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Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Dixie laughs when Josie starts to sing, as they follow the path they took to get in, "Gifts? Yeah right! This is all mine! Let's see those fuckin' monsters dodge a round of buckshot!" she chuckled.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena shakes her head as she walks, trying to get used to the heavier armor as she mutters under her breath,

"What a bunch of nutters..."
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo scanned the group silently, saw that they were all full up on everything they could carry, smiled and continued to hum to herself up the stairs.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

After reaching the main lobby again, all was silent, and there didn't seem to be any trace of the run-away doppelganger of Selena's.

Dixie looked to Selena and Josie, "Well, I don't think we have any other reason to stay in this place, ready to head back?" she asked the silly looking, small, armored Selena, and Josie.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena looks around as she heads back out towards the street,

"Let's hurry back then~"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo got a better grip, making sure she had all her equipment before looking to the other two.


"Yeah, good idea."
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

As they had a relatively safe trip back outside the police station, and Dixie bid it farewell, saying her hopes to never see it again, they eventually, after walking down the street, back to the Inn, heard a loud, obnoxious voice that sounded like... Selena? Possibly the evil clone.

"Let me go! This isn't funny!" she shouted from where they couldn't see, seeming to be behind a corner, "I have to go see Kitty before that impostor does!"

Dixie sighed, "There ain't no fuckin' way... Alright, I'll tell the truth, if both of 'em stand side by side, I'll shoot 'em both,"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena points to her head,

"I'm the one wearing the helmet... although, I do suppose you could shoot us both in the head and nothing bad will happen."
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Dixie raised an eyebrow at her, "Hell, she's the one over there, talkin' as if yer the impostor, so hell, yer probably the evil one, fer all I know. Besides," she gestures with her 12 gauge shotgun, "This is buckshot, dat riot armor ain't gonna stop shit,"

Looking back to where the sound came from, she looked to Selena and Josie, "So... What do we do? I say we just pass her, she's not even human, just a copy, so who cares if she's eaten by somethin'?"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo tried to think of what to do. She had no apparent problem killing these things before. Instead of wasting the time of searching for an opinion on that matter, she decided to vocalize her thoughts as they came.


"Well, I know I should be the last to say this, considering how axe-happy I got back there, but I don't think we should just leave her be. I have no problem killing it if it gives us trouble, but she seemed conscious of speech and thought unlike any other thing we've seen. Hell maybe we could even talk to her. I think we should at least see what's up, and if worst comes to worst, we can still put her out of her misery, but.. and I don't know why I'm saying this.. I think the option should be up to Selena. I don't know why I feel like she should get the decision just cuz it's her clone, who would probably try to rape us at any given moment, but I just do."
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Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena looks at the others, shrugs then runs around the corner, screaming her brand new battle cry,

"Death to the non humans!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo looked at her questionably as she ran around the corner and then tried to register exactly what the choice was now as she stared off into space with a confused look.


"So we're going to kill her"

Turning to Dixie, she could only shake her head.


"Sorry I said anything."

Then she took off after Selena around the corner.
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Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Dixie chuckled as she followed Josie at a jog, and due to both her and Selena wearing the armor, it wasn't long before Josie took the lead as they ran for the corner,

"Ha, ha, ha, I've still got a good feeling she's the evil one, tryin' to trick us..."

Once they went around the corner, they found the supposed, 'evil' copy of Selena, being sexually assaulted by hoards of tentacles, with several pink, phallus shaped tentacles, trying to shove their way into her holes, while the green ones held her in the air.


"I wonder what tentacle cock tastes like~" she said as one aimed to shove it's way into her mouth, "Just a little bit closer, so I can bite you~!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(is this that tentacles from the sewers enemy or are they a group or freeroaming tentacles or something?)
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena laughs as she shoots one of the tentacles with her rifle, one of the ones holding her clone up anyway,

"I see you're having fun!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo stopped in her steps when she saw what was happening. These fucking sewer tentacles again? She's dealt with these things before and came out successfully once. She managed to get lucky with the quick swing of a sword, but with the axe, she didn't feel so fast. I know I owe these things one good fuckin wallop, but.. I'm scared. I just hope Dixie doesn't get hurt.

Seeing Selena take the first attack on the beast made her make up her mind quickly. They had to fight it now, and if they're all together, it shouldn't pose too much of a threat.

*Take swing at a green tentacle*
(I think getting to a pink tentacle is a little too close for comfort)
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

As Josie came in swinging, the tentacles seemed to dislike her attempt to prevent it from impregnating it's prey, and several of the green tentacles that were seemingly doing nothing diverted their attention to her, and Josie soon found herself in a similar position as the evil copy of Selena, in the air, with many green tentacles holding her, and starting to worm into her clothes...

As some of the other tentacles dashed for Dixie as well, she only grinned, and let out a blast of her shotgun, ripping several of the green tentacles to peices, as well as the pink one that left the clone, to go for her. "I fucking love my twelve gauge!" she shouted after the blast.

And, as Selena comes to her clone's rescue, and lets a bullet fly, hitting one of the green tentacles, and freeing her, she responds,

"I didn't need your help! I was going easy on them~" she lied.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

DAMN IT! I knew it! She cursed at herself for taking a large swing at such a quick and small target. She knew it would come to this. She loved her axe but it wasn't exactly her best weapon for these things. She tried to squirm out of the tentacles grasp, using the axe to try and pry herself loose a bit so she may slip out.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena laughs and grabs her taser and throws it at her clone,

"Knowing me~ you're welcome! Now hurry up and help before I decide to shoot you in the legs!"

She hastily lets out another shot at the mass of tentacles, knowing full well she would not have the time for to carefully aimed her shot.