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Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

It wasn't long after each of them were in the dark of the basement, that the other girls felt the same demonic chill Dixie did. And when the blond Southerner noticed Josie and Selena give their own shiver, she commented, "See! You feel it to! I told you somethin' ain't right..."

They were standing in a simple path, right next to the stares, with the storage area for all the guns right past a small maze of twists and turns... A smell nearby indicating dog kennels...
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena sighs as she looks around, readying to shoot at anything that came into sight, be it friendly or not,

"I shot a dog a few days ago, it was kinda fun, something that you don't get to do everyday~"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Jo hugged her axe tightly to her chest, slightly in fear of what could just make them feel chilled. She somewhat loosened up at the mention of the dog kennels, trying to ignore what Selena had said about shooting one recently.


"Oh the dogs? I hope they're ok. I mean, I'm a cat person myself, but I hope the dogs aren't too affected by this apocalypse."

(Jo hasn't run into any demon dogs yet.)
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Dixie looked to the two other girls, unable to believe they didn't comment on the feeling, and shrugged, sighing, "Gosh... Maybe it's just me..." she waved a hand in her face to get her grip together, "It's alright, we don't need to go into the kennel, we just need to go straight to storage, and have blue pick the lock..."

Following Dixie, the three women walked through the various twists and turns, until they found a door at the end of the dark hall. And upon going through it, they all felt the chill crawl up their spine, as if they were right on top of some source of evil, and it seemed very much so, as there were two very strange things about the room they were currently in...

First, the room was somehow lit by an eerie dim red light, seemingly from nowhere. Second, was that right in their path, right in front of them as they entered the room, was a mirror...

Dixie looked surprised, and frightened from the sight, "Wha... There wasn't a mirror here! I knew somethin' was wrong! G-Guys... I wanna turn back... I feel terrified... Jesus..." she said with a trembling voice. And what made it worse, was that their mirror reflections weren't entirely mimicking what they were doing... They were staring at their counter parts with a very bone chilling look... Even as the originals looked away... The reflections did not...

(Josie has been afflicted with slight fear...)

(Dixie has been afflicted with dire fear...)

(Selena remains calm.)
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena raises her rifle and prepares to shoot the mirror,

"Someone set up a trick mirror and some red lights, nothing interesting, can we go on please~? I have a pet at home I have to take care of~" With that, Selena fires a round at the mirror, carefully angling the shot so that even if the bullet bounced it wouldn't come hurtling back towards her.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

As Selena takes a shot at the mirror, the image of herself actually moved out of the way, as the bullet passed right through the mirror...

It was then, that the three figures walked through the mirror, and the mirror itself faded away, revealing the door they sought behind the demonic copies of the three girls.

The evil doppelgangers arched down, and then suddenly lunged at their counterparts...

(Combat starts)
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena quickly chambers another round and raises her rifle, taking an aimed shot at her doppleganger's head,

"As cute and as beautiful as you look, unless you're willing to stop and talk, we have nothing in common~"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(I found that last line hilarious)

Jo takes a step back as these illusions seemed to come to life, but was a little too familiar now that whatever's happening isn't normal. Without saying a word, she flung her axe over her head and brought it towards her copy.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

With her sexy axe, Josie, with one large swing, decapitates her pitiful clone in one powerful swing...

However, Dixie, frozen with fear, was tackled by her copy, and sent to the ground, where her evil self started to molest, and otherwise try to get into her clothing...

"W-What the hell is this!?!" she gasps, when her close actually answers her, "This... Is pleasure..."

As well, Selena has an equal amount of trouble with her own clone. Evil Selena crouches down, and dodges the bullet by only inches when Selena fires. The evil copy then rams into Selena, knocking her down in a similar fashion to Dixie, and smiles down at her with an evil grin.

"Talk is cheap! Your butt though, that's pricey!~" and as the Evil Selena worked into Selena's clothes, she grinned, "And you're pretty cute to, although you're not as cool as me~ That's okay, I'll fuck you anyway!~"
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Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

With her sexy axe, Josie, with one large swing, decapitates her pitiful clone in one powerful swing...

However, Dixie, frozen with fear, was tackled by her copy, and sent to the ground, where her evil self started to molest, and otherwise try to get into her clothing...

"W-What the hell is this!?!" she gasps, when her close actually answers her, "This... Is pleasure..."

As well, Selena has an equal amount of trouble with her own clone. Evil Selena crouches down, and dodges the bullet by only inches when Selena fires. The evil copy then rams into Selena, knocking her down in a similar fashion to Dixie, and smiles down at her with an evil grin.

"Talk is cheap! You butt though, that's pricey!~" and as the Evil Selena worked into Selena's clothes, she grinned, "And you're pretty cute to, although you're not as cool as me~ That's okay, I'll fuck you anyway!~"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena laughs as she tries to push her doppelganger off, even swinging her rifle once to try to knock her off,

"You're interesting~ much more interesting than anything I've fought before! We should join forces~ Take over what's left of the world!"
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

After cleaving her look-alike in a single blow, Jo's eyes widen a bit at the disgusting gore of it. She had killed creatures before, but this thing was human, this thing was... her?

She turned away from the falling body in disgust only to see the other girls hadn't been as lucky and were being... attacked? by their clones. Knowing she had told Dixie she'd protect her, she tried to put an end to her clone before she could further her molestations on the girl.

*attack dixieclone, question though, can you not attack but just try to help a teammate escape a grapple?*
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(Yeah, you can. Why, do you want to just try and shove the Dixie clone molesting Dixie off of her?)
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(no im attacking, I'm just wondering for future reference)
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena has no luck escaping from her double. And her copy laughs,

"Yeah, ever since I existed since a few minutes ago, you've been the most interesting thing I've seen~" but then, she turns her head to witness another one of her clone companions die, "Uh... Crap~Cya!" she says quickly, and bounds off of Selena, running through the door they came through, at full speed.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

?... does that mean I killed dixieclone?
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Dixie let out a scream as her clone was killed on top of her, and started crawling away, into a wall, in a state of pure horror.

(I guess... Combat's pretty much over...)
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

(How anticlimactic)

Jo once again backed away in a bit of horror after plunging her weapon into the exact lookalike of her friend, seeing the last girl flee at the sight as well. She dropped her axe to her side and ran over to Dixie, now apparently very freaked out from what happened. She lowered herself to Dixie's level and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, trying to block her view of the dead bodies.


"Shh, shh it's ok, just don't look at it. You're fine."
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

Selena scrambles to get up as she yells,

"Hey! Get back here! We're not done yet~!" She continues to yell at the fleeing figure, "C'mon~ I just want to talk!"

Part of her did honestly have a few questions for the clone her, mostly what it really was, and what did it know about her... as well as the fact that the idea of having some copy of her running around sullying her good name didn't fit very well with her plans.
Re: Looting Run [Josie, Dixie, Selena]

As she flees, she makes sure to hide behind the stone wall before answering her original.

"Thanks~ But I just realized, I don't like axes, especially the ones that cut my head off~ Cya around! Maybe we'll fuck later~" she yelled, before continuing to flee.

Dixie, however, was terrified over the whole thing, and watching Josie plant an axe in what seemed to be another human being terrified her to no end, "J-Jo! We have to get out of here...! I'm so scared..." she whimpered...