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Mad God's Key

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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((Well, anyone can try a knowledge check untrained, but they can't get anything over DC 10 from it, so we are probably buggered there. I will try a knowledge Nature, but I doubt that will help. As for character posts, Jess has effectively nothing to say at the moment, so meh *shrugs*))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Fuck it, it's a cairn charm, a stone often hung in the tombs located in the cairn hills to ward off evil spirits. This particular one belongs to the Tomb of Blood Everflowing located half a days walk north of the city. Now go there.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((We're walking...we're walking...I'll just fudge a bit. We'll say the bartender recognized it or something *laughs*))

"Well, we know where this came from and we know it's not all that far out. If we're going to be any longer, then I'll need to pick up some new supplies, but for right now, I think I can manage. Might even get lucky and find my stuff there. Which going now might not be a bad idea, because if that spellcaster is there, we'll know what we're walking into, given that he said 'they' were interested in it. We won't be walking in there wholly blind and if we're lucky, we might even be able to scout ahead so they can't surprise us. What do you think?"

((Even incorporating in the new kid! We'll send a scout!))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Hey, she's not a kid, she's a Halfling!)

Jess raises a hand at that last comment. "I can scout ahead a bit, when do we leave?"
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure


"Sounds good, lets get going." I say as I finish my food, and then drain the rest of my drink. Then I stand up and crack my neck loudly.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Ashnod stretches and cracks his back a bit, ordering one last drink and filling his wineskin with it, volunteering to be rear guard as they head off for the tomb.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Xaren finishes its meal as well and pays its tab. It then gets up as if to follow the others
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

((Sorry, but I've been rather impatient lately. Quick recap of how you figured out where to go. After asking the two new guy's to join you, Xi Shu examined the charm and told you what it was and to which cairn it belonged with knowledge (history). Then with that info whoever has knowledge (local) told you where it was located, probably Copper. Now you're all on the way to the cairn I'll do the arrival there later today. Got it. Good.))

After 6 hours of uneventful travel through the fields to the north of Greyhawk City, you arrive at the Tomb of Blood Everflowing in the Cairn Hills. A pair of blood red stone obelisks flanks a dark hole in the hillside ahead of you. No trees grow on the hills jagged top and no animals call this place home. The air is still and quiet but smells deeply of copper. The open entrance of the cairn contains a single marble entrance going down.

(All right tell me what everyone does, knowledge checks, spot, listen, search, whatever else you might want. Also a traveling order for when you start exploring. Anyhting else you want to do.)
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Hmmmmm....." I examine the entrance, then find a good sized rock (not too big, but not a pebble) and toss it in, then listen to how it echos. After a while, I say "I'll go second."
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

The rock travels into the darkness for about 30 feet you'd guess, before you hear a splashing sound.

(Wasn't really sure if that would be survival or listen so I did the higher check)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Listen, also meant to set off magical wards, if there were any. If people don't post, I think the order should go
Ashnod --- Me --- Jess --- Xaren --- Xi --- Krys
Jess is first cuz she has point blank shot and a higher spot skill, but I still want someone with a decent spot skill in back so Xi and Xaren don't get butt raped.)
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Ah, I see that didn't occur to me. Only thing that occurred was it may ruin your chance at surprise. Unless someone says differently that order will be used. Here's the map, though you can't see the whole place as of yet. You're at area A1 now.)
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(Marching order seems fair, and I can also see well enough in the dark, unlike the round-ears *grins*)

"Charming place, really," Krys murmurs, getting a look at the stones. Per Craig's suggestion, she's got no problem taking rear guard. "Just be on the lookout for that spellcaster. No telling what other tricks he's got up his sleeve." She quietly slides her blade from its sheath, keeping an eye and and ear out when they do finally head inside.

((*ponders* Pretty much the M.O. Krys will make sure no one sneaks in behind them and make sure the party doesn't get spaced out too terribly far. She'll also serve as a 'double-check' for Jess, making sure that she didn't miss anything. And don't forget the ears bonus!))
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Jess takes her place in line, daggers in hand. She responds to Krys with a quiet "'Kay" and stretches her senses, looking for people, traps, or anything else out of the ordinary.

((so listen and spot checks, and I'm just going to defer to the others in terms of actually choosing directions and whatnot))

((Edited to fix marching order confusion, Thanks Tassadar :) ))
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Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

(You were third, but 1st among the two Rogues.)
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

Jess notices several humanoid tracks at the entrance to the cairn, but is unable to determine how long they've been there. The only thing anyone can hear is a soft burbling sound echoing from inside. No one sees much of anything except for Ashnod who can see what looks like a small stream about 12 ft. in. As the sun is dipping below the horizon and the cave is completely dark.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Well, someone else has been here recently, can't tell for sure when however. Could be your friend Krys, we should be careful. How many others will need a torch to see? Its starting to get dark."
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

I pull out my lantern, my flint/steel, and start trying to light it.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"Yeah, the type of friend you greet with a nice, hearty punch in the face," she mumbles, then seems to snap out of it. "I'm all right, as far as the dark goes, but if it gets too black, that lantern will be helpful. Just be on the look-out. Like I said, I don't think our wizard friend was alone. No telling what sort of buddies he hangs around with. Oh, wait, the type that rob priests and steal books." She grins a little.
Re: Mad God's Key - first adventure

"I can see fer myself." Ashnod grunts, keeping the lead, but trying to stay at least decently quiet in his metal armor.
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