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Logs of the fortress manager

Re: Logs of the fortress manager

ive learned even though a dragon has killed a shitload of dwarves in the lengends it is still tameable soo i would assume that the dragon would eat humans but not dwarves if you were to tame it asumeing no dwarf got eaten/burnt/blead/inpailed/squashed/somehow killed by the dragon.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Yes, the dragon would be tameable then, but I'm not really comfortable in letting a dragon with the building destroyer tag run around when a power failure from a disconnected set of windmills could drown a lot of dwarves and set the project back a few months.

Also, I found a way to prevent losses, and am building using that method.

22 limestone

A child was kidnapped as an ambush provided a distraction, normally this would be a good tactic, but one dwarf for 6 goblins(Now dead, and looted) makes me think that the goblins are on the track to extinction, especially if they keep going with those numbers, their timing wasn't exactly a good thing either, with the dwarven caravan here. The child was still very young, so chances are he's not coming back for a long time.
Could be worse, an elf would have just killed the kid to eat it, which is one reason dwarves try not to keep any diplomatic ties to the elves, if they do something stupid we can just march in a few steel-clad champions in just to kill off an entire elven village.

Correction, 12 goblins died, another ambush was killed by the caravan. Sadly, they are now refusing to trade and are packing their goods to leave.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Goblins, goblins, goblins...

They surely are crazy bunch. Also, I have a question... Is it possible to convince the caravan to stay and trade after something like this or not?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Caravans act very predictable, if a guard dies, no problem, they trade.
If a merchant, animal or wagon dies, they immediately pack up their things and leave, regardless of where they are and what killed it, or whether or not they traded.

If a merchant breaks or mangles something they have a chance of retreating as well.

And I didn't write this down since I had to leave, but another baby fell into the water, so I prepared a coffin. I later look in the area to see 2 things:
1. The baby is gone.
2. a drowned goblin with a bag is down there.(Thief)

After some time, I noticed a message that a baby was kidnapped, and looking further south there was another drowned goblin corpse.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

those gobbos will do anything to fill their quota of kidnapped dwarves. even if it means that they have to dive underwater for their target even though they dont know how to swim.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

23 sandstone

Migrants, more workers to speed up our project...Or to just get rid of all that food we have laying around.

1 brewer
1 engineer/mechanic
1 farmer
1 mason
1 hunter
2 furnace operators
1 jeweler
1 soap maker

9 timber

Another goblin thief tried to steal a child today, and the child he targeted was a baby, still carried by it's mother. The only thing working in the goblin's advantage was that it got close enough to take the baby. What did not really work in the goblin's advantage was that the mother was a legendary herbalist/farmer, and as such was able to hit the goblin so hard in the face that he flew for a few seconds before noticing that his nose touched both his ears, and his eyes went missing. I'm thinking these goblins should try to find a different way of getting new individuals to their homes, maybe they should start becoming legendary bag makers, it carried a fairly expensive bag, I can see people willing to migrate to work with skilled crafters.

18 timber

The same thing as before happened, except now the dwarf was a woodcutter and had a steel battle axe, and the goblin was a hungry tiger. It was a short fight, and I think some tigerbits landed on a nearby tree.

14 moonstone

A goblin siege, and not just a siege, they brought 6 groups of goblins, including an elite ranged goblin that's also a leader. Work will continue as if they aren't there, we got everything we need inside anyway, at least enough material to keep working for a full season.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

24 opal

A mason drowned just one step away from the way back up, I have no idea why he was even down there anyway, I had personally told this one not to go there, and had all masons set to smooth a mined out magnetite cluster to put noble rooms in it. Since these idiots are obviously unfit to even be in the same location as a project with even mild danger, I've started working on another set of safety measures to prevent suicides.

(Nothing else happened, boring stuff with the siege blocking everything outside and work going slowly)
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Heh. Things will go slowly now... Altough the two fights you've mentioned earlier must have been funny.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

I've tried playing again just a while ago, but dwarves are completely refusing to build anything project related, 1/7 water appears to count as 'completely submerged', and for some reason dwarves enjoy standing out in the most dangerous part of the project with their task 'no job'.

There is actually more water in the ring now then before starting the construction of the second pump ring, which should not even be possible as all water going in should in theory get pumped out right away with extra drainage to get the ring dry in the first place. At first I had to really look to find 1/7 water inside the ring, now I'm finding 1/7 everywhere with occasional 2/7.

I'm thinking of just dropping a shitload of magma into the ocean to make an obsidian wall, and then use pumps to drain what's inside the walls. It's not pretty, and will leave a few ugly obsidian outcroppings and trenches in the ocean, but the pump ring just doesn't work for multiple z levels, at least not on the scale I'm trying to use it.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

If everything fails, use brute force. Well, I hope it works.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

`11 obsidian

Another baby drowned, this time at the exact area where the extra precautions were already in place.
This, combined with all the other problems made me realise there just is no way to complete the project like this without severe losses and taking extreme amounts of time. I've thus ordered a different method to be started, we will be using magma to separate some parts of the ocean, and then drain those parts. We will then construct the fortress inside the drained area before collapsing the separation walls.
Work has also started on trying to salvage some things from the first pump ring.

Oh, and we have 35 elephants.

11 granite

Finally the siege went away, and at the same time, we can say hello to some elf diplomat. Not that important, but I just thought I should mention it. There's also an elven caravan..I guess to bring low quality cloth.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

21 granite

Oh, the goblins are back, not really a problem to us, but I think those elves outside in the trade depot might want to think about where all the dwarves went, and why there are marksdwarves on top of the wall, and why the doors were locked, and why the drawbridge was raised.

20 slate

I've made a mug. It's made of magnetite, and has bone decorations. Got possessed for it, done it, now to go on with the daily life and planning of the underwa-..What do you mean there's a berserk elf in the food stockpiles? Doors locked? Ok then, I think we should keep those doors locked. Kicked 4 cats till they died? Not what I would expect of those pansy flowerloving elves, but I guess that's the berserk part of it.
Eventually we should find some way of dealing with this.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

How did that elf get inside the stockpile?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

I have no idea, but he's in there and has superelven stats, so there's no going in to 'convince' him to leave.

19 hematite

And the siege has left again, just in time too, as we needed to go out to connect a pump to the magma, else we would have been unable to continue the project. The elf seems to be hungry in the middle of our food/booze stockpiles, but he's too stupid to open a barrel and eat or drink the contents.

24 hematite

And an ambush, this time it was a kobold ambush, instead of the usual goblins. They've caught a hauler outside, and slowly killed him. I've send the military to deal with the vermin, shouldn't take too long to kill them. And with the military, I actually just mean a marksdwarf with bone bolts.

25 hematite

That was over quickly, 3 kobolds died with one bolt each, and the other 2 ran. They are probably not coming back any time soon. The marksdwarf has reached hero status from this fight. And the elf died of thirst or hunger, not sure which it was, but he didn't bother trying to drink our booze or eat our food, so more for us.

10 malachite

More migrants, I guess we can use some more workers..Later...Ah well, for now, we're just getting extra dwarves.

1 macedwarf
1 dyer
1 crafter
1 mechanic
1 lye maker
1 I didn't know what to do with so armourer.
1 furnace operator
1 thresher
1 more no idea so weaponsmith

6 galena

This..Did not go according to plan...Instead of the planned obsidian wall holding back water at the test spot, there's an obsidian pillar holding up a large chunk of obsidian. Theory is fine, actual work needs changes. It can work like this, and still be faster then pumps though.

14 limestone

2 things of note happened, firstly, the only hunter we had decided to hunt fire imps, and then died from a fireball to the face. Secondly, a dwarven caravan is arriving, and the front wagon went at speeds no dwarf could reach, not even those who train their entire lives. Either way, another coffin placed, and going to trade with the dwarves.

26 limestone

Another dwarf drowned today, though I guess it's partially my fault for placing the lever so close to the obsidian to be dropped, but then again, he just didn't run fast enough, and refused to even try to come back to land. On the bright side, the magma method works like this.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

24 sandstone

more migrants, I guess we must be getting popular.
1 carpenter
1 cook
1 wood burner
2 masons
1 brewer
1 fisher
1 soap maker/farmer

Oh, and the nobles are now duchess and duke.


Nothing at all happened today, sorry for the small update.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Obsidian can be used as a resource, right?
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

Yeah, obsidian can be used for walls, furniture, and anything else normal rock can be used for.

21 obsidian
Finally something happened, a crafter gathered some of our finest materials as he got possessed and we now have..A turtle shell cage. Well, it's expensive, so that's a good thing. It's a cage that looks different every time you look, with all the colourful materials in it, I guess that was expected.
I should probably mention we have way too many elephants, but at least we also caught a giant jaguar. I question the wisdom of the animal trainer feeding berries to the jaguar to train it, and meat to the elephants.

25 granite

Elven traders, while I was expecting a load of cloth(Which we don't need) we got a few useful items, a few crafts, which will be traded to the human or dwarven caravan, or sold to the dwarves here that like them. There was also a gazelle in a cage, which was the first thing I asked about, it was cheap, so I gave them a good profit margin to encourage them to bring more animals. There was also the construction work, but that's going as planned and without anything to mention.
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

That's an interesting training method. Oh well, as long as it works...
Re: Logs of the fortress manager

24 slate

More migrants, this time they were accompanied by a philosopher.

3 crafters
1 recruit, just to spar with the macedwarf we have going around, he's not training, and this way both of them get better.
1 dyer
3 masons
1 miner
1 butcher
1 furnace operator
1 armoursmith
1 hunter
1 hammerdwarf
2 metalsmiths
1 leatherworker
(Again, nothing big happens, so that's all for now)