," the demon replied to Saul's second question, grin quirking. "Luckily, they're too uptight to have a spare moment, saving the helpless sops who're too busy boo-hooing to know when to have a good time. You wouldn't catch the worst of them down here in a million years."
Re: Main Cavern

(Ok, I grow tired of this waiting!)

Irene couldn't really sleep. She had no idea why - the excitement she felt before completely disappeared, and she was back to her regular self. Still, the girl felt an urge to stand up and explore a little. Altough her legs were a bit weak, Irene managed to get off the couch and began to walk around the cavern, observing everything that happened within this place. She noticed Spitheysh talking to another woman and a man with some kind of instrument. Irene was suprised. She didn't expect to see a musician in such a place. The cavern seemed to be some sort of a big brothel - she noticed other couples engaged in various... Acts. Irene began to slowly walk towards the demon and the pair of humans he was talking to. Altough she didn't really want to interrupt Spitheysh's moment of glory - he seemed to be very pleased, apparently because of his conquest - but she was curious. Very curious.
Re: Main Cavern

((It's been a busy couplea days!))

"Spi," Vaniolle greeted, grinning, all teeth. "And how nice to see you here up to your tricks." And she meant it, having enjoyed the show, but privately so; to all appearances, she stuck with teasing the man. "Though I'm a bit of an idiot I suppose for imagining you'd be less cocky after, er burning off some energy there," she nodded in the direction he'd come. "I should know it takes more than one scared newbie to get you to that special place where you're too far gone to open that nasty mouth of yours." Her grin only grew as she spoke, and a smug expression it was!
Re: Main Cavern

While Van was busy teasing Spi, Saul carefully placed the mandolin back in its case, and sealed the case. After sliding the case under his chair, he grins at the two, and says "I don't think I'll need that right now, I imagine you two will provide all the entertainment needed tonight."

He grins slips, slightly, when he sees the girl that Spi was approaching their little group. Nonetheless, he nods to her, and introduces himself with "Greetings. I'm called Saul. What brings you over here?"
Re: Main Cavern

Spitheysh's smirk drew up at one corner of his mouth, even as he pulled up a seat nearby. "And you'd know," he made it more of a statement than a question, considering they both knew of the incident that she'd been talking about. "I seem to remember you enjoying sporting a few more bruises, unless that freeborn Master-Slums-A-Lot's gotten more clever about where he's putting them. Course, if he's been absent you can always call on a friend."

He glanced at Saul, grin turning less predatory and more jovial. "You play that thing of wood and strings, I'll play this thing of flesh and bone," he patted Vaniolle on the shoulder. "We'll have them flocking to hear the magic, my little human friend."

Though Irene had come to join their little circle, he hadn't noticed yet. Now he glanced in her direction as Saul made a more formal introduction and smothered the beginnings of a frown. The problem with the Burrows is that sometimes you couldn't put enough distance between yourself and those you didn't quite want to see yet.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene replied with a small smile. "My name's Irene. It's a pleasure to meet you." The greeting was directed to the woman near Saul as well. Irene pulled up a seat for her and sat down. She cats a glance at the demon, but she didn't notice the frown - sometimes, such details escaped her perception. She greeted him with the same smile, nothing else. Well, it's not like she had to - they just got to know each other. Irene turned her attention to the human and his instrument afterwards, looking at it with curiosity in your eyes. "I've heard you play here... You're a good musician."
Re: Main Cavern

Saul smiled slightly at the compliment. "Well, thank you. I'm glad that you enjoy it." He glances between Spi and Irene, noting the former's irritation and the latter's obliviousness. An angered Spi was not a good sight. Well, he'll do what he can to help out. "Hey, Irene? Since you're new, I doubt that you have a place to sleep." Without waiting for an agreement, he went on. "There are several smaller caverns just off of this one, used mainly for sleeping quarters. Basically if one's empty, you're free to use it. Just make sure it's not in use right then. Would you like me to show you where they are?"
Re: Main Cavern

Irene nodded. "Yeah, sure." Well, that took care of one of her problems. Of course, when the girl was dropped into the Burrows, she was far too pissed off to think about her situation, and during her "chat" with the demon she didn't really have time to think about it. Saul's proposition reminded her that she had to think about finding a place to spend the night... And finding food. Undoubtedly, the musician knew how to deal with those problems. "Shall we go now?"
Re: Main Cavern

Vaniolle had offered Irene a nod in greeting and a knowing grin, but had said nothing to the girl; Saul and her seemed to be hitting it off, anyways, and to be honest Van was a little more interested in Spitheysh right about now. Okay, in the interests of full disclosure: She was wet with interest for Spi right about now. It had been dumb luck that she'd managed to walk in on a scene that pushed all her buttons and involved someone she'd had fun with previous, but the sight had worked its magic and she was enjoying the tingle of her own arousal. However, it was never as much fun to simply drag Spi off to bed than it was to banter with the man for a while, and anyways Vaniolle had gotten to the point as a Burrows resident that she didn't always follow up on her random sexual impulses.

"Rohim hasn't actually come around in a while," she said, mentioning the of-slumming Master in question. She had noticed Spitheysh's frown but took it in stride, simply providing herself as a more interesting diversion, just as Saul seemed to be doing for the well-fucked new girl. "As my poor, bruise-free body will attest. Then again, it takes a very particular kind of friend for me to let them bruise me up." Her smirk was predatory.
Re: Main Cavern

"One who pays well, no doubt," Spitheysh leaned back in his chair, casting an arm over its back as he regarded the woman on the couch. "One who's got his claws pressed into you and your neck between his jaws, too." His grin matched hers, a show-down of teeth.
Re: Main Cavern

"Spi, you horrible flirt," she grinned at him, her tone not at all flirtatious though her undergarments were getting thoroughly wet, "suggesting such things to a girl. Why, I'll be daydreaming about it for a week."
Re: Main Cavern

"I bet you would," he made an effort to make a straight face, but failed to tame his smirk. "Next time you're riding some dumb block of a human, you'll be wishing you had yourself pressed to the ground, just like that fine kitten was... though back or front..." He raised his brows questioningly.
Re: Main Cavern

Irene cast a glance towards the woman and the demon. They seemed to know each other quite well. She reviewed the conversation those two had in her memory and came up with two conclusions: when Spitheysh seduced her, he was interested only in her body, and apparently he did stuff like that more than once. She didn't say anything, though. 'I can't afford to be naive around here. Well, dammit.'